Prescription Medicine Side Effects

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Drug side effects coming right up hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life

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and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything. The list of drug side effects is getting longer and longer day

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by day hundreds of thousands of people are dying and hundreds of millions are

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experiencing some sort of problem from taking drugs the reason is that

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everything that you put into your body can either interfere with the body's

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function or support the body's function life has been around for quite a while

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and we have coexisted with nature so we have gotten used to everything that

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nature makes it's natural to us the components of nature we bring into our

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bodies and they fit they become components of our tissues they become

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substrates for our processes and everything works but when we put

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something into the body that is not natural it does not come from nature

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then it might fit but it doesn't fit right and that's how drugs work because

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they're foreign to the body they might fit certain receptors but they're not a

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natural part they're not something that would normally exist in the body they're

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not part of normal tissue they're not normal parts of communication or

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metabolic pathways so because of that they interfere and that is actually by

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design it is the mechanism of a drug it is made to interfere that is how drugs

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work so for eons your body has developed something called homeostasis that means

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balance so your body reacts to its environment it adapts it copes with

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different changes and then it quickly returns to homeostasis

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so your body is not stupid it is not random it does not make mistakes

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everything that your body does is for a reason it is arguably the most

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intelligent the most complex the most sophisticated and precise device ever

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made in the world so if something goes wrong in the body if we get high plot

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blood pressure or we get indigestion that's not a mistake the body is doing

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that on purpose the body has a really really good reason to do that but when

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we put a drug into the body then we're assuming that we know better than the

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body that the body is stupid and random and doesn't know what it's doing so we

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need to come and help and we need to push the body in a direction that we

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think it should go and these are the two basic philosophical differences between

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an allopathic or medical viewpoint and a holistic or natural viewpoint the

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natural viewpoint assumes that the body is intelligent and the allopathic

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viewpoint assumes that the body makes mistakes for no good reason we also

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understand that every time it appears that something is wrong the body is

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actually just responding it's just adapting to something and the problem is

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not the thing that we're looking at the problem is the cause there's something

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that's aggravating there's something that's irritating there's something the

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body is responding to and that's the thing that we have to deal with so when

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people talk about side-effects they're usually talking about some

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unpleasant reaction a sign or a symptom or something that really doesn't feel

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good but those are just the side effects that are severe enough for you to notice

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if you understand the mechanism of a drug that it goes into a perfect system

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and interferes and pushes something out of balance then you understand that all

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drugs always have side effects the moment that you put a

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foreign unnatural synthetic substance in your body it's going to interfere and

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that's why the body has a liver that can detoxify that can clear the body of

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harmful substances and every drug goes through the liver and the liver has a

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mechanism to detoxify to neutralize that toxin and that's why you have to take

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more and more and more drugs all the time because the intelligent body clears

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them out and the more drugs that you take therefore the larger the burden on

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the liver so not only are you suppressing a symptom that is there for

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a good reason and you are interfering with what the body is trying to do

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you're also creating a toxic load on the body making it even more difficult for

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it to handle other things the main thing that I want you to understand is that

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drugs are always foreign to the body there is a time and place for them when

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they can save a life then it's obviously worth it's a trade-off you get some

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stress you get some interference but if you live then that's fine however in a

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long run when you're trying to re-establish balance when we're not

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talking about life threatening things then drugs interfere and they will

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always have side effects so if you've been offered a drug or if you know

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someone who's been offered one or who is on a drug I urge you to share this

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information with as many people as you can and do some research read up on

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these things start understanding the natural versus the allopathic model and

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educate yourself so that you can find natural solutions that support the body

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instead if you enjoyed learning the truth about health and you're new to

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this channel make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you

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don't miss anything thanks for watching

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