Pros And Cons Of Baby Chiropractic - Dr Ekberg

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is chiropractic safe for babies

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and more importantly why would you want

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to adjust a baby

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coming right up

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hey i'm dr ekberg with wellness for life

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and if you'd like to truly master health

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by understanding how the body really

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works make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you

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don't miss anything a lot of people have

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misconceptions about chiropractic and

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especially when it comes to adjusting

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so let's try to answer those questions

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first of all chiropractic is perfectly

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safe for babies but more importantly why

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would you want to adjust a baby and

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what's the mechanisms involved

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so first of all

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the body has three different functional

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systems it has a passive system

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with the bones

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bones are not supposed to do anything

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they're supposed to show up and don't

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break and then they have done their job

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but if a bone is misaligned or if a bone

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is not moving properly if it's stuck it

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is because a muscle is holding it there

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so bones are passive it needs something

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to act on them so muscles move the bones

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but muscles don't make decisions

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the brain

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which is the regulating system makes the

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decisions for the muscles

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so if we have a misalignment if we have

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a bone that's not moving the way it's

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supposed to then it is a brain problem

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and the way we want to think about that

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is it's not a physical tissue problem in

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the brain it is a software problem it's

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misunderstanding it's a communication

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problem the brain isn't quite sure

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what to do it's not sure what the world

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looks like and it's not sure what to

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tell the muscles and as a result the

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bone isn't where it's supposed to be

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so in the body the brain controls

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absolutely everything it controls

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muscle tone it controls posture bone

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joint position it also controls ph

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and digestion and production of enzymes

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and growth and healing and it does all

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of this

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based on feedback the brain can only

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control things based on feedback from

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receptors because the brain doesn't

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actually see anything on its own it's

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never seen or heard or touched or felt

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anything all the brain knows is whatever

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signals are coming back from receptors

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in the form of feedback so i heard

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someone say that oh you shouldn't adjust

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babies they don't even have bones yet

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well actually they do they do have bones

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they're not quite as calcified as

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they're gonna become later but they

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certainly have bones but more

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importantly they have muscles and they

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have a brain and they depend on feedback

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just as much as any other nervous system

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so then we want to start understanding

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also that the brain works with signals

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we want to know what kind of things can

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interfere with the signal because a baby

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isn't up and moving much yet so it

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doesn't have a history of trauma

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and and physical injury and things that

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can interfere from a traumatic stress

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but there are chemical and structural

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and emotional aspects of the human body

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and the nervous system

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chemical structure and emotion they all

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generate signals and they all have the

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potential to interfere with signals so

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when we're talking about this feedback

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it can be distorted and interfered by

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chemical structural and emotional

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and a baby certainly has those not only

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is it born with all of those but it's

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experienced most of that

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during its time in utero as well so

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chiropractic is certainly safe in our

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office we use instrument adjusting we

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use very very gentle pressure and on an

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infant we might even put a finger in

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between our little tapping instrument

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we can also use an activator and we can

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just use a gentle finger pressure if we

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wanted to do that if we wanted to do a

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manual so we just adjust the pressure to

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the size of the patient but the key to

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understand is

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that it's the nervous system that we're

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working with it is through receptors we

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give the brain better feedback so that

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the brain has more control and a baby

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has chemical and structural and

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emotional influences just as much as any

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larger person

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in our office we

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welcome and we work with very small

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infants we've had several that we have

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adjusted in their first week of life and

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the sooner you start the sooner you can

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keep the nervous system from developing

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bad habits so if you're born with an

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imbalance and it doesn't get addressed

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then to a certain extent the body can

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compensate but it's always going to use

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up more energy it's going to expend

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resources to maintain that compensation

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whereas we can make it run cleaner if we

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address that and the sooner we do it the

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quicker it resolves babies

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respond amazingly fast compared to

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so i hope you enjoyed that and that you

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learned something

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i would encourage you to share this with

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as many people as you can especially new

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parents and grandparents or anyone else

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who is involved with with kids and with

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babies so that they can understand how

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to best influence that child

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if you enjoy this content please make

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sure that you subscribe and hit that

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notification so that we can keep this

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content coming your way and as always

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thanks for listening

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