Sedona Method Hale Dwoskin

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Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg coming to you today from Sedona Arizona where I'm

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attending a retreat with one of my favorite teachers who I'm excited has

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given us a few minutes of his time this is Hale Dwoskin thank you so much my

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pleasure in health we talk about structural chemical and and emotional

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health and this is where we could start addressing some some of the emotional so

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how would you say that in a brief description how can the Sedona Method

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help someone in their in their emotional health

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well our emotions play and a really important role in health without us

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realizing it because the it's even in the word dis disease its dis ease the

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lack of easy and so when you discover that you can let go of your anger your fear

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your frustration your stress your tension your anxiety any of the emotions

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that are preventing you from just being at ease within your own skin within your

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own life within your own world it tends to have a very positive effect on your

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your body your mind your immune system and how them the Sedona Method works is

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it it shows we all have a natural ability to let go of the stress the

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tension the anxiety that we're holding on to and we forget that yes if you look

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at young children they do this naturally yes but as adults we forget yeah and

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once you rediscover it and that's what the Sedona Method is all about it

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helping you rediscover that natural ability to let go of the stress to let

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go of the anxiety yeah and once you rediscover it it's on call yes someone could be yelling at

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you and you can respond appropriately but without the tearing apart inside you

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could be stuck in traffic and yes there's nothing you can do about the

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commute you can have to commute no matter what

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but you can be at ease yeah even if someone's cutting you off

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yeah we talked a lot about interference and chiropractors have talked about

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interference and one way I I talk about emotional interference is resistance

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yes and and resistance is is looking at something and knowing that it is what it

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is and yet wanting it to be something different the human condition yes we're

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constantly wanting to change what is and when we're wanting to change what is we

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don't realize that when we're wanting to change it we're we're holding on to it

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the way it we don't want it interesting it creates a walk in our consciousness but

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when you let go of wanting to change what you don't like then you can

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actually change it you can actually do something about it and you can also tell

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the difference between the things that you can change yeah and those things

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that you can and as you let go of wanting to change what is you start to

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enjoy with it as it is even things that at the moment you really don't like yeah

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and but at the same time did you find it much easier to change things that need

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to be changed which is we get things totally backwards in other words we

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think that we have to hold on to things in order to change them when it's really

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the other way around yes yes this world is in constant flux

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and it's really on some levels it's really just an out picture of our own

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consciousness and when you let go your consciousness change changes and I've

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seen that both on an emotional level but also on a physical level even though

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The Sedona Method itself is not a tool for health or for diagnosing or

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treating and curing any diseases what we've seen universally is that when

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someone starts to let go they're because they're happier because

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they're more it is because they're feeling more energized and alive the all

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their health markers tend to improve years ago we did a studying with

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hypertension then again it's writing the name high-tension yeah and most of us

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live such high tension lives we don't realize we're pressuring ourselves now

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of course there's there could be functional reasons in your body that are

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creating it as well but for those cases of hypertension

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where it really is this residual tension that you're carrying inside we've seen

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people go from I think it was like something like 160 over 240 and down to

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a normal blood pressure in just a few weeks just by letting go yeah now obviously

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they didn't have some functional reason why their high pressure was high but

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or maybe they did yeah probably not but who knows. I've certainly enjoyed we're at the end of a six day

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retreat here and I can certainly attest to all the things Hale's

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talking about and in addition to I hope to bring some of these ideas to you

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through the channel but in addition to that I would highly encourage to look up

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the Sedona Method they have a website they have a Facebook page they have a

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YouTube channel and it's a tremendous resource for information on how to

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reduce your stress because again there there is no

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stress there's only responses to stress so thanks so much for for tuning in and

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thank you so much thank you all right

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