Real Doctor Reacts To The Game Changers (Full Movie Documentary)

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The Game Changers it's a new movie documentary released a few weeks ago in

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which James Wilks who is a former UFC champion a fighting champion he gets

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injured and he sets out on a quest to determine the optimum diet for human

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health and performance and along the way he meets with various scientists and top

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athletes to determine the best way to get healthy to perform and to recover so

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today we're going to talk about the movie and the arguments made to see if

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he indeed found the optimal diet coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a

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holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything I think

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that I'm somewhat uniquely qualified in commenting on this movie because I am a

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doctor I have extensive training in physiology in neurology and in nutrition

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furthermore I have been a vegetarian for seven years not the last several years

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but from 1995 to 2002 or so I was a vegetarian I decided to not continue

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that because I judged that for me that was not the best solution but if there's

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someone else who feels that way then I'm not going to judge them or try to

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convert them into meat eating I've also been an Olympic decathlete so I have

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performed at that level of athleticism and I've had some success and at that

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time I was eating meat then after that career I was like I said a vegetarian

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for many years and now for the last 15 years or so I have been an omnivore I

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eat all sorts of things one of the viewers on my channel Cindy Zhu she saw

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this movie the game-changers and she was concerned so she wrote and asked if the

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movie was indeed true and could the plant-based diet be an

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even better alternative than what she had been doing so far the movie is a

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very good movie it's very well produced it has a lot of names behind it a lot of

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famous people have invested in the movie and are listed as co-producers arnold

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schwarzenegger pamela anderson jackie chan and so forth James Cameron has

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produced it directed it so there's a lot of famous people involved and as always

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we tend to confuse Fame with expertise so as soon as something is well produced

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and there's someone is famous behind it for some reason we think that the the

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data has more value and we want to start understanding that that's not

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necessarily the case so the movie makes the argument that a plant-based diet is

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superior to an animal-based diet in every way that performance and sex drive

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and longevity and health everything about your life gets better if you stop

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eating meat and you start eating plants so I'm not opposed to vegans I'm not

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opposed to vegetarianism but I I do get a little upset when someone has an

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agenda and they say that this is the only way to eat and then they try to

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scare you with tactics and misinformation and they they cherry pick

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certain pieces of information and they present it in a way that it looks like

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the truth so I think that there's lots of happy people who are vegetarians and

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there's lots of happy healthy people who are omnivores who are meat eaters so we

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just want to start understanding the bigger picture

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so James Wilks sets out on this quest to find the optimal diet because he is a

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UFC fighter he's a champion in the fighting circle and at the time he was

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eating meat no less but then when he gets injured he decides he gets a lot of

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time on his hands so he wants to find out what's the fastest

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the most productive the most optimal way to heal and recover so they can get back

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on his feet he starts doing some research and

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interestingly enough being a fighter one of the things that catches his eyes is

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one of the original fighters the gladiator so let's just take a quick

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look and see what he has to say about that.

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This totally blew my mind the gladiators were highly priced fighters who got the

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most advanced training and medical care in the Roman Empire to think that the

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original professional fighters ate mainly plants when against everything

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I'd been taught about nutrition. The first argument in the movie is that

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plant food is superior because the original fighters gladiators were

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vegetarian and I'm not going to argue whether they were or not but I think

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it's a bit strong to say that they were highly prized fighters and that they

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received the best nutrition and medical care in the Roman Empire as if the

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gladiators were prized because you they respected them and they were highly

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valued they were valued like animals for slaughter they just like we feed up cows

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today whatever it takes to get the cow as fat as possible by feeding them grain

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then that's what they did to the gladiators not to get them fat that's

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not what I mean by that comparison but the purpose was only to make the

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gladiator lasts long enough and perform well enough to last a couple of years as

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a fighter before he was sacrificed for the purpose of entertainment so just to

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refresh my memory I went to the Wikipedia and looked up gladiators and

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there I read the following. Gladiators most were despised as slaves schooled

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under harsh conditions socially marginalized and segregated even in

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death now that doesn't sound like someone that they respected and cared

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about for the value of the person that was they cared about them because they

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had entertainment value in the movie they talk about the gladiators having

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certain minerals in the bone that strontium was present and that that's a

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sign that's proof that they were vegetarians and sure enough that I'm

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sure that the gladiators had very good bone quality because human bone gets

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stronger up to about age 20 that's when a human is fully grown and these

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gladiators they really didn't live much longer wikipedia says about life

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expectancy that george ville using evidence from first century gladiator

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headstones calculated an average age at death of 27 and mortality among all who

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entered the arena at 19 out of a hundred so for every hundred people that were

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into the arena to fight nineteen died every time for each fight nineteen

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percent of people died or were executed or sacrificed so again that doesn't

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sound like highly prized to me but even age twenty seven is probably a high

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estimate because that was based on tombstones and most of these people

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didn't get tombstones so Marcus Jumkelman disputes Villes

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calculation for average age of death he says the majority would have received no

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headstone and they would have died early in their careers at eighteen to twenty

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five years of age so the average career of a gladiator was about one to two

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years that's the life expectancy so yes they're not going to have osteoporosis

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they're not gonna have signs of degeneration they're going to be young

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healthy people no matter what you feed them in one of the physicians that

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provided that top medical care was someone a Greek physician called Galen

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and he was to become arguably the most accomplished of all medical researchers

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of antiquity Galen influenced the development of various scientific

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disciplines including anatomy physiology pathology pharmacology and neurology as

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well as philosophy and logics so Galen was a very well rounded physician and he

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part of his training at a gladiator school in Pergamum where he saw and

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would later criticize the training, diet, and long-term health prospects of the

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gladiators so he criticized the diet and again you can't really make an argument

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that these gladiators were very very well cared for and that they got they

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were vegetarians because they felt that that was the best food available for

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them at the time next James Wilks meets up with an ultra marathon runner has

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been very successful and it's broken all sorts of records and he ran the

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Appalachian Trail faster than anyone had done before and this person is a

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vegetarian so James Wilkes asks well how can a vegetarian generate enough energy

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for these long endurance races so he goes to get information from dr. James

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Loomis. What I found in the locker room was some pretty outdated ideas about

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nutrition you would go to a pre game dinner with the football team and you

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would see this spread there would be steak and chicken very much protein

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oriented because their perception was that the protein is what sustains their

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energy but in fact that's not the case the actual energy for exercise comes

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mainly from carbohydrates in the form of glycogen that we store in our muscles

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and when we sacrifice those carbohydrate calories for protein calories in our

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diet what ends up happening is you will develop really chronic carbohydrate or

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glycogen depletion and what does that lead to well it leads to chronic fatigue

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and loss of stamina I totally agree with dr. Loomis that it's an outdated idea

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that the athletes had that you would get your energy from the meat from the

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protein in the meat but when dr. Loomis says that carbs are the main source of

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energy that carbs are the source of fuel and then he shows a diagram with protein

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robbing energy from carbohydrates it's as if those were the only two

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macro-nutrients that we have access to. Of course I seem to remember

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that there is a third one namely fat and what most people don't realize even if

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you eat zero fat which you wouldn't last very long but if you ate extremely low

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fat diet your body your cells still run at about 50 percent carbohydrate and 50%

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fat because a lot of your cells function better on fat and your body can't store

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carbohydrate very well so it turns the carbohydrate into fat and then you burn

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a mix of carbohydrate and fat so even if you eat almost zero fat your body is

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still gonna burn about 50/50 so to have a graph that depicts that it is carbs

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and protein that provide the energy that's just ridiculous

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really so if you're a carb dependent if you eat mostly carbohydrate and no fats

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you're gonna run on about 50 percent carbs and 50 percent fat however if you

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are fat adapted then if you're on a ketogenic diet then you're gonna run

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about five percent carbohydrate and you're gonna run about ninety-five

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percent of your energy coming from fat now in both of these cases depending on

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how much protein you eat some of the excess protein is going to be burned for

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energy as well so these numbers are not exact but you get the approximate idea

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that it's not energy from carbs or protein it's about energy from carbs or

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fat and that the primary energy source in the body is fat if you eat a bunch of

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carbs some of them will be converted to fat but if you eat mostly fat it will be

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burned as fat you don't convert fat into carbs and his final argument was that if

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you don't eat enough carbs you're going to deplete your glycogen stores and

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you'll end up with chronic fatigue lack of energy and stamina and the exact

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opposite is true because what robs you of stamina is when you are not fat

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adapted and when you eat enough carbs to become insulin resistant it's the

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insulin resistance that creates the chronic fatigue not the other way around

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so there is no mention in this entire movie about fat as an energy source the

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only time that fat comes up is when they mention how bad it is when you have

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animal fats in the blood they talk about how it interferes with the circulation

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and with the endothelium so take a look at that there's a direct correlation

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between a meal and endothelial function the endothelium is the lining of

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blood vessels it regulates blood flow throughout the body it knows that a

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particular muscle group or organ needs more blood flow and it dilates it opens

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up when the endothelium is impaired it cannot open up it cannot allow blood

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flow to increase as much and therefore repairs athletic performance now that

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looked pretty convincing to me I mean I get scared when I see those graphics and

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I see that blood vessel shut down and I mean it feels like that's a really bad

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thing so I went to look at some of the research and I didn't have time to look

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at a bunch of it but I did just sort of pick one at random to see what it said

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and I picked one from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013

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it's listed in in the movie and what they actually said though is that

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saturated fatty acids do not impair endothelial function and arterial

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stiffness so the research that they quote says the exact opposite of what

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they said in the movie now that doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence in me

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I must say so it says in this study results for a hundred and twelve

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participants with data available for analysis

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on the specified outcomes no significant differences were shown and in the

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conclusion it says the replacement of saturated fatty acids with multi

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unsaturated fatty acids or carbohydrates in healthy subjects does not affect the

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vascular function so here's the thing about research though that in this case

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the the claims were not even supported the the research said the exact opposite

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at least in the one that that I found I'm sure that there were some positive

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findings in some of the other research I'm not disputing that but for every

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piece of research that says one thing there is an equally prestigious piece of

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research that says the opposite that when you look enough into research it's

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almost like a perfect 50/50 split on the topics and they're all sort of

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contradicting each other why is that because for two reasons

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people tend to find what they're looking for they have an objective when they

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start the research and they're more likely to meet that objective than to

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not meet it the other thing is that if you find what you're looking for you're

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really happy and you rush to publish but if you don't find what you're looking

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for as a researcher then you tend not to publish and this isn't just my opinion

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or theory it turns out about 85 to 90 percent of positive results get

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published about 85 to 90 percent of negative results don't get published so

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in other words they publish when they find what they're looking for and that's

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the stuff that we believe is research and even so they contradict each other

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so whatever you look whatever you're trying to prove with research you can

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always go out and find a study that supports what you believe

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so then after they show us the scary video of the endothelium

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collapsing then they actually do some blood tests and then they do put the blood in

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a centrifuge to separate it and then they show us what happened. Here's your

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blood from today and your blood from yesterday nice and clear both of them so

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notice the wording there when he holds them up he says look nice and clear okay

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who says clear is nice there is no evidence there is no proof there's no

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suggestion what if cloudy is better there's lots of athletes who eat meat

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and do extremely well with cloudy blood maybe that's better

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but we're given these presuppositions that help us make the decision so right

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after he the chicken fried guy is shown the vials he says oh that's pretty gross

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okay I wouldn't want that floating in my blood because he's been given the

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impression that that's a bad thing but what if cloudy is better

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okay the research they gave certainly didn't support the fact that it had any

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impact may be cloudy is better and if it actually is fat in the blood and fat is

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our primary fuel then maybe that's a good thing I don't know but I'm just

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saying that what they're suggesting is not proof of anything a little later in

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the movie they ask the question well what are humans actually supposed to eat

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what are we biologically physiologically suited to eat are humans primarily plant

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eaters or are we better suited to be meat eaters. Humans do not have any

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specialized genetic anatomical or physiological adaptations to meat

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consumption by contrast we have many adaptations to plan consumption we have

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longer digestive tracts then do carnivores and this allows humans to

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digest and fibers that require longer

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processing time so let's discuss that argument

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she says that humans have no specific adaptation to eat meat but we have many

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adaptations to eat plants well again she's selecting certain data

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so there's probably 50 different criteria to determine if we're suited

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for one or the other but I'm gonna pick three she picked one and she talked

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about the length of the digestive tract so yes humans have a different digestive

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tract than a lion but we are closer to a lion much closer to a lion than we are

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to a cow so if we look at a carnivore a meat-eater like a lion they have a short

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relatively short digestive tract small intestine they have a very low pH

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meaning they make a tremendous amount of hydrochloric acid the pH is between one

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and three in most carnivores their teeth are sharp to allow shredding of meat and

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they don't have any flat teeth to grind down vegetables and plants plant either

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an herbivore like a cow or a rabbit or an antelope they have a very different

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digestive tract they have a very long digestive tract very complicated

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digestive tract it really has nothing in common with a human or a lion because

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they have mostly have stomachs with bacteria that digest the food for them

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they have multiple stomachs with bacteria and humans and lions have none

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so it's a very long and complicated and different very different their pH is

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high they have very little hydrochloric acid because there is no animal protein

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to break down and digest and their teeth are flat to allow the grinding of grass

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and plant products so where do humans fall when humans are omnivores that

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means we can eat a little bit of everything

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carnivores have developed primarily in areas where there is plenty of meat to

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eat herbivores have developed they live in areas where there's plenty of plants

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but humans as you know they have spread out over the planet and there's some

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people that eat primarily meat there's some people that eat primarily plants

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there's some people that eat primarily fish some eat primarily fruit and they

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all do relatively well because we are omnivores we have the length of our

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digestive tract is medium it is longer than the lion but it looks nothing like

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a cow we also have a stomach that is very very similar the first part of

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digestion where we break down protein is almost identical to a lion it is a a

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small bowl that receives the food that produces tremendous amounts of

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hydrochloric acid we have the same pH between 1 and 3 as a lion or most

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carnivores do if we look at the teeth human teeth are sharp in the front and

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flat in the back so that we can do both we don't have one or the other we have

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both which means that we are suited to eat all kinds of different food there's

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probably no one alive that hasn't heard that you're supposed to eat more fruits

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and vegetables and I'm not gonna argue with that I would say eat more

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vegetables and fruits if your insulin resistant then eat and very little

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fruit but we hear this eat more vegetables and fruit eat more vegetables

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and fruit it's like a mantra and the main reason the primary argument is that

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it is full of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. So let's see what they

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have to say about that the antioxidants dr. Stahl was talking about I found

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almost entirely in plants which have on average 64 times the antioxidant content

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of animal foods even iceberg lettuce has more antioxidants than salmon or eggs as

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a result switching to a plant-based diet can help

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reduce measures of inflammation by 29 percent in just three weeks. So if we

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have bought into the idea of antioxidants then that sounds like a

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compelling argument like wow sixty-four times more antioxidants like 64 times

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more of the good stuff even iceberg lettuce that's just like water has more

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antioxidants than salmon so why would you want to eat salmon if it doesn't

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have any antioxidants? So all of this is part of a big myth the first thing is

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that what antioxidants are and who they're good for so plants make

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antioxidants to protect plants they don't have any higher ulterior motive

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they don't sit around in the soil and say oh I bet there's some human that's

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going to come and eat me later I think I'm gonna make some antioxidants so that

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human can get healthy. No, plants make antioxidants to protect plants okay

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humans do the same thing humans make antioxidants for humans. Inside our own

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cells we make something called glutathione and that is the primary and

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the only antioxidants that really matter in humans and guess what it doesn't come

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from a plant it is made up from three amino acids that called glycine

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glutamine and cysteine and amino acids of course are protein so there's nothing

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magical about antioxidants in plants because they're made for plants. Humans

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make glutathione which is by far the dominant it provides the vast majority

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of antioxidant function in the human body and we make it ourselves from amino

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acids which come from proteins another thing most people don't realize

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about antioxidants is the very name antioxidant why do we what does that

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mean it's against oxygen that's what it means why do we have oxygen why do we

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breathe because we breathe in oxygen so that we can oxidize the fuel the protein

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carbohydrates and fat and turn them into energy that's how humans make energy

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it's from fuel that we oxidize with oxygen when you take an antioxidant you

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interfere with that energy production so don't worry if you just eat a normal

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food if you just eat plenty of vegetables and even fruit if you're not

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insulin resistant then you're not gonna get any damaging amounts of antioxidants

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but if you eat that plus you take a bunch of supplements of alpha lipoic

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acid and mega doses of vitamin A and C and E now you're actually shortening

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your lifespan you are interfering with the energy production you're preventing

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your body from producing the energy that it needs to have so if you're not sure

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about how important that oxygen is for energy production then just hold your

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breath for a few minutes and see how eager you are to get some more oxygen in

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you and then realize that the more synthetic antioxidant supplements that

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you take the more you're interfering so that those supplements are more like

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suffocation therapy than than anything else probably the most common argument

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though for carbohydrates not just for plants in general but for carbohydrates

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is that we need blood glucose and that the brain can only run on sugar let's

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see what they have to say about that. "We have a brain that just is desperate for

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glucose it I mean it's such a fussy organ that's the only thing it really

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takes in for energy well meats not a very good source of

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glucose. To have a big brain like this you need to eat something different and the

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most efficient way to get glucose is to eat carbohydrates." Brain is desperate for

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glucose it's such a fussy organ and protein is not a great source all of

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those three things are just wrong because the body uses whatever fuel is

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available and I agree protein by itself is not the best fuel but if need be the

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body can make glucose from protein the brain is pretty fussy because it doesn't

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eat protein it uses glucose and it doesn't use fat per se but in the

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absence of glucose the brain will run on as much as 75% ketones and ketones is a

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byproduct of fat metabolism so to say that the brain only runs on glucose is

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just plain wrong and when he says that the brain when you have a big brain that

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the best way to fuel it is to eat lots of carbohydrates that is just not true

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because carbohydrates especially processed carbohydrates but

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carbohydrates in general what they do is they create blood sugar spikes they do

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indeed raise blood sugar and provide fuel for the brain but it produces too

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high a level it produces spikes and then when you have a spike it's going to come

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down so now you have a blood sugar roller coaster and over time you can

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also get hypoglycemia on the bottom end of it and with continued carb

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consumption you develop insulin resistance and this is not a mystery

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anymore 85, 87 % of the world is overweight of the Western world is

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overweight and that is because of insulin resistance and what happens to

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the brain that he argues that the brain loves that glucose well when you get

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insulin resistant then you also get an insulin resistant brain that is why they

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now call dementia type 3 diabetes okay carbohydrates is not the

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preferred fuel it is one of two fuels it is a good fuel if we can provide it in a

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stable manner the carbohydrates don't provide it in a stable manner it

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provides it in a rollercoaster manner and the brain doesn't like that at all

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another pretty tragic thing is in a movie like this when they're talking

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about athletes about ultimate fighting champions about boxers about football

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players these are people in contact sports these are people who hit their

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head on a regular basis and even if they wear helmets which some of them don't

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then the brain is very soft and it's inside a very hard shell and when you

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get hit even if the helmet prevents the skull from cracking the brain is

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bouncing around and hitting up against the inside of the bone creating

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traumatic brain injuries micro traumas all day long and the brain has a very

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limited ability to repair it's encased in bone for the very reason that it's

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supposed to be protected it's delicate and when it's not supposed to get

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injured it has a very poor ability to clean up and regenerate and the best

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hope the brain has of regenerating is called autophagy and autophagy happens

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in the absence of insulin and carbohydrate so if you get hit in the

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head on a regular basis and you eat a high carbohydrate diet you're really

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setting yourself up for some long-term neurological damage so especially the

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people who get hit in the head they should do a keto diet and they should

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work with intermittent fasting because that autophagy is their best hope of

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preventing brain degeneration a couple of more things that they mentioned in

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the movie is protein that they say that it's a myth that meat has a higher

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quality protein that all that matters is the presence of the essential amino

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acids in the food itself and that's simply not true they are correct in that

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plant food has lots of protein but it's not in the same proportion and it isn't

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as bioavailable it is not absorbed and utilized to the same degree to the same

Time: 2009.02

percentage that animal food is and they also talk about iron heme iron meaning

Time: 2017

iron from muscle or blood and they say that that's associated with increased

Time: 2023.09

inflammation and increased heart disease again they're picking pieces isolated

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pieces of information they don't know what else that person ate okay it could

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have been all the sugar or all the trans fats or all the bread that they had with

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it but iron availability is a huge deal and heme iron is much more available so

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there is 2 billion people in the world up to 2 billion people who are anemic

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and anemia is one of the worst diseases that you can have anemia means that you

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don't have enough iron you don't have enough hemoglobin in your red blood

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cells to capture and transport the oxygen to your cells so it's like you're

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always starving for oxygen everything in your body runs on 70 to 80 percent

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because it's not getting the fuel and that's up to 2 billion people and guess

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what most of those people are primarily vegetarian because the iron in the

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plants are not as available as a matter of fact they've checked and 2/3 of the

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iron in the human body comes from heme iron from blood or muscle even though

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that's only one third of the iron ingested so we can eat tons of spinach

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and plant food that has iron but it doesn't mean that we're actually going

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to absorb and utilize it and the same thing holds true for the protein

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that the bioavailability how much of it that we absorb and utilize is not the

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same we don't absorb as much from plants as we do from animals so there's a lot

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of people who can do well on plant food and I congratulate them and I applaud

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them and I respect and support them but there's also a large number of people

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who after several years of being a vegetarian get very sick because they

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can't absorb the iron and the protein and the appropriate amino acids as a

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clinician you see a lot of difficult cases we see a lot of vegetarians we see

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a lot of examples so it doesn't mean that meat or plant food is good or bad

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but you got to figure out what works for you and if something works for you don't

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try to push that on someone else and say that this is better for you and then

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toward the later part of the movie they bring up a very very serious problem

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that I totally agree with them except they're drawing the wrong conclusions

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from it this is regarding the environment and the deforestation and

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how much water is used the wrong way let's take a look. About three-quarters

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of all the agricultural land in the world is used for livestock production

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and it imposes a huge cost on biodiversity and what is the single

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biggest source of habitat destruction it's the livestock sector

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meat dairy egg and fish farming use 83 percent of the world's farmland yet

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provide only 18% of the world's calories. So this is the real big problem that we

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face that the way that we produce food has gotten totally out of control

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but it's so easy to blame to try to find a scapegoat and in this movie they say

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oh look it's the meat eaters they are the problem but it's not it's the way

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that we are producing food overall it's not the the meat eaters it's not the

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cows fault it's the industrialization of Agriculture it's the industrialization

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is the mass scaling of food production that's the problem the soil depletion

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and the runoff and the pollution and all the garbage ending up in the rivers it's

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not about the meat or not it's about the fact that we use mass farming we use

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synthetic fertilizers chemical fertilizers and we don't rotate crops we

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don't respect nature we don't treat we don't do anything in balance with nature

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and it doesn't matter if you grow plants for themselves or if you grow plants to

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feed to animals it's just the wrong model okay it's not that we need to stop

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eating meat it is that we need to change how we produce food overall and so often

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we hear the argument that oh well we need GMOs to feed the world's population

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we need those mass farms we need the chemical fertilizers and that is one big

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lie it's a huge fallacy and I looked into that just a little bit and I

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thought to myself that well you know there are small farms that I know of

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farms that produce tremendous amounts of food and they are using the resources of

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nature they're doing everything sustainably and environmentally and they

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rotate and they can keep this going forever

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so I thought let's see how many percent how much of the

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world's food is actually produced on small farms because we get the

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impression that almost all the food comes from these mega farms alright so I

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expected to see that maybe a few percent that maybe 2 percent of the world's food

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comes from small farms and then I was preparing the argument to say that well

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you know if 2 percent comes from small farms let's just multiply those farms 50

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times and we can have a hundred percent of the food supply ok I thought that

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would be reasonable but it totally blew me away I had absolutely no idea how

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much of the world's food comes from small farms it turns out more than 70%

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of the entire production of food in the world comes from farms less than 25

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acres the large farms only supply 30 percent of the food so it's not even a

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big transition the only reason that we have ended up with these mass production

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farms is for commercial interests for the convenience of automation and for

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government subsidies ok and if we really want to go back to producing food in a

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natural way we can produce vegetables and meat in abundance on the areas that

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the world provides and even meat can be produced sustainably and one great

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example is a place called Polyface farm in Virginia there's the farmer it's a

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family farm farmer named Joel Salatin and he has been farming there for over

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50 years and for the last 50 years I don't know if he himself has done it for

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that long but for the last 50 years they have not introduced they have not bought

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any chemical fertilizers they have not planted any seeds they do not own a plow

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or a silo they have 500 acres and out of those 500 acres they have a

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hundred acres open for grazing where they feed their animals 400 acres is

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still forest so on that hundred acres they produce naturally 300 percent more

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meat than a commercial farm okay using product modern production methods the

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way that we are taught the way we're made to believe that it's the only way

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to feed the world through chemicals and and mass production well he's doing it

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naturally and he is producing 300 percent more food per acre and he

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doesn't add anything it just lets nature take care of it he rotates the crop he

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moves the fields around he moves the cattle around and it happens the way

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it's supposed to I think the movie succeeds in showing that there's a

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really good chance that you can be healthy and you can have a very

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productive long life if you choose to be a vegetarian or a vegan I think the

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movie completely fails to prove its arguments that the plant-based food

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would be superior I think all of their arguments are hollow I think they have

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gathered their information by picking and choosing which anybody can do to

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support their point of view I think they have backed themselves with a lot of

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famous people and influential people and that we confuse that with the truth with

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expertise so again learn as much as you can about the principles about the

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physiology and I wanted to make this movie because when my viewer asked me

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and I started looking into the movie I saw it as a threat because the biggest

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problem that we have is insulin resistance and if people stopped eating

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animal food and they start eating predominantly plant-based food and the

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way not that you can't eat a low carb diet on plant food

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but the way the movie promotes it is to eat a high carbohydrate food to fuel

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your activity and fuel your brain and what you're going to fuel that way is

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insulin resistance and if you are very insulin sensitive and you eat this way

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you can probably do that and live very well for very long but if you are

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insulin resistant like almost 90 percent of the population then you are not going

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to be able to reverse that insulin resistance by eating the way they

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suggest so I wanted to really clarify things in this comment so that people

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feel assured and feel safe that yes it is okay to eat an omnivorous diet you can

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eat a little bit of everything I don't think you should necessarily over do one

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or the other figure out what works best for you I would also urge you to buy the

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best quality food that you can I know that some people don't feel that they

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can afford it but if you can spend a few extra dollars then support the movement

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toward healthier food the organic and the grass-fed and the local and the

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sustainable because that is the future of food production and the more you

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support it the more it's going to grow I don't think a lion is unethical because

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it eats an antelope and I don't think humans are unethical because we eat meat

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I think it's unethical to raise animals the way that we do in mass farms I think

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an animal is entitled to a life in the environment that it's designed for and

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then I think it's perfectly ethical to eat that animal just like the lion eats

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the antelope but we need to respect them just like the American Indians respected

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the Buffalo they used everything from that animal I hope this was helpful and

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if you enjoyed this movie then I'm sure you're gonna love that one

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