Lower High Cholesterol - User Manual For Humans S1 E16 - Dr Ekberg

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good afternoon happy to see all of you here we're going to have some fun here

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today I'm dr. Sten Ekberg and this is another installment in our series user

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manual for humans and why do we have a user manual for humans well you have one

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for your toaster you have one for your hair dryer you got one for your

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microwave nobody gave you one for the full that you would be and that's the

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most important one so today we're going to talk about cholesterol and this is in

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my opinion when we look back at this one generation from now this will be

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equivalent to the dark ages there is so much myth and misunderstanding and it's

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been so vilified that it's it's unbelievable so we're going to talk

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about what it is and what what really is good or bad about it so cholesterol I

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call this the the good bad and the necessary so we're going to talk about

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what is it what does it do why is it a natural thing and why is there really no

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such thing as good or bad cholesterol

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it's the greatest hoax sins low-fat diets and we'll look at the cartoon here

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and this sort of illustrates the level of understanding a lot of people have no

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HDL and LDL were not the robots in Star Wars so we'll hopefully erase our for

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awareness a little bit and the history really isn't that important so I'm just

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going to kind of race through it but it's important to understand that a lot

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of this is coming from not necessarily from a need but from a desire to do

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business so 1847 they first found a cholesterol as as a component of a of a

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plaque and then a hundred years later they did something called a Framingham

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Heart Study of home is a place where they have followed

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people for decades and they've traced and studied their their heart conditions

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and most of what the heart policy and guidelines that we have come from these

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studies so in 1957 10 years into the study they said oh well these people are

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having issues we need low-fat diets and then in 1971 they started isolating

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different components that they thought could be useful but at this time they

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didn't really do it for the purpose of finding cholesterol but they were it's

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just part of research so they found something called meta Staten from a

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fungus this caused tumors muscle deterioration and death in dogs so they

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thought we must be on to something good here and then in 1978 Merck isolated

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lovastatin from another fungus so these are related substances and in 1985

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someone was awarded the nobel prize for clarifying the cholesterol production

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pathway and this is important to understand the body actually

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manufactures cholesterol and it manufactures most of the cholesterol in

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your body then 1987 Merck releases a anti statin drug called mevacor there's

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a six hundred million dollars a year advertising budget and there's some more

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guidelines from the government and they're still talking about low-fat then

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in 2001 now we're starting to see what's happening with with lobbying that these

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companies they're saying well we're giving people these drugs but they still

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have high cholesterol so we need to make stricter guidelines and this happens

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through login that so the government changed and

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because they tightened up the guidelines all of a sudden instead of 13 people 13

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million people being candidates for these drugs now there's 36 million

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people so through this lobbying they're increasing their market share and what

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used to be a healthy level all of a sudden was too high so most of these

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levels are artificially and arbitrarily created another thing that we're seeing

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change is prior to this there have never been marketing of pharmaceuticals

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straight to the consumer that have always been done to the doctors or to

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the the health care field but now they're they're bypassing the doctor and

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they're going straight to the consumer and they're saying you have this problem

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you need this drug go ask your doctor and the doctor doesn't know he says okay

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well I guess it's a good thing so now they're starting to put people on drugs

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from the pressure of the consumer coming to the doctor instead and that's that's

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an enormous increase in pressure so to speak to expand the market for drugs and

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in 2010 there were 28 billion dollars in sales straight to 24 staff and drugs and

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what they're talking about next is to release these over the counter I saw

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some statistic what was it used you showed me one in four people over a

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certain age and I don't know exactly what the HD was 40 50 somewhere around

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there and what is all this based on well there is the research called a

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Framingham study and they observed certain facts and they drew certain

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conclusions so we'll go over those the fact was people with heart disease

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usually have higher cholesterol than healthy people that's a fact to

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atherosclerosis plaques can tane cholesterol 3 these people also

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usually have a higher ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol those who are the facts

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that they observed now it depends on how what sort of philosophy and how you view

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the body what sort of conclusions you draw from that so their conclusion was

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cholesterol causes heart disease and too they concluded LDL is bad and HDL is

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good and from this we have these terms of good and bad cholesterol now here's

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the problem as it is with with most of the research when when it comes to drugs

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and the medical research they do first problem there was only a correlation no

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one ever suggested or prove that there's a causative relationship between one and

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the other all they did was they observed one and they observe the other so they

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said we see these two they must go together and one must be the cause of

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the other that has never been the case so they assumed a causative relationship

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so here's another thing like I said the body produces most of your cholesterol

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so nobody here was asking why is the liver making too much cholesterol

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they're just assuming that that you're eating too much of it and that must be

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the problem and as usual they blamed it on the DNA there must be something wrong

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with your jeans right my favorite analogy for this is to illustrate the

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thing between correlation and cause every time there's a traffic accident I

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see blinking blue lights so because I see them at the same time they must

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belong together and one must be the cause of the other so the blinking blue

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lights must cause traffic accidents because I see them

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there every time right that's this level of sophistication of thinking the

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thinking process that led them to believe that cholesterol causes heart

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disease so with this we can say oh well if the blinking blue lights cause

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traffic accidents and I see those policemen driving those cars with the

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blinking blue lights it must be bad policeman okay bad Fire Department bad

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Police Department they're causing traffic accidents and that's absurd like

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we can all see and it's equally absurd with the cholesterol so we're going to

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talk about why that there's no such thing as as good or bad what are and

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here's a question that they don't ask before they put these labels and draw

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these conclusions these are questions they don't ask what is it cholesterol

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does what is the function of cholesterol are we supposed to have it in our bodies

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so first of all cholesterol is a hormone precursor all of the male and female

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hormones are built from cholesterol we need that cholesterol as the raw

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material to make estrogen and progesterone and testosterone we can't

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do it without so the function of our ovaries and testes and adrenals are

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stress coping ability depends on cholesterol vitamin D cannot be produced

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in the body we get it from sunshine but it cannot be produced without adequate

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cholesterol in the body and now they found vitamin D as the number one

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vitamin that everybody needs that it's linked to all

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sorts of problems when you don't it is needed for digestion the bile in the

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liver that helps you emulsifying process fats contains cholesterol and most

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importantly now we're getting to it's a component of the cell membrane and when

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I can get into detail on the cell membrane but the cell membrane is the

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microprocessor of the body it's the brain of the body the cell membrane is

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what determines the outside and the inside of the cell is the barrier that

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decides what goes in and what stays out so because of that it's the decision

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maker in the body in all regards and that's the function of the brain and the

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nervous system the function that the reason the brain can makes decisions is

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that it has a cell membrane that can tell the difference between inside and

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outside and cholesterol is a vitally important component of the cell membrane

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so we cannot make proper cell membranes without the cholesterol so the

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permeability and the fluidity of cholesterol depends on this so if we

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don't have enough then signaling and nervous system function of the nervous

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system can suffer if we have a lack of cholesterol it's been linked to

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depression and cholesterol is also indispensable for making Milan and

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myelin is a fatty substance that surrounds the nerve fiber and this is

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like the insulation if you have an electric wire it's always insulated by

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plastic well the body does the same thing but it does it with Milan

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containing cholesterol so the insulating and signalling properties of the

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depends on this and it's it's vitally important for brain maturation so when

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they're saying that all these kids are so unhealthy we need to get them on

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statin drugs while they're teenagers this would be incredibly devastating

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because it would keep their brains from maturing properly ingested versus

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manufactured using a complex thirty seven step process so I mean it's 37

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steps this is not something that accidentally happens in the body for no

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good reason that if it goes through all those steps the body has a reason to

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make this stuff the liver produces approximately a thousand milligrams a

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day while another two or three hundred milligrams are ingested on average

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however this ingested cholesterol the stuff that you eat is not absorbed very

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well so it's actually even though you eat two to three hundred milligrams not

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all of that is getting into your body so that makes the importance of the

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ingested cholesterol even less in comparison but furthermore cholesterol

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because it's so important and most important substances in the body they

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circulate so the body releases them at some point so the gallbladder releases

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cholesterol into the intestine but because it's an important substance it

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is being reabsorbed so we're saving so we don't have to make so much of it all

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the time the body is economizing with this important substance and because of

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all these factors there is virtually no effect on the cholesterol level in your

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body of the cholesterol that you eat because when you eat more of it your

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body is going to make less when you eat less your body is going to make

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or so the ingested cholesterol has virtually no bearing at all on the

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cholesterol in your body okay so what what is it that that does determine well

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let's look at a little more specifically what they do these guys LDL and HDL

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stands for low density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein so as the name

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implies light bulb protein is something that contains lipids and protein it has

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fat and protein in it but it has different components so depending on how

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much protein it has it's either high density or low density so something

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that's low density the LDL it's lighter because it has more fat and less protein

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and and vice versa so what these carriers what these do they are carriers

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they're their vehicles it's like a bus and the purpose of that bus is to

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transport things so LDL and HDL these lipoproteins are carriers they're like

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buses and what they do is they either carry cholesterol out to the tissues if

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the tissues need cholesterol or they bring cholesterol back if the body has

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had enough so LDL means that the bus is already full of people it's already full

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of cholesterol so if you need to transport these people some place and

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drop them off that's the function of that bus then if the people are out

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there and then they need to be picked back up then you need

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sent an empty bus so that you can pick them up and bring them back this is

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exactly what LDL and HDL does there's nothing good or bad about it if the body

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needs cholesterol in the tissues deliver make more LDL so it can deliver

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cholesterol to the tissues if there is enough at the tissues or too much then

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the body makes HDL so we can bring the cholesterol back to the liver for

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reprocessing so that's the purpose there's no good or bad that's just what

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it does it's a carrier and the volume makes whichever one you need at the time

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what's the situation then where the body makes more LDL or HDL well what's the

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purpose the purpose of cholesterol is like we said it's all of those hormone

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functions and all that but remember it's part of the cell membrane so anytime

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that we have damage in the body the body needs more cholesterol to repair the

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damage and what is it that causes damage primarily in the body it is inflammation

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and they're finding out more and more and more and more that all these

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degenerative diseases from Alzheimer's to heart disease diabetes is a state of

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low-grade inflammation heart disease is an inflammatory condition and when you

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have inflammation in the tissues and you get cell damage to the cell membranes

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and you need to repair those cell membranes the body makes more LDL

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cholesterol to deliver it to the tissues so the LDL is not the bad guy it's the

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inflammation so if we want to change anything about this then we just

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need to find out what are the lifestyle factors that are causing the the high

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inflammation and one thing that we talked about in this office is stress

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because stress has been linked to virtually every disease and it's linked

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in this function as well that you're sitting at a picnic you're having a good

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time and your your stress and your healing your sympathetic and your

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parasympathetic are in balance and then the grizzly bear shows up for your

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picnic and now things are not so peaceful you get into a state of stress

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and some of the things that will happen is your heart rate goes up your blood

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pressure goes up your muscle tension goes up your blood sugar goes up but one

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more thing that happens is you check out those claws on the bear and they look

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pretty sharp so your quality you're infinitely smart body says there's

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probably going to be some bleeding before this is all over so just in case

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I'm going to prepare to stop the bleeding and in order to stop bleeding I

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have to increase the blood clotting factors and what's included in blood

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clotting factors cholesterol is part of that cascade and once we have the damage

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we're going to need cholesterol for the wound healing to create new cell

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membranes to create all of that so whenever as soon as we see that grizzly

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bear we have an increase in LDL cholesterol because the body is planning

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ahead and saying we better deliver some cholesterol to the tissues just in case

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so even though we don't have them any grizzly bears we have quite a bit of

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other stress okay so when you see that grizzly bear and your LDL is going on

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your body is doing exactly what it's supposed to you are not missing a statin

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drug your body is behaving exactly the way it's supposed to

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stress so the problem again is stress and inflammation it's not about the food

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that meat unless the food of course creates inflammation that's a different

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story but it's not about how much cholesterol is in there what are some of

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the ways to bring it down obviously reduce the need for it so even though

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cholesterol isn't good or bad obviously having high cholesterol is not a good

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thing because it means that we have inflammation in the body so as we get

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healthier as we learn how to be healthy meaning eat better move better feel

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better as we talked about in our long series of user manual then inflammation

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goes down and we need less cholesterol to repair the damage the other way to

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bring it down is to use a statin drug a cholesterol-lowering drug and what does

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it do what's the mechanism well the statin drug interferes with the livers

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ability to manufacture cholesterol so your body is saying we want this

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cholesterol and it signals the liver to make some more and we take a drug that

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destroys delivers ability to make it so we have to basically choke the living

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daylights out of the liver and if you notice on all the commercials what do

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they say never ever take this if you have any problem with your liver because

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we're going to choke it some more so if it had any sort of problem then we're

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going to squeeze the life out of it so you have to have a perfectly healthy

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liver so it can sustain the damage we're about to do to it that's why they say

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that and what's the effect of the drug as well it's going to lower your

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cholesterol so it's going to look on the blood test

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is going to look like a good thing happened but what really happened is you

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still add the stress you still have the inflammation you just don't have the

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ability to make the cholesterol so you're not healing yeah and this is how

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most medical research is done they don't ever look at are you getting healthier

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they're looking at one measurement they're looking at blood pressure or

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cholesterol or some some aspect and they're saying can we change that one

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aspect they don't care at all about anything else that they might be

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changing in the process Jenny's really don't know affect that yeah I'm missing

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with one thing yes yes and we'll do another talk on on drugs and their their

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mechanism just so you can see a little bit more that what are some of the stat

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and side effects liver damage muscle damage and what's one of the more

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important muscles it's the heart and it can affect memory concentration and

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cause depression it can create pain and peripheral neuropathy again if you don't

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have the cholesterol to repair the damage now your nerves are going to get

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yet have issues sleep problems sexual dysfunction fatigue if you don't have a

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cholesterol to manufacture your sex hormones then you get sexual dysfunction

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and one thing that's really important that we've talked a lot about is

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mitochondrial function is absolutely guaranteed that these statin drugs will

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interfere with your body's ability to use Co Q 10 so if you ever ever get on a

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a statin drug for whatever reason if you if you get talked into it make sure you

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double up and triple up on your coat 10 because your body is going to need it

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and with that reduction of coq10 of course your body the mitochondria are

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not going to be able to make this the energy that's so essential for for every

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cell function and what's where you have most of your mitochondria well in the

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most active organs which is the brain the heart and the liver and then the

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right one Co Q 10 yes yes yes the ubiquinol it the active form so here's

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here's just a little bit of what I mentioned up front that the guidelines

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that the drug companies they obviously want to make money so the more clients

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they have the more the potential target market the better for them so they're

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lobbying they're saying hey we're doing all this stuff people are still getting

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heart attacks we must we must tighten the guidelines so over the years they

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manage to change these guidelines so that more and more and more people get

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in the into the target zone become a target market so then this guy at the

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fast food dining table says my heart has survived 16 girlfriends seven fiance's

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and four ex-wives you think my heart is afraid of a cheeseburger so we want to

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start understanding the body a little bit differently all of the traditional

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risk factors the things they talk about as risk factors they're not really risk

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factors at all some of them are quite ridiculous actually and being male

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that's not a risk factor it's a correlation again smoking it's not a

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risk factor it's because increases free radicals and decreases oxygen

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hypertension is not a risk factor it's an association it's it's just another

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effect of poor health that's that's observed in correlation diabetes the

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same thing family history got nothing to do with it HDL of course it's it's

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another effects of all of the things that they're talking about or not the

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risk factors there's just other things that you observe in conjunction with

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poor health and we need to start understanding what the true risks are if

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we're ever going to get to the source of the problem the real risk factors are

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free radicals inflammation and degeneration what are they caused by

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chemical stress structural stress and emotional stress it's what we talk about

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in all the other installments of the series and we talk in details about how

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each of the work and what we can do about them so that is all we have on

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cholesterol and we encourage you to learn more and come to other other talks

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that we have and feel free to ask any questions

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