Real Doctor Reacts To Dr. Oz Question About Excessive Sweat (Hyperhidrosis) - Dr Ekberg

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>> CHIROPRACTOR DR STEN EKBERG: Let me go back to something I heard on Dr. Oz the other day.

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and uh... There was this lady

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and she was asking Dr. Oz why do I get this huge sweat stain under my arm

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on one side only

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and not so much on the other.

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And he was giving the

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standard answer. And he said well you know sometimes people sweat more on one side,

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so here's what you can try.

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Get a little bit stronger

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antiperspirant. There are certain things with salts in them and if you put that on

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the one side.

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But let's go back to what we just talked about.

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We know that the sympathetic nervous system is what produces the sweat.

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We measure the sympathetic sweat response on your hands when we did a stress test,

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and the same thing holds true for the underarms.

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Now remember the cortex inhibits

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the sympathetic system.

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The stress response is inhibited by the cortex,

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so that means the side with the more sweating

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is the one that has a stronger sympathetic response.

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That means that side has not been inhibited

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as much.

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And it's the brain's job to inhibit that stress response,

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so if it's not happening

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that side of the brain is weaker

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than the other side.

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So the answer to that question

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is well the side that you are sweating more on has a weaker brain

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because these inhibitions run

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on the same side.

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A lot of things in the brain will cross over but these particular inhibitions will run on the

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same side.

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So what can you do about it?

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Well the antiperspirant is temporary.

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It's not really a solution. What you want to do is to build the brain

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so that

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you can inhibit the stress response

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And how do you build a brain? Well you start by using... you start getting adjusted on the

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right side of your body.

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You start using the right side of your body to build the left side of the brain

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and since the girl was a female and she is typically right brain dominant her left

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brain would typically be the weaker side.

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So if you checked a thousand people

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that were women and were mostly right brain dominant they would tend to

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have more sweat on their left side.

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Now most people wouldn't have an imbalance large enough to show it significantly, but there probably would be a little bit

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And you can also do things that will focus on the left brain.

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if you listen to music for example

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and if the music wants to make you move. If you feel like you want to move to it

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that's a left brain activity. If the music makes you emotional then and there's a

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beautiful melody you want to follow that makes you emotional that's a right

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brain activity.

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If the music has a beat to it, then the left brain is going to try to keep

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that beat

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You can also

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to focus on you can practice logic and linear thinking. You can practice

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things that require those things

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and you will build the left brain

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and you will reduce the stress response on that side and the sweat will decrease

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So that in my opinion is the better answer to that question. Thank you.

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