Sleep Interrupted? Adrenal Dysfunction, Blood Sugar And Sleep Work Together

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the most common thing that will interfere with sleep is adrenal

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dysfunction so the job of the adrenals is to maintain blood sugar and the

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adrenals maintained make a hormone called cortisol that maintains your

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blood sugar through the night so at night it should be the lowest so that

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your melatonin can kick in and put you to sleep then the cortisol rises

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throughout the night to maintain your blood sugar because the longer it's been

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since you eaten the more cortisol you need to maintain that blood sugar so

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then the blood sugar should be that the cortisol should be the highest in the

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morning both to maintain blood sugar but also to wake you up because then it

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there's a spike of cortisol in the morning to turn off your melatonin but

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then you get up and you have something to eat so now you get blood sugar from

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the from the food so your cortisol can drop down and now your cortisol

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wants to rest throughout the day because it's going to work the next night again

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but the cortisone doesn't get to rest because we have such stressful lives and

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we don't eat properly and we eat starchy food and we have sugar spikes and sugar

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dips that causes reactive hypoglycemia and now your cortisol has to kick in

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again and then you add all the emotional stress and the hustle and bustle that we

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have in our daily lives so that means that the adrenals and the cortisol is

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just going going going and then when they're sort of worn out now they can't

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maintain your blood sugar through the night and now you get interrupted sleep

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patterns so most sleep problems have to do with with adrenal stress

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