Maximize Your Brain Plasticity For A Super Brain - Doctor Explains Neuroplasticity

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What is neuroplasticity of the brain? And why should you care does it matter to

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you? Stay tuned and I'll explain. I am doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and

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if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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then make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything.

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So plasticity refers to the ability to mold or shape or change

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or reshape something and we used to believe that the brain was kind of set

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that it developed over the growing years and then once we reached adulthood

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then it pretty much stayed the same and that is not true in the last twenty

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thirty years we have learned a lot about the brain and about brain plasticity the

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neuroplasticity the ability for the brain to actually physically change so

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think of the brain as an enormous circuitry and like an electronic circuit

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except this circuit has a hundred billion transistors and in the brain the

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brain cells are called neurons and imagine each of these brain cells

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connect to other brain cells and each cell makes on average five to ten

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thousand connections times a hundred billion and some of these cells like in

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the cerebellum that makes coordinates thought and movement the cerebellum some

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of those cells can make a quarter million to half a million connections

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per cell so the complexity of this neural network is enormous and it

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manages everything about you so the purpose of the brain is to coordinate

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and regulate things so you have a hundred trillion cells and each of those

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cells is like an independent little unit of life and the brains job is to make

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those hundred trillion cells work together as a unit so the brain receives

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about 1 billion bits of information every second and none

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those bits are ignored or missed so every bit coming in has a consequence of

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the brain receives it processes and it executes the sum total of that is called

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regulation the better it works the healthier you are but here's the

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interesting part a computer can also process a lot of different things but

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the processing doesn't change the computer the brain however it changes

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with that information so if information comes in and takes a certain path then

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it's going to increase the likelihood of that path being executed or firing again

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so the more that we use a path the more that we strengthen it so that's how

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plasticity works that the more of a certain input that we give to the brain

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the more resources and the more pathways and the more synapses the brain is going

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to allocate to that particular function so the brain is actually being recreated

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every single day but if you give it mostly the same information today as you

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did yesterday then it's going to recreate the same brain however if you

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start changing things up if you do this on purpose especially and you start

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thinking different you start acting different you start doing different

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things then you're going to recreate another type of brain you're going to

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make the brain change so if you keep things the same you'll recreate the same

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if you keep changing then it'll change with you some interesting areas where

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this is good to understand is in the case of a stroke for example in the case

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of a stroke there is an occlusion there is a problem where the blood supply to

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the brain is actually blocked and a portion of the brain

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small or large is deprived of oxygen long enough that those cells actually

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die so that function isn't there those cells are never going to

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operate again but if we understand neuroplasticity and we understand that

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the more that we can change things up and make the brain help the brain become

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flexible the more the brain can allocate reallocate those functions to other

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areas one very interesting aspect of that is with blind people when they lose

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their vision or they never developed it then the areas in the brain that

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normally process this vision are not needed for that purpose so the brain can

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use them for other things so even though they're supposed to be used for vision

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we don't need them for that so with blind people they use their

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fingertips a lot more they start to read with their fingertips and as a result

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the area that normally processes touch starts expanding and being using up real

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estate in the visual cortex the area of the brain normally used to process

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vision so they can essentially see with their fingers if you will and the brain

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is amazing that it will constantly reallocate its resources to the things

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that you do most so you have to ask how do you want it to work one definition of

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genius is that it's just a persistent attention to a particular topic

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if you persistently focus on a particular topic then the brain will

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start allocating more resources to that and you get really good at it or someone

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might call you a genius or an expert so by understanding a

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little bit more about plasticity by understanding that the brain is not set

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it is not what it is you can actually change it and by understanding how

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plasticity is strongly influenced by factors such as attitude when you feel

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positive about something the brain works better doubt and negativity and anxiety

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and negative feelings interfere with a flow of those creative processes

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and also by understanding visualization that you can visualize something and

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that the brain experiences it as if it actually happened and by understanding

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the value of repetition now you can start making plasticity work for you to

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create a brain and to create some pathways and some habits that work

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better for you for what you'd like to accomplish and do so let me know if this

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was interesting if it makes sense to you and if there's any part of this that you

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have experienced in your life I'd love to see some comments if you want to

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share what this has done for you or if there's some past events where you can

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kind of see how this has been working if you're new to this channel make sure

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that you subscribe and that you hit that notification bell if you enjoy this sort

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of content so that we can keep it coming your way

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thanks for watching

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