Nutrition Response Testing Explained By Freddie Ulan - Dr Ekberg

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At my bottom I was able to eat this is my diet steamed cauliflower and Uncle

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Ben's rice Wow that was it anything that had protein it closed a terrible

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reaction in my body so how do you how do you fix these things and the main

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motivation was getting myself well enough so I could get back into the

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business of helping people yeah and of course along the way everything I

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discovered was useful to to bunch of them to bunches of patients and so I was

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back in practice helping people who were fortunately none of them got as bad as

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me but they were they were moving in that direction and a lot of people are

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moving in that direction not realizing it hey I'm doctor Ekberg with Wellness

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For Life and today I have the great pleasure and

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honor of talking to a legend in our own time this is Freddie Ulan who is the

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founder of nutrition response testing which is that technique that we

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primarily use to evaluate patients in our office what led to the development

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of of this whole technique well that's first of all thanks for having me on

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here absolutely you know I admire you admire the work you're doing the fact

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that you're helping so many people and so dedicated to restoring health

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naturally thank you and that's kind of sums up my own story right there because

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I had my I've been in the in the natural health industry so to speak as a

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chiropractor since in 1965 so I'm celebrating my 53rd year as a

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chiropractor and I was straight chiropractor just did manipulation and I

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was raised with the chiropractic as my health tool in order really went to

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medical doctors but sometime in the 1980s I started to

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get sick I started to lose my health and I didn't know until later that it was

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actually pesticide exposure but I was mysteriously getting sick so how old

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were you when we first started on this thing

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42 okay now in 1986 okay those 42 years old I was actually

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at the prime of my life I was very energetic working hard enjoying myself

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traveling helping a lot of people you know I was on a crusade actually which

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was many many hours of my year 1986 87 88 I was traveling around the world

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educating parents as to the dangers of psychiatric drugging of children and the

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actual handling of the conditions that they were given drugs for which is all

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nutritional by the way yeah and so I was on to proceed and then I thought well

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maybe I just got tired you know listen because spiritually I was at my peak but

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physically I was just starting to get sick I lost my health and by 1991 I was

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incapacitated I was in bed 24 hours a

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day Wow and this is with getting

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chiropractic care yeah but I was losing my ability to digest and assimilate

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foods by 1990 1991 it practically anything I eat was a horrible reaction

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my immune system was shocked by that I can tell you that when I was lying in

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bed which I had to do most of the time they didn't move around my temperature

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would drop way below normal Wow and if I would walk around it would

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shoot up to a hundred - I was sick really yeah

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I had no and also if I would walk around I have body pains which were all

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cardiovascular kind of like getting an angina

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everywhere so I was not I thought I was at the end of my trip to this lifetime

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yeah so to speak thank you madam and that was a big

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wake-up call for me because I was actually at a point where the best

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chiropractic the best nutrition is available at the time this is at the

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very beginning of the alternative medical so and I had some friends who

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were very advanced medical doctors had no answers now and I thought it was

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going to be over and frankly when I talked it over with my wife she said

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well this let's get let's get outside the box here and we ended up go to

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Mexico for some illegal treatments which consisted of a good diet it helps we got

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outlawed organic foods weren't illegal in the US but you know listen something

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people did or even thought about back then very much yeah but I had some some

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blood type treatments vitamin infusions I had some stem cell life cell therapy

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and it stopped my decline did where I had actually walking pneumonia for a

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solid year where I could actually percuss tap my lungs and feel where the

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water levels were on any particular day yeah which made it very hard to sleep

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because I couldn't lie down on children yeah and within about two weeks of being

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there I no longer had the pneumonia but I was still physically wiped out yeah

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and I was no longer dying and now I had you know when you're dying at least you

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know you're dying yeah prepare like anything this is what this is we

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owe this money to and this is where we'll find the money and you know when

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you're when you're not dying but you can't work

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now you're it's actually worse yeah like well how do i how do i get this body

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supported i need somebody to take care of me full-time but what do we do here

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yeah and my wife gave me challenges she said you're the doctor

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figure it out alright no it was good yeah and we started to research you know

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we didn't have the advantage of Google yeah it was no internet at the time you

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know Al Gore hadn't invented it yet yeah whoever it was that claims to have it

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and we had to go to libraries and we had to ask around we had to talk and we we

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found that the answer to what had occurred to me was actually already know

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but very very well suppressed yeah and that they were actually a small number

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of researchers who should be mount rushmore should have their hips on these

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yeah you know up there because of how brilliant these people were I'm

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dedicated where how effective they were and amongst these was a Dr. Royal Lee

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yes who was you know anybody who knows

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nutrition and goes for a lean I didn't know anyway I know it's real interesting

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real nutrition yeah nutrition is really the father of vitamins yeah and many

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other things and people like Dr. Weston Price Dr. Francis Pottinger these were

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brilliant brilliant people who had proven beyond a doubt in the 30s 40s 50s

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what effects the modern diet and the toxicity of the modern world will have

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on her body and they figured out how to reverse it and this is totally

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suppressed knowledge yeah and so that opened up a whole universe for me

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I thought I was you know I was a natural healer I didn't know this whole this

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whole universe was invisible to me at the time and in getting involved this I

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discovered that there were certain breakthroughs that were made were on how

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to actually communicate with the body yeah so that you can actually find out

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what's going on with the darn thing yeah and these were pretty advanced at the

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time and they made sense and in starting to utilize these things I started to

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find out how I can start to repair this body the problem was that the techniques

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that existed at the time were a little vague and confusing and hard to

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duplicate you know you had to find the one guy I didn't have to do this and the

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one I have you got to do that and a little bit disorganized was very

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disordered yeah and as my own health started to restore I mean literally

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going from not being able to eat at my bottom I was able to eat this is my diet

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steamed cauliflower and Uncle Ben's rice Wow

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that was it anything that had protein it was a terrible reaction in my body so

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how do you how do you fix these things this is something we were taught in

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school who weren't taught how to repeat repair and rebuild a body yeah these

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guys these these original clinical nutritionists had these things figured

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out and then there was a doctor George Goodhart yeah who had somehow

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chiropractor who had made some developments where he was able to use

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the body's reflexes and understanding the neurology understand how to assess

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the functional state of different organs using something he called muscle test

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yeah and this was actually going on from the year that I graduated Chiropractic

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College so it wasn't part of my education yeah and it was just something

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off on the side that I it wasn't it was and still is a part of

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the standard yeah it's not it's not routine yeah there are some schools that

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have little clubs and yeah each it a little bit and but I saw something that

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muscle tested because that muscle testing helped me identify what foods I

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could eat what foods I couldn't eat what vitamins I needed which ones I didn't

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despite what the literature would have to say and then additional discoveries

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were made we were able to finally if all the system which is the system this is

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they kind of jump ahead here so that using this muscle testing procedure and

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various stimuli all non-toxic all non non-invasive totally safe it actually

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get a communication with the body to find out where is the most where is the

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stress and what's causing the stress is it the common everyday foods that people

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are eating you wouldn't think that that it could be a problem but yeah

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especially today with the genetically modified foods and the pesticides and

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poutine the same thing over and over and over again eventually causes problems

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yeah is it some hidden immune problems

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undiagnosed because it's not full-blown enough to show up on a medical blood

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test viral situation bacterial situation fungal situation growing number of

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parasite situations yeah when we figured out how to use the body's nervous system

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in the muscle response testing to determine where the problem is and

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what's keeping that body part from regaining its normal function yeah we

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call these stressors metals everybody knows about Neville we were doing doing

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it originally there's a brand new mercury aluminum

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let the various chemicals including the common ones like chlorine people

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suffering from too much chlorine intake fluoride poisoning not to mention the

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plastics so all these things came together into a package that really kind

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of finalized itself in that in 2003 yeah so I had a 10-year track finding what

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was out there and kind of figuring some things out and the main motivation was

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getting myself well enough so I could get back into business of helping people

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yeah and of course along the way everything I discovered was useful to to

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bunch of them to bunches of patients and so I was back in practice helping people

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who were fortunately none of them got as bad as me but they were in they were

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moving in that direction and a lot of people are moving in that direction not

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realizing it yes even if they're not bedridden I tell people that the world

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has changed more in the last 50 years than it has in the previous 50 thousand

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but and it knocks out the weak very quickly but it takes decades to really

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kill off a lot of people so a lot of people are dying but they just don't

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realize that that well I I really admire your your mission statement your purpose

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to to create a working health care system for the entire nation so for

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those who don't know Freddie Ulan creating an organization has trained

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over a thousand doctors and each of those doctors have trained and are

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educating thousands of patients so this Mannes is responsible for millions of

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lives basically so we we thank you and applaud you for that

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you know the whole reason for the success of what we're doing is because I

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wasn't alone and I realized that and I realized that I had some knowledge I had

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to share and Who am I gonna share up to when I when I ran into medical doctors

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whose patients I was fixing they would get mad at me yeah so they weren't like

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minded guys they felt challenged yeah and I decided I'm gonna so I'm gonna

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start something here where what I'm looking for is like-minded people people

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who are who realized how bad things are and actually are looking for solutions

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that would kind of complete their education because I'm looking for guys

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who are dedicated already to natural health they're restoring health

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naturally yeah and there are a lot of them out there and we were fortunate

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enough to attract people like you were already successful and effective and

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what you were doing but you know we're very different than the conventional

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doctor who doesn't really expect people to get well he knows it yes

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so he he was kind of you know he has a certain attitude that he has to have

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which is well look if we could just make you more comfortable while you're sick

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then we're better if we can suppress your symptoms somehow then they consider

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that it's the job well done because that's as far as the pharmaceutical

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model goes yeah but we're different we we're different cut yeah we we we think

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people should be healthy people should be so what a concept

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yeah it's like if somebody doesn't get well we worry about yeah I don't want

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ecologist I mean I know many many medical profession so I know oncologists

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do to people that I've been connected to and have gotten into communication with

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these folks and I've interviewed them and talked to them and find they don't

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expect more than five percent of their patients to be alive five years from now

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I I don't know how they get up in the morning and go to work yeah but for me

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it's see it's the opposite if I have five percent of patients who aren't

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respond newless die I worry about those that's

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like you yeah so we have a whole different expectancy level and those are

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the guys people like you or people like me yes

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that we resonate so well with each other that I love sharing this knowledge that

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somehow I came into my hands yeah I never ever had the intention of being

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some kind of a leader in this area you know it wasn't one of these guys who

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grew up as a little kid well one day I'm gonna you know no one I was trying to

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save my life because my wife said you're the doctor you do it and in doing it I

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saw that there was so many people who were on the way out as you say their

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ovary their health is declining declining it's like a dimmer switch

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syndrome if you say how are you doing they say fine yeah because they're not

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too much worse than yesterday or than their neighbor yeah yeah yeah it's just

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so the idea of actually restoring health when I saw what I could do with my own

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body yeah and when I saw what I did for

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people close to me and then a practice built up I mean I was out of practice

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that I built up I don't know where I didn't we didn't have Facebook or Google

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you know we didn't have anything all we had was oh my god somebody got well yeah

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and when people get well other people notice and say what are you doing you're

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smiling you're happy you lost weight you you know whatever it is yeah so that's

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the miracle is really we're performing miracles and these thousand doctors and

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they're the ones to I mean I I I evolved something but the

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credit goes to the doctors these dedicated doctors and who actually put

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in their time to get training and then they go home and they applied they let

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me know how successful as many of them I'm always thankful

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yeah we've been somehow a part of that success just like you're saying the we

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deal with in functional disease we deal in functional conditions and we

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understand that if there is a disease there's something that isn't working and

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then you can you can make that work again like you say restore the body but

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that's that's a completely lost concept all the people that we have coming

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through and they're on what pressure medication and they're on and anxiety

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and anxiety and the medical doctors tell them that you will be on this for life

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because nobody gets better the whole notion is is just completely lost how

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would you summarize we you you've done a wonderful job of explaining nutrition

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response testing but if someone just wants like a one-minute version of what

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nutrition response testing is how would you state that you know I tried to work

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this into a one minute thing I mean the doctors who do are of course to get the

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full training they spend several hundred hours yeah learning all of it but

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basically it's a non-invasive system of testing the body so that the body will

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so you can find out what is going on with the body that is keeping it from

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repairing himself so it's a in chiropractic we talking we were taught

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something about the innate intelligence of the body yeah and dr. Palmer who was

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the phone we talked about the fact that true

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healing will be made possible when the analytical minds and the educated

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intelligence of the doctor can somehow perceive the state of the body the in

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through communication with the innate intelligence of the body and he said

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that at some point this whole this will be able to happen no we you know in Star

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Wars you might remember as the doctor on the ship was at Scotty

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he had a machine that kind of would you know anybody haven't done the body and

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you he got a readout yeah well that's basically what we're doing yeah but

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we're using a muscle test to get that readout yes and so we get the readout it

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takes a few minutes to do an assessment and you go okay the guy comes in and he

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he's got chest pains and so he's been trying to handle it by addressing his

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heart well the thing is that the heart it's a it's an organ that coordinates

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with other organs in the body and sometimes when you're treating the thing

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that that's hurting it doesn't get well because that's the effect points um yeah

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it's this point so nutrition response testing is a method of finding out the

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actual underlying causes of situations not the it's not a diagnostic procedure

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it doesn't say well you have this disease now it's a it's a system of

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identifying the underlying usually hidden to modern examination procedures

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and blood tests and things like that yeah so it finds the underlying causes

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and once you have the actual underlying cause it opens the door to a handling

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and the miracle is that the handlings are generally in one of two categories

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are a combination of both it's either a nutritional deficiency or a toxicity

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some sort of toxicity or a combination of the two and these things reduce

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normal function they reduce the immune system opening up the person to viruses

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and vector parasites and things these are the

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things that suppress the body's ability to respond yeah so when you find the

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underlying cause and then you you have several approaches that we can use which

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are all natural to restoring the function by eliminating the toxins or

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building up the organ or both yeah together and severs that's what it is

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yeah it makes sense people who have been struggling to find the answers to their

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health when they hear this they go oh my God why is my doctor doing that well

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there is yeah yeah well you know an extra chance that this whole activity

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into a fun activity because people start getting better and there's nothing yeah

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so you've been around I've done this for a few years and you've done it for for a

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few more years and and you mentioned the two factors either a nutritional

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deficiency or any toxicity of some sort right so in your opinion or experience

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what what do you see as the dominating factor especially in the last 10 15

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years well it's a it's a combination of things it used to be that you can eat

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whole food whole fresh food and you would get all the nutrients that you

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needed yeah and it didn't make you sick yeah today even going into stores like

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Whole Foods Market I use that as an example because people think of it as a

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health food store well you see signs it's a conventionally raised food

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organically raised yes and you think well conventional lives you know that's

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my thing I'm a conventional person yeah oh my god yeah they've redefined

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conventional yes because conventional and great food means that they use

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pesticides yeah which are poisons yes in order to raise that crop yeah now that's

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not conventional I mean if your whole time span is only 50 years maybe

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conventional but if you actually look at the human race yes

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very conventional conventional as things growing and taking care to keep the soil

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in good enough shape so the books aren't thriving and you take care of your

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plants and you eat these things and it nourishes you so today you have a double

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problem of eating commercially raised food which is poison yeah so you get a

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combination of nutritional deficiency and toxicity I've often told my patients

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and I tell this to every doctor that we've trained you've heard it for me

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there is no system of natural healing that will overcome the standard American

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diet so the common denominator is what they're eating

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they've been miss educated to thinking that things like Cheerios our food

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yeah well that commercially raised eggs or food it's so interesting because if a

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person ate commercially raised eggs chicken chicken eggs they kidney wanted

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a few week without actually affecting them badly and the doctors will tell you

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don't eat more than two eggs a day or you know but if you're actually eating

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eating eggs from chickens that were raised outside on unclean grass and you

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know without that genetically modified foods those intervals to perfect food

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and you can actually live on there pretty much you know you know I hate to

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tell me how many eggs i we have my body blood but but if I if I go to a

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restaurant and eat eggs I can feel the difference yes

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so the common denominators are the two because now when you end when you end

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the toxicity from the environment to the toxicity

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foods you have a serious toxicity problem so the two the two of them feed

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into each other when you have a body that's already weakened from commercial

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foods exposed to chemicals in the environment it has it just can't get rid

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of it all now it's not strong enough yeah

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so that's why our programs always consist of and we gently detox the

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person help them by detox I'm just don't even eliminate the poisons that are

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accumulated in the body in a way that's very gentle so that they're not upset by

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it they don't get sick from moving these things around and at the same time

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feeding them so you you're gradually building them up and you're graduating

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emptying the garbage out yeah and you see people's help we return it's kind of

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like they're reversing a dimmer switch you know if you've ever been in a room

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with there's a dimmer switch yeah and if you split it out the room was really

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bright and every 15 minutes so we turn down a little bit yeah at the end of the

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thing you're sitting in dark you don't even notice it and that's where most

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people are with their health they're out there functioning in such a low level

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but they haven't noticed that it's not it's not how they should feel they just

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know something's wrong yeah I that same analogy and I call it a

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health reserve and it's just like the dimmer switch that has full 100% light

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it's where we're supposed to function but then we turn it down to 50% and

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we're not dying or living but we also may not have any symptoms yet at that

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point and that's where a lot of people live and then they may drop a little

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further and now they get a symptom and then they going to need a pill and now

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they don't have a symptom for a little while

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but they still don't get the concept of restoring turning that that dimmer

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switch back off yeah dimmer switch goes down there your

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health reserve dissipates yeah so when something happens where they get a shop

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of some kind money hungry or exposed to some bacteria or something

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they have no reserve to fight that off they thought yeah and so you have people

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going to the emergency room all the time with things that we did years ago nobody

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ever went to an emergency room but you know why the reason was that they knew

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oh that just happened I'll be okay in a couple of days today they don't expect

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to be okay yeah because they have so little reserve

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it knocks them down yeah so getting healthy is not somebody come in I have

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this happens to me all the time people say I have this disease what if item in

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should I take yes and the answer is I I don't know yeah let's find out why you

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have the disease yes let's find out why your body's not functioning correctly

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and let's work on that yeah what vitamin is needed to help improve that yeah what

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what what do you need what mineral or other supplement do you need to help get

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rid of none of this accumulation of bad stuff you know and then that's what our

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channel is all about and we keep saying over and over and over that holistic

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health is about restoring the body and addressing the mechanism if you're

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missing something you have to provide it and yet we 98% of the questions and

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comments we get unfortunately is what do I take for this exactly and it's not

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that people are stupid it's that they have been conditioned into the wrong

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model for so long that's right that's just an automatic it's a reflex you take

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something for something yes you know the struggle is in educating our patients

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and you know you've really won you've really hit the homerun when the patient

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comes in and says help me find out what's causing this yes what do I do to

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find out what's causing it yeah and you know I mean I can give you

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a couple of examples for example it's kind of dramatic but I remember a

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patient who came in and he his case history said a recurring brain tumor and

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now terminal once pain relief natural and when I talked to the gentleman I

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found out that he had a brain tumor they surgically removed it and it came back

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and they surgically removed it and he came back and they removed it one more

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time they went in and they said we can't do anything more they closed him up but

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the tumor was so big his him just looked kind of like football mm-hmm and he was

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in incredible pain in the medication that that they were giving him from pain

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made him feel dipped but he wasn't dead yet he knew he was gonna die he just

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wanted to have a few months of joy with his family and when we checked him to

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find out what why do you have this there is nothing natural that's going to

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suppress that kind of pain no so all I can do is say well look I don't know

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about your pain right now but um but I am curious to see if we can find out

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what's causing this then when we examined him we found out what was

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causing it was chlorine Wow now nobody had ever told him this and he looked at

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us kind of strangely and said well what do I do

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well the first thing that we told him to do is go by a filter that that would

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take the chlorine atoms drinking in order to take the chlorine out of a

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shower water and we gave him some nutritional supplements that would help

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the body pull the chlorine out of his body now and inside of three weeks his

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pain was greatly reduced and you could see that the shape of his hand was

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returning and six months down the road two months after he was supposed

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did the MRI found no more brain tumor and of course they said well the surgery

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worked yeah of course thank you you know yeah and that's this is a bit dull but

Time: 1927.46

let's take on the other side an infant who was having brain seizures a

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recurring brain seizures that were just I mean multiple times per minute

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based on the EEG examinations who say yeah they were doing everything to try

Time: 1946.48

to help this girl not have these brain seizures she was literally a vegetable

Time: 1953.2

by now she didn't she's a few months old and this had turned on shortly after she

Time: 1958.42

was 1 and it might have been due to some vaccinations you know we don't really

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know we couldn't prove it yeah but when we examined her what we found was that

Time: 1969.1

she had surgery in the brain tissue so you have a mother who is frantically

Time: 1974.38

worried about her child who's had seizures for her entire life which is

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only several months and all the top neurologists could do the Soviet once

Time: 1984.34

while the drugs failed was recommended in major surgery to remove a part of her

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brain Wow and the mother was you know this was like what do you do they call

Time: 1994.929

it a Hemi ectomy or something yeah and the doctors assured her that the child

Time: 1999.64

would never notice the difference you know the implication of that yeah

Time: 2004.58

she came because of a strong referral that we kind of help people find out the

Time: 2009.96

underlying causes of things and when we checked her this little girl had mercury

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poisoning and there are only a few natural substances that will help pull

Time: 2021.42

that stuff out safely yes and we trained our doctors and how to use these things

Time: 2025.89

yes literally couple drops or something yeah and

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within weeks her seizures stopped so this isn't this is a girl who is either

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going to be dead or going to be a completely angel in all her life the

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number of children with autism yeah this isn't this is the biggest nightmare I

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can imagine and they become such burdens it's unloving wonderful kids whose

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parents are now totally enslaved yeah to try to keep do something for this child

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and nothing can be done about it medically and yet we help all of them

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yeah because all of these kids regardless of whether the causes

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vaccines or not that's the big contention I don't even care about that

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argument other than I discourage people from vaccine deanna kids if possible but

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once the kid has autism they have mercury poisoning lead

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poisoning aluminum poisoning chemical poisoning that's affecting their brain

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affecting other organs working affecting how their digestive system is working

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that's why they're so finicky when we check these kids out we find things that

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we can correct naturally that's the you know you could just mi about some of

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this stuff but it's so wonderful to see these kids suddenly coming around and

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getting into communication with you and giving you a bug yeah

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wanting to examine me yeah you know yes yeah that also you the first case was

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chlorine and the second cause of mercury and these are things that that we find

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in virtually everyone we examine evaluate and yet that may or may not

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have been at levels of blood tests to detect that's the problem

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yeah that's there's two problems here what is that the number of symptoms that

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these things can cause varies across such a broad spectrum that practically

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anybody will give you a symptom you can find it is one of the

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side effects testings but they don't check for them routinely anyway yeah if

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if a person has mercury poisoning that's a that's locked up in the cells of a

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particular organ like many women have have mercury in their thyroid it's not

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circulating yeah it's come down maybe because of the proximity to the mercury

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fillings and their teeth or just the ingestion of fish that have mercury or

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some other reason and it settles in the organ once it's in the organ it will not

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show up on a blood test what shows up in the what this is what circulating yeah

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people who are chronically ill don't often have this stuff circulating it's

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just locked up and suppressing one so you need a system that can assess what's

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going on where yeah and fortunately for us doctor good parts discovery made into

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mid-60s open the door to looking into the body

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without deviating you exposing you to x-ray without doing exploratory surgery

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again it's not diagnostic now just gives you an indication of what's going on

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yeah gives you enough information so that you can apply a natural solution

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and the patient will either get better or not now the good news is that that

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same testing system is involved into nutrition response testing we can

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monitor whether the person is responding or not even before their symptoms change

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so that we know should we should we continue this should we not continues

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should we fix it in some way and that's true prevention that's is handling it

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before it's even a small problem yes at the very infancy and that's where in a

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medical paradigm they think it's all about quantity if they do a blood test

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then a lot is worse than a little but in the body it depends on where is it

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interfering what's what critical function is not

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it is not working because of this process yes when you take certainly

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these things for example like like mercury like aluminum

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these are some these are within a category of neurotoxin in other words

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they have a very high toxicity to very specific tissues so it doesn't take a

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lot to create the big problem yeah that is expressing itself in many different

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ways in the body then it's big because it doesn't fit any of the traditional

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diagnosis yeah so very often you have somebody who has they're developing a

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toxicity who are developing a combination of toxicity plus nutritional

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deficiency and they have big symptoms they go to their doctor for their annual

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exam and the doctor says well you look all right to me I realize you're new you

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have symptoms here but let's keep an eye on this yeah want to keep an eye on it

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actually means is let's wait another year and see if it develops into a

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disease we can diagnose yeah because then I have a drug I can give you to

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suppress the symptoms for us we want to know now you know years ago I actually

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coined a term that I didn't realize I should have patented or copyrighted

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which is I said you know we're doing something here we're practicing

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something called functional medicine and I got that from Daniel David Palmer who

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was the first to talk about that in 1910 yeah and what we're interested in is

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what's the functional state of the body or the organs in the body

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because it should be at a very high optimum level and if it is the person

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who feels great yeah if it's not at a high end of optimum level the person

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starts feeling less great in less great and less great in you could lose 80% of

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your functional state before you develop a disease that's diagnoseable and by

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that time the person's only got this huge function left yeah so my view is if

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the person's dropped and this is especially true of women my favorite

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patients are women because they deserve the support nobody supports these you

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know anything to worry about their families they hold down jobs and taking

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care of their husbands and they are very aware of how well they're functioning or

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not and a woman who's functioning at 95 percent all the time is doing good but

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if she starts getting 85% she notices the difference yeah she notices it's

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getting a little harder to take care of the kids it's getting a little hard and

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do all these things yeah that's the area I want to get into I don't want to wait

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till she's developed a cancer my liver disease or some other serious illness

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I'm interested really in in the preventive aspect and it's kind of

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interesting that we call this preventive because it's we're actually preventing

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it from getting and getting worse yeah and then help me the person reverses

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yeah that's in the medical model prevention that means finding it early

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yes and by then it's already something that's right I mean you know I was

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traveling it to deliver a seminar once I was on a plane and stewardess stopped by

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and she just gonna start chatting me up and you know she said what do you what

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do you do gonna explain I was gonna deliver seminar to a bunch of doctors

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teaching them how to utilize nutrition and natural things to help handle

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illness we versatile mr. Hilton she said you know I'm so

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lucky that way I've never really been sick you know never I mean it's likely

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the breast cancer yeah I've never really been said yeah it was like wait a second

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yeah so in order for you to have developed a breast cancer something had

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to be wrong yeah because that didn't happen overnight and we had the exact

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same thing we have this forum where they check off what their overall health is

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and we've had several people check off that they have excellent health except

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for the cancer last year yeah that's so yeah this is just a sign

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of how we've been so programming this program this educator death because the

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truth of the matter is if you were to address it as a whole medical movement

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you know developing of the fringes of conventional medical doctors doctors who

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are just tired of the idea of giving somebody a drug to suppress the symptom

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and they were discovering this whole concept of functional medicine I was

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going to say that it was tragic that you didn't patent it because now there's

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this whole other movement of functional medicine and they're working on blood

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tests right and then they're prescribing large quantities of nutraceuticals

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that's right I want to comment on that well the truth of the matter is that a

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nutraceutical is a safe drug yeah we're a pharmaceutical is an absolute poison

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and if you don't give it the exact right doses you will create serious problems

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the nutraceuticals are combined from some pharmaceutical substances and some

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natural substances but they're isolated parts of vitamins and minerals and foods

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and they're using them in the same way as they use the drug to try to overcome

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the body's reaction or response to the underlying cause I know that's a

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mouthful there but instead of using a drug to suppress the symptoms of an

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underlying cause they're using a nutraceutical which is not actually

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trician yeah to try to change the symptoms still not quite addressing

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underlying cause there is no nutraceutical that will that will

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actually correct the cause of the problem well this is specifically

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designed to handle like a mercury toxicity

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you know leg toxicity but then you still have to get in there and provide the

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genuine replacement parts yes I love that word I use it on all my seminars

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GRP and people wander what's that it's a genuine replacement part and that's what

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nutrition actually is that's where I stuff the body needs to rebuild itself

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that's right if if there is a creator for these bodies in this planet you were

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smart enough to do that creation and create an environment yes that would

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keep these things going and these bodies are part of the ecology exactly of what

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the what want to be yeah and if you take a look in the Garden of Eden there was a

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whole food there yeah there were vegetables that were such

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good quality that they could eat those things and they would they would thrive

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on it yeah the point is that this is where nutrition comes from and that's

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what nutrition is is actually replacing giving the body what it needs to replace

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itself and to restore and regenerate itself those people lived a long time

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yeah a lot longer than 60 years yes you know they weren't on the Alice's before

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the hippies that's right so you know so you have this whole concept of genuine

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replacement parts is what we dealing the supplements that we use are are derived

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from organically raised Whole Foods as much as possible wild harvested herbs

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nature the way nature grew them to help handle things foods that have grown that

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way any of the animal products that are used are purified in a way that there is

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none contaminants in them that are in your

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commercial needs for example yeah so that these things can actually give the

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body what it needs to regenerate itself and that's the interesting point here

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because if you think that there's anybody who knows how to heal a body if

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there isn't anybody who has that I've ever met yeah you can try to micromanage

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the body's chemistry and it always results in the next problem up the road

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yeah but if you give the body whole food concentrates with a diet of good foods

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the body's innate intelligence will will pick and choose what it needs and put it

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where it needs to go and that's what heals the body all the healing comes

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from within yeah and we're just facilitators when I

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examine a patient part of what I examine is what are they eating yeah and I find

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out that they're eating a typical American diet and wondering why they're

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sick how many people have you had come into your office and say doctor if

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camping my diet I've been eating the same thing for 40 years yeah that's it

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that's the problem you've been eating the same bad stuff for 40 years and your

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body finally said that's it I can't deal with this anymore yeah I'm completely

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depleted you washed out every bit of reserves I have so that yeah and the

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same notion with and once we've been 40 years on depleted food it's not a just a

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quick fix either one of my favorite cartoons is and one a blasphemer there's

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this lady sitting on up and a doctor's table and she says well don't tell me to

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change my diet because I ate a carrot once and nothing happens exactly I

Time: 2844.549

really really enjoyed this this conversation even even having heard you

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speak doesn't sometimes to still hurt some new things it's always enjoyable

Time: 2855.16

so I hope that you really take the opportunity to share this video with as

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many people as you can because this is a legend he's reached millions of people

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and if you share this video you will save lives so again thank you so much

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for spending this time with us and for your mission to change healthcare we've

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taken it upon ourselves to change healthcare in our community and we can

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only do it based on the work that you down so well I just appreciate the fact

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that you're out there doing it that's when I realized that what I knew had to

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be gotten out there was just so much I can do by myself that's why I started

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real and nutritional systems yeah it was to be able to pass this knowledge out

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there's nothing worse than knowing how to fix somebody else and not doing it

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yeah and there's nothing greater than knowing what to do for someone when they

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come in and say doc can you help me yeah and all I can say is I don't know let me

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check you and see if I can help you yeah and the wonderful thing about this

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system is you've experienced and I experienced I'm always in awe of it is

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that it tells me whether or not I can help that person yeah right from the

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start yeah and if I know I can help that person I'll do everything I can to

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encourage them to to get on to the program and realize that they're gonna

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have to invest some time into it yeah and you know if it took you 20 years to

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get sick you don't get well in 20 days it could take one or two years investing

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yeah your time and your effort and we educating yourself as to how do I build

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health my goal is to have patients who's not only whose health are restored but

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whose ability to maintain their health he's giving back to them so that they

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can take care of their kids I'm trying to do was all out of a job

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yes that would be my idea and we're a whole country addicted to

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quick fixes and lose 30 pounds in 30 days and always this nonsense and and

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that's exactly as part of our mission is to explain how biology works that you

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can't you can't cheat nature that you have to give it time since my grass

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growing you can't hurry it up and if you want to restore the body it's like you

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said it might be awhile yes yes well Dr. Sten thank you so much for having me on

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it and I was really I really loved I looked all of your practice of what

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you're doing and I look forward to hearing about great news from you thank

Time: 3010.93

you thank you so much

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