Lower Blood Sugar Naturally - User Manual For Humans S1 E05 - Dr Ekberg

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good evening and welcome to our fifth installment in our series user manual

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for humans so tonight we'll have another good talk we're going to get it's good

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material to cover and a lot of times people don't really understand what what health

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is about or why it matters or... they may feel fine they're still young they still

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don't have any major diseases but we're going to talk about blood sugar and

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diabetes and this is one of the most important one of the most prevalent

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conditions we've ever seen and it's epidemic it's exploding we'll talk we'll

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give you some statistics toward the end to to scare you some and if you're

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taking good care of yourself then I'm sure that you know someone who doesn't

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who needs to know this information so take good notes and pass this on we will

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talk about the purpose of blood sugar what is it for what does it do in the

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body what sort of balance do we need to maintain the process of absorption

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because that's crucial in determining the level of blood sugar what are the

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hormonal effects and that's primarily insolent we'll talk about what is

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insulin resistance because most people know that that's a bad thing and that it

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could lead to diabetes but how does it all work and then we'll talk about

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diabetes which today effects eight point three percent of the u.s. population

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that are full-fledged diabetics and there's many times that number of people

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that are pre-diabetic one of my favorite quotes what gets us in trouble is not

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what we don't know it's what we know for sure that just ain't so that's Mark

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Twain and there are so many things that we're going to cover in the series that

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are well-established facts that the establishment the people who know say

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this is the way it is and yet we find out a few years

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or the people on the cutting edge know that it just ain't so for one thing

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since we're talking about diabetes the food pyramid says that we should eat 8 to

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11 servings of grains every day well that's an excellent recipe to get

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diabetes if you're not in the risk zone just follow the food pyramid and before

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you know it you'll be there then let's talk a little bit about why we why we

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end up in this position first of all why do sweets taste so good I think that's

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the biggest problem for a lot of people and we have to think back and look at

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survival advantage and back many thousands of years ago there wasn't a

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whole lot of sweets so the taste of sweet helped humans to select the foods

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that gave quick energy so back then it was basically fruits and an occasional

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honey beehive that you ran across those were the sweets that we had and the more

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that you could quickly get energy into the body the better your chances of

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survival and if there was abundant food then wherever you could find sweet and

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rich food you could pack on some fat and that would help you survive later in

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times of starvation so that's why we have that mechanism in the first place

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and it never became a problem until we started processing food and extracting

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that the source of the sweet flavor of the sugar out of the natural food and

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processing it so it became widely abundant and we can have it as syrup and

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coca cola and candy and now it's a

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completely different animal they've estimated that back in the day when they

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were hunter-gatherers that if they ran across an occasional beehive that was

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the only refined sugar that they would ever come across and just kind of

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guesstimating they assumed that if you find four pounds of honey per year per

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person that's pretty that you're still pretty lucky but that would add that

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would amount to about one teaspoon per day so essentially for the period of

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time that your DNA has developed you've been exposed to about 1 teaspoon a day

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so that's the amount of sugar that that you're fine with anything else is a

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little bit of a burden on the body. back in the day there was no such thing

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as bread pastries waffles pasta syrup pancakes candy cookies chocolate pasta

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and so on and so on and so on these items did not exist they just

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weren't in in existence so because of that your DNA has never encountered

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those foods your body can deal very well with short-term starvation but it has no

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defense against chronic abundance of processed foods historical adaptation

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again we mentioned this a little bit before but the DNA of Homo sapiens has

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not changed the significant in about forty thousand years we've been

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hunter-gatherers we come across the occasional bee hive we've eaten fruits

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and vegetables we hunted meat and game and that's what our DNA recognizes that.

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that's what we know what to do with then in the last 4,000 years which is a blink

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of time in evolution in terms of changing DNA we introduced

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agriculture so we had more than an occasional few grains but there was

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still no processing at all then in the last few hundred years we have had a

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modest availability of processed sugar and processed grains and 150 years in

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terms of compared to 40,000 again is it's a blink there's there's no time for

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the body to adapt and in the last 50 years we've had an abundance of sugar in

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this country I think the it's roughly a half a pound of sugar per person per day

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okay and I don't eat my half a pound so some of us eat in mind as well that's

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that's astounding that's 800 calories of sugar refined sugar and syrup and corn

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syrup per day so that is why and then of course we add the starch and the white

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bread and the waffles to that there's no wonder that there's an epidemic of

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diabetes so let's talk a little bit about the process what is blood sugar

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and what's the process of getting so first we eat the food and it's in our

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gut then it has to be digested and just because we put something into

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the mouth doesn't mean that it is functional and available to the body it

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has to pass across a number of membranes through a process of digestion and

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absorption and then it gets into the bloodstream and now it exists in the

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form of sugar as glucose molecules in the bloodstream and it is still of

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absolutely no use to the body because the only place we can use the sugar is

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inside of cells so now we have to get it from the bloodstream and into the cell

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and this doesn't happen by itself there are there are gates and there are

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receptors on the cells to absorb to take in the sugar but these gates they don't

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work without insulin so that is what insulin is all about that is the

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function of insulin is that it activates the receptors so that we can get the

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sugar into the cell you have a little receptor the insulin attaches to it and

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now that gate is open for the sugar and

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this is important to realize and the more processed the food is the quicker

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it will get into the bloodstream and the faster your blood sugar will rise we'll

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talk more about this so weight gain is not about how many calories you eat it

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is in a way but not really and here's why when the sugar gets into the

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bloodstream when when the food gets into the bloodstream faster than we can use

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it and get it into the cells and burn it off then the excess has to be stored

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okay and we can only store about 800 calories worth 200 grams or so worth of

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sugar and carbohydrates and the rest of it has to be turned into fat so fat

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develops when the food we eat gets into the bloodstream too fast we have to get

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a lot of insulin to get it into the cell and whatever the cell can't use at the

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time gets converted to fat so the it's not so much the amount of food we eat

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but how is it processed by the body and interestingly fat and protein gets into

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the bloodstream very very slowly so fat and protein do not contribute to weight

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gain unless you just completely totally stuff yourself every day and so now we

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will talk about blood sugar and how it works

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so you have a diagram here on slide eight and we want to see if we can

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illustrate this here is the amount of blood sugar and here is a very narrow

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band and this is right around a hundred milligrams of blood sugar per liter now

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what happens in the body if your blood sugar goes significantly below or

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significantly above we can get in what's called a diabetic coma you literally

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physically get into a coma your brain stops working if you get very far

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outside of the zone either above or below so that means this is where the

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body wants to be and when anything gets far away from it it's an emergency it's

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life-threatening for the body so this is very very high priority for the brain

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glucose blood sugar is the primary fuel for the brain it can really only use it

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can use a little bit of ketone bodies and so forth but glucose is really the

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only fuel that the brain uses so it's very important for the brain to function

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for us to have a normal level and again the brain stops functioning if we get

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above or below so if we eat let's say that we are starting around the lower

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end of this hundred and we get hungry and we eat a meal a

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hunter-gatherer meal we catch ourselves a rabbit and we find some roots and some

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leafy greens and we make ourselves a meal that meal is going to be digested

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because it's protein because it's whole food lots of fiber and good stuff it

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will be absorbed very slowly into the bloodstream so over the next few hours

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the blood the blood sugar rises very very slowly and we'll say this is one

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hour two hours three hours four hours

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now remember we have to use insulin to get the blood the sugar out of the blood

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and into the cell because this is of no use to the body until we can get it into

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the cell so now we secrete insulin the pancreas which sits right around here

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releases insulin and the insulin takes the sugar out of the blood so once we

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have a certain amount of insulin the blood sugar will start falling again and

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it will go back down and then the body has some reserves so

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the body can maintain it within this level for quite some time so this is

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what the body wants this is what whole foods and real food and food with fiber

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and protein and fat does but that's not what we eat anymore how much sugar do we

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have in the bloodstream at any given time a hundred milligrams of blood sugar

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per deciliter multiplied by the volume of blood that you have in your body

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means that you have in your bloodstream at any given time five grams of sugar

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that's it one teaspoon of sugar is all you want in your bloodstream at a time

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that's all your brain can handle so going from the lower end of this to the

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upper end of this is about a span of 20 milligrams of sugar that's one gram that

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is how much your blood sugar can fluctuate before it becomes a reason for

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your body to respond and change before it becomes an emergency if you will it's

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not getting a little bit outside it's not really an emergency but the body

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will respond it will try to keep it within this level which is about 1 gram

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difference so that's a fifth of a teaspoon and how much sugar is in a coke

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40 (grams) okay so if you're going to can only fluctuate if you're not sure you can

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fluctuate one gram and you dump in 40 grams of something that will be absorbed

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in 15 minutes do you think that's a bit of a stress to the body because it's

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never in the history of mankind has it been exposed to 40 grams of liquid sugar

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that just goes rushing straight into the bloodstream so this is what happens with

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real food now I'll just draw on top of this now let's say that you have

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a cup of coffee with a little sugar in it and you have donuts and a coca-cola

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or apple juice for breakfast so now your blood sugar let's say that this

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is a hundred 200 300 400 your blood sugar can very very quickly get up to

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about three four hundred and it will do it even faster than this it will it will

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happen in 15-20 minutes remember we said this is an emergency what has

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to happen what is the body going to do about this emergency it's

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going to release a lot of insulin exactly and because this is an emergency

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it's not going to hold back it's going to dump all the insulin and can

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basically to try to get this craziness under control so with this much insulin

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in the blood stream assisting the sugar getting into the cells how quickly is

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the blood sugar going to drop almost instantaneously it's going to drop as

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fast as it came up so the blood sugar comes crashing down and then it gets to

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the normal level of 100 do you think with this much insulin and going down at

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this rate do you think it's going to stop smoothly right around the hundred

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and flatten out? it's going to keep going it's going to keep going and then

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eventually it will taper off because now we have an emergency on the other side

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so what is this called what's the name for this this place when your blood

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sugar is really low

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listen hypoglycemia exactly what does it feel like when you have hypoglycemia

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sluggish irritable cranky and what do you get cravings why do you get cravings

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because this is very unhealthy the brain doesn't work so the brain says give me

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some fuel quickly and what's the fastest source more coca-cola more sugar more

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starch more juice give me something quick so that I can come back to life so

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then you have some other snack or a muffin or something and up it goes and

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then it shoots back down and up and down this people who have hypoglycemia they

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really cannot develop hypoglycemia without this mechanism this is the cause

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of hypoglycemia it's the roller coaster the craziness of all these swings in

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blood sugar okay so one more little footnote what happens to all of these

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calories that you ingested remember we said when they're ingested into the

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bloodstream faster than you can burn it and then all this insulin shoves them

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out into the cell but less than an hour has passed and in that hour you've only

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burned about a hundred calories so the excess has to be converted to fat so

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even though you've converted all these calories too fat you're still having

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cravings because the reverse process is too slow and your body needs in brain it

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needs this fuel fast it's going to tell you

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some more sugar give me some more blood sugar okay so this is the devastating

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roller coaster that's the foundation of developing diabetes and virtually half

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of all the diseases known to mankind who has heard of insulin resistance insulin

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resistance is also known as pre-diabetes and we'll cover some numbers here in a

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minute but here's basically how it works you have a little diagram but i'll try

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to draw it as we go i'll just draw the one so here is here is the cell and the

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cell has a membrane and out around here are sugar molecules and we'll just draw

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them around for simplicity so we have some sugar molecules out here and the

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cell needs the sugar inside because nothing happens in the body until the

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energy is inside the cell so now we need something called an insulin receptor and

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here is the insulin receptor and it looks like that let's say and then comes

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around and I'll keep drawing colors here then we have insulin and we'll just

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draw that as a triangle and insulin floats around and then insulin makes its

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way and attaches to the receptor and it causes a confirmation change so now this

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this channel is available to process and transport glucose so here comes a

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glucose molecule before it was just floating around but now because of the

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insulin it can get in the cell so inside the cell we need to

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maintain a certain amount of glucose to create energy for the metabolic

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processes and the life of the cell but we only need so much at a time so that's

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why the fuel supply needs to be gradual and that's why again the sugar is so

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devastating because it's not gradual it just it's an avalanche so we have let me

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draw a few more of these so there's a receptor there's a receptor there's a

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receptor and there's a receptor so in order to process and get a gradual

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supply of sugar we need a certain amount of receptors and we need a certain

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amount of insulin so hypothetically speaking for for illustration purposes

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this amount of receptors and this amount of insulin will provide that much sugar

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for the cell and that will maintain the processes now we have a bunch of

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coca-cola and donuts and junk food and syrup and all of a sudden we have five

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times as much sugar in the bloodstream

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here's all that sugar and it's just banging on the door to get into the

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cell and there's some insulin receptors that are attaching and they're

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allowing the sugar to get into the cell but with this much sugar around pretty

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soon the cell is going to be saturated and it's going to say well you know hold

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off guys I don't need that much so what's the cell going to do we know the

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principle of use it or lose it that the body will always only replenish the

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resources that it needs and if there's this much sugar the cell doesn't need

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this many receptors so there's two steps it's going to turn down its sensitivity

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it's going to turn down his allowance so it's going to say for every insulin

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molecule I'm only going to let in half as many sugar molecules that's the first

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step of insulin resistance the second step is that it's going to say you know

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with this much sugar I don't need all these receptors I can get with this much

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sugar I can get all the sugar I want inside the cell with half as many

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receptors because when it rains it pours so imagine that you had a cabin and you

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were living off the land and the only water that you had was rain water and so

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every time it rained you had a hundred buckets and you would go put the buckets

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out and collect the rainwater and you get that much water in each bucket and

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then you collected all the buckets and you put them in and you got four buckets

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worth of water and you for a week and then hopefully it rained

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again within the next week what would happen if it was always raining it was

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always pouring down would you still put out a hundred buckets or would you just

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sit on the porch and stick a bucket out when you needed some that's what the

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cell is doing when it's raining too when it's too much when it's a abundant

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availability it's not going to make as many receptors that's called

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down-regulation of receptors and it's one of the most crucial principles in

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physiology that your body will adapt to your environment so diabetes is not a

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disease it's an adaptation and nothing more it's a physiological adaptation and

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also what happens now we still have all this sugar in the bloodstream what did

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we say about too much blood sugar in the bloodstream we said

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it's an emergency the brain will go into a coma so now we have a challenging

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situation because the brain needs to get the sugar out of the blood stream but

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the cells don't want it so now the brain says to the pancreas we need to get this

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out of here make more insulin make a whole bunch of insulin and if you make

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enough you can cram all that into the cell and you can turn it all into fat

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but in the long run you're pushing the system so hard it's going to break

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because if the pancreas is always being made to

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use more and more and more insulin and the cell is becoming more and more

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insulin resistant then you're pushing the system from two directions and it

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the system doesn't want to play like that so eventually what happens is the

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pancreas burns out and you have so much insulin resistance in the cells that the

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pancreas can't keep up making enough insulin and that's that's the end stage

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of insulin resistance and pre-diabetes and if you push this just a little bit

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further now the pancreas breaks down and stops making insulin all together and

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you have just developed type 2 diabetes insulin dependent now your body can't

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make insulin at all or very very limited amount and certainly not enough for

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insulin resistant cells so now all this insulin is gone all the blood sugar is

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still there and now the cell isn't getting any sugar now the sugar is

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saying hey where my sugar go and now it starts making new receptors it starts to

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up-regulate the receptors but it's too late because there is no insulin to

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transport it across and this is why diabetes is called starvation in the

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midst of plenty because now you have all this food in the bloodstream but none of

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it is getting into the cell so the initial stage diabetes people will

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weight before then figured out that they can't make insulin all right so the

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important thing to realize about this is that your body is magnificent it's a

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healing machine it's amazing if it down regulates something it can upregulate it

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again so what has to happen to this picture as long as you have some

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pancreas function left you can salvage it but you have to get rid of the

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insulin resistance so what do you have to do you have to balance your blood

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sugar you have to get back to your hunter-gatherer diet and make sure that

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the insulin gets into the sugar gets into the bloodstream very very gradually

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and the second thing you have to do is exercise you have to move and why is

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that because during exercise something magical happens and these cells can

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start taking in glucose without insulin or with extremely small amounts okay

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so I'll take questions afterwards if there's any part of this that's

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unclear but remember it's all about use or lose it and that holds true for

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cells and receptors also and up-regulation and down-regulation is a

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crucial mechanism of all cells in the body so one favorite cartoon again

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Glasbergen this lady is talking to the doctor says I think diabetes is

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affecting my eyesight I have trouble seeing the consequences of poor food

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choices I love it so how does the how does this problem occur in the first

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place and there's a lot of talk about something called glycemic index and

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we'll talk very very quickly about what that is it basically measures how soon

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after you eat something has that been converted into sugar and enter the blood

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so if something is converted very slowly and absorbed very slowly it's said to

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have a low glycemic index so low glycemic index or things like fat

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protein whole foods vegetables meat fish and nuts in other words most of the

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things that that nature produces in their whole form something that is

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processed something that will doesn't need much digestion that is almost sugar

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as you eat it will get into the bloodstream almost instantly and that's

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called a high glycemic index so when you want to start controlling this you need

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to look at glycemic indexes and you want to keep them... if you want to

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correct a situation that's already out of hand you need to give very very very

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low glycemic index it you basically cannot

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any sugar or starch or anything like that and don't be fooled when they say

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whole wheat or complex carbohydrates because it is still high glycemic index

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food it will still get out very very quickly and in between there's some

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medium glycemic index those would basically be beans and whole fruit and

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let me make a note there that while a whole fruit has a medium glycemic index

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if you juice it it becomes a high glycemic index because you break up the

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cell walls and you take away all the fiber and all the sugar becomes

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available instantly so the juice is not the same thing as a fruit and when they

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say made from that means it's not what it used to be simple as that and another

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note on I just use milk as an example that because fat takes longer to process

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and milk has both fat and lactose in it which is a sugar then if you drink whole

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milk preferably raw whole milk then the fat will balance out the sugar so it

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becomes a medium glycemic index whereas if you drink a skim milk you've taken

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all the fat away so there's nothing to buffer the sugar and that becomes a high

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glycemic index okay so understand that the principles and then you can figure

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things out for yourself so now is the time to shake you up and scare you a

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little bit and the people in this room you already know a lot about this I can

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tell but think about people you know and take this to heart and realize that a

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lot of what we're talking about in all these sessions they kind of

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applies across the board even though we're just talking about diabetes today

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side effects and complications diabetes is the primary or contributing cause of

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death and 231,000 cases in 2007 that's a lot of people the primary or

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contributing cause of death estimated costs 174 billion dollars and that's

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medical costs and work loss and disability so it's not just the expense

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but at some point people are unable to maintain that work and they they're

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disabled which means they can't really enjoy life at all nervous system damage

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occurs in sixty to seventy percent of diabetes that means that the sugar is

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the sugar in the bloodstream is so much above where it's supposed to be that it

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starts penetrating the tissues around it and it causes... when and sugar in the

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tissues attract water and causes swelling so that's why you have vascular

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problems and neurological problems because the vascularity... that the blood

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is around the nerves as well so it's going to choke off clothes off blood

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vessels and nerves and that is why diabetes is also the leading cause of

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blindness because the blood vessels in the retina are so fine and so sensitive

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the diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness there's 4.2 million

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people with diabetic retinopathy a leading cause of kidney failure with two

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hundred two thousand people in chronic dialysis they have to have they don't

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have any kidney function they have to have them filter because of

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diabetes and it's again the vascular problem blood vessels swelling it's the

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leading cause of amputation 65 thousand seven hundred cases of a complete leg

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amputation and there's hundreds of thousands if not millions of cases where

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they start taking off one toe at a time because they lose their control they

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lose the vascularity so whenever they hit something and break something or

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break the skin it doesn't heal again okay the brain is shut off from the body

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part means it can't do its business anymore it also increases risk of heart

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disease stroke dental disease coma pneumonia influenza and depression do

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you need any more reasons okay this this is what quality of life is about and

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we're talking about something that affects a huge huge portion of the

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population so do you know anyone with insulin resistance someone who is

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pre-diabetic go ahead and just write down five people that you care about who

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could benefit from what you just learn just go down and scribble down some

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names real quick so consider it letting these people know what we talked about

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and consider bringing them next time that we talk about this or related topic

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because it can save their life this is serious business let's look at the

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prevalence because if you don't think that you know anybody or that you're in

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good shape then this is the prevalence in 2010 and this is from the National

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Institute of Health.gov website the National diabetes information

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clearinghouse diabetes affects 8.3% of the population

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that's 25 million eight hundred thousand people right now that have to take

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insulin then when we get up to ages above 65 years old it affects 26.9

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percent of the population that are diabetic that's ten million nine hundred

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thousand people that's that's a huge number it's almost becoming the norm for

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people above a certain age to get these conditions and we've seen that it's

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about up-regulation down-regulate regulation is a physiological adaptation

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to chronic stupidity that's all it is and it's it's a stupidity that is

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recommended by the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart

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Association and the four food groups and so on prediabetes these are people who

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are insulin resistance with a greater risk it's basically a matter of time

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before they develop this and keep in mind when we talk about these numbers

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that we are the first generation to be exposed at this level that the

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pre-diabetic people a lot of them will become diabetic because this is the

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first time we've eaten like this thirty-five percent of adults 20 years

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or older or pre-diabetic that's 79 million people in this country alone or

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pre-diabetic those are some scary numbers and when you get to the elderly

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65 or older its fifty percent one in two and we've just talked about the side

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effects and complications so these people are heading for

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and it is completely reversible I'm not going to tell you that a hundred percent

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of diabetes can be reversed type 1 we don't really know if anyone can be

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helped but I would venture to say that ninety-eight percent or more of type 2

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diabetes is completely reversible if you have any insulin production at all left

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then it's just a matter of life style what factors affect insulin resistance well

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we talked about food anything with a high glycemic index is going to make

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sugar rush into the bloodstream and stress the system and cause a

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physiological adaptation so that's the number one but we also need to

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understand that stress raises cortisol whenever you're stressed your body

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believes that it has to perform extra work that there's an emergency it has to

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defend itself against and it's going to need energy to expend during this

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emergency so he will tell all your tissues to raise the blood sugar it will

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start breaking down protein to convert some of that into blood sugar and it

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will give you cravings so that you can raise your blood sugar even more that's

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why people who are stressed have cravings it's because of cortisol there

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are drugs there are some specifically called techwin and seroquel that have

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been linked to developing diabetes but anything with cortisone corticosteroid

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the medical form of cortisone is the version of human cortisol so anytime

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that you take those drugs which are supposed to be anti-inflammatory you

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also raise your blood sugar and you're setting yourself up for

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insulin resistance now let's look at the good side how do we help it exercise

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exercise exercise okay first of all you're burning off sugar but secondly

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you're reducing insulin resistance because your cells become more sensitive

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to insulin when you're exercising you need none or very little insulin to

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absorb the sugar so most most type 2 diabetes you can pretty much get off

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insulin instantly if you just start exercising enough and keeping your blood

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sugar the food's level good heart rate variability because the things we're

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talking about in this office breathing and heart rate variability it is linked

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to all of these mechanisms so when you increase your heart rate variability you

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reduce your stress you reduce your cortisol and it has been inversely

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linked to development of diabetes chiropractic reduces stress for many

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reasons and we'll talk about that separately because there's a lot of

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neurological mechanisms but it's known that chiropractic reduces stress people

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feel better we'll talk about the details and breathing exercises like I said

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heart rate variability breathing exercises feeling good feeling relaxed

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practicing relaxation visualizations they all reduce stress and all of that

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will help with reducing insulin resistance so now I think I've got you

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sort of paying attention and thinking that you know this is more than than

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just a curiosity so being a chiropractor and talking about this. This is my

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passion this is what it's all about it's the big picture back pain shmack pain

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it's like who cares that's back pain just indicates that there's something in

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the body that isn't working that's the tip of the ice

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the diabetes and the heart disease and the strokes and all of that stuff that's

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the bigger picture that's what we're really working for and as you well know

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chiropractic affects the brain it reduces stress and it helps with all of

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these things ok so in chiropractic the stage one that's just initial crisis

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care that's just reversing a pain breaking the patterns and getting people

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feeling better unfortunately most people think it's just about pain so as soon as

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they feel better they think they're all better and then they go get diabetes or

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heart disease or something else few years later but what we're talking about

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is to continue this until everything in the body that supposed to work is

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working so stage two is stabilization care that means that we keep going past

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the pain we work on the nervous system we work on exercising and doing specific

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things to balance out nervous system to become more stable a more stable nervous

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system and brain can handle stress and it can turn off and balance sympathetic

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parasympathetic better it's all nervous system and then stage 3 once we get up

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to a good level now we need to maintain that lifestyle we get maintenance

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chiropractic for peak performance and we keep doing all the right things to

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maintain top function check out the previous talk we did on heart rate

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variability and you can see how it affects immune system immune globulin is

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how it affects cortisol DHEA how it effects cognitive performance and

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reaction time we're truly talking peak performance so it's it's not about pain

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that's just the tiny little thing we get started with it's about quality of life

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at any age so the people who are still young and don't have many symptoms

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that's the time to start taking care of things by the time you're

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65 and you're 40 years into a disease process you already have so much

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degeneration that it's much much much harder to turn it around to get a

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quality life again so if there are any questions we'll take those now and other

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than that I would like to thank you very much for coming

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