Real Doctor Reacts To Absurd MCT OIL & COCONUT OIL Claims

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MCT oil and coconut oil. Are they health food or are they poison? Well it kind of

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depends on when you're talking about because for thousands of years it was

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just food and many cultures did extremely well. They used coconut cream

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and whole coconut and coconut oil and it was just a staple but then about fifty

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years ago when fat an especially saturated fat got blamed for heart

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disease now everything took a turn so now

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coconut oil was the worst of the worst and then a few years ago it made a

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comeback and it became a health food and then people started using it for all

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sorts of health reasons and ever since then it's kind of bounced around every

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year it goes from poison to health food and back and forth and back and forth so

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I guess it's this time of year because this month

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Canadian CBC News had another report out where they talked about the truth of

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coconut oil so today we're going to take a look at that video and comment on some

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of those rather absurd claims that were made. Coming right up!

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything. We're setting up shop to talk to shoppers about a big health trend.

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Coconut oil. What kind of cooking oil do you use? I do often shop for olive oil

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and coconut oil. At home I use a lot of coconut oil.

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As a matter of fact, I'm from the Carribean, so we use a lot of coconut oil.

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Yeah so this would look familiar to you. Very much so.

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the coconut oil industry has exploded raking in over 650 million dollars last year alone.

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It sound like these consumers are relatively well-informed they're favoring

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natural oils like olive oil and coconut oil and then we have this news team come

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in and the reporter sets up shop to teach these shoppers about coconut oil

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and the first thing we hear is that they're raking it in six hundred and

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fifty million dollars which sounds like a really really big number but how big

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is it really. Well let's compare it with margarine margarine is a food that

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everyone pretty much agrees that it's the worst of the worst I mean you might

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as well eat plastic it's up there with lead poisoning in terms of nutritional

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value and even though it has been declining it is still selling four times

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as much margarine as coconut oil in the world so it's not an enormous amount and

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if we compare it to something like soft drinks it is one six hundredth there's

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600 times more sugary drinks sold than coconut oils so if we're gonna focus our

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attention on something then let's focus our attention on putting warning labels

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and explaining what margarine and soft drinks do but as always in journalism

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words are chosen very carefully to invoke feelings so they're inferring

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that these are mega companies that are making claims and taking

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advantage of people so I just wanted to put that in perspective

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MCT oil. That's medium chain triglycerides the wonders of MCT oil and the coconut oil craze are

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linked and it all goes back to this 2003 study. Makes you wonder. Is there anything

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to all these health claims? To find out we track down the author of the study

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that set off the craze. Hi Marie Pierre hi nice to meet you this is the shop all

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right would you like a coffee sure all

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right two black coffees with coconut oil

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please lots of people put coconut oil in their

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coffee but this is a first for her we did a research to look at the influence

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of MCT oil on energy expenditure and body composition wait what you weren't

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testing coconut oil not at all we were testing MCT oil it's very

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purified form MCT is a subcomponent of coconut oil and only 15 percent of

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coconut oil is MCT what her research did find was a small improvement in weight

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loss for overweight people who consumed MCT oil but Zippo on coconut oil. In 2003

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there was a study on MCT oil and energy metabolism and the study showed that

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there was some effect that MCT oil could be beneficial for weight loss and then

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the reporter sits down and talks with the author of that study Marie-Pierre

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St. Onge and in the middle of that she goes what the study was about MCT oil

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and not coconut oil and then the lady says yes that we studied MCT oil and

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they're not the same thing well no news there but what the reporter

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is inferring with her surprise and her disdain is that because the study showed

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MCT oil was good but it didn't show that coconut oil was good then

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coconut oil must be bad right the study didn't say anything about coconut oil

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we they are related they are not the same MCT oil if made from coconut oil

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but we can't draw any conclusions from that study all it showed was that MCT

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oil is good so if they're closely related then maybe there's some benefits

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to coconut oil as well but they never even get into that they're just sort of

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inferring that well then coconut oil must be bad. Many experts are concerned

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that coconut oil is high in saturated fat what if I told you though that one

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tablespoon of coconut oil has 13 grams of saturated fat. Yuck. That's more than

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two-thirds of your daily saturated fat limit. That's the opposite of healthy.

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When we hear something over and over it becomes a truth whether it has any

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substance to it or not and we've heard about fat and saturated fat for about 50

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years I remember growing up and I thought that fat was yuck exactly like

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the guy in the video you just have to hold out a spoon and say saturated fat

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and people go yuck and then he added well that's the opposite of healthy this

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same person who had for good reasons been purchasing coconut oil in his diet

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all he has to do is meet someone holds out something that says saturated fat

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and it's like this triggered queued response we need to understand a little

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bit more about the foods because otherwise we'll just be like a leaf in

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the wind we'll go wherever the wind blows and this week it's something and

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next week it's going to be something else so we need to start understanding

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these things so let's just spend a few minutes looking at what is coconut oil

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and what is saturated fat I'm going to explain that in some more detail as we

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go so fatty acids they're chains of carbons they they're carbon by carbon by

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carbon linked in a chain and then on the sides they have hydrogen atoms and if

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they have one hydrogen atom on each side then they're

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called saturated because there's not room for anymore they're saturated with

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hydrogen but if something is unsaturated that means that in some places these

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carbons are linked together with what's called a double bond two of the links

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are used up to unite the carbons and then they only have one bond left over

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for a hydrogen so these carbons only have one hydrogen instead of two and

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then they're called unsaturated so this bond this double bond could react with

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an enzyme or with heat or with oxygen and it could be oxidized it could have a

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chemical reaction so that's why unsaturated fats are more sensitive to

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oxygen and heat and light and the reason medium chain and short chain

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triglycerides are such a big deal the reason they studied them is that they

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behave a little bit different depending on how long the chain is caproic acid

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has six carbons it's called a short chain so it's not usually included some

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MCT oils has about 1% of that in there because they didn't bother taking it out

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but medium changed strictly speaking our eight carbon chains or 10 carbon chains

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so the shorter they are the faster they can be metabolized and there's two

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reasons for this first of all the the shorter they are the quicker the enzymes

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can chop them up there's fewer chops to make but the second reason has to do

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with our digestion that there's two primary ways that food can be absorbed

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from your gut and the first is through the lymph system and the second is

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straight into the blood and if it's absorbed straight into the blood then it

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goes into through a system called the portal vein and it has to be really

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really tiny to get straight into the bloodstream if it's larger the larger it

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is the more it is similar to foreign substances like virus and bacteria and

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then we need to give our immune system a

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chance to work at it and the cutoff is right between ten and twelve carbons

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long so the smaller molecules can go straight into the blood the larger ones

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have to get into the lymph system first so the reason MCT's are studied and so

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popular is they save you a couple of hours that MCT's can be chopped up and

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used for energy within minutes whereas the longer ones are gonna take a few

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hours so it's not good or bad it just depends on what you're looking for but

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if people are trying to get fat adapted if they're carb dependent then it can be

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tremendously beneficial to have a faster source of energy and that's why people

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use those so coconut oil has about 1% of the six carbon chain

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eight percent of the eight carbon chain and about six percent of the ten carbon

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chain so it has about 15% of medium chain triglycerides or shorter those are

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the ones that qualify that go straight into the bloodstream anything longer is

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not going to go straight in the next one lauric acid is kind of in between

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lauric acid about 25% of lauric acid goes straight into the bloodstream so it

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also qualifies really as an MCT but 75% of it gets absorbed into the lymph and

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that's why lauric acid is not considered a medium chain triglyceride and anything

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longer is going to take longer to be absorbed it doesn't make them bad it's

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just not a medium chain triglyceride anymore

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so carbons can get even longer but there's very very few beyond 18 carbons

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and this is called stearic acid and this is the way that animals store most of

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their fat so humans store stearic acid on their bodies and animals that we eat

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store it mostly as stearic acid but coconut oil also contains a couple

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more things it has 6% of something called oleic acid which is 18 carbons

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long and it has one place where there's a double bond so it is monounsaturated

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and of course oleic comes from olive oil so six percent of the fat in coconut oil

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is actually the same as the dominant fat in olive oil and then there's just two

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percent of linoleic acid which has two places where its unsaturated which makes

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it an omega-6 none of these fats are bad none of them are artificial none of them

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are synthetic they are just different lengths and coconut is a very unusual

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because there's no other product there's no other food on the planet that has

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this type of distribution so when they make MCT oil they just separate the

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shortest chains so they get about 15% MCT oil

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it's a refined product out of the coconut oil and the rest is used for

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other purposes they have other nutritive purposes or they can be used for

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cosmetics and creams and shampoo and things like that now just a quick point

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here that the study they refer to into from 2003 it said that MCT oil had some

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benefits for weight loss and they didn't have anything bad to say about MCT oils

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but then they went on to say that people are concerned experts are concerned

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because coconut oil is so high in saturated fat

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well MCT oil separates out the 8 and 10 carbon chains which are fully saturated

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they have zero double bonds and therefore MCT oil is a hundred percent

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saturated ok so again that doesn't make it bad it's just what it is it's a good

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fuel coconut oil however if saturation was what we should judge oils on if

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they're good or bad is only 86 percent saturated so from the saturation

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perspective then coconut oil would be better.

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How does that compare with butter or olive oil? Good question.

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It's the same as almost two tablespoons of butter.

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All right.

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Six and a half tablespoons of olive oil okay.

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That's crazy!

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And. Wait for it!

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Two and a half tablespoons of lard. Lard wow. That's stuff right here. Damn that's

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crazy actually. I didn't realize that yeah

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Okay. Here you can have this back.

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And now she goes through the unveiling process

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so she compares she holds out the spoons of coconut oil and says how much

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saturated fat that is and it's over your daily limit and then she compares it to

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other forms of fat and shows that based on how much saturated fat it's worse

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than any other form of fat and people are oohing and aahing and grossing out

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along the way because everyone knows how bad fat is so there is no argument here

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it's just playing on emotion based on misconceptions based on a myth that

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people have bought into but she's not telling them anything new she's just

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saying ooh saturated fat and and people just go

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along and then she saves the last box for last and she says now hold on here

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hold on here drumroll and she lifts it and it's lard all right and again it's

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all these connotations that we have there's nothing wrong with any of those

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fats I eat them all on a regular basis if I cook bacon I make my own bacon bits

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I get lard leftover I save it for cooking when I make my bone broth I get

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beef tallow pure saturated fat leftover I save it for cooking because they're

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all good and the only thing the reporter uses to back up her story is the fact

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that Canada Food Guide and of course also the American USDA are recommending

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us to limit our fat intake especially saturated fat now of course the reason

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that people are so afraid of fat is that in the back of their minds and

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especially saturated fat in the back of their minds they have heart disease

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cardiovascular disease because that had been linked at one point most research

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in the last ten years have shown the opposite that it's due to inflammation

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but of course it takes a couple of generations for people to change their

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mind even after the evidence is in but if it's heart disease that were afraid

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of let's just look at the track record of the experts food recommendations so

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on this scale we have percentage of obesity in the United States and on this

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scale we have diabetes incidence in millions so in 1960 we had about 12% of

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obesity in 1970 we had about 14-15 in 1980 we had about 17 or so so it was

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climbing steadily and what happened in 1980 well a couple of things they came

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out with high fructose corn syrup and the government decided to issue some

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guidelines to teach people how to eat and they said you should eat sixty

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percent of your calories should come from carbohydrates no more than ten percent

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should come from saturated fats and no more than ten percent should come from

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added sugar so all in all though the vast majority of the calories come from

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sugar either added sugar or fruit sugar or milk sugar or lots of other forms of

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sugar that are allowed and recommended in the food until they published the

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guidelines in 1980 the trend looked kind of like this and after they published

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the guidelines and people got really scared of fat now the trend looked like

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that so we can't say that there's a causative relationship between the

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guidelines and the changing the accelerating trend but we can say for

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sure that it didn't help a whole lot either when we look at from 1990 and on

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now of course it has exploded and in the last year we had over 40% obesity in the

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United States when we look at diabetes we find that if you if you watch some of

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my other videos you know that obesity and diabetes are both due to insulin

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resistance and the diabetes is just lagging behind 10, 15, 20 years which

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matches this graph exactly and we see that in 1960 we had a very small

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percentage in 1970 it was increasing by about 2 to 3% per year and it went over 10%

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in 1990 and it didn't accelerate as fast as the weight gained because it lags

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behind a little bit but then in 2000 2010 2018 it has absolutely exploded and

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it's now going even faster trend increase than than the weight gain and

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despite this despite the evidence in hand they have not changed more than a

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few commas in their food recommendations they still recommend 60 - 65%

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carbohydrates three cups a low-fat dairy no saturated fat avoid animal foods

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animal fats and the advice is the same over and over and over things are

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getting worse and worse and worse but they're just saying hey our guidelines

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are correct there based on experts recommendation it's you people who

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aren't doing it right and of course as we've talked about in other videos you

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can't do it right when you're insulin resistance because your insulin dictates

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your hunger but the point of this again is that she's referring to the experts

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and here is the result or at least lack of results of listening

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to experts so we need to start understanding food rather than just

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looking at the last piece of research because this goes back and forth every

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year it changes this year coffee is good next year coffee is bad blueberries are

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good blueberries are bad chocolate is good chocolate is bad coconut oil who knows

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what it's going to be next year unless we start understanding more about the

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food so since the biggest hurdle to overcome is our fat phobia and our

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saturated fat phobia we need to understand some things about fat why

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does the body need fat what is fat good for right so first we talk about

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essential fatty-acids those are things that the body needs in very small relatively

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small quantities compared to the the food the energy fats and those are the

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Omega 3's and the omega 6's and they are essential that means you can't live

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without them essential means necessary for life and they help build cell

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membranes okay your brain is mostly fat and the cell membranes are mostly a fat

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called DHA it's a very long chain six times unsaturated fatty acid that gives

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the brain and the neural membrane certain properties of signaling and your

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brain can't mature and it can't function and it can't repair itself the brain and

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the nervous system if you're deficient in these long-chain omega-3 fatty acids

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which essentially come from fish oil you can get some from algae if you're a

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vegetarian but primarily they come from fish your body can theoretically make

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some from linolenic acid which comes from flax for example but the conversion

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is so poor it's like less than 1% for most people so the realistic chance of

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getting enough is to take a supplement to eat lots of fish or take it an algae

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supplement or something like that but these are essential they're in small

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quantities they are signaling their building materials their precursors

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thyroid and adrenal function depends on essential fatty acids hormone production

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depends on essential fatty acids and regulation of your blood pressure your

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liver function your immune system your inflammatory responses all of those

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depend on small quantities the right proportions and ratios of these so the

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body doesn't burn these these are not for fuel the body uses them for very

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very specific purposes we only need a few grams a day of these now all the

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other fat is fuel and you store fuel and you burn

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fuel any excess fuel that you eat if you eat more carbohydrates or more protein

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or more fat or a combination thereof during a period of plenty of food during

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a feast period the body is going to store the excess and it doesn't store it

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as canola oil it doesn't store it as safflower oil it stores it primarily as

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saturated fat and the primary one is going to be a stearic acid the

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unsaturated the monounsaturated the polyunsaturated those are for specific

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functions they're not for fuel we don't need a lot of those things and the only

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ones that we really need are these things that give us EPA and DHA and the

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plant oils don't do that the canola and the safflower cannot contribute to your

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omega-3s that you need for your brain humans and cows and pigs they store the

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excess fuel as fat and we store it as the most effective like a standard form

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of fat storage which is a saturated fat so when humans take excess carbohydrates

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we store it as saturated fats and then when there's a period of famine we

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retrieve we burn the saturated fat that's what saturated fat is its fuel

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it's a very efficient way of storing fuel other than that what is it that

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makes saturated fat so good and plant fats not so good it is the fact of

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stability saturated fats are very stable because the carbon is jam-packed

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with hydrogen it's full it is very unlikely to react with anything and this

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is why you can leave coconut oil sitting on the counter for a year or two it

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doesn't go rancid it doesn't spoil you can keep it in a clear container

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right it's probably even better if you keep it in in the fridge in the dark but

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it is so stable it is not gonna spoil the extreme opposite is something like

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flax oil which is the plant omega-3 that as long as it's inside the flax seed it

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protected nature has put a very very tight dark shell on the oils but as soon

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as you break it and turn it into oil it goes rancid in minutes to hours you

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need to keep that in the freezer right so saturated fats are stable that makes

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them an ideal form of food because that's gonna mean that the food is not

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rancid it is not spoiled but when we eat a lot of plant oils the polyunsaturated

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plant oils like canola and safflower and soybean etc those things oxidize and

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they go rancid and they taste terrible so in order to prevent that terrible

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taste they refine them and they process them and they deodorize them and they

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degum them and they bleach them until there is nothing left and now they have

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a tasteless flavorless nutrition free oil that also keeps forever but it's

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because they destroyed it so saturated fats are not bad they are bad if you

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carry them in your belly around your internal organs and that's part of

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metabolic syndrome which is a result of insulin but other than that the only bad

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saturated fat is if you eat an animal that wasn't healthy so if you eat meat

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then you don't want to go and eat the grain-fed cow that's been pumped full of

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hormones and antibiotics and it was so sick that it wouldn't have lasted

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another three months before they turned it into hamburger right you want to eat

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something that had a normal life just like the lion hunts the antelope that

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antelope was healthy and free until it became food that's what our meat needs

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to be as well if it's healthy then it's healthy for you if it's sick

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then it's gonna make you sick

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We tell Health Canada about the industry's

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claims and we learn our government is planning to put warnings on foods high

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in saturated fat someday if the proposal gets passed

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In the meantime these shoppers have a message.

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Do you think there should be a warning to consumers

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about how much saturated fat is in something like this? 100%

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Why? Because I did I didn't I had no clue.

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So the saturated fat is on the label but

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should there be a warning? Yeah. Cause i guess it feels like they're just not

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putting it explicitly on the people. Until that happens.

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Are you gonna keep on using coconut oil? For certain things yes for other things probably take a step

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back and look at either canola or I mean lard in this case I guess.

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No not not today not tomorrow not ever.

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I don't know if I want to laugh cos' it's so

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ridiculous or if I want to cry because it's so tragic but Canada is apparently

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planning to put warning labels on food based on their saturated fat content

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right in the US they put heart healthy on cereals full of sugar and grain the

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most inflammatory foods producing heart attacks and metabolic syndrome and

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that's heart healthy the food labeling is so misguided and so misleading and

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focusing on all the wrong things and now they're just gonna take it one step

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further and put another barrier between us and healthy foods such as grass-fed

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beef and grass-fed butter and coconut oil as for the shoppers in the video

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weren't they lucky to have their lifestyle improved by a reporter who

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came in and taught them the truth about coconut oil so one of the guys who had

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been on the right track now he said I'm gonna have to rethink what I'm doing I'm

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probably gonna have to cut back on coconut oil and start using more canola

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oil like we said polyunsaturated rancid

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processed omega-6 inflammatory the list goes on and on and on so weren't they

Time: 1865.21

lucky to get lectured by that reporter the reason I want to comment on videos

Time: 1870.16

like this is that they're so skillful but they're not based on anything

Time: 1874.69

they're very very good at editing and shooting and presenting things in a way

Time: 1880.12

that's very convincing that's very emotional that's very provoking but the

Time: 1885.61

only two arguments they made in the entire thing was that coconut oil is bad

Time: 1890.74

because it's not MCT oil which was studied in the 2003 study and that

Time: 1897.19

coconut oil must be bad because it has saturated fats so I do the videos the

Time: 1902.71

way I do because I want people to understand a little bit more if you just

Time: 1908.13

have the basics if you just know 1 2 3 this is what I'm supposed to do then

Time: 1913.3

you're gonna hear something new every day and you're gonna change your mind

Time: 1916.63

every day because we're just bombarded with information and misinformation but

Time: 1922.6

if you start understanding the basics if you start understanding the properties

Time: 1927.16

of food why saturated food is good its fuel it's stable why polyunsaturated can

Time: 1935.68

be good because they have certain information properties that the body

Time: 1939.64

needs that the body uses these for building blocks and information and uses

Time: 1944.2

the other fat for fuel and the unsaturated fats that we need are for

Time: 1950.14

information they don't come from the polyunsaturated plant foods they're very

Time: 1955.81

very different okay they have nothing to do with each other so if you start

Time: 1960.94

understanding a little bit more then you're not going to just be like a leaf

Time: 1964.57

in the wind and change your mind every five minutes and you can start making

Time: 1968.32

some good decisions for yourself and your family if you enjoyed this video

Time: 1972.79

then make sure you check out that one and that one thanks so much for watching

Time: 1978.919

and I'll see you next time

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