OMAD vs 2MAD - Which Is Better (One Meal A Day or Two)

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Hello Health Champions. Today we're going to talk about OMAD (one meal a day) versus 2MAD (two meals a day) eating

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one meal a day or two meals a day is one better or does it just depend on the

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person and the circumstances so today we're going to cover all the different factors

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that you need to understand so that you can decide when and if one is better for you.

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Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss anything

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OMAD and 2MAD are both forms of intermittent fasting

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and just real quick if you eat two meals a day and let's say

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that you eat lunch at noon and you eat dinner at 8:00 then you have an eight

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hour feeding window there's eight hours during the day that you're eating and

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there's sixteen hours a day that you're not eating

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if you squeeze that together a little bit so you're eating lunch at noon and

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dinner at 6:00 now you have an 18-6 intermittent fasting pattern if you

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squeeze it a little bit further so you have lunch at 2:00 and dinner at 6:00

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now you have a 20 hour fasting window and a 20:4 intermittent fasting pattern

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and now if you squeeze that just a little bit further then you have one

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meal a day where you're eating only one meal you're eating all the food of that

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day in about an hour window or so so they're really kind of similar but

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they're different degrees of intermittent fasting so you're

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stretching your fasting window from 16 to almost 24 hours now why would someone

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want to do this and what are the advantages and issues well most people

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who get into intermittent fasting or ketogenic diet and so forth then it's

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because they want to lose weight okay it's the by far the greatest and biggest

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reason for most people and even though I totally understand that I'm not a big

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fan of putting that as the priority because we have to understand that the

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weight is not the root cause there is a reason for the weight gain there's a

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reason the weight won't come off and we have to find and solve that reason and

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that's the priority and when we do that then the weight comes off easy or at

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least consistently and we're addressing the root cause so we're getting some

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health benefit we're fixing the body at the root and we're getting healthier the

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biggest reason for weight gain is insulin resistance and the far-gone

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state of insulin resistance is called type-2 diabetes so that's the second

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biggest reason that people want to do intermittent fasting or low carb is to

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reduce insulin resistance if they are maybe pre-diabetic

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they have what's called insulin resistance or if they're full-blown type

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2 diabetics but we want to realize that the weight loss the vast majority of

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people who have excess weight the reason is that they are insulin resistant and

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that is the thing that you're actually trying to resolve for some people it

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might be that they want to do OMAD or 2MAD to maintain the gains that

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they've made they they were overweight and they've lost the weight and now they

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want to maintain it or it might be someone who was never overweight but

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wants to maintain their health and not become insulin resistant or diabetic and

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that's the best place to be to fix things before they become a problem

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there's the popular saying don't fix it if it ain't broke and I totally disagree

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with that because what that says in a health sense is that wait for a disease

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before you do something and that's not prevention okay we want to prevent

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things we want to maintain the highest possible level of health now for some

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people they don't really a weight issue or a insulin resistance

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issue but they're still interested in intermittent fasting because they're

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interested in longevity and improved immunity and both of those are results

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of something called autophagy. Autophagy is when the body up regulates its

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recycling when resources become more scarce in the body such as when you're

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not eating the body gets better at using them efficiently so it starts recycling

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and reusing and it gets more efficient at using and repairing what's there so

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as a result your immune system starts working better because some of those

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foreign things some of those proteins that it's recycling are pathogens like

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virus and bacteria and yeast and parasites and it's well documented that

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fasting and calorie restriction increases longevity so we'll talk more

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about that and some people do it just to save time

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they have solved their health issues they they maintain what they're doing

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they're getting some Autophagy they know that but one of the greatest benefits is

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that they wake up in the morning and it's liberating that the first thing

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they do is not to have to go and eat they can start their day just shower get

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dressed and get right to it and then they'll eat later in the day sometime

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but it's not urgent okay they could eat at noon they could eat at 2:00 o'clock

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they could eat at 6:00 o'clock it's not a big deal and that's a great thing to

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get to that point and then there's the issue of calorie restriction so it is a

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physical fact it's a law of physics that you have to burn more calories than you

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put in but in terms of physiology it's not

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quite that simple because hormones determine how hungry we are which

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determines how much we eat and so forth and when we talk about calorie

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restriction typically people talk about eating many small

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meals but smaller meals with fewer calories in each meal and they try to

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have frequent snacks but they want to keep them under a hundred calories and

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that's a really bad idea because what people find and is that it is much much

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harder to eat a little bit frequently than to eat a lot on a few occasions

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because once you eat a little bit all the time you trigger the body's desire

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for food and that's why the typical idea of calorie restriction is so hard to

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maintain whereas calorie restriction that results

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naturally from eating fewer meals is very very easy if you just skip a meal

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the body says oh I'm hungry and then you have a cup of tea and the body says okay

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well I'm good for now this may be hard to believe if you haven't tried it but

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talked to some people who have tried it or give it a try yourself and you will

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find that once you get into it you get a little bit fat adapted then it is very

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very easy that you don't get hungry personally it is when I'm recording this

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it's about two o'clock in the afternoon and all I've had today is a cup of

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coffee and a cup of tea and I could eat but I'm not particularly hungry and I

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don't have any weight to lose I don't have insulin resistance but I like the

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time savings and I like the fact that I'm getting some autophagy so when

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people get into OMAD or 2MAD okay it works great for most people at least

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for a time but then there may be some issues down the road and some of these

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issues might be a plateau a lot of people might find great benefits they

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lose some weight but then they hit a plateau and nothing happens other people

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might do this and they noticed hey you know I feel a little better I'm not as

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hungry but I haven't lost a single pound or some people lost their weight they

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reach their goal they want to maintain the autophagy and the

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fasting they want to maintain the time savings but they lose too much weight

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they get thinner than they want to be than they feel good with or some people

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might get digestive upsets when they try to eat all that food in one sitting if

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they don't have a strong digestive system then it can be difficult to

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digest that much food in one sitting because if you eat thousand calories per

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meal in two meals then the body has to make a certain amount of hydrochloric

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acid and a certain amount of digestive enzymes to process that food if you eat

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2,000 calories in one sitting the body has to make twice as much all at once so

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you have to have a stronger digestion to get away with eating one meal a day

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and some of that of course is just getting the body habituated getting the

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body used to it so if you do this on a gradual pattern then you can probably

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work up to it another issue that is not so common if you do it right is that you

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get too hungry for the most part that's because you try to do things too quick

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if you ease into it then there typically will not be a problem if you go slow

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enough to get your body fat adapted to teach your body how to use fat as the

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primary fuel instead of carbohydrates where you have to top it off all the

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time you typically won't get hungry but for some people it's still an issue or

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for some people they're losing weight or they're reversing insulin their blood

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sugar going down their insulin is going down but for some reason they feel it's

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not happening fast enough that they feel that there's a time line and they wanted

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to go faster so know that we understand some of the variables and some of the

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issues that were working with let's try to understand the physiology a little

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bit closer like what's the main difference between one meal a day or two

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meals a day from an internal perspective what's actually happening

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in the body so if you eat one meal a day and this is the 24 hours of the day then

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this would be midnight and this is noon and this is midnight again and we're

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just going to assume if you eat OMAD you could eat your meal at any time

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during the day but we're just gonna assume that you work you come home and

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you have your one meal at six o'clock at six o'clock you go from a fasting state

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you go from a place where your body has made a lot of ketones it's in a good

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state of autophagy at least if your fat adapted and then as you eat you

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start packing in a lot of food all at once you're gonna go from that fasted

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state from a state that promote insulin sensitivity to an insulin resistant

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state all at once okay you eat a bunch of food your body increases the insulin

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production in response to all that food because your body has two process it and

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the insulin has to take the nutrients out of the blood and into the cell so

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even if you're not technically long term insulin resistance you are promoting

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insulin resistance in that state you're in the fed state you're in the storing

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state all right and there's nothing wrong with that we obviously have to eat

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sometime so that lasts for a few hours while the body is processing that food

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and then the insulin drops and after a few hours you return into a state where

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you're becoming more insulin sensitive you're you're moving the momentum goes

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from insulin resistance to insulin sensitivity and here's the key with OMAD

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with one meal a day that once you get into that insulin sensitive place and

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you don't put any more food in the longer you go without putting any new

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food in the more you're promoting insulin sensitivity the more ketones you

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make the more autophagy you get and so this is the continuation of that

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graph by midnight were a little bit into in into insulin sensitivity again and

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then as long as we don't eat again we wake up in the morning we go to work but

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because we don't eat we're keep we keep increasing the autophagy and the insulin

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sensitivity if we eat two meals a day let's say that we're doing an 18-6

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pattern so we're eating at noon and we're eating at 6:00 then the thing

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would be exactly the same except for the jump at noon so we have two times where

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we get into insulin resistance there's twice a day where we're breaking the

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momentum of moving toward insulin sensitivity instead of just one and what

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that does other than giving us two times where we become a little insulin

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resistant is it shortens the time that we are without food and therefore we

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don't get the same depth we don't get the same momentum toward insulin

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sensitivity we don't give the body the same opportunity to burn off stored

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resources because we eat sooner and therefore we don't get the depth of

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insulin sensitivity that we would with a longer fast so insulin sensitivity is is

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a big thing that the longer you go the more insulin sensitive you become the

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other thing is autophagy that if you're looking for autophagy there is no

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exact consensus of when that kicks in we do know that if you on a low-carb

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high-fat diet if you're already making ketones when you start the fast here

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just before midnight then you'll probably have a significant amount of

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autophagy in about 14 to 16 hours it's definitely by 18 hours you'll have some

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good autophagy but it's a matter of degrees all right the longer you go the

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more you get it's not like you never have any but those extra

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six hours will dramatically increase the amount of autophagy that you enjoy so

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with that in mind let's just look at who might benefit from what and when

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so OMAD would be the best way to go if you want faster results right if you're

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trying to lose weight faster if you want to reverse type 2 diabetes faster then

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go OMAD if you want more autophagy if your main concern is longevity immune

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benefits then you would want to go OMAD because it would OMAD is

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dramatically better for autophagy than 2MAD would be. OMAD however is

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harder to sustain some people do get hungry some people lose too much weight

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some people have digestive upsets some people find it difficult to eat that

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much food in such a short period of time so therefore it's harder to sustain some

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people get excess weight loss and just in terms of long-term health that once

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you have lost the weight that you want to lose you want to maintain now what

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you're looking for is health and your body is going to require a certain

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amount of nutrients you need vitamins and minerals and essential amino acids

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and essential fatty acids so the amount of food that you have to eat to provide

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those nutrients it's much more difficult to eat that in a single meal than it is

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in two meals and then two meals a day is easier to sustain for all of the same

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reasons you don't get quite as hungry it's easier to maintain the weight it's

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easier to get the nutrients but of course your the drawback is that you

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don't get as fast a result and you don't get the same depth of autophagy that you would

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with OMAD and for some people who want an even stronger degree of fast

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results or more autophagy maybe they have cancer maybe they have an

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autoimmune disease may they have a really stubborn weight or

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type-2 diabetes then they might want to go longer than 24 hours in a fast they

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might want to go 36 hours or 48 hours or they might want to do three day fast or

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four day fast and not all the time not like every week but you want to change

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things up a lot and throw those in once in a while again that's why we want to

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understand these principles because there is not one set perfect way to do

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it for every person is going to depend on a lot of different factors so that's

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you want to understand this stuff so that you can start playing around with

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it and understand why things are happening and then find a way that works

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for you so now what do you do with this well it depends on where you are so

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let's just figure out where you are on this scale if you're eating three or

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more meals a day then your first step would be to get fat adapted if you're

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eating three meals plus snacks you are probably carbohydrate dependent

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because carbohydrate dependence is the only reason that you would want to top

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off your blood sugar with a snack every couple of hours if your body knows how

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to burn fat you're not going to need to eat that often so that would be step one

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you go from eating all those meals high carb to eating low carb you get your

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body fat adapted you're not going to need the snacks you're down to three

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meals a day then once your body gets used to that you try skipping breakfast

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or at least you try to push breakfast later in the day and just get your body

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used to that idea before you know it you can skip breakfast altogether and you're

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eating two meals a day now you from two meals you start

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shrinking you start pushing the two meals closer together so if they're

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eight hours apart in the beginning you push them seven six five four hours

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until you're all the way down OMAD if that suits your goals right if you

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don't feel like you need autophagy and you don't have weight to lose

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you just want the time-saving then maybe 16-8 is good for you so again you figure

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out where this fits for you and then the way I see it is that for most people

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you're gonna stay primarily in OMAD until you have reached your goals until

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you have lost your weight you've reversed the insulin resistance you

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reverse the type-2 diabetes then you stay in OMAD and then for all the

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reasons we talked about once you have reached your goal your insulin sensitive

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you've reached your goal weight now it's going to depend some people are going to

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be perfectly able to stay on one meal a day and they're not going to lose a lot

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of weight they're going to be easy for them to maintain it there and they find

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it easy to get all their nutrients in one meal great but if you start losing

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too much and you don't want to lose too much now I don't think there's anything

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unhealthy with being very thin unless you start getting emaciated and

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pathologically thin and malnourished but on the contrary being quite thin

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probably gives you some longevity benefits even though I think you can get

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most of those benefits by following these principles and just being in in

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enough autophagy on a regular basis but if you're starting to lose too much weight

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or if you just want to enjoy two meals a day then now you're gonna move back so

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you went from two meals a day to one meal a day and this one meal a day is

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kind of crunch time that's where you get things done but when things are done now

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you go back to two meals a day or maybe alternate two meals with one meal to get

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the autophagy benefits and that's where I would stay for the rest of my life I

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would stay with 2MAD or OMAD I would throw in some longer fasts every

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couple of months twice a year whatever fits you because there's tremendous

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amount of research that shows that you get enormous health benefits

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that it is much much more important when you eat even than what you eat of course

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you have to eat real food that goes without saying

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but when you eat is incredibly important and there's some tremendous health

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benefits to giving yourself a sustained period without food they clean up the

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autophagy the insulin resistance your body is designed for this you eat

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something you put it in storage during the fasting you pull it out of storage

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that's how the body stays in balance and it allows the body to clean itself up so

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you can stay healthy for the long term if you enjoyed this video make sure you

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check out that one thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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