Real Doctor Reacts To Doctor Oz: Intermittent Fasting "Health Guru" Healthy?

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Hey today I want to comment on a video by Dr. Oz where his guest was a health

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guru who eats 5,000 calories of junk food and claims he's still healthy

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coming right up hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg we're the Wellness For Life and if you'd

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like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything so found a video on dr. oz channel that

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was curious to say the least but quite disturbing actually and I I read some of

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the comments and they were all saying that yeah this is how you lose weight

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but no one really questioned the quality of food or if this was a healthy thing

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so dr. oz asked two questions in the beginning asked how can you eat 5,000

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calories a day and still lose weight and then he asked also is this even healthy

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so we're gonna answer those two questions because they even though we

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asked the questions he didn't really answer them in the video so weight is

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about insulin resistance primarily there are multiple reasons why you could gain

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weight but the primary reason is insulin resistance insulin is a hormone that

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helps your body take sugar from the bloodstream and into the cells so when

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you have when you eat sugar or carbohydrates your blood sugar goes up

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and insulin is necessary to move that sugar into the bloodstream once we get

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into a modern lifestyle and eat lots and lots of meals that are high in carb

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now every time that we eat something it's a signal for the body to store fat

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to take the sugar out of the bloodstream put it into the cell where the cell

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converts it to fat and if we eat six times a day then we're reminding we're

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telling the body six times a day to store fat what he does was this guy

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called Blake what he does properly and this is kind of what this is all about

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he does what does what's called intermittent fasting or one meal

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day so this does a couple of things first of all if you only eat one meal a

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day you're only telling the body to store fat once right instead of six

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times that's a good thing and if you eat one huge meal then your body can only

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absorb that so fast if you put in six to eight pounds of food like this guy does

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the body can't absorb it all in 30 minutes and put it in the bloodstream

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it's gonna kind of seep out gradually even if there's a lot of sugar and

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carbohydrate in there because the body just can't get to it that fast that's

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very different from eating sugar by itself or drinking something like a soda

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because if you have a soda on an empty stomach there's nothing else to slow

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down the absorption of that sugar the sugar is already liquefied it's ready

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for absorption and it's in your bloodstream almost instantly if you eat

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a huge meal it's gonna slow down absorption the other thing that happens

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if you eat one meal is the body is really really good at adapting so if you

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eat six meals a day your body gets dependent on six meals a day it gets

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used to it it says okay it's been two three hours since you ate give me

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something new again give me give me some more food I'm hungry again

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but if you teach your body if you give it the expectation and it's only gonna

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get food once a day now it actually doesn't expect food that often and all

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of the food that you stored from last night your body can now retrieve it so

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once your body gets used to that one meal a day that also reduces the insulin

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resistance because the body learned how to retrieve that those calories that

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energy from what you ate in that huge meal and as a consequence and he's

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absolutely right in this is once you get used to one meal a day you don't get

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hungry the rest of the time because the body learns how to deal with that it

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learns how to pull from the stores the second thing that works in favor of this

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guy is he is very active and activity does two things and the one that they

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focus on here is that it burns energy that's

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true but then one thing that it's even more important that activity does

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physical activity reduces insulin resistance once you move then that cell

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membrane the insulin receptor becomes more sensitive it's more likely to let

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that sugar through with a very small amount of insulin so moving in itself

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not the calories but the movement the fact that you're activating a muscle

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you're increasing circulation in your body actually reduces instantly

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resistance it increases insulin sensitivity it changes the properties of

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those receptors so that's physiology and this these two things explain why

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someone might be able to get away with eating a very large amount of food the

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third thing that works in favor of him is he's young he started this when he

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was about thirty so he wasn't broken yet okay

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he hadn't lost his carbohydrate tolerance so if you think of all the

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bone in the body organs as parts of a machine that has a job they do different

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things and as long as they have a certain capacity to perform their work

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let's say it's at least above 50% then you're not gonna have any symptoms the

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work will go on they can keep up it's not broken yet and carbohydrate

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tolerance it's like a machine that has to process and take care of these things

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that you put in your body so carbohydrates are a stress on the body

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it has to adapt it has to make insulin it has to store it it's an extra step

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it's a little bit of a burden but if you're reasonably young and not broken

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yet your body can get it can't can take care of it you can get by so that

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explains the first question how can you eat 5,000 calories and still lose weight

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and I myself is an example of this because when I was an Olympic athlete

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and I was training 5/6 hours a day I ate probably five six seven thousand

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calories a day and a lot of it was sugar and candy and cereal and ice cream and

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bread and on and on and on and I had 3% body fat so sure there's lots and lots

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of people especially young people who can get by with this so here's the next

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question and this is where everyone misses the point is it healthy and we

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really have to change our entire perspective on health because we're

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getting really really sick as a nation and we're getting really really fat as a

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nation and therefore we say Oh fat must cause the disease and that nothing could

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be further from the truth even though a fat person is not healthy that doesn't

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mean that it's the fat that caused the problem it's the other way around

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there's all sorts of health issues there's all sorts of imbalances that

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lead to the disease to various diseases and to the fat gain it doesn't mean

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there's a causative relationship from the fat to the disease and this is where

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we need to rethink these so some examples that can you have high blood

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pressure and be lean absolutely can you have autoimmune disease and be lean of

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course you can so obese people have more of these problems like blood pressure on

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immunity diabetes IBS cancer dementia liver failure etc but there's lots and

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lots to lean people who have these also so these are not the cause of the of the

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obesity and vice versa the obesity is just one more consequence of having

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deficiencies and imbalances what's the problem with the video because here's a

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guy who was 60 pounds overweight and he started eating like this and he lost the

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weight so because most people aren't don't understand the that lean is not

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healthy that that's not necessarily synonymous they've give this

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guy a lot of credibility I mean he's an example he did this he has life

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experience so the problem is he basically did a case study with a sample

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size of one that means there was one person himself and it worked for him

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that doesn't mean it's a good idea or that it's a good idea for anybody else

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so I went and looked at his website and/or his YouTube channel rather and

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all the thumbnails I looked at a few I listened to one of his explanations that

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really didn't have much common sense or or physiology or any sort of knowledge

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in it but it was his experience I can't blame him and most of those videos most

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of those meals he eats once a day or in a four hour window that he says he it's

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four to five hundred grams of carbohydrates and most of the meals are

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high in sugar a lot of the a lot of the video titles - about M&Ms and chocolates

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and candy and and this and that at donuts cookies and most of those

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they're very high in sugar they're mostly processed flours almost every

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meal has bread and pizza and buns and donuts and cookies in them and I didn't

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check a whole bunch of videos but one someone asked if the syrup on the

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pancakes was sugar or sugar-free and he proudly said it was sugar-free and that

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means it has aspartame and sucralose in it which which are neurotoxins so if you

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want to learn more about artificial sweeteners and neurotoxins you can check

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out this video right here the problem with this is that these are not healthy

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foods you can get by your body can cope with a lot of things for years even

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decades but it doesn't mean it's healthy it just hasn't caught up with you yet

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and high sugar sugar and processed flours

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do not have nutrients in them they say in the dr. Oz video that oh I make sure

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I count all my calories and I count all my nutrients I make sure I get all of

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them no you can't because the nutrients aren't in the sugar the nutrients aren't

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in the processed flour you are depleting your body of nutrients if you eat that

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way sure you can stay lean for many many years maybe forever can you be healthy

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no because you're missing nutrients you're not eating real food the way that

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nature made it and then he did this case study of one he includes his girlfriend

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and says oh look were both lean and then he gets testimonials from people who

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have success with his method and of course if you have if it's gonna work

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for 50% and not work for 50% he's going to get the testimonials from the people

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it works for and again the the key word is does it work well it helps people

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lose weight does it help them get healthy of course not because he's not

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basing this on clinical experience he doesn't have an office where thousands

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of people come come through and he has to deal with autoimmunity and diabetes

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and digestive problems and Crohn's disease and and trying to turn those

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around if you tried this diet with any of those conditions then you would be

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very likely to screw that person up very very seriously then you're saying but

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wait dr. oz asked is this healthy and then he tested him they did blood work

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they checked him out and dr. oz stated that all the values were in the optimal

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range so glucose fasting glucose was 84 that's optimal that is what you're gonna

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get pretty much if you're not terribly insulin resistant and you do

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intermittent fasting for a good bit then you're going to end up around 80 to 85

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that's a very good value that means it's not very insulin

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resistant then they went on to cholesterol and they said drum roll and

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normal a healthy cholesterol is less than 200 and then they had the drum roll

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and they looked at it and going 118 and they both went like oh that's so amazing

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that's so good because in mainstream medicine

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cholesterol is seen as a problem and therefore less is always better if they

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had found 3 they'd be even more impressed here's the problem cholesterol

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is a necessary nutrient it is the second after fish oil after D H a cholesterol

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is the main component of your brain it is the insulation of your nerves it's

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what makes the nerves able to conduct signals it is what gives your cell

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membranes you have a hundred trillion cells they do a job they decide what

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goes in and out of a cell that's how the body organizes itself cholesterol is a

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crucial component in making this work in preserving the signal properties of that

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membrane in functional medicine they say that a healthy and optimal cholesterol

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and functional medicine our medical doctors and and holistically minded

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people who look at the blood work a little differently and they say that a

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healthy cholesterol is between 200 and 140 and a cholesterol of 118 would be a

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red flag that means we think there may be something seriously wrong here and I

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would be very very concerned they have found that of people above age 80 the

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ones who have the best mental function have cholesterol zuv to hunt 220 to 240

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so higher cholesterol reduces the risk or is the so

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it is correlated with a reduced risk of dementia and people in higher ages with

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lower cholesterol have a dramatically increased rate of dementia and when you

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get as low as 118 I'd be seriously concerned so I'm not going to diagnose

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the guy with anything cuz that's not what we do

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but this would worry me tremendously so we have to change how we think about

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health when they ask healthy that just means it hasn't developed into a disease

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yet in in their frame of mind we want to think about health more like a dimmer

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switch so you can have a light on at a hundred percent and then if you turn the

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dimmer down let's say you're reading something and you're reading it fine at

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a hundred percent and then you turn the dimmer down to fifty and now you start

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squinting a little bit but you can still make it out but then you turn it down to

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twenty five and now you can't read the thing anymore that's how your health is

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as well so think about health as a dimmer switch think about it as an

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amount of function as an amount of resources in the body that make

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everything balanced that make everything function and let's say that you're

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starting at a hundred percent at your optimum point in life then if the dimmer

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goes down which it will with age but it goes down so slowly that you don't get

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down to 40 50 percent where disease typically develops and these are not

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absolute numbers these are just sort of examples to give you an idea how this

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this works you could get to the end of your life without developing diseases

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you could live to a hundred or beyond and not develop a disease if you have

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enough functional capacity if your dimmer switch hasn't gone solo yet

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someone else could be less lucky they may not ever get 200 their genetic

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makeup their development in utero may not have

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in that favorable so they may have started out at a lower level but if they

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take care of themselves if they step continuously provide nutrients they take

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care of themselves they get exercise they low stress then they can also make

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it to the end of their life without developing a disease whereas someone who

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really abuses their body and has a steep decline someone who wastes resources

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someone who eats high sugar processed flour chemical Laden food neurotoxin

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someone who has a cholesterol of 118 they might be going at this rate and

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they might get sick and and die long before their their natural lifespan and

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yet they could be at age 30 35 40 and have no symptoms and be very fit and get

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get away with all kinds of things so we got to look at this from a bigger

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perspective we have to start understanding instead of asking the

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question how do we lose weight we have to start asking questions how do we

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obtain the optimum health how do we maintain the balance what is required

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for a healthy body how do we live in balance with nature and our environment

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what is our natural environment if we start asking questions like this will

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get much better answers than if we just ask how do I lose weight okay I hope

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this was informative and helpful I made this video because I want to straighten

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out these misconceptions when people think that it's all about weight they're

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they're mistaken because there's lots and lots of ways to lose weight and be

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unhealthy please share this video with as many people as you can because we

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have to get this real there's scientific information out there the information

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that's based on physiology and clinical experience not on symptom treatment and

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anecdotal evidence so share your comments below and let any questions let

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me know if there's anything else on these

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topics that you'd like to know more about or if there's anything else you'd

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like to explain in in more detail and I'd be more than happy to try to do that

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so thanks for watching

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