Low Blood Sugar On Keto (Hypoglycemia On Ketogenic Diet)

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low blood sugar on Keto even though lowering blood sugar is the purpose of

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the ketogenic diet in some people it can get a little bit too low called

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hypoglycemia so in this video we'll talk about how all that works coming right up

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so the ketogenic diet is all about blood sugar and it's about stabilizing blood

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sugar but people react differently and there's a few variables that we want to

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look at and understand so if someone has taught their body to depend on

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carbohydrate and all of a sudden you withdraw that carbohydrate your body has

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basically lost its primary source of fuel and in some people the they just

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feel a little bad they get the keto flu they they feel a little irritable for a

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few days and then it kicks right back in but some people they're machinery has

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crashed a little bit more and they don't have that backup system kick in and they

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end up with hypoglycemia so a question on one of my videos was someone had

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tried to do hypo glycogen keto diet and their hypoglycemia was so bad that they

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had to go to the hospital a couple of times so obviously we want to try to

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avoid things like that but most people with hypoglycemia the problem originates

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because they were on a high carb diet and through years of eating high carb

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and processed foods their blood sugar get into a rollercoaster pattern and

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this pattern is very very stressful for the body you start stressing and

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depleting various different organs and every time it's high now you have to

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release a lot of insulin to lower the blood sugar fast and then when it drops

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fast in the beginning the body can compensate and slow down the curve at

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the right point and you don't get hypoglycemia but if you really get your

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your whole mechanism out of whack and that that dampening mechanism

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doesn't work now your blood sugar can come crashing and you get hypoglycemia

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now in this state your body doesn't have enough blood sugar it doesn't it's too

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low to function and it hasn't learned to develop ketones it doesn't have a

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back-up fuel and now what's supposed to happen is your adrenals are supposed to

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make cortisol because cortisol is a stress hormone that raises blood sugar

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and it does this by mobilizing glycogen it tells the liver to break down some

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glycogen but it also tells the body to start breaking down muscle mass because

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protein from muscle can be turned into sugar and increase this so cortisol

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because it's a stress hormone when you're stressed your body doesn't care

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about health it's just survival at any cost do break down whatever is necessary

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right now to get the fuel the sugar that I need to survive in this moment

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so cortisol is a catabolic it's a breakdown hormone the other hormone is

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in the liver it's called glucagon and that does pretty much the same thing but

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not on a destructive not on an emergency basis this is a little more subtle that

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anytime the blood sugar is a little bit low the glucagon signals to increase the

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the breakdown of glycogen and increase gluconeogenesis so both of these

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hormones are there to to stabilize the blood sugar in times that we don't have

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so much food if this keeps on going longer then we get into ketosis because

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the body now on long-term when we don't have the carbs

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now the bone has to start burning fat but in some people with this mechanism

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just really isn't up to speed they never get into the fat burning because their

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bodies crash before they get there and this would be the person that gets

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severe hypoglycemia where just totally stopped functioning as soon

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as they tried a low-carb diet so what this person needs to do is to change

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much much slower and low-carb may not even be or very low carb may not be the

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first thing that they want to think about high carb is always destructive

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because it also usually involves lots of processed food so you want to go to two

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whole healthy foods maybe more like a paleo diet try to avoid inflammatory

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foods but you can still probably have some starch some potato and some rice

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because your body doesn't know how to burn the fat and how to stabilize your

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blood sugar without those carbs and then for the long run though what you need to

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do is realize that this is a bigger problem there's many organs involved in

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this that are not functioning optimally so what we use in my office to figure

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out what's going on is called nutrition response testing it's a system that

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allows us to get to the root of the problem to ask the body what is slowing

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down the adrenals what's interfering with the liver

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what's stressing the pancreas and any other organ and then we can find out

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what nutritional support that organ needs which allows the body to heal over

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time to restore the organs and the normal function and here we have to

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understand that it takes time to heal the body this might be a process of a

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year or two or maybe even longer depending on how long this has been

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going on we also want to understand what I emphasize in every one of my videos

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that don't ever do Kido don't ever do any of this for any other reason than

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health the only purpose the only goal is to restore the body to normal function

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to establish balance the way the body is supposed to work and don't do it to lose

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weight if you get healthy if you get you're in

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Selene resistance to a healthy level if you restore your organs your body will

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tell you how much you need to eat you will burn the fat you will find balance

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so weight loss is just a side effect of getting healthy there the opposite is

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not necessarily true and too many people are trying to lose weight to get healthy

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and that's not always the case because if you eat unhealthy fats and you eat

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processed foods or depleted foods or unnatural food you can still be in

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ketosis but you're not going to get healthy so please keeps this keep these

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things in mind and not everyone is suited to go right into ketosis I think

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a lot of people can do it if they change slowly if they slowly give their their

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body a chance to adapt but other people just may have other issues going on and

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like I said high carb is never a good idea but medium to moderate might be

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okay might be a better option for some people until they can get their body fat

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adapted and to give their body time to heal so if you like these kind of

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explanations please share this videos with as many people as you can I love to

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explain how things work and I love the feedback where you let me know what you

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liked and what you didn't like so that I can produce more content to help the

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sick and the curious people understand more about how to take care of

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themselves if you have any questions let me know and I'll be happy to get to the

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answers thanks for watching

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