Posture Exercises (2-3 mins/day)

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posture is incredibly important and many people are concerned today I'm going to

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show you some simple exercises to improve your posture hey I'm Dr. Ekberg

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with Wellness For Life and by subscribing to our videos you'll learn

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everything that you need to know to master true health posture is so

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important and we know that people have good posture they feel more confident

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they feel better about themselves they perform better we also know that perfect

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good posture improves movement and movement creates better signals and

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better signals feed the brain so you could even have a depression that is

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caused partially by poor posture and you could have relieved that depression by

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improving a posture now that's not the only factor but it is worthwhile paying

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attention to so let me show you some really really simple things that you can

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do these are called three winged friends the first is the Eagle and then the

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hummingbird and then the butterfly so the Eagle we stand straight we square up

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our shoulders we move the head back so it's balancing on top of the spine we

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move the arms straight out to the side and then we rotate the palms straight up

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this is called external rotation and I'll explain in a little bit why that's

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so important you go as far as you can and then you move straight up and if you

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can keep your arms straight and have your palms meet in the middle that's

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perfect if you can't don't worry grab your fingers clasp your hands and

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stretch straight up you can add a little bit of stretch so you kind of push one

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shoulder up toward the ceiling and then the other and then you take a deep

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breath in and exhale

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all right so just do that if you do it real slow you could do it once if you do

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it a little faster you could do it a couple of times but it's not something

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that you want to do four minutes at a time it's a very very brief exercise so

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these exercises work the best if you do a little bit often don't try to do 10-15

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minutes at a time do one minute but do it five six seven times a day the second

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one is called the hummingbird and there's two ways to do this you stretch

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straight out you move your shoulder blades back you pull back as if you're

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trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together and then you make little

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circles just like a two inch circle with your fingertips and you do a little bit

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backwards and a little bit forwards and then you relax shake it loose if you

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don't have so much space or if you want to try a variety of that then you do

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this and you pull your shoulder blades back you move your hands back so you

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have as much external rotation as possible and you make little circles and

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you make little circles perfect the last one is called a butterfly I'll show it

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first from the front and then from the side because this one's a little tricky

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so put your hands behind your head and then stand up straight open up your arms

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wide and then push your head straight back then you hold out for 10-15 seconds

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and you can kind of pump your head back into your hands a little bit so let me

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show you that one again straight from the side like this

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and what you're trying to do is you're trying to get what's called a

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translation you're not tilting back but you're moving it straight back it's like

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you're giving yourself a little bit of a double chin

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very good and you just hold that for 10-15 seconds and so the whole thing can

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actually be done in about a minute no more than two but then you do this many

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many times throughout the day so you make it a habit one reason why posture

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is so important is that we have two basic divisions of our autonomic nervous

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system one is called a stress response or fight/flight and one is called the

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relaxation response or feed breed and these work kin opposite each other so

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when we have a fight flight response we activate flexors and flexors tend to

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have a default dominance by default we they tend to fire first if nothing else

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happens their kind of fire just to make sure now

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with sitting we tend to already go into a little bit of flexion we round the

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shoulders out we tend to have anterior head carriage because when we sit down

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we lose the arch the lumbar lordosis and as soon as we lose that then the head

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follows through so these these curves depend on each other they work together

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and when we reverse one curve in the low back we automatically reverse the one in

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the neck as well and we end up with a reverse cervical curve now most of us

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work spend a lot of hours at a computer and now it gets even worse

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first we sit down we round out the back and then we're trying to see what's on

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the screen so we sit like this for eight hours a day and then we type on the

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keyboard so now we round all of these motions are involving flexion and

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pronation internal rotation pronation flexion these motions all go together

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and when we do something a lot then that becomes a habit

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if these motions are already part of a stress response and we're stressed and

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we do this a lot now that pathway that behavior that habit gets really really

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strongly ingrained so what we can do to counteract this is to do the opposite

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now when we stand up straight when we move the head back when we pull the

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shoulders back when we turn the hands out

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we are opposing all those we're doing extension and we're doing external

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rotation and supination so all the exercises that I showed you involve

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extension external rotation and supination so you're activating the

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pathway that is opposite the stress response that's why it's so powerful

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that's why you can actually feel better you can feel a change in your emotional

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state you can notice a change in your physiology

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almost immediately after doing a few stretches like that so I would suggest

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that you give these stretches a try they're excellent for improving posture

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during excellent for improving mood and they will improve your health in the

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long run as well you can do them seated at your desk you can even sort of

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disguise it a little bit if you want to don't want to be too obvious then as

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you're sitting there you have a timer go off at your computer and you just kind

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of roll your hands back a little bit and stretch and then you stick your hands

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behind your head and you do this and you stretch your arms a little bit and no

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one's gonna really think that looks too strange once you go to the bathroom if

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you go up to the water cooler if you take an elevator I do this every time

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that I pump gas for example so there's lots of opportunities for us we just

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need to make it a little bit of a habit and over time these habits make a huge

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change so an easy way that you can notice if you're making progress that

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you can gauge your progress is if you just stand like this and you just shake

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your hands loose you just see where your hands end up

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then if your palms are facing back then you still have a lot of dominance of

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internal rotation once you get a balance between external rotation and internal

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rotation meaning your brain is also getting more balanced then your palms

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are going to be ending up facing in toward your body this one you can check

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pretty easy for yourself and you can also notice that you get less rounding

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of the shoulders they start coming back something you have to ask someone else

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about is if you stand straight from the side then the front of your ear is

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supposed to line up with the center of your shoulder so that's another gauge to

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see if you have anterior head carriage most people have at least an inch

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usually two inches of anterior head carriage and this is not going to change

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quickly but if you do these exercises regularly over a year or two you can

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bring your posture back so you have a perfectly perfectly lined up posture let

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me know how this works for you give it a try be consistent for a few weeks or a

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few months and then let me know about your experiences ask me if you have any

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questions and I'll be more than happy to clarify or answer any questions or maybe

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do another video if there's some details that you have that you need more

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information about thanks for watching hit that thumbs up and the subscribe

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button if you liked the video and if you like more contents like this that's how

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we know that you enjoyed it thanks so much

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