Roundup & Cancer: Real Doctor Reacts To Monsanto's Lawsuit - Dr Ekberg

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I am Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life

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and I'd like to comment on a recent

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lawsuit that was filed against Monsanto

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for causing cancer and in this case

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there was a school employee who had been

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spraying roundup around the school 20 to

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30 times per year and the jury decided

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unanimously that roundup was a

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significant causative factor in his

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cancer so much that he was awarded two

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hundred and eighty nine million dollars

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he may only have a few months to live

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unfortunately but at least his family

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would be taken care of but this is an

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important milestone in this type of

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lawsuit because it's the first time

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since the tobacco companies were brought

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to trial that a huge company has been

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found guilty of something like this and

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as a result this may just be the first

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step there may be thousands reportedly

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anywhere from four to eight thousand

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people with similar lawsuits waiting in

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the background and it is a good thing

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that there is there's significant

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pressure being put on these companies

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because they are causing damage and they

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should not be allowed to cause damage

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and kill people and hurt people and make

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people sick without consequences it was

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found that they acted with malice and

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oppression that they knowingly

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suppressed risks the World Health

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Organization stated that that roundup

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and glyphosate was a probable carcinogen

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as early as 2015. Monsanto has been

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employing ghost riders they have been

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publishing papers as a deceptive tactic

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to confuse the issue and to make it seem

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like this is not a big deal so what is

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this all about

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well the case is important but there's a

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lot at stake here for all of us for

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every single person on the planet

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because herbicides and roundup is an

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herbicide it's a weed killer it's a

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poison and before GMO

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the weed killers would kill both the

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weeds and the plants for the most part

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so they couldn't use a whole lot of them

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but since Monsanto developed GMOs that

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were glyphosate resistant now they could

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spray as much as they like they kill the

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weeds but they won't kill the plants

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that are grown from Monsanto's GMO seeds

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and there is over 300 million pounds a

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year of roundup used in the United

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States alone there's like 10 million

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pounds sorry 10 million tons used

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worldwide since its its beginning so

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this is almost a pound of poison per

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person per year in this country so the

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bigger implications of this is that it's

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natural virtues unnatural that as

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citizens of the planet we have a right

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to choose whole natural safe life-giving

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food and companies like Monsanto are are

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tampering with nature they are they are

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risking our right to do that nature

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mother nature has spent eons to develop

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safe blueprints safe genes safe

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organisms ecosystems that all fit

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together and now Monsanto is playing God

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by tampering with a very blueprints of

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life that's what GMOs are some people

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are of the opinion that this is not a

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big deal I'm not one of them I think

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that nature is a whole lot smarter than

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we give it credit for and I think

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companies like this do a whole lot more

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damage than then we give them credit for

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so Bayer recently bought out Monsanto

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Bayer is one of the largest

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pharmaceutical companies in the world so

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now we have a agricultural

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pharmaceutical giant that controls

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one-quarter of all the seeds in the

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world so the seeds that's the food

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supply so my suggestion

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be that you read up on these issues that

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you educate yourself that you make some

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smart decisions on things that you can

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do to preserve and ensure your future

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right to choose safe foods I personally

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would never touch a product from Bayer

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or Monsanto I make very sure I'd read

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the fine print and I would suggest that

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you do the same if you feel like that's

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the right thing to do after doing some

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research so this is about a whole lot

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more than a the verdict it's about a

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whole lot more than a few weeds in your

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driveway it's about the future of safe

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food on the planet so please do your

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research let me know what you find let

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me know your opinions let me know if

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there's some things that you have

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changed that you have learned and some

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other ways that maybe you can contribute

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and help out the whole situation so let

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me know and as always thanks for watching.

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