Only A Glass Of This Juice... Reverse Clogged Arteries & Lower High Blood Pressure - Doctor Reacts

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Hello Health Champions.

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How can you navigate the jungle of misinformation out there on popular media. I've seen a lot of

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videos lately with titles such as "1 cup will reverse clogged arteries" or will melt belly

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fat or will clear your lungs or whatever it is that you want to have cleared just one cup

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will take care of it and the answer is we navigate it by understanding how health really

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works. So I want to take the opportunity and react a little bit to some of these videos

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but also I want to talk about to really clarify a few points about what health is and why these

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claims are so outrageous and why they defy natural law. If you thought it was difficult

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to lose weight and belly fat well here's your solution "Just one cup before bed sleep

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deeply and burn belly fat" 9.4 million views so let's change a couple of words "1 cup at

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bedtime burn belly fat while sleeping" 8.6 million views. And we'll change a word again

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" 1 cup before bed sleep fast and deeply..." and so on 1.6 million views.

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But doesn't it seem like a whole lot of work to have to drink a whole cup of something.

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Let's see if we can make it easier how about we take Two tablespoons a day of something to melt the belly fat away

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5.6 million views. Only one tablespoon... Why should you have to take two when only one will

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do it and lose belly fat and thigh fat so it's not just a potion going after the belly fat

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this one does two things at once with only a tablespoon a day 3.2 million views. And if

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it works for all those things why wouldn't it work for heart disease the number one killer

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of mankind nobody knew it was this simple right one cup a day clear clogged arteries and

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heart. "Only a glass of this juice will remove clogged arteries". That's fantastic, not only

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will it remove the plaque it will remove the entire artery. This must be quite

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some potion and "Unclog arteries ...1 glass in the morning". "One glass of juice in the morning

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reverse clogged arteries". "1 Tablespoon a day reverse clogged arteries" So I found dozens I counted

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up some 35 different videos with outrageous claims and very very high view counts and of

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course we want to ride the trend of the coronavirus because people are concerned about their lungs

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so you guessed it just "1 cup your lungs and respiratory tract will love you". " 1 cup a day

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will keep your lung problems away". So some of you are laughing and you're saying that's so ridiculous I would never

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click on that but it shows us a bigger problem and why is this so disturbing because over

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all there were over 250 million views on just these 30 videos that I found and that means

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there's two hundred fifty million people that are cheated out of an understanding and an

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opportunity to actually get healthy. They are looking for a quick fix and they're promised a

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quick fix and a single solution. They're basically saying that don't worry about anything you've

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done in the last 30 years just have a cup of this or a tablespoon of this and all your problems

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will go away. Well this guy over here he lived about fifty thousand years ago and I think he was

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a lot smarter than that because he would look at these claims and he would say no it doesn't

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work like that if we eat a plant or an animal and we get sick then the solution is not to eat

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another plant to try to compensate for it it's to stop eating the thing that got us sick.

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This guy could figure that out and we have evolved to a point where we don't get that

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anymore. We look for these quick fixes and single solutions so it's not mostly about

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adding things it's mostly about taking away. Another example would be fish in a lake if

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a lake is getting really polluted all the industries are just spewing their garbage into

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that lake and the fish are getting very sick and a lot of them are dying how many people

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think it's a good idea to just add one more chemical in that lake and hope that it would

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solve the problem. It's not about adding one more thing it's about cleaning up the lake

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we even get this with dogs if the dog gets sick, what's the first question? We say - "what did the dog eat?" Let's

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not feed the dog that anymore. If the dog gets fat we say it's because it's being kept sedentary

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it's not moving like dogs are supposed to and it's eating man-made food. We get it. So

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why can't we get it with humans? Why don't we understand that it's more about taking

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away? Why do we think that we can add something to undo all of the things we've done in the

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last 20, 30 years. And unfortunately one of the biggest reasons is called the allopathic paradigm. Allopathic

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means mainstream medicine and it's the idea that we give something for something. And in the

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healthcare field they give a medication for a symptom, but then in the alternative healthcare

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field in the natural health care field, they follow the same idea. They just replace the medication

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with an herb or an elixir or a synthetic vitamin or something but the idea is the same that

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they trying to solve a problem by adding something and there's nothing you can add to undo the

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things you've done you have to undo those things. So the problem here is that we're stuck

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in a pill mentality whether it's an herb or an elixir or a medication it's still the same

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pill mentality that we have to get past. It's not about adding something it's about restoring

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function and adopting the whole lifestyle. But if you thought those previous examples were

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outrageous now let's go beyond ridiculous. Let's add a time frame to when this is supposed

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to be done. "Only two cups a day for one week for a flat stomach", 26 million views. And "One glass

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a day for 1 week for a flat stomach" and "How I lost belly fat in 7 days no diet no work out"

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So here you don't have to do anything keep smoking and drinking and eat your pizza

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don't have to do anything you can get this done in seven days. "How to lose arm fat in seven days"

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it doesn't just work for belly fat or weight, you can even lose that arm fat 12 million views.

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But wait. Why should it have to take a whole week? Who's got that kind of time? I mean

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Let's go a little further beyond ridiculous "How to remove belly fat in a single night

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drinking this magical water" now we're talkin 1.5 million views. "Bedtime drink to remove

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belly fat in a single night" 9.2 million views. "Just boil 2 ingredients and drink this before bedtime and loss

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weight overnight" 15 million views. So you don't even have to really speak English even though

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you have an English title and video to get 15 million views. So what are we thinking here?

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These videos alone got over 25 million views so is this a person who says "oops I forgot

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to change my lifestyle this past winter and I got to go to the beach tomorrow let me look

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up some videos about magical water so I can get that bikini and feel good"

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And then to round it off let's bring up the Hall of Fame of absurd claims these are the one-of-a-kinds.

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"Only a teaspoon before meal remove belly fat in one night" I mean I'd buy that all day long, right?

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"I lost weight in one day without diet and exercise" You don't have to do anything and " How

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to lose weight in 2 hours" now that's got to be the kicker.

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Like - "Oh my God is that the time? My wedding is in 2 hours and I can't get into this wedding

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dress" all right. Let me find a video to solve the problem. What are we thinking? Well I have

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to admit these last two, they are actually possible and here is how you lose weight in one day

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or in 2 hours and that is if you're really really full of you-know-what and you go have

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a massive bowel movements then you could probably shed some weight I don't think we'll get into

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that wedding dress however. And a lot of you are probably laughing at this point and saying

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that I can't believe people click on that kind of stuff. But maybe you clicked

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and maybe you learned something after that and you won't click again

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but the fact is that people do click over 250 million views on these 30 videos alone

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and it reflects a bigger underlying problem that people don't understand health. As a culture

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we have no idea what health is. We live under the delusion that there is a quick fix and

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every tabloid magazine every newspaper article that you see it's about lose this much in

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this amount of time and it's absurd. And here's the bigger problem that if they never start understanding

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about health. If they never get some videos or some information or read some books to actually

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start understanding it, now they never will. And they will just be part of the statistics

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like in the US we spend over 4 trillion dollars on sick care and people are getting sicker and

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sicker and sicker. And this just feeds in to more of that same problem. So let's talk

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about how to actually restore health and this will help put in perspective why all of those

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previous examples are so absurd and also just completely contrary to natural law.

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You want to think of your body as cells. You have something like 40 trillion cells and there is a turnover

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of cells they wear out. The average cell, something like a red blood cell lives for about a hundred

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days and then it wears out it dies it gets recycled you make new ones. Some cells like

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your gut lining replaces every 3 to 4 to 5 days and some cells like your brain and

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nervous system lives for years or even forever. But on average you want to think about your cells

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changing every hundred days. In about a year you replace 90% of the cells in your body

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The cells and the tissue and the molecules that you consist of they are getting replaced

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you are not the same person you were last year because the molecules are different

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The way to get healthy is to replace the old cell with a better cell and how do you do that?

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Well you reduce the things that interfere. That cell is programmed to make the best possible

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copy of itself. And the things that interfere are things like toxins, inflammation and stress.

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Toxins are chemicals and pesticides and herbicides and artificial colors and artificial

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sweeteners and food additives and heavy metals and chemical hormones and the list goes on

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and on and on. Inflammation is ... Some inflammation is necessary healing, acute inflammation, but

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chronic long-term inflammation keeps healing from resolving, okay It's unresolved healing when

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we have long-term inflammation and this is caused by sugar and insulin and seed oils and

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things like that. And stress finally is just one of those things that a lot of people just

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brush off. It's like - Oh well that's life. Well you can teach your body to respond differently to

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stress because what stress does is it puts you in a fight - flight response it's when you're

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stressed you're telling your body I don't have time to heal right now. I'll worry about that

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tomorrow or some other time. Right now I've got this fire to put out. I've got this urgent

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things to put out and it doesn't matter if it's a bear or a lion or a truck trying to

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run you over or even imaginary things like too many deadlines or bills or things just

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kind of exist in your head. Your body reacts the same thing and when you're stressed you're

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telling me about it I don't have time to heal. I don't have time to make better cells right

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now. And if you think back to all those examples there is nothing that a cup or a glass or

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a tablespoon is going to do to help you with toxins, inflammation and stress. These

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are the root causes you need to address the root causes not drink a glass of something.

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So first you want to reduce the interference and the second thing is to increase the resources

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for the body to make new cells and those resources are building blocks. So you need essential amino

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acids to build muscles and proteins and bones and connective tissue. You need essential fatty

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acids to build cell membranes and brain tissue and insulation. You need fuel that will give you stable energy

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and sugar and processed food is not going to give you stable energy. Whole food with

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protein and fat will give you stable energy It will be like putting a log on the fire that

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burns cleanly for a long long time. Energy is a requirement for the body to function

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and unstable blood sugar is a form of stress. And finally you need catalysts. And these are

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things like vitamins and minerals and enzymes and your body needs these catalysts to turn

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the food stuff in to building blocks into tissue and into energy. Now the good news is that it's

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not that hard to find these things. The building blocks the stable energy and the catalysts it's

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called real food. You stay away from sugar and processed food. You eat whole meat whole vegetables

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good quality fats and nuts and meats and so forth and you're covered. The food has that stuff

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in it we just have to stay away from things that man has processed or altered or destroyed.

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And then we need time to rewire the body. Just like you have habits your body has habits. You have metabolic

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habits. You have signal pathway habits and it's going to take time for your body to start

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changing those to rewire to break down old pathways and rebuild new pathways until those

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new habits feel natural and feel like the default thing both to you and your body.

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And again there is no pill. There is no potion. There is no elixir. There is no snake oil that will take care of this.

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I'm not saying that there is no value to any of those there may very well be some herb that does something beneficial

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but it's the wrong way of looking at things because it's not addressing the root cause.

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It's such a tiny tiny piece of the big picture that we have to start understanding what the

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big picture is and if you really want to restore health you have to understand that time frame

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That when they're talkin about hours or days or maybe a week that is so absurd because

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your body doesn't change that fast. You can't really change anything fundamentally in that period of time.

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It defies natural law. And in a matter of days or weeks you can start to notice changes. Most

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people once they start cutting out some processed foods and they eat less chemicals and they

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stabilize their blood sugar notice changes most people in a few days and if not that

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then in a few weeks but that's just the beginning that's just getting started because you have

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to start programming and replacing tissue and pathways and wiring to really make a long-term

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difference and now we're talking months to years if you keep learning you keep changing

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your lifestyle maintaining your new lifestyle now what's happening is you fine-tune and

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you're stabilize your newfound health and you make it the best it can be for your genetic potential.

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