No Carb Foods Can Still Spike Your Blood Sugar

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Hello Health Champions.

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Isn't it funny how some people say that you have to eat sugar and carbohydrate in order

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to generate blood sugar for your brain and yet there are a lot of people who eat zero

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carbohydrate in their diet and their blood sugar is too high. where does that blood sugar come

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from? Well if you're not eating it it means that your body is making it from something

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else. Now the questions we want to answer are; How does the body make sugar from other things? Where

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does it come from? What type of foods? And why does it matter? Even though most people change

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the way they're eating change their lifestyle or their diet because they want to change

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their weight they want to lose weight for the most part there is more to it because

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the same mechanisms that drive weight up are also associated with type 2 diabetes, insulin

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resistance and disease. And the things we're trying to change are blood sugar and insulin. We're trying to lower

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blood sugar lower insulin and you can find both of these markers on your blood test but

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in order to change the blood test till next time you want to understand what sort of foods

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are increasing those so that you can reduce those foods. So to help with that they have created

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something called the glycemic index and the insulin index. Now the glycemic index is virtually

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useless because they only created these values in glycemic index for things that contain

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carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are not the only thing that can drive up blood sugar and Insulin

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The other reason it's useless is that they only tested high-glycemic foods such as carbohydrates.

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So they set a value for glucose which has zero fat, zero protein and 100% of calories, a hundred

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percent of the weight is carbohydrate. And therefore it has a very high glycemic index

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and a very high insulin index. But then they compare that to foods that have slightly less

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glycemic index. So bread is in the seventies but that's still an extremely high glycemic

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index and that's why we don't want to pay too much attention to glycemic index because

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what they call low isn't really low. The problem with the insulin index is that the data is

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almost non-existent. The idea of the insulin index is very very good because insulin is

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really what we're looking for, but there's so little data to go by. So in this video we're going

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to talk about the mechanisms, so that we understand and we can look past the numbers because you

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don't want to really look in tables after insulin index because when they test it, people react

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differently and some of those numbers are quite questionable. So if we look at skim milk, that's a product where

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they have removed the fat, it has all the original protein and carbohydrates. So carbohydrates

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are dominating in skim milk and therefore the glycemic index is pretty close to that

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of glucose. It's not real close but it's it's fairly high. The insulin index is much, much lower

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because the carbohydrates in milk is called lactose, which is broken down much, much slower

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So some of this insulin index comes from carbohydrate which is broken down slowly and from protein

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which is broken down even slower. When we look at whole milk it has more fat so it's going to have most

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of the calories from fat. Now we get a glycemic index that is

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much lower but we get a somewhat lower insulin index because a lot of the protein is still

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there, but the fat is slowing it down. And when we look at full fat cream at 37% then the vast majority

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way over ninety percent of calories are from fat so the glycemic index is often quoted

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as 0 which it isn't strictly but it's really close to zero and the insulin index is very

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very low. So the lesson is that carbohydrates drive it the most both glycemic and insulin. Protein can drive

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it somewhat and fat slows it down. But what about these people on zero carb diets that still have high blood sugar. That is because

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of gluconeogenesis. The body is making glucose from something else and often times they say

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that glycogen contributes to gluconeogenesis and it's sort of does, but not really in my mind because

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glycogen is already glucose. You're not making it from scratch and you're going to run out

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of glycogen pretty quickly and then your body has to make it from something else and your

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fat is bundled with something called glycerin that your body can make carbohydrates make

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glucose from. And you can also make it from protein. Protein is made of little building

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blocks called amino acids and they can be converted into glucose as well. And this is where I want to focus mostly today

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to really understand how different types of protein are converted differently. They have

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different impact on glucose and insulin. The main purpose of protein is to become tissue. Ideally that is

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why we eat protein. We want to turn it into body parts and if we're successful then we

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get muscles and bones and hair and skin and so forth and they're primarily made up of

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protein. Now the protein that doesn't turn into tissue, the excess or the things that

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don't fit. The things we can't match and use for tissue they become fuel. So the question

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is which different proteins turn in more into tissue or more in to fuel. Insulin's role in the

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body is storage or anabolism - means building up. Insulin can build up fat tissues

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and muscle tissues. Insulin assists glucose into the cell and this glucose gets converted

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to glycogen and stored which we can only store a little bit and then the rest gets turned

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into fat. But the same thing happens with amino acids that amino acid also get assisted into

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the cell by insulin and then they get stored as protein primarily as muscle . Now we have to

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understand that this portion the amino acid portion of stimulating insulin. Its role in

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stimulating insulin is minuscule. It is so small that we can disregard it in our discussion here.

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The reason insulin gets triggered is by blood sugar. Now we need to understand a little bit about

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protein. So you eat food. It has protein but your body has to break down the protein into

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amino acids. So if you look at this picture these individual little components these are molecules

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called amino acids and then we string these together by the dozens by the hundreds by the

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thousands and then they form proteins and because of how the proteins have different charges

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then these proteins fold themselves and create different shapes and that is what's unique

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about protein. So we to have to break these individual pieces down because these can only pass across

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the intestinal membrane. They can only be absorbed one by one if we don't break them down we

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can't absorb them. And then once we've absorbed them we are putting them back into other proteins

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that have specific purposes in the body. Even though there are hundreds or even thousands of amino acids

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there are 20 that are used in the human body to configure these proteins and out of these

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twenty there are eight or nine depending on who you talk to that

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are essential, meaning that we have to add them in the diet we have to eat them because

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the body can't make them, but if we eat these eight or nine then we can make the other for a total

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of 20 and the reason they don't know quite sure if it's 8 or 9 is that it seems Histidine

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which is the ninth one can be made from the other eight but today we'll just assume

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that there's nine of them. We often hear about animal protein versus plant protein in terms

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of the protein being complete or not and we also want to talk about how much what percentage

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of the protein is being utilized does it turn into tissue meaning it's utilized or does

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it turn into glucose and fuel and drive insulin and now we want to think of these nine essential amino acids as

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building blocks or letters so if you are going to write, if you're going to spell out nine-letter words

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You need 9 different letters in this case. Nine essential amino acids so this is a protein called prolamine

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has nine letters nine different ones. But let's say that you're missing one letter. You have eight letters

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you don't have the ninth one and now you go to spell a nine-letter word you're going to

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build a protein with nine essential amino acids how many of those words how many of

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those amino acids can you build and the answer is 0 you cannot spell this word unless you

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have that letter and what this means then is all of the other amino acid gets turned

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into glucose and that means this protein is not complete and that's why it's so important

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to eat a variety of foods specially if you are a vegan or vegetarian. But it doesn't stop

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there we also have to understand utilization and this depends on if these amino acids occur

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in the write ratios. So let's say that we have two of this amino acids and four of us and three

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of the O's and six of the L's and so on and now we go to spell as many words as we

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can as many as nine letter words. We're trying to make this particular word how many can

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we make? Well obviously the lowest denominator the toe we have two a's and two peas so we

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can spell the word two times and all of the other amino acids are going to be converted

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into glucose because they get left over for this particular word we can only use the combination

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of these amino acids twice. They may be used for some other proteins down the road but

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for this particular case most of it. This amount gets converted into glucose. And here is how they

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measure this stuff. It's called protein utilization so it's very very simple. Protein has something called

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nitrogen in it that doesn't occur in fat or carbohydrates. So you ingest a certain amount

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of protein hundred percent of what you ingest and then they measure how much of this nitrogen

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is excreted I know how much nitrogen you ate and then they measure how much went out in

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the urine and the conclusion is whatever stayed in the body is being utilized as building

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blocks - becomes tissue. And like we said that's the purpose is to become tissue so that's the

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utilized portion. One of the best foods in terms of utilization is a whole egg almost half

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48% of the protein gets utilized 52% become excreted when will look at animal meat products

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like meat, fish, poultry, pork, virtually any animal protein they're going to be very very close

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right around 32% right about one-third. And then when we look at whey, soy and plant proteins they are

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only 17% absorbed. Only about 1/6th. Whey is a dairy protein but it's processed it's only a portion

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of the protein in dairy. Soy is often quoted as the most complete plant protein that

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some say that it's better than animal products but because of these amino acid ratios its

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own used 17% of it. And the same goes for virtually any protein powder whether it's hemp or pea

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protein or rice protein only a fraction get used and becomes tissue the rest of it becomes

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glucose and will drive insulin. So the only other issue I want to talk about is over eating, because that is also a huge factor even if you eat

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something that's supposed to be highly utilized but you eat way way more than the

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body can you use there's only so much protein that fits into your body's amino acid pool

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that can circulate in the blood and once you go beyond that, then any access will be turned

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into glucose and fuel and be burned because your body can only use so much at a time but

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now it gets really really interesting. Now let's start understanding some of these principles

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We said a whole egg is one of the best ones it gets used about 48% but here is the kicker, Egg white

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only gets used about 17%. Why is that? Because when we look at the composition and we start

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understanding how the body uses this, egg white is virtually all protein and it has a very

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high glycemic index of 55. What most people don't realize is egg yolk actually has more

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protein than white. People throw away the egg yolk and they think - Oh egg white that's the

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good that's the protein stuff, but it turns out the egg yolk has more protein but it doesn't

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stop there the egg yolk has the pieces the amino acids that are missing in the egg white

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and that is why that egg white is only partially used but the whole egg is used to a much much

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higher degree and therefore the insulin index is 21 vs 55 the utilization is 48 vs 17.

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So 83% of the egg white gets turn into glucose and that's why it drives so much insulin. Now let's look at

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a few other foods and remember I said that there's so little data on this. They started

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looking at this in 1997 and there's only been a handful of studies and they're very incomplete so

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there's a lot of discrepancy in the numbers. Beef has been quoted all the way from 15 to

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51 on the insulin index and fish has been quoted all the way from 12 to 59 and we can't

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really find out what type of beef or what type of fish they won't tell us how much fat

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was in there so it seems very unlikely if something has zero carbs and similar protein

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that they would vary this much. And then we look at another list and we see cod comes in at

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12. We see chicken is at 17, hot dog at 16, bologna 11, and bacon 9 so these numbers are

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all very consistently low and they we see that they have zero or low carbs they have similar

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amount of proteins except the processed hot dog and baloney which has less cuz it has

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other stuff in it so basically we see that they're relatively consistent low numbers

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and the proteins are similar and the fat slows down. And nowhere could I find any

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numbers on ground beef. None at all so I tried to create. I tried to estimate some numbers based

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on our understanding now. We know that most animal products, fish, beef, chicken, they all

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seem to be utilized at about 30% so that's mean 70% gets converted to glucose. We also

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know that that slows it down so we look at something like chicken at the one end of

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the scale and we look at bacon on the other. They have similar amounts of protein but

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the fat slows it down. Now if we look at something like 30% fat ground beef then the ratios of

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fat and protein are similar to bacon the only difference really is the ground beef has a

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little more moisture to it so the numbers the insulin index should be very very similar

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so I just said in my estimate here, in my opinion I think that number would be somewhere between

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8 and 12. if you look at 20%.

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In the ground beef.

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Should be a little bit higher cuz there's less fat to slow it down and there's a little

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bit more protein by percentage so maybe 10 to 15 if we look at ground beef with 15% fat

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it's a little bit higher and if we look at lean ground beef we might get up to about 15-20

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which would be similar to the range of chicken. If you enjoyed this video then that would

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be a great one next if you want to understand more about how the body works and how to truly

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master health thank you so much for watching.

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