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Hello Health Champions. Today we're going to talk about the fasting mimicking diet.

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That is how you can still eat a little bit while still getting most of the

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benefits of fasting so we're gonna talk about what the fasting mimicking diet

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traditionally is but we're also gonna try to understand it and see how we can

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improve it. Coming right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a

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former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything. So the fasting mimicking diet

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is a thing it's a patented method and it was developed by Valter Longo he's got a

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PhD and he's been doing research for a long time he's originally from Italy but

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he's in California for the most part and he's been doing a lot of research on

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fasting and aging and nutrition and how calorie restriction and different

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metabolites and hormones affect these different variables and in that process

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he came up with a way where you can get most of the benefits of fasting while

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still eating a little bit and this is a big step forward because a lot of people

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need the benefits of fasting but a lot of people are not willing to go on a

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five-day water fast they're not capable or ready mentally to make that shift so

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what the fasting mimicking diet says is that you can get the same benefits which

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are basically you can lower blood glucose you can lower blood pressure you

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can reduce insulin you can reduce triglycerides you can reduce

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inflammation all of these measured on blood work and it is very powerful in

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losing weight and all of these are of course involved with insulin resistance

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and metabolic syndrome so if you find a way to reduce insulin resistance to

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unclog the body to stop the clogging process

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you're gonna get a lot of these benefits and the method was in large part

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originally developed for treatment of cancer for part of treatment for cancer

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so it is inducing and maintaining autophagy which has been shown to be able

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to reduce cancer prevent reverse cancer etc so here's the principle of that diet

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is that you reduce your calories dramatically for about five days and

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during that time you also reduce the carbs you reduce the protein and you

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increase the fat so you're gonna eat 800 calories and 47% of those are gonna be

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carbs only 9% are going to be protein and 44% are gonna be fat so now you're

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gonna say depending on what your background is if you never heard of low

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carb or keto you're gonna say that oh well that sounds interesting

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if you've already done a lot of keto and low carb you go oh my god what do you

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mean low carb that's sky high carb and that's true so when they say that this

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is low carb low protein high fat that's relative to the standard American diet

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because that promotes sixty or more percent of calories from carbohydrate so

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when we take them down to 47 then that's lower and when we increase the fat to 44

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that's more than the 30% that's recommended so we all have to put this

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in perspective and we have to realize that most of these this method these

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benefits are for people who have never made any changes before so in terms of

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grams what this means is you would eat about 94 grams of carbs 18 grams of

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protein and 39 grams of fat and again if you've done low carb and keto then

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you're gonna go that's not low carb that's like three four times the carbs

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that I eat so we all have to remember that and put that in perspective so the

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biggest change the main difference that the most radical departure from any diet

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is the low protein and there's a reason for that and it is that you have all

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these different nutrient sensors in the body you have the the insulin and you

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have the mTOR and the AMPK and so forth and they respond differently to

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different macronutrients and if we can get the ratios right then we can

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maintain we can induce we can maintain and we can sustain autophagy so basically

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the number one thing that turns off autophagy is protein so autophagy is the

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recycling mechanism to clean up it's a very powerful healing and detox and

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repair mechanism that we have in the body but it primarily responds to

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protein so the whole deal with this fasting mimicking diet is that you can

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maintain autophagy even if you eat 800 calories as long as your proteins are

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very low so that's the key that we have to have in mind so then the idea is that

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you do this for five days per month so in the beginning assuming that you're

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going from just any old diet whatever that have got you sick in the first

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place then for five days you eat 800 calories with this macro arrangement and

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then you do that three times so for five days you eat low carb then the rest of

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the month you eat so-called normal and you do that

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three months and then once you've gone through it for three months you probably

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have reversed a lot of these markers and then you can go back to eating your

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normal diet and then you maintain your health by doing this once every three

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months or once every six months depending on what your lifestyle is and

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what your tendencies are for insulin resistance and weight

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gain and so forth so part of this patent and part of this whole idea is that you

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can also buy a package you can order a package and you pay some money and you

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get everything that you're gonna eat for that period of time and the advantage is

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that you get the exact calories you get the exact macronutrients you get the

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exact proportions and you don't have to think about it there's no learning curve

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you just open up the box and you do what it says so it's very very convenient but

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now the question is though is it optimal is this really the absolute best way to

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do this which we're going to talk about and is it cost effective so this just

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depends on where are you on your learning curve are you willing to spend

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the money or are you willing to learn if you have a little bit of money you don't

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mind spending it and you are not willing to take the time to learn then go for

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the package because you're gonna be able to get a lot of these benefits without

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changing a whole lot of other things but on the question if it's optimal I would

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argue that it's not and that we can by being willing to learn which is why

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you're watching this channel in the first place

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by will being willing to learn we can enhance this we can do it at a much

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lower cost and we can get even better results so really what the package is

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about it's getting some or getting significant benefits with the least

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amount of change and learning right so it's not a bad thing I'm it's awesome

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because the vast majority of the population have never heard of low carb

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or nutrition or whole food and they're not there yet so this is a great entry

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place for those people but if you're willing to learn a little more than we

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can take it one step further so I want to talk about how we can make this even

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better how do we get the optimum benefit and how do we spend less money and how

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do we maintain it how do we not just go for some benefit but we go for the

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optimal long-term benefit right so if we combine Keto or low carb high fat if we

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have the body fat adapted already when we do the fasting mimicking diet then

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we're gonna be in a much much better place so here's what that would look

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like so the calories on a typical keto diet would be about 2,000 and then we

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have about 5% carbs 20% protein and 75% of calories from fat and this is kind of

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vary depending on the size of the person anywhere from 1,500 to 3,500 maybe the

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carbs are going to vary maybe from 5% or from 0% to 10% so these are just rough

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numbers but you get the idea if we convert that to grams on a traditional

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ketogenic diet we're gonna be maybe 25 grams of fat hundred grams of protein

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and 150 170 grams of fat now if we take that if we take the fasting mimicking

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diet a little step further and remember that they they came up with these

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numbers probably because it's better than the standard diet all right they

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have to do certain things to get results without rocking the boat too much right

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it's a step in the right direction and to avoid a lot of the controversy they

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probably decided that people are used to having their carbs so if we let them eat

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a little bit of carbs then they're gonna feel more like normal but what I would

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suggest this if we take this with a keto approach then we take it down to 800

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calories and we keep our 25 grams of carbs that we are accustomed to in our

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ketogenic diet so whatever you're doing just keep doing that if you're on keto

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if not then learn some of the keto stuff before and we

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got lots of videos for that and then the protein is going to be the big change

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it's gonna go from a hundred grams down to 18 grams because we're reducing both

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the number of calories and the percentage so this is the key this is

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the reason the fasting mimicking diet works is the very low amount of protein

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that is going to sustain the autophagy it's going to allow you to eat some food but

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still be in autophagy and with the autophagy you get all those anti-aging

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benefits you get the healing benefits you get the stem-cell benefits and so

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forth and then the fat is going to be a very high percentage at 78% but the

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total amount will be lower because we're eating less food so if you're already

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fat adapted which would be awesome then you're not going to have any problem

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still eating one or two meals a day if you've done some intermittent fasting

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and that's why it's so such a good idea to be in keto and low carb high fat

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before and if you've done intermittent fasting then this is going to be such a

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smooth transition if you go straight from a standard American diet into doing

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the fasting mimicking diet then you're probably going to be able to suffer

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through the five days you're gonna tell yourself I can do five days but you'll

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feel miserable while your body is transitioning and getting into fat

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burning and so forth but if you're already fat burning it's gonna be really

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smooth so let's expand a little bit on the benefits we have we talked about

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these benefits of fasting that we're going to still get most of them with the

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fasting mimicking but what's the benefit of doing the keto modified a keto

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fasting mimicking diet as opposed to regular fasting mimicking diet well

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if you get fat adapted first then you're gonna have a much easier transition and

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you're gonna get deeper levels of autophagy and insulin reduction

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insulin resistance so we want to understand that insulin resistance and

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autophagy is not a switch that you flip it's not an on-and-off thing it's a

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gradual thing you have more or less of it even people on a standard American

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diet are gonna have a some amount of autophagy just that's just how the body

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cleans up but you're gonna have many many many many times more autophagy

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which is what we're looking for if you do the fasting here we're just look into

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increase the benefits to get a higher percentage of benefit so if we think

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about this as insulin resistance on these two graphs then if you're doing

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the standard American diet if you sort of think that if you don't want to learn

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anything and you just think hey I'm gonna eat normal which is high carb

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whatever they recommend and then I'm gonna suffer for five days then you're

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gonna get a yo-yo thing you're you're gonna get some benefits but then in

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between you're basically just going to eat enough garbage again enough insulin

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stimulating food to offset the benefits you're not going to get a huge amount of

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long-term improvement so the red would be insulin resistance that while you're

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eating normal you are still sort of promoting insulin resistance and then

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you do your five day fasting mimicking and you get some insulin sensitivity you

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get some etaf Egeus and benefits but then you go right back so the fasting

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mimicking is just enough to offset the other bad stuff that you do whereas if

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you do a low carb if you're already reversing insulin resistance then the

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you're already below the line you're not promoting insulin resistance at any time

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in the month now you're gonna get a much much deeper effect you're gonna have it

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for a longer period of time you're

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get into it much quicker because you're basically already there and the total

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benefit the amount of reversing insulin resistance is going to be much larger

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and now you are not just compensating for what the bad stuff that you do

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you're actually moving toward long-term health and if we imagine a similar

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scenario for autophagy then it would be almost the same except that autophagy

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would be present to a lesser degree that if you're eating your standard high

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carb processed food regular food diet then you would just barely get in it

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would take you a few days to get into so you're doing this for five days it

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probably takes you a good two days three days even to get into a significant

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amount of autophagy and then you go right back to eating and now you're kind of

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undoing that and you're just getting ready for the next five days to to

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recover whereas if you're on a ketogenic diet and you're eating two or three

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meals you're probably not in a ton of autophagy but you're you get more autophagy

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than if you ate a high carb diet during the time that you're fasting

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you're not so far away from the auto fuji so you're more likely to have some

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degree of autophagy in the mornings for example when before you eat so now

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instead of having two three days to get into autophagy you're probably in

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autophagy within 12, 18, 24 hours because you're so close already and now you can

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spend almost the entire five days just building on that momentum and then when

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you get back out you're not instantly undoing all the

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good that you did so why would we do fasting mimicking as opposed to just

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plain fasting because fasting is still gonna get you all these benefits and it

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will be even better but here's why the fasting mimicking diet is better than a

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water fast and the number one thing obviously is that it

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easier it's more acceptable for most people and even if you're already fat

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adapted it's still easier because it's not such a mental barrier to to get into

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it you know if you're going to be able to eat a little bit then you could

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probably go five days instead of maybe two or three days on a water fast so you

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go longer and therefore you get more of the autophagy benefits with less effort

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so to speak and if it's easier then you can also do it more often

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so if you just sort of had the the mental strength to do a water fast of

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three days every couple of months now maybe you can do it once a month and not

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really feel that it's much pressure and the other issue is about weight so if

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you have a ton of weight to lose then you're gonna lose weight faster on

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the water fast but if you don't have a lot of weight to lose and if you want

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some of these autophagy benefits so for me it's hard to do a lot of long three four

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five day water fast because I sort of have to eat myself up I have to gain

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back the weight between each time but if I do a fasting mimicking diet then there

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is less weight loss because I'm putting in some calories I'm putting in maybe

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roughly half or close to half of my usual calories so the weight loss will

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be a lot less it'll be easier to maintain it longer and do it more often

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and I still get that sustained autophagy benefit and like I said the key to

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understand is it that it's the protein that you have to watch you get better

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results if you watch the carbs as well but it's the protein that's the key

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you've got to keep that down which means that this is basically a vegan diet for

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these five days you're going to be vegan because virtually every animal product

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is going to have too much protein to keep you

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then that 18 to 20 gram range so I would suggest that you get yourself your

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glucose meter and your ketone meter and you give this a try you start tracking

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you start measuring and you see how these numbers compare and you'll

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probably find that your ketone will be really good your glucose ketone ratio

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will be really good even though you're eating some calories you'll be able to

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sustain your autophagy you'll be getting most of these benefits even

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while eating a little bit if you enjoyed this video make sure you also take a

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look at that one thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next

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