Neck Stretches For Neck Pain

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Hello I'm Dr. Ekberg and today I want to show you a very useful neck stretch. It's

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really simple you stand up straight you imagine yourself kind of flattening

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yourself against the wall then you put one hand straight over your head or cup

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the ear and then you tug gently on the head and at the same time you put push

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this hand down toward the floor. if you have a dumbbell or something a

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light weight you might want to hold on to that for a little extra traction so

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you hold that stretch for about 10-15 seconds then you push the head into the

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hand so you push the head going that way but you resist with a hand so it's a

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static contraction so we push and hold and hold for about ten seconds then you

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relax the muscle contraction and you stretch another fraction of an inch just

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a tiny little bit so be very patient with these stretches don't try to force

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it all at once then you do both sides same thing on this side and I'm not

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going to go through the whole thing right now then for a second version of

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that stretch you turn your head into the arm that's pulling you're turning about

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45 degrees so now your hand ends up on the back of the head and now you

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pulled sideways and forward so it's like you're looking down into your armpit and

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now you get the muscles more on the back of the neck and then you do the same

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thing there always stretch for 10 to 15 seconds contract for 10 seconds and then

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stretch again for 10 15 seconds so that's the whole stretch now remember

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you this is for a general mobilization you do it for general stiffness it's a

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long-term maintenance thing you don't do it when you have a severe neck pain if

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your muscle is in spasm then the brain thinks that there's a good reason to

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keep it in spasm and you don't want to try to force anything on that muscle

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because it's just gonna get angrier that's when you want to see your

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chiropractor instead so for general stretching for stiffness it's a great

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exercise have fun with it

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