Shocking Truth About Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies 🍎🍏

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Hello Health Champions. Today we're going to talk  about apple cider vinegar gummies I'm sure you  

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have heard by now about apple cider vinegar and  all the claims so here's one study for example  

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that talked about how apple cider vinegar can  help with weight loss they took 39 people and  

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they assigned them to two different groups one  was an apple cider vinegar group and one was a  

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control group in both cases they had a 250 calorie  restriction and after 12 weeks they found that the  

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people who received the apple cider vinegar had  significantly lost more weight they had less BMI  

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they had less hip circumference and they had  less visceral fat and a decreased appetite and  

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the visceral fat that is the fat surrounding your  organs that indicate that you have some metabolic  

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health problems but they also check their blood  and they found that the triglycerides and their  

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total cholesterol had significantly decreased  while on the other hand the HDL had increased  

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which is a good thing indicating less inflammation  so it seems a simple enough thing to take a little  

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bit of apple cider vinegar and get all these  benefits right but the problem is a lot of people  

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just can't stand the taste no matter how good  it is they just can't make themselves consume  

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it so some smart people came up with another way  of delivering the apple cider vinegar so they  

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make gummies basically candy and everybody loves  candy and gummy bears so the question now though  

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is can we get some of the same benefits from the  gummies or is it mostly hype well the first thing  

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we need to look at is the dose so in this study  we want to highlight the fact that they used 30  

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milliliters that's two tablespoons worth of apple  cider vinegar so when it comes to apple cider  

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vinegar the active component is called acetic  acid so if we have a certain amount of apple  

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cider vinegar and a certain concentration then we  have so much of the acetic acid in that product so  

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in this study they used 30 grams two tablespoons  and apple cider vinegar and most other vinegar  

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is standardized at five percent acetic acid we  multiply that out and we get 1500 milligrams of  

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acetic acid so there are some studies that use  apple cider vinegar but then there are other  

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studies that simply use white vinegar they use  the acetic acid as the measurement so some other  

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Studies have you used plain white vinegar and  basically get the same results so they conclude  

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that yeah there may be some additional benefits  from apple cider vinegar but it's basically the  

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acetic acid that does the job and in another study  they used a thousand milligrams of acetic acid as  

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the reference now how does this compare to the  gummies well here's a typical brand we'll just  

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call it Brand X where one gummy bear will give  you 500 milligrams of apple cider vinegar so now  

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what a lot of people do is they say Well it has  500 milligrams that doesn't sound so bad and they  

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compare that 500 to this thousand because they  read that study they saw a thousand milligrams of  

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acetic acid but here's what they forget they don't  read the fine print where they don't understand it  

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where it says five percent acetic acid so we  have to multiply out this 500 milligram times  

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five percent so we have 25 milligrams so as  it turns out it's 1 40th of that thousand or  

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compared to the study we just looked at it is 1  60th so 60 times more acetic acid in the study  

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we just watched so basically most of these bottles  contain 60 gummies so you have to eat the entire  

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bottle every day to get the same amount as two  tablespoons of apple cider vinegar but despite  

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that people really seem to like these gummies so  I thought maybe there's something else to it so  

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I looked a little further and I found that some  of these are fortified they've added some other  

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things that might be beneficial so here's one  example now where they've added some ginger root  

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extract and they had 60 micrograms now most people  probably don't know how much a microgram is so let  

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me try try to put that in perspective for you that  if you like ginger and you really want some of  

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those benefits then you could put a teaspoon of  Ginger into a smoothie there's some recipes for  

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that so let's say one teaspoon equals five grams  so that's about the size of of your fingertip  

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basically that's a little little piece of  Ginger Now 60 micrograms is 60 micrograms equals

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0.0006 grams so if you divide this out  now you find that it takes you if you  

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ate a gummy bear a serving of gummy bears every  day it would only take you 83 333 days to equal  

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that much Ginger and if you break that into years  you find that in a mere 228 years you've gotten  

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basically one serving of Ginger so I'm not sure  that ginger is going to do you all that much good  

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at that quantity now I have to be honest this  was probably the worst example out there some  

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other people who added Ginger they add a little  bit more so another brand was actually using  

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two milligrams and a microgram is a millionth a  milligram is a thousand so if you did this brand  

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now you can get that one serving of ginger in only  seven years so out of all the brands I looked at  

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and there were dozens I could not find any that  had any significant amount of apple cider vinegar  

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or any other nutrients to really make a difference  some of them sprinkled a little beetroot powder or  

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some synthetic B vitamins or something else but  nothing that would really make a difference so  

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what are you getting a lot of well unfortunately  the main thing you're going to get a lot of is  

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sugar so here's one brand where you get four grams  of added sugar per serving and again one serving  

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is typically two little gummies and how do you  get that well glucose syrup cane sugar they have  

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all these different names but they're basically  just sugar but they also try to play tricks on  

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you so here's another brand that says it includes  one gram of added sugar but then when you go look  

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at the total carbohydrates there's four grams  and you confirm this by looking at the calories  

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because 15 calories is usually about four grams  of carbohydrate if you round it a little bit so  

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where does this come from if there's only one gram  of sugar and the first ingredient if you notice is  

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indeed cane sugar but the second one is the key  here because sugar has over a hundred different  

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names when they try to hide it on the label  and tapioca is a starch that you use for baking  

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when you're gluten intolerant or something like  that but they can also use this tapioca and turn  

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it into tapioca syrup and that is basically what  they've done here because there's no other purpose  

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for tapioca in a gummy than to sweeten it so they  use tapioca syrup but they call it organic Tapioca  

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And then they don't include it in these four grams  of carbohydrate even though it's basically just  

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another sugar but then I got a little more hopeful  when I saw that there were some gummies that were  

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called keto surely these people must know what  they're doing however we find here that the  

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total carbohydrates are six grams per serving and  again included added sugar is four grams and it's  

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probably closer to six even though they've just  called them some different things and here we find  

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that there's three types of sugar there's glucose  syrup there's sugar and there's glucose they're  

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all saying the same thing it's just sugar next I  did a search for sugar-free gummies and several  

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dozen more Brands came up this being one of them  and when you read the fine print it says that it  

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has 30 calories per serving and eight grams of  total carbohydrate but if it's sugar-free then  

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how does that add up where does it come from  well it's another product called maltitol syrup  

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so technically the right it's not a sugar it's  a sugar alcohol but it is just as addictive as  

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sugar or pretty close to it and it's very popular  because in candy it tastes the closest to Sugar  

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they can make really really good chocolate and  candy but the reason it tastes so good and the  

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reason it's so addictive is that it's 55 percent  basically the same as sugar in terms of the  

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calories and in terms of the blood sugar raising  effect the glycemic effect it's 55 percent similar  

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so they just use a little bit more and that's  where you get the eight grams instead of the four  

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that we saw in the previous example so another  case where they just try to deceive you and lie  

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on the label but in the end you're just getting  blood sugar spikes just the same as sugar and this  

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is quite disturbing for a product that's supposed  to help regulate blood sugar that's the whole idea  

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of apple cider vinegar so some Brands they just  stuff them full of sugar and others they stuff and  

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full of something else that has roughly the same  effect but here's the most astounding piece of all  

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of this it's the rating so I'm thinking with all  of this stuff going on I haven't found any single  

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reason that this would help the body or benefit  you in any way and then you go look at the ratings  

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for these products and you find that it has  four and a half Stars give or take and over 350  

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000 ratings how can that be and I can't come  up with any explanation except that people must  

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really like gummies and to the extent that these  people actually see results it probably comes down  

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to something called Placebo and that simply means  that you take something that you believe will  

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have an effect but it really does nothing or it  doesn't have that effect you believe but because  

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you believe it will do that your body makes the  change and your mind is incredibly powerful so  

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they put all these useless or minuscule amounts  in with a bunch of sugar and people really want  

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to believe that this helps because they really  like gummies so they report benefits fortunately  

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there are alternatives so if you can tolerate the  flavor of apple cider vinegar you can dilute it  

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with water you can sweeten it with stevia you  can put some bubbly water you can drink it mix  

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it with lemon all these different things you can  put it in food if you really really can't stand  

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the taste then what do you do well apple cider  vinegar may have some benefits over regular white  

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vinegar But realize that most of the studies have  been done on white vinegar so probably almost all  

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of the benefit is from the acetic acid and there's  many other ways of getting that so one for example  

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is if you eat salads every time you put oil and  vinegar on your salad you're actually getting some  

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of that acetic acid so let's check some numbers  just for comparison and remember that the Brand  

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X of the gummies had about 25 milligrams of acetic  acid the active component whereas one teaspoon of  

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vinegar red wine vinegar white wine white vinegar  apple cider vinegar any kind you like has about  

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250 milligrams about 10 times that much and when  I make a salad I use a whole lot more than one  

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teaspoon and that's not even trying to up the dose  or anything that's just for flavor another thing  

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that has vinegar in it is mustard so if you have  one teaspoon of mustard now you're getting about  

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80 milligrams of acetic acid again sauerkraut also  has acetic acid and it's not even that they added  

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it just develops naturally during fermentation  so if we have some sauerkraut we eat about 100  

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grams like three three and a half ounces again we  have about 250 milligrams equal to 10 servings of  

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gummy bears and if you don't like any of those  things well maybe you like pickles most people  

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just love pickles now how much is in there well I  couldn't find an exact number but just to give you  

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an idea that when they make the pickle juice when  they pick a lease they use about half vinegar and  

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half water and vinegar is about five percent so  the solution that they use is about two percent  

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two and a half percent acetic acid and out of  that jar if you have a whole jar of pickles and  

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pickle juice 40 of that is liquid so we multiply  these and we find out that about one percent of  

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that entire jar is acetic acid so now if you  have one pickle and it's about a hundred grams  

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or three three and a half ounces now that would  again give you about a thousand milligrams of  

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acetic acid now I try to find out how much of  that acetic acid would actually penetrate and  

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get into the pickle I could not find an answer  but let's just assume that maybe not all of it  

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gets in there maybe just 25 percent well you're  still talking 250 milligrams so you can have a  

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pickle or you can have 10 servings of gummy bears  and get 40 grams of sugar along for the ride I  

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think I know which one I pick if you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one and if you  

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