Lose Fat Fast - Which Is Better? HIIT vs Cardio

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Hello Health Champions. Everybody wants to lose fat fast. They want to drop the

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weight quickly and exercise is certainly a good add-on to make that happen but

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which is better? Should you do a high-intensity interval training or

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should you do a steady-state cardio? Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a

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holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss anything. So first of

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all I want to remind everybody why we really exercise it's for brain

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activation for hormone balance improved circulation anti-aging benefits better

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balance physical fitness coordination better quality of life overall and as

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we're going to talk about in this video of course fat burning now some people

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would put calories on that list but that's just kind of so silly we're just

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and cross them off and talk about the stuff that really matters what do we

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mean when we talk about HIIT versus cardio HIIT is high-intensity interval

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training and high-intensity means you get your heart rate up above 90 percent

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of your maximum if you're not really fit you don't want to start there you want

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to work your way up to that and interval training simply means we have short

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bursts of intense activity mixed with periods of rest and recovery and when

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the intensity is that high then we can only keep it up for seconds people often

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mean the same thing when they talk about cardio or aerobics and what this means

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is we have a medium intensity it is a lot lower than the 90 percent somewhere

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around 70 percent give or take some people can push it up a little bit more

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and oftentimes we talk about cardio as a steady state so if you did something

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like a spin class even though you might have variations you

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might have higher or lower intensity within the workout you're not having

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longer periods of complete recovery like we do in the high intensity and

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because it is a lower intensity or a medium intensity we can keep it up

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longer this one we just would fall down if we try to go longer than seconds but

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here we can actually keep it up for 30 to 60 minutes so which one is better for

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fat loss well it depends let's first understand what's happening at different

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levels of exercise so if you're 40 years old as an example then your maximum

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heart rate would be 220 minus your age or 180 so then you just put in whatever

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age you have and you come up with a number and that's a good rule of thumb

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it's not going to be exact you might be 10 or 15 or 20 points higher or lower

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but it will give you a good idea then your heart rate your full range of

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possible heart rates would be all the way from resting up to maximum heart

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rate and you would be on a continuum from aerobic to anaerobic and aerobic

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means that you are doing the exercise with air that you're breathing and the

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oxygen provided is enough to completely burn the fuel and provide energy for the

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activity when you have a more intense activity then the oxygen is no longer

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enough you can't breathe fast enough to supply all of the energy needed and then

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you switch into the anaerobic range and this is where it's really kind of ironic

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that people call it aerobics but in effect it's an aerobic so the thing that

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we refer to as steady-state cardio or aerobics we don't really think that

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we're working out until we get into that range where we're huffing and puffing

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we go to class and we warm up and we think it starts that it starts having

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effect when we start getting tired and panting and sweating and by that time

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we're not doing aerobics anymore we have switched right and there's nothing

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necessarily wrong with that we'll talk about the different nuances but just

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remember that aerobics are not aerobic so what are some examples of these

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different activity levels well aerobic activity would include

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walking and slow biking and rollerblading so as long as you did

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these at a moderate pace without huffing and puffing they would be purely aerobic

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but you could also do any of these at a faster pace so if you push yourself and

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you walk faster or bike faster now you could turn them into an anserobic activity

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and also anything that you typically go to a class for like a step class or a

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spin class etc those would qualify for anaerobic most of the time because

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you're probably going to get into the huffing and puffing when you do them

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also any competitive sport any team sport where you keep it up for 30 60 90

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minutes would also be in the anaerobic range primarily and HIIT, high intensity

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interval training are things like sprints or running up the stairs in a stadium or

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doing burpies activities that you couldn't keep up very long at all

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next we want to understand the two sources of fuel the body has and how

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they change depending on activity if you do a low intensity aerobic activity

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you'll be using mostly fat and that's especially true if your fat adapted if

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you are carb dependent or if you recently had a lot of starch or sugar

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then you're going to shift that balance toward the glucose but an aerobic

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activity is still primarily a fat-burning activity now once we get

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into cardio or aerobics which like we said

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actually anaerobic things are gonna change but sometimes we're a little

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sloppy with language and we say that the body switches from burning fat to burning

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carbs and that's not really what happens because we're still gonna maintain our

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basic aerobic fuel burning all right but once we get up to our aerobic

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threshold once we get up to the limit that we can supply with oxygen it

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doesn't mean that we stop using our aerobic base it just means that we have

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to add another fuel source so now we still burn the fat but we have to burn

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more glucose in addition so glucose becomes the dominant fuel and the same

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thing obviously holds true for high-intensity interval training that

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the more intense it is the more glucose we have to add on the faster we have to

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burn through the glucose so that glucose becomes even more dominant but fat is

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still there as the aerobic base the next really important key to understand is

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that the type of exercise will impact the hormones and hormones impact fat

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burning or fat storing and the two hormones in question are human growth

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hormone and cortisol and we think of human growth hormone as something good

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and cortisol as something bad in this context now both of them obviously are

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produced at the right time in the right amount but we want to find something

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that maximizes the benefits so when we do aerobic training then there is a

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small impact not much but it's more than if you're sitting on the couch then the

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more intense the exercise becomes the more growth hormone we make so anaerobic

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training when you push yourself when you get tired and you sweat there is more

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potential for fitness there is more challenge to the body but with high

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intensity when you push your limits then the growth hormone goes through the roof

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can make as much as 700% more growth hormone from even short bursts of

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high-intensity training and what happens to the cortisol well it also goes up

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accordingly but with aerobic training there is very little need to make more

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cortisol because the energy is provided from oxygen and burning fat so we don't

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have to have more blood sugar to support this activity so therefore there's a

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very very small amount of cortisol produced but as soon as we cross into

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that anaerobic range we need another fuel source and the body has to start

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making more blood sugar and obviously with HIIT then we're gonna make even

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more because we're burning through that glucose even faster but here's the key

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to understand that the high intensity interval training is such short bursts

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of activity that we might only keep it up for two to three minutes even if the

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workout lasts 5 or 10 or 15 minutes the intense bursts only add up to about 2 to

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3 minutes so when we multiply that by the time the total impact is actually

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very small on the other hand this size arrow has to be multiplied by the 30-40

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minutes or more that we sustained that activity and during that longer time we

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actually make a whole bunch of cortisol and the adrenals have to work really

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hard because it's a long time to do that so if you understand this correctly then

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you see that we want to optimize the human growth hormone and minimize the

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cortisol so both the high intensity and the aerobic training does that but the

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end aerobic sustained activity doesn't do that so whether we do this for health

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benefits or whether we do it for fat-burning the outcome is the same but

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it's also going to depend on who does this it's going to be more or

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less beneficial or detrimental depending on who you are so in scenario number one

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we have a 40 year old guy and I keep the 40 years just because he keeps my

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numbers the same but you can change it out depending on your age so let's say

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this is a lean person he's fit he's been working out all of his life he played

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sports in college and he never stopped keeping in shape

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he has healthy adrenals he doesn't eat junk food it takes good care of himself

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and he probably doesn't have a whole lot of fat to lose but he's got a little bit

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extra because he hasn't been totally perfect and his goals are health and

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fitness and to get a six-pack by summer now the thing to understand about this

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person is that he or she has a high adaptability a high limit high reserve

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so that means you can push this body quite a bit without exceeding any limits

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without breaking anything down so if this person wanted to do some aerobic

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training and anaerobic training and some high intensity training to add on some

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growth hormone they could fit all of that in and not exceed capacity not to

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break the body down they still want to be smart and have some periods of

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recovery obviously but if they wanted to do anaerobic training if they want to

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do spin class or play tennis or whatever three times a week then they can do that

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and still stay healthy and still maintain a healthy metabolism but in

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another scenario if we look at someone who's the same age but they have a good

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amount of belly fat they did not keep in shape for the last 20 years but instead

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they watch TV and played video games and ate junk food and worked on their career

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and drank a lot of coffee so now they have worn out their adrenals a bit this

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is a completely different situation and and the goals are probably going to be

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different they're probably looking primarily for weight loss and fat loss

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and hopefully if they've been watching this channel enough

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they're also including health as a goal in itself primarily rather than just

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weight loss and fat loss but this person in contrast has a low level of

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adaptability their body can't handle that much they have low limits and low

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reserves so the activity that the first person was fine with it would break

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through the limits it would exceed threshold of what's healthy and they

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would start breaking their body down instead

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therefore this person would want to focus on aerobic activity they could do

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as much or more aerobic activity low level activity remember no huffing and

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puffing they could do that three to five times a week for as long as they wanted

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to 60 to 90 minutes still obviously within the levels of their fitness if

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you haven't moved in years you may not want to go on a 90 minute hike every day

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you work up to it they also want to do some high-intensity interval training

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but again if you're not fit you don't want to start trying to push your body

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up to a hundred and eighty you still are gonna be in a high intensity at a lower

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level but you do it twice a week for just a few minutes and as you get more

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fit you gradually push this level of high intensity up toward your maximum

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and if you really really love some sort of sports some sort of anaerobic

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activity you can probably fit it in but I would keep it at a easier level and I

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wouldn't do it more than once a week for maybe 20 minutes right and these are not

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hard and fast rules but I'm trying to give you the idea that what's healthy

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for one person is not going to be healthy for another so what about the

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ever-popular boot camp all the people who they find themselves in middle-age

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and they haven't been taking care of themselves and now all of a sudden

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they're gonna fix everything in a short period of time so they go to the gym and

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they sign up for boot and they get a personal trainer who's

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going to try to whip them into shape and this is not the right solution because

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typically that bootcamp is going to put them all into the end aerobic activity

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and they're gonna stress their body more than what is good for it and they're

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gonna actually start breaking their body down what about the fat burning well in

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both high intensity and cardio you'll probably burn similar amounts of fat

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during the exercise you might even burn more in the cardio because it has longer

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duration but what's more important is to understand how does this affect you long

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term what's happening in the days after the workout

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so with high-intensity interval training you're getting and boost in growth

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hormone that even though the boost may not stay super high for days it still

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has positive impact on your body for days after increasing metabolism

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increasing fat burning and because you control the cortisol because the

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duration is so short you're gonna have limited cortisol and limited insulin

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responses you're not gonna push either one of these up and you're gonna be

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working your body in a way that allows it more health more balance more

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homeostasis you're not gonna push it in a way that it can't find its way back to

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balance and what happens with cardio in the days after well if you're healthy

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like scenario one then yes you can still stay in a healthy state of fat-burning

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it probably won't be optimal you can probably still get better benefits by

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focusing more on high intensity and low level and do less of the cardio but you

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can still get away with it you can still be healthy however if you have insulin

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resistance and you have weak adrenals now you're going to be pushing the

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cortisol beyond what you handle you're gonna create insulin

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resistance you're gonna probably add to the belly fat that you already have and

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you'll be pushing your body away from health you'll be decreasing health and

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you could even affect your fat burning in a negative way so hopefully by now

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you're looking for fat loss health fitness and good hormones all together

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and then you want to focus on aerobic you want to do the vast majority hours

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over here and seconds to a few minutes over here and then if you're also fit

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and you have high reserves and you have some sport or event and you just love to

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do it then add in a little bit of aerobics as well but still I would put

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most of my emphasis on aerobic and hit because in my opinion in my experience

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then you're looking for this and you want to maximize growth hormone and

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minimize cortisol another way of thinking about exercise and what's

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really natural for us is to watch kids and dogs right they're gonna go running

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as fast as they can to pick up something you throw them a ball and they run as

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fast as they can and they run back with it and you throw it again and they run

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as fast as they can they come back and then what happens when they're tired is

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they stop you throw the ball and they're not interesting anymore same thing with

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the kid they're gonna go run and say hey look how fast I can go but they'll only

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do it as long as it's fun they're not going to get on a track and go 45

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minutes around the track they might say hey look what I can do just like dad but

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after 2 minutes they're tired and they stop so that's how exercise should be it

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should be play it should be fun and we're designed to go intense and then

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stop and rest if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to learn more about

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health and how the body really works make sure you check out that video next

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thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time

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