One Meal A Day Weight Loss (Plus 6 Top Reasons You're Gaining Weight)

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OMAD for weight loss eating just one meal a day can that help you lose weight

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faster well a lot of people have found that to be the case and for others who

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have really stubborn weight they have found that they couldn't lose weight at

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all until they started eating fewer meals or even just one meal a day so how

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does that work and is it a good idea today we're going to talk about the

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principles behind it so that you understand and you can make the best

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decision for yourself and for your health

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coming right up obesity and being overweight is of disastrous proportion

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it's an epidemic that today of eighty seven point five percent of the u.s.

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population is classified as being obese or overweight and a lot of that has to

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do with insulin resistance which we will cover in a little detail here there are

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other videos on insulin resistance if you want to get the bigger picture on

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that as well so eighty seven point five percent of the population being

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overweight what has gone wrong are we just a generation of gluttons are we

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just not able to control ourselves is that the problem well if you listen to

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the mainstream to the old way of thinking then it seems like it's just

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you got to exercise more and eat less eat less and exercise more but a lot of

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people are finding that that it's not that easy and even if other people look

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at them and think that they're lazy or gluttonous they know inside that it is

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not that easy so what's happened is the body just stupid is the body random

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nothing could be further from the truth we have to know that everything the body

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does is intelligent it is for a good reason and we are programmed that way

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so what is the purpose of weight why why does the body put on weight well weight

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especially form of fat is energy reserves the more

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energy reserves we have the better our chances for survival if we get into a

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period where there isn't so much food available so weight equals reserves

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equals increased chance of survival what makes that happen is something called

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insulin so the weight the mechanism for putting on the weight is through a

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hormone called insulin insulin as the primary anabolic the primary storage

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hormone anabolic means to build up and what are we building up we're building

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up the stores so insulin is a survival mechanism the people who could make more

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insulin and had a slight tendency to become insulin resistance were better at

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storing fat they were more likely to survive a famine but a mechanism that

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increased survival that saved lives in in one era that mechanism has become

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a detriment it has become a burden and it is now killing more people than

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it's saved but it's not the body's fault it is not our genetics it's not the

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insulin that's at fault we have to understand how much the world has

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changed what is it that we have done in order to create this imbalance so

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insulin first of all like we said it's a storage hormone and what does it do well

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anytime that you eat anything your body's purpose is to break down

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that food absorb it into the bloodstream and then insulin guides it from the

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bloodstream and into the cell the the insulin sir like a shuttle or a key that

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allows the food to eventually get into the cells without insulin that can't

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happen that's why type 1 diabetics who lose the

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ability to make insulin they starve to death no matter how much they eat so

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insulin is a good thing but insulin resistance and a lot of insulin resistance

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starts becoming a problem and here's why insulin resistance has developed to the

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degree that it has the first reason is fructose and fructose is one type of

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sugar it is 50% of table sugar white sugar is 50% fructose and 50% glucose

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and for the longest time fructose was hailed as this super healthy sugar

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because it didn't have any impact on blood sugar you could eat fructose and

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it couldn't be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and be utilized by the

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body cells because only the liver could use and turn and convert fructose

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glucose on the other hand can be directly absorbed into any of the cells

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in the body so if you weigh 180 pounds then you have a hundred eighty pounds

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worth of cells that can use glucose but you only have three pounds worth of

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liver that can use fructose so in nature fructose was available in very very

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sparse quantities very very limited quantities so there was like a half a

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percent or 1 percent in in vegetables there were 2 or 3% maybe in fruit and

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those foods were not available year-round and they were not in that

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much abundance so we might have gotten 5 or 10 I mean a few grams of fructose or

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sugar during a day in back in our ancestors days but today we're getting

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those things by the hundreds so we have increased our consumption twenty fold 30

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fold and the liver is the first organ to develop insulin resistance because it is

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the only organ that can metabolize all of that fructose so fructose is the

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number one reason that we have developed insulin resistance and it goes

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hand-in-hand the the exponential growth of obesity and diabetes came started

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around 4050 years ago in the 70s and 80s when

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they started introducing high fructose corn syrup as an alternative to sugar so

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people eat way too much sugar anyway but high fructose corn syrup was sort of a

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way to make it even a little bit worse and even easier because it was so easy

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to mix into drinks and it was cheap and the soda manufacturers latched onto this

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and people started drinking sodas like crazy

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why because fat was demonized so people stopped eating fat and the substitute

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was of course sugar the second thing that has changed is that we have an

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abundance of foods with high glycemic index

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so of course we talked about sugar and glucose which has a very high glycemic

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index but we also started getting a lot of foods with very high glycemic index

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that we had never had before we have had some grains which has a medium to high

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glycemic index but once we started making white flour and once we started

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having white rice and once we started processing the food once we started

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breaking it down into smaller pieces now it could be absorbed much faster instead

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of eating the fruit we drank the juice from it we drank the orange juice and

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the apple juice instead of eating the fruits the way they were now most of the

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foods we ate had a much much higher glycemic index meaning our blood sugar

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increased much much faster and then to high glucose we needed more insulin so

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insulin large quantities of insulin is part of insulin resistance a third thing

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that happened that we'd never had before was abundance that whereas humans were

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used to periods of feast and famine there were always some sort of of

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interval some sort of alternation there all of a sudden we lived in a world

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where there was always a feast and never a

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famine so that's another very strong factor that contribute to insulin

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resistance then we learn to eat frequent meals

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whereas our ancestors probably ate once or twice a day maybe they picked some

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berries or some nuts along the way we have learned to eat three square meals

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with lots and lots of snacks in between so every time that you eat something you

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are going to raise blood sugar a little bit if you eat pure fat you raise it

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almost zero almost not at all if you protein you raise it moderately

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but if you eat carbohydrates and processed foods now you raise it a lot

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several times more than protein and in the neighborhood of a hundred times more

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than if you eat pure fat and if you think about it even though people say

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that they eat three meals and three snacks that would be like six times a

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day how often do you see people with a cup from Starbucks with a chai latte and

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they sip on that through the day so they'll get it and then they sip a

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little bit and they set it down and they go do something for twenty minutes and

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then they come back and they sip a little bit more and then there's a

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cookie that they have so they've done some studies where they found that

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people actually eat something over 20 times per day so if the thing that you

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eat has sugar or processed grain or starches now you're getting 20 blood

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sugar spikes you're telling your body to store something to store the excess 20

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times per day so frequency is a huge component of insulin resistance one more

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thing that happened is we became sedentary we became busy working lives

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indoors nobody needed to farm anything because we had machines to do it we

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didn't have to walk anywhere because we had bicycles and cars and we didn't have

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to move so sedentary living is a huge part of it

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not just because movement burns energy but because the active muscle is more

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insulin sensitive it is more prone to accept glucose it's sort of like sucks

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the glucose out of the bloodstream it doesn't need much or any insulin to get

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the sugar into the cell so the were working the muscle working the cell is a

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great way to reduce insulin resistance and another factor is stress we are more

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stressed than ever anybody you ask they're gonna say that they're more or

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less stressed and what does that do stress is a fight flight situation it's

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a fight flight state where your body perceives that there's some sort of

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danger there's some sort of emergency to deal with and when we have an emergency

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the body requires more energy to deal with that emergency whether it's real or

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imagined so in order to get the energy the body wants to raise blood sugar and

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there's a stress hormone called cortisol that is there to raise the blood sugar

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and when blood sugar goes up guess what insulin goes up with it so cortisol can

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directly create insulin resistance so we have six different factors that create

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more insulin and more insulin resistance that we never had until about a hundred

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hundred and fifty years ago this all started back then so now maybe you're

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wondering well everyone else is talking about calories you're talking insulin

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resistance here but what about calories or if you think about it every other

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species on the planet wakes up every morning and goes on a hunt for calories

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their entire day consists of trying to get as many calories into themselves as

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possible they're trying to get enough calories to survive

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and the only reason humans have turned calories into something evil instead of

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something life-sustaining is that the world has changed so much we have all

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these six different reasons that have changed our bodies from balanced to

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unbalanced they have changed us to fat storing beings and now calories become

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the enemy but it's not about the calories because if you eat too many

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calories the question is why do you eat too many calories what is it that gives

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you the craving what is it that makes the body want to eat additional food

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instead of burning the food that's the reserves that sit on the body and the

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answer is insulin so now that eighty seven point five percent of the

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population has insulin resistance to some degree now the blood glucose goes

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up because when you eat food your blood sugar goes up but the insulin is there

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to take the glucose out of the blood but if your insulin resistant then the cell

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is full the cell can't accept anymore because you're already stuffed it full

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the cell is resisting the action of insulin so now the blood glucose goes

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higher and higher and higher because the glucose has no place to go since the

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cell doesn't want it so now the body makes more and more insulin and you get

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more and more insulin resistance which of course means that your tendency to

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store is greater and greater and greater and greater with every day the momentum

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or the tendency to store is so great because you have so much insulin that

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you stop burning fat that there's a one-way direction it's like a revolving

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door that only goes one way and in the presence of insulin the tendency to

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store is so great that you have all of that energy reserves

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available but you can't get to it and because you can't get to it your body is

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now perceiving that it needs more food so now you get cravings and what do you

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get cravings for well more sugar and more carbohydrates and then you eat them

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and you store them and so forth because you get a one-way revolving door and

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what happens then is you develop a carbohydrate metabolism your body

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forgets how to burn fat it knows how to burn carbohydrates it knows to eat 20

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times a day or six times a day and every time you eat then it burns some and

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stores some but there's always that tendency to stash some away for the

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future and therefore you're not using all the energy you're eating so you get

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hungrier and that's the key to understand that insulin resistance makes

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you hungry insulin resistance gives you cravings and what you crave is more

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carbs and more sugar it is not about poor character it is not about gluttony

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it's not about willpower it's not about exercise even though that is a good idea

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for other reasons it is about teaching the body to burn off some of the

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reserves that it has and the only way to do that is to reduce insulin so if you

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follow the advice of the mainstream authorities and they tell you to eat

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less and exercise more now what happens is you eat fewer calories you cut back

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and you lose a few pounds but you feel deprived because you're always eating a

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little bit less than your body wants how long can you sustain that the rest of

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your life not likely besides this works for about six months

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give or take depending on the person then what happens is you gain the weight

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back even though you stay on the lower calories because the body lowers its

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basal metabolic rate even though you have abundance in terms of storage on

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the body the perception is that you don't have enough so when you cut back

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your calories further then the body slows down so that you won't starve to

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death the body is misinformed because the insulin resistance bypasses your

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normal hunger mechanisms you can't tell what's a normal hunger what's what's a

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real hunger your body just wants more because you've you've taught it with all

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of these changes that that's the way the world works so how much do some people

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have stored well every pound of fat is about 3500 calories worse so for every

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pound of fat you could live two days with absolutely no food and if we take

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an average relatively obese person and they're like 300 pounds they would have

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about 50% body fat typically so they would have 150 pounds of body fat which

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means they could probably live close to a year without eating anything in terms

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of just energy of course there are other variables so I don't recommend you just

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stop eating for a year but you would have the energy for it and a hundred and

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fifty pounds of fat is about half a million calories so 500,000 calories you

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have a veritable fortune of security and reserves and survival potential on your

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body but you can't get to it because the perception of your body is still that

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you're starving the perception is still that there's not enough because

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everything is being stashed away it's like the body the insulin puts it away

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and the body forgets about it so if it's not about calories then what is it it's

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about reversing insulin resistance it's about

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reducing the amount of insulin and how do you do that well OMAD one meal a

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day is a great way to do that why does that

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work because it will reduce insulin it will increase the burning when you teach

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your body I don't necessarily recommend that you go straight to one meal a day

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even though you could and a lot of people do well with that if you go with

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one meal a day that leaves you a lot of time to teach the body to start

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accessing those fat reserves when the body has no choice then eventually it'll

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start using some of them and because you start burning some of those energy

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reserves you don't get so hungry it's not a big deal to go longer between

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meals so let's just look at the insulin here in terms of frequency of meals

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because that's essentially what ohm at is ohm at is just one meal a day instead

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of six or more meals so if you wake up in the morning and you eat something and

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the insulin goes up and then the insulin starts dropping and then a couple hours

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later you eat again and it starts dropping and you eat again and it starts

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dropping then throughout the day you're gonna kind of set up an average baseline

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of insulin that doesn't fluctuate much it's going to be very very high and it

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never has a chance to go down because a couple hours later you're gonna eat

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again so it's only during the night that there is any time at all so maybe if

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people sleep for eight hours maybe they get eight or nine or ten hours of

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fasting where they're not eating something and now the body can start to

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reduce the insulin and reverse all these mechanisms we talked about whereas if

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you eat one meal a day now there's only one time per day that your blood sugar

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is going to rise and that you require some insulin so what

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means is the baseline is going to be set much much lower it's going to allow your

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body to function with a much lower load of insulin it gives the body a chance to

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reverse the process that we've described so isn't it really difficult I mean most

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people who eat six times a day they can't even imagine going for hours

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without food much less 24 how does that possible well it seems like a hard thing

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and if you are completely carbohydrate dependent if you're in a carbohydrate

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metabolism then you're gonna have a little bit of a rough transition so I

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would recommend that you change it gradually that you start increasing your

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fats and protein a little bit reducing the carbs and start skipping snacks then

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as you notice that you can go longer then you start skipping a meal you start

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compressing the time that you eat and then you skip a meal and now wind only

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two meals maybe you'll eat eight hours apart and then you take those and you

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eat six hours apart and then four hours apart

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so if you eat two meals four hours apart you're essentially fasting for 20 hours

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and then if you want to go the full step to all Matt then you just eat one meal a

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day and you fast the rest different people notice great results just going

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to intermittent fasting and eating two or three meals a day but doing it in a

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shorter time span whereas others have to sort of go to longer periods of fasting

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because their bodies are more insulin resistant their bodies are more stubborn

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it takes longer for them to start learning how to burn that fat again so

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if you're gonna give ohm at a try go ahead well I would also recommend though

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is that you do a couple of more things to address as many of these steps as

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possible that you go low carb or keto not everyone needs to go keto but I

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would strongly recommend low carb because if you go high carb

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still eat sugar and grain then this blood sugar spike is going to be much

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higher and it's going to take longer for you to lower insulin and also you're

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going to have a greater tendency to get hungry by lowering the carbs and

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increasing the fat and protein your period of satiety of feeling full it's

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going to increase and it's going to be much much easier to do this then I would

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suggest that you add exercise because exercise is going to help your muscles

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suck some of that sugar out of the blood without so much insulin so that is a

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great way to become more insulin sensitive sure it will burn a few

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calories that's not a bad thing but the biggest part of it is that your as far

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as insulin is that they're the cells become more insulin sensitive when you

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exercise and lastly I would want to add some meditation some relaxation practice

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maybe just going for a walk and listening to birds whatever it takes to

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relax because that high stress state is going to have you at a higher level of

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cortisol that's gonna drive more blood sugar and insulin give it a try and let

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me know how it works leave your questions and comments down

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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any of this great information it's really easy to share just click down

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below and you can share a link with people that you care about so that they

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can learn how to reverse insulin resistance and get healthy along with

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you thanks for watching

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