Scoliosis Treatment Without Surgery Or A Brace (Scoliosis Pain Relief)

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Scoliosis treatment without surgery is that possible? Well I'm gonna share a

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case with you so stay tuned. I am Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life

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and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell, so that you

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don't miss anything. So what is scoliosis? Well the human spine is supposed

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to have certain curves so if you look at it sideways then it's supposed to have

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an S curve but if you look at it from the front it's supposed to be perfectly

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straight so if you look at it from the front and it has a sideways curve that's

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not a good thing and that's called scoliosis

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and how does scoliosis develop well think of it like a tree that if you have

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a young tree that's very flexible very soft and you attach a string to one end

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of the tree and you pull it down to the ground then you create a bend in that

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tree and if you leave the string there the tree will continue to grow but

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because there's a force applied then it would be forced to stay in that position

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and it will grow in that shape the spine is the same way the body is very

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intelligent so it will grow bone will grow long lines of stress along lines of

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force and weight bearing so gravity is always pulling on the body so if that's

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the only factor then you'll grow straight but in the body we also have

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muscles and on both sides of the spine there are muscles and if one side has

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more muscle tension than it's going to pull the spine it's going to curb the

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spine in that direction and in the body muscles don't work by themselves they do

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only what the brain tells them to do and if the brain tells them to pull

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differently it's because the brain is confused the brain only knows what it's

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being told by your senses and by receptors and by signal

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pathways so the brain receives all this information and it does its very best to

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create a true picture to interpret what reality looks like but if the world

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looks like this and the brain is told it looks like that the brain is going to

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create an imbalance and it is sort of on purpose it is intelligent but it's based

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on the fact that it's got bad information it's doing the best it can

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with that information so if we have unequal tension on the two

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sides of the spine then that feedback has been interfered with there's

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something distorting that information and we know in chiropractic that there

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is chemical stress there is structural stress and there's emotional stress so

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any combination of these factors of emotional stress or physical trauma or

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accidents or slips and Falls or food allergies chemicals metals etc etc etc

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any of these things can distort information and give the brain a untrue

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picture of what the world looks like and now the brain can't get the job done

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perfectly so bone is a little different depending

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on if you're still growing or if you have stopped growing while you're still

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growing all the bones have what's called a growth plate and that growth plate is

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kind of flexible it's still cartilage it's not solidified all the way so while

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you're still growing there is time to change the curve there's time to change

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what that looks like and then sometime in the late teens when you stop growing

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then those growth plates fuse and that bone is pretty much set so we don't know

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for sure if that is an absolutely set but we can know for sure that it is very

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very difficult to change the shape after that age so let me tell you about a lady

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that came in not long ago she had been to chiropractors they took pictures and

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her scoliosis was so severe they wouldn't even

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Kocher they said no we don't want to hurt you she went to the orthopedic

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surgeons and they said oh well you're severe you're terrible pain is because

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of this terrible curve and the only option that you have is surgery if we

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put some rods in we can kind of brace to your body your spine and and keep it

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from getting worse we don't know if the pain is going to improve so fortunately

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she came into our office and we explained how things worked I said I

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don't think I can change your scoliosis but maybe I can change your quality of

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life two weeks later she's completely pain-free she's living in normal life

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she's moving she's bending she's doing all her her normal things so did I fix

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her scoliosis of course not that's been taking decades to develop and if at all

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it's not going to change very quickly did we change a couple of degrees

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possibly but what we did do we have to understand that this developed because

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of a functional problem there was an imbalance in the perception that caused

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this problem so what we did is we improved the perception we allowed the

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brain to get a truer picture we allowed the brain better control and

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understanding of the muscles so the reason that the spine bent was that

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there was more force on one side and less force on the other and where the

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side where there was less force means that wasn't working enough so by helping

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the brain improve the function on that side we helped create a functional

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balance we helped the brain work with what was there are we ever gonna change

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that scoliosis maybe a few degrees probably not much she was somewhere

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between 50 and 60 years old but what we did do is we changed function who

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changed her quality of life understand that just because an x-ray or an MRI or

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a diagnostic test says that it is so and that is the cause that doesn't make it

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so what shows up on the X tray or the test is a result of a

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functional problem if we can change the function we can improve the quality of

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life remember that the body is designed to heal if we work with the body if we

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support it if we help it then it can get better if we interfere with it if we

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take medication if we try to force it to do certain things that is not going to

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help it work better hope you enjoyed this information if you have experiences

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about scoliosis if you know someone with scoliosis if you have questions please

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make some comments and let me know I'll do my very best to respond an answer and

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if you're new to this channel and you enjoy understanding how the body really

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works then make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that

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we can keep this content coming your way thank you so much for watching

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