Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment Testimonial - Your Cumming Chiropractor
Hello I'm Dr. Ekberg and we would just like to share a story to help some
people see what chiropractic can do this is Raghav. Thank you for joining us could
you just briefly tell us what your problem was when you first came to see
us my problem was I was having the lower back pain and even if I left us you know
not very heavy box or anything which is little bit heavy I used to get a back
pain for a longer period how long have you had you had it when you first came
to see us and what had you tried what are the things that you tried before
that oh it was there since wasn't it I guess because I remember one time
something happened and for 10 to 15 minutes I kind of froze in my office
chair that I couldn't get up and that kind of scared me then I went to spinal
surgeon and then we took a x-ray and other you know details and he said
everything seems fine maybe you just had some kind of a pinch now or something
like that and then that lasted about more than a week and I was having medium
to mild pain but I was taking painkillers and I took for a month those
painkillers and I felt good but another six months later when I lifted my car
chair car seat which is you know pretty heavy in a van and then again I felt I
mean I usually I used to you know lift that pretty easily
yeah but then again it started and then again it lasted again for another two
three months I took those many scenes you know Tyco clinic 175 milligram for
six plus months and whenever I used to take the medicine I used to you know
feel better and then when I stopped it and if something happens like this like
lifting very heavy not even very heavy used item I used to get a back pain okay
yeah yeah yeah cuz the the medicine covers up the septum it doesn't fix the
problem yeah that's what I noticed and when I watch some videos from your
website and that time I felt you know these medicines are going to you know
just cover up our band-aid the you know yeah similar they don't actually cure
yeah it took more than a year to find a good doctor like you after you started
seeing me how long tell you till you had some relief Oh
within three months I felt very good without you know taking any kind of a
painkiller or anti-inflammatory medicines like that lovely neck I felt
much better and I feel much fresh not only that the other techniques you
mentioned about breathing and you know how you need to be relaxed those helped
me with my stress-related symptoms what I had and I was taking some other very
seen for my stress-related symptoms and that really helped me a lot to get off
those other medicines because one thing I learned that medicine doesn't cure
anything and you said it took about a year you were looking for a year yeah I
was I know that I need to find a good doctor and I visited couple other
doctors whom I found through you know some social living website like getting
a deal and finding some somebody and that time I noticed you know that
the other doctor the difference between the doctor Network you and other doctor
I found is you do this muscle test and that really you know because I'm an
engineer I know that how to fix the things is
like trying to find what is wrong in it not rather than trying randomly and you
know fixing it the other chiropractor I visited through LivingSocial I found
that they just do one or two adjustments every time you go and then they say okay
you come back and that's what you know I did not feel comfortable with that type
of approach when I you know learnt about the way you treat patient that really
you know made me being an engineer that you are trying to find where the problem
is and trying to fix that problem and that's why you know I said you know let
me continue with you I have been here for since 2012 with Dr. Ekberg yeah
and now you're just coming to basically maintain maintain functions and
sometimes I get back pain if I don't come that often so I realized that that
that this needs to be maintained you know you you were with us in our old
location in Alpharetta and now you're you're seeing us in Cumming (GA) so how far do
you come to get here it's about 15 not even 15 like 10 miles roughly 8 to 10
miles it's a mental block in many folks including myself is like we can drive to
downtown and say it is not that far because we consider that as you know you
know naturally you know drive pattern but then something you know up north
here we feel oh this is far but but I realized it if a doctor is good and
right we should drive up north also to visit
the you know doctor who is you know very good in treatment what do you do yeah
very good thanks so much for your for your for
sharing hopefully we can have some other people understand a little bit more yeah