Real Doctor Reacts To Crazy Jillian Michaels' Comment On Keto Diet & Truth About Ketogenic Diet

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Hey today I'm gonna comment on a video called Jillian Michaels rant and rave on

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keto diet. So I didn't make that title up that was

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actually the official title where she was being interviewed and I think

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everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think it can be dangerous when

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someone's opinion just because they're a celebrity gets taken as truth in a

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different context so she is an expert at fitness but she is not an expert at

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health and physiology so let's go through some of these statements the

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first thing she said was that keto was a fad or a trend but just because keto has

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gained a lot of popularity recently doesn't mean it's a new thing. Keto the

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production of ketosis is a mechanism in the body that has been around for as

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long as we have been around and why is that well your body has two sources of

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fuel primarily fat and carbohydrate when plant food is plentiful we burn a

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mixture of carbohydrate and fat but when there's not so many plants around then

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we are short on carbohydrate and we have to rely more on fat and in an extreme

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shortage of carbohydrate the body has to rely entirely on fat and now a side

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product by product to that is called ketones so your DNA has been around in

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its current form around 250,000 years and your ancestors had that same DNA so

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when they had plenty of food they burned a mix but when food was short they went

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into ketosis and it wouldn't be too bold to assume that they were in ketosis

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hundreds of times maybe thousands of times in their lifetime they were

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probably in ketosis most of the winter months

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just like the Inuit or the Eskimos today are in ketosis most of their lifetime

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because there's very very few plants where they live so humans have

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the ability to use multiple fuels and ketosis is just a result of us having

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less carbs and more fat for fuel then she went on to call keto an emergency

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and that's kind of interesting because in a sense it is that when we had

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starvation when we didn't have a whole lot of food the body has to rely on

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ketosis that doesn't make it a bad thing because it's so common that when our

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ancestors didn't have a whole lot of food like we said they went into

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starvation that was their way of surviving however it's a very natural

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form of emergency and your body sort of like certain emergencies every culture

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on the planet has promoted the benefits of fasting when you go into ketosis

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right one emergency that's not much talked about is the emergency of high or

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low blood sugar however high blood sugar in diabetes leads to coma low blood

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sugar and diabetes leads to coma so when you eat a carbohydrate and your blood

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sugar spikes that is an emergency and that's an emergency that your body has

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no defense against except insulin and if you do it repeatedly then you develop

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insulin resistance which is responsible for the majority of all degenerative

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disease so if you want to talk about an emergency then talk about the emergency

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of blood sugar fluctuations as a result of carbohydrate consumption that's the

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real emergency your ancestors never saw that because

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there was never enough carbohydrate around to develop insulin resistance and

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unstable blood sugar they experienced a lot of ketosis

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which is a much more common much more natural emergency

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so emergencies are not necessarily bad exercises a form of emergency all stress

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is a little bit of an emergency but the carbohydrate emergency is one that

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your genome your DNA has never seen because your ancestors never encountered

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it then she said that your cells your macromolecules this the stuff your cells

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are made up of is protein fat carbs and nucleic acid and when you don't eat

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those on a regular basis like all the time then you are starving yourselves

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and your body and this is just incorrect because proteins make up your muscles

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fats make up your brain nucleic acids make up your your DNA the blueprint of

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how to build new cells but carbohydrates are not a structural component there is

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no essential carbohydrate there is nothing in your body that's built of

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carbohydrate your cells are not made of carbohydrate so that is not at all a

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good reason to promote that you have to have a mix of all the basic

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macronutrients then she admits that keto does indeed help you burn fat and lose

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weight it helps reverse diabetes it helps

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reverse PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome and it even helps increase fertility and

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she sort of brushes that off as if those are just minor things compared to the

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major drawbacks which we'll go over in a second but think about the fertility for

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a second your body is not stupid it knows when

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it's appropriate to do things and when it's not and if it decides that it's a

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good time for you to have a baby if it increases your ability to have a baby it

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is not because you're getting sicker the only way that you would increase your

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fertility is if you are getting healthier so indirectly she does admit

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that keto is actually making you healthier but then she talks about the

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dangers and she rattles off all these different reasons and there's some big

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words here and don't worry about that I'll make some sense of it

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but basically every one of these is back words so she says that keto is a zero

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calorie restriction diet she talks about that as if it's a problem that Oh in

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this diet you don't have to restrict calories and because of that she assumes

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that you're eating more because if you eat more it leads to more oxidative

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stress massive oxidative stress so what what is oxidative stress where does

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oxidation come from oxidation is when you oxidize when you burn food for

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energy when you convert food to energy you're oxidizing it so what she's saying

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here is that because there is no restriction of calories then you're

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creating more oxidation so she's saying that you're eating more because there is

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no restriction what she fails to understand and if she talked to someone

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who did keto she probably would would understand that a little better is that

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you actually end up eating less because it is satisfying because you don't have

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the constant blood sugar fluctuations now you end up eating fewer meals and

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less food overall so if anything your oxidative stress would go down then she

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says that there is no timing and because of there there's no timing to the food

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intake probably meaning regular meals three times a day plus snacks then

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autophagy is out of whack so I'm not sure what she means by that but autophagy is

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a self-cleaning it's a healthy process in the body it cleans up old junk it

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cleans up cell debris it's even been implicated in fighting cancer because

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part of what it cleans up is cancer cells and that only kicks in the autophagy

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autophagy only kicks in when you're starving because then the body gets better at

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recycling precious materials so autophagy increases during long-term ketosis during

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long-term fasting so if anything again at autophagy is improved by ketosis it

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doesn't get out of whack she says it's high in saturated fats and

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therefore it's bad for the telomeres because of oxidative stress and

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inflammation and telomeres are a marker of longevity so they are important but

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saturated fat do not increase oxidative stress or inflammation they're a very

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clean food because saturated fat when it's saturated it's stable and it

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doesn't get oxidized until it's in the body that's a good thing it doesn't get

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oxidized by the oxygen outside it only gets oxidized in your body with enzymes

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it's a very clean very stable fuel and it does not increase oxidative stress or

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inflammation what increases inflammation is sugar and inflammatory grains

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especially the allergenic foods like modern wheat is highly inflammatory

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insulin itself even if you ate sugar that was an inflammatory the insulin

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itself is inflammatory so again completely backwards to the

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argument she's presenting and then she says the nutrient sensing pathways

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related to the health of your metabolism are overrun by constant food so she says

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you can't regulate your hunger anymore because you're not eating on a regular

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basis and again the exact opposite is true because you don't get so hungry

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because your body gets what it needs so you learn to regulate your hunger it

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improves your ability to sense when you're full its the carbohydrates that

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have drug-like effects that puts this nutrient sensing

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pathways out of commission and messes with your metabolism

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and then she says that your body is overrun by constant food and I take that

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to mean that you would eat a lot frequently but again if you talk to

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anyone who does keto then you know that you eat less and less frequently so

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there would be less of an overrun on your system it would have more of an

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opportunity to recover the best point she had the closest to correct is that

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she said exercise is the number one method of reversing insulin resistance

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and that's almost true it is the second best the number one best method is to be

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in ketosis because that's how the insulin goes really really really low

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when you have really low carbohydrate but exercise is the second most powerful

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way to reverse insulin resistance and that's not the only benefit so we have

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to remember that exercise is a part of any healthy regime and you're not doing

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keto to lose weight you're doing it to get healthy when you get healthy the

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weight comes off it's not the other way around and as part of getting healthy

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exercise is essential it reverses insulin resistance it stimulates your

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brain it keeps your brain alive and it improves circulation which is crucial

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for detoxification don't forget exercise then finally she

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had actually in another interview but it's the same stuff she said two plus

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two is equal to four meaning that calories in calories out you can't cheat

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that equation it's a simple energy equation it's simple science that's just

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the way it works if you're going to lose weight you have to restrict calories

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that was her point but then she admits that on keto it burns fat so you lose

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weight so somehow you're burning more calories but then she also says down in

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here that the keto diet is dangerous because it has no calorie restriction

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meaning you eat more because the only way you can increase your oxidative

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stress is if you eat more your if your oxidation increases then it's because

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you're burning you're using more oxygen to convert food into energy so that must

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mean that you eat more so somehow she says you eat more and yet you manage to

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burn extra calories off your body and two plus two is four so these statements

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cannot all be correct okay they're they're very contradictive so these are

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just loosely assembled statements and opinion that have no foundation in

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Physiology or clinical science so again I have nothing against anyone who voices

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their opinions but I think it's very very unfortunate when someone gets a lot

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of coverage because there is celebrity and because they have some skills and

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some expertise in one area people assume that it sort of extends into another

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area and this can hurt people and a lot of people are learning how to reduce

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insulin resistance and how to get healthy and we want to help people

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understand how it really works so that once you understand it then you can

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watch a video like Jillian's and you and you know okay that's incorrect that's

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incorrect that's not how it works etc that's the only way that you're gonna be

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able to stand up against all the actual fads and trends that are buzzing around

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share this video with everyone you care about leave me some comments and thanks

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for watching

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