Should YOU Panic If Your Parents Had Cancer?

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Do genes cause cancer? Coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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Ever since 1953 when they discovered DNA they have ascribed all kinds of

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properties to DNA but we need to kind of clear up a few things because we've been

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told that DNA causes this and DNA does this and so forth but we have to

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understand what DNA is so when you were first conceived when the sperm meets the

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egg you are given a certain combination of genes and that's called your genotype

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that one you can't do anything about because it is what it is it determines a

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lot about you determines eye color and hair color and straight or curly hair if

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you have long or short limbs etc but there's another part that is called

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phenotype and this is how you express those genes so someone who works out a

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lot is going to develop more muscle than someone who doesn't so even though the

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genes code for muscles you're not going to express the genes the same way if you

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work out versus if you don't and the same thing holds true for just about

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everything that happens in the body so a cancer doesn't just happen it develops

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based on if you have a certain combination or amount of promoters and

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triggers and stressors and we want to think of this as a body burden so for

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example if you smoke if you drink if you eat junk food if you have nutritional

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deficiencies if you're angry all the time you just rest all the time all of

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those things are body burdens those are stressors that they accumulate

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and they they contribute to make up your total body burden

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and then some people say oh well it doesn't work like that I knew somebody

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who smoked and drank all their life and they lived perfect health to a hundred

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and yes it's true we are all different but what the genes give us is a certain

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capacity to resist things a certain capacity to adapt and compensate so if

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you're born with this much ability to cope and compensate then you can get

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away with a lot of stuff whereas if you have born with this much ability to

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compensate then you can't get away with quite so much and if you have this much

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of a body burden and you just do a few more bad things then something's going

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to come crashing down and you'll develop something bad like maybe a cancer or

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maybe a heart disease or something else so when we talk about DNA we want to

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understand that it's a blueprint it's like a recipe book it holds information

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on how to do certain things but a recipe book doesn't cook dinner and DNA doesn't

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do anything it holds information and it's waiting for something to trigger it

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to express it to read it so the environment is what exposes the cell to

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certain signals and these signals affect certain receptors on the cell membrane

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that causes certain messengers to go in and start affecting the nucleus and

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trigger the DNA to do certain things the DNA doesn't do them it is being

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triggered to do things the DNA doesn't make decisions or take initiative okay

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it's the environment and the circumstances the total body burden that

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determines how that gene is going to be expressed so while you can't do much

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about how much you're born with you can do a lot about how much body burden you

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have so if you reduce your body burden by eating better food by getting better

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sleep by meditating reducing your stress just improving your

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overall lifestyle then you can have a lesser ability a lesser capacity for

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health and still have good health because you lessen the total body burden

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so there's a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions and a big contributor

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to that is that there's a lot of people who can benefit from you not

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understanding because if you buy in to the idea that genetics cause things then

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your only hope is to put your faith in the hands of people who can affect genes

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pharmaceutical companies and researchers who can spend a lot of money and come up

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with expensive (medicine) solutions (that don't solve the issue) and if you buy into that then you're a victim then

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you're in their hands on the other hand if you understand that cancer doesn't

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cause anything but it influences things and that you have a lot of choice in how

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the environment is going to influence that then you can take charge you have

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the power back in your own hands one of my favorite examples is when they found

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The Hangover gene and they said if you have this gene then boy are you gonna

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have some bad hangovers but they forgot the main point that you

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still have to get drunk to get a hangover if you don't get drunk don't

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worry about having that gene same thing if there's certain breast cancer genes

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that say oh you'll have a 25% chance of getting breast cancer with this gene

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then 75% of people with that gene don't get it because the difference is how is

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that gene being expressed another thing to understand about cancers is that they

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often start with a mutation but that you have an immune system that can clean up

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that bad cell that miscreated cell and if you have a strong immune system your

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body is going to do that all the time every

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day and from the time that you get that mutated cell

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it usually takes 15-20 years before that cancer growth is detectable so you have

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a lot of time to clean up your lifestyle and assist your body in correcting the

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problem so your best bet is to start doing something about it today

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now regardless of how old you are the younger you are the better it is the

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time to start doing something because the sooner you start the less likely

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that something will develop if you enjoyed this kind of content make sure

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that you subscribe and hit that notification bell and make sure that you

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share this content with as many people as you can so that we can save a lot of

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lives and get this message out there thanks for watching

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