Lose Belly Fat With Breathing Exercises: Amazing Science! Doctor Explains

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hello health champions today I'm gonna go over the science of losing belly fat

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with breathing exercises and this is not as something for nothing and if you

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understand it and you apply it properly it can make the difference between

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losing weight or not coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and

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a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything now I'm gonna go over five

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different principles five different steps about how this science works and

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if you don't catch all the five steps then it's not gonna make sense okay

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you've got to get all of them and if you do then it's gonna really come together

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beautifully for you and make sure then you stay to the end because I've got a

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great bonus for you so whether you have belly fat to lose or not then knowing

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this information could totally change your life so I know what you're thinking

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is this for real there's so much talk about belly fat being dangerous and you

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need to cut the sugar and you need to exercise and you do crunches and so

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forth how could breathe in have anything to do with it so it is absolutely real

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and you got to sort of understand the whole picture but before we get into it

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I just want to emphasize some common sense and I know that you guys watching

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this are really smart that's why you're on this channel that in order to get a

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whole healthy body we can't just do one thing and ignore everything else there's

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not like one thing can make up for the other stuff so there's no quick fix this

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video is not called learn how to breathe a little bit and wake up with a flat

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belly okay that would be insulting your intelligence so just to understand that

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you have to have a good diet whole food not

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producing too much insulin you got to have proper sleep enough sleep good

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quality and you have to exercise not to burn calories but to activate the body

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to give the brain some signals and create some circulation and some good

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hormones in the body with that said it the breathing is a fantastic add-on but

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it can't be the only thing that you do there is no quick fix this these

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problems take years or decades to develop so you're not going to just flip

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a switch and and be done with it alright but you guys know that so the very first

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thing we need to understand is where belly fat comes from alright it doesn't

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happen it doesn't end up on the belly randomly there's a reason we have

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different hormones we have different mechanisms that have different results

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and belly fat is a result of two hormones called cortisol and insulin

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insulin is a hormone that rises in response to blood sugar it takes the

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blood sugar out of the bloodstream puts it inside the cell and in the presence

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of cortisol then it's going to end up specifically around the midsection and

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we know this because there's a disease called Cushing's these people have a

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pathology of some sort that produces astronomical amounts of cortisol and as

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a result they have a very characteristic body shape they have a huge belly they

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have a flat butt they have skinny legs and they have a big hump on their neck

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they have a moon face and all these things are because of cortisol and

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cortisol in turn drives insolence these the hormones work together but we know

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because of that that this big belly is because of cortisol and insulin so now

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we know we're belly fat comes from now we need to understand how does cortisol

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end up being so high assuming that we don't have Cushing's which fortunately

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it's very rare so most of you by far are not

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gonna have Cushing's it's not going to be pathological it's going to be high

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because of lifestyle and the thing that cortisol results from is stress cortisol

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is a stress hormone and why does that happen well anytime that you have stress

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then your body is anticipating having to do something

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it's anticipating having to respond to something or to defend itself against

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something and when that happens when you're threatened or attacked then your

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body is going to need more energy you're gonna have to run really fast for a

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while to get get away from the danger and that requires energy and cortisol is

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produced during an emergency during a stress event because cortisol raises

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blood sugar and blood sugar is the emergency fuel right your baseline

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metabolism runs mostly on fat and that's how your body likes it slow exercise and

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walking is mostly fat especially if your fat adapted but during an emergency your

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body knows hey we're gonna need some extra that fat is great but it's not

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gonna be enough because we can we can burn fat in the presence of oxygen but

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once you start huffing and puffing and you reach a critical threshold in order

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to go above that you have to have glucose you have to have carbohydrates

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so that's why it's the emergency fuel because carbohydrates glucose can be

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split and can create energy without oxygen that's where you get the lactic

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acid so it's for short term bursts and it's absolutely essential it will save

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your life so there are two ways that your body can raise blood sugar so when

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you have a stress response then your body will raise cortisol that one way

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and the other is to make you eat sugar all right that's why you get cravings

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you're stressed this your body says hey this is stressful I'm gonna have to do

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hard work give me some more fuel let's ramp up the fuel just in case so stress

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creates cortisol now what is it that manages stress how do we balance and

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regulate stress in the body how does that work there's something called the

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autonomic nervous system and here's your third principle the autonomic nervous

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system manages everything about you that you don't have to think about so your

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your digestion your heartbeat your breathing your your circulation your

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hormones your pH all of those things are managed by your autonomic nervous system

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and it is a resource allocation system okay the body has limited resources

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there's only so much so if you have resources over here and then the ball is

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census we're gonna need more resources over here you have to pull you have to

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borrow from one place and reallocate them to the other and this is what that

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system does so if let's say that you're at a picnic and you're having a good

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time you're relaxed then that's one type of resource allocation and then you're

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sitting there enjoying your food digesting it making lots of nice stomach

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acid and digestive enzymes but then the grizzly bear shows up and wants to join

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your picnic now you're not so relaxed anymore so you quickly go from a

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parasympathetic state into a sympathetic from a relaxed state to a fight/flight

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state so the sympathetic is known as your fight/flight system the

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parasympathetic is known as your feed breed or rest digest system so why does

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it switch because you don't need the blood in your gut to digest the food you

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need it in your muscles to get away from the bear so your body reallocates and

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the first thing that happens is you make adrenaline and in a split second

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have adrenaline rushing through your blood and as a result your blood

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pressure goes up your heart rate goes up so you can send more blood out to the

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muscles so you can run and fight climate REE

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get out of there and then at the same time or a few seconds later your

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cortisol goes up like we talked about so that you can make more blood sugar more

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glucose so that you can make it so you can maintain that escape a little bit

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longer and this activity is also known as catabolic meaning break down because

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your body doesn't care about long-term health it will burn bridges it will

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break down protein it will do whatever it can to get out of there right you

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don't even feel pain you can get scratches while you're running through

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the thorny bushes and you don't notice until later because your body has just

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one priority to get out of there the opposite is called the parasympathetic

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your feed breed and it is responsible for digestion it is powered primarily by

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something called the vagus nerve that goes from your brainstem to your gut and

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it's only with parasympathetic activation that we can digest food the

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blood doesn't get to the gut without parasympathetic activation your immune

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system your cell based immune system that fights off infections it doesn't

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get activated unless you have some parasympathetic activity your

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reproductive function doesn't work if you're stressed your healing doesn't

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work if you're stressed so the parasympathetic is responsible for all

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anabolic function all the build up all the tissue repair all making new tissues

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and new body parts and better body parts is the parasympathetic it only happens

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when you're relaxed so the way we want to think about this is like a seesaw

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that when one increases the other decreases right so

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these are essential but the sympathetic always comes first always gets first

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priority because if you don't make it through the next few seconds who cares

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about what might have worked tomorrow or next month so parasympathetic is always

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put on the backburner the sympathetic is super fast the parasympathetic is much

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slower and it only kicks in after the sympathetic has settled down and this

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becomes important as we're going to see so now that we understand all of this we

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also understand the real reason why they call belly fat bad why do they call it

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dangerous okay is the fat dangerous no fat it's just fat the reason it's

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dangerous is because of what put it there what hormones and what

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circumstances put it there and if you have belly fat it's a result of cortisol

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if cortisol is high then you have had your digestion decreased your immune

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system decreased your reproduction decreased and your healing decrease

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that's why they call it dangerous because the people with the belly fat

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are sick because they don't have enough parasympathetic function number four now

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we're getting to the really cool stuff so did you know that when you breathe in

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your heart speeds up when you breathe out your heart slows down for real you

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can verify this if you have a heart rate monitor or you have one of these little

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pulse ox things then just start breathing really slow and you will

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notice that it's faster on the in-breath and it's slower on the out-breath and

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there's going to be a little bit of a delay because whatever readout it kind

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of averages and it gives you a few seconds after but you'll start to see

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this pattern and here's the thing when you breathe in

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that's a sympathetic activity that's just a little bit of stress and when you

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breathe out that activates the parasympathetic nervous

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that's a sign that you are relaxing and like we said before the sympathetic

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kicks in really fast so every time you breathe in you already have a little bit

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of sympathetic activity but the parasympathetic is much slower so if you

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just kind of breathe out for a second or two you just take then that's not enough

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time for that parasympathetic nervous system to activate so what happens is

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you activate sympathetic with the out-breath

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but then you don't get any parasympathetic activation so with a

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short shallow breath and lots of stress you just kind of add on to that

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sympathetic activity you got to slow down the breath you got to breathe out

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for about five to six seconds to allow that parasympathetic nervous system time

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to engage because it's that much slower so once you understand this now we've

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got the breathing tied in to the balance of your autonomic nervous system and if

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you find a nice slow relaxing breath that we're gonna describe in a moment

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then you can balance your nervous system alright how cool is that but then a lot

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of people will object and say oh sure that's really cool we can start changing

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things but how does that help me I have a busy life I can breathe for five

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minutes here and there but I can't spend my whole life breathing what is that

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supposed to do for me right and that's a good point and in

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order to understand how to get around that we need to understand number five

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which is neuroplasticity and this is so hyper cool it means that your brain is

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always changing it's plastic it's rewiring itself they used to think of

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the brain sort of like bone that it was just there the the cells were where they

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were and they might replace a few molecules here and there but it kind of

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was what it was they knew that the brain sort of changed while kids were growing

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but they thought that as soon you were sort of teenager or adult then

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it locked in forever and that was the belief for a very long time but there

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were some people who did pioneering work and research and they had to really

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struggle to get their ideas through and this research started in the 1960s and

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continued in the 70s and 80s but it's as recent as 1980 1990s that we even

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understand and accept the concept of neuroplasticity that the brain changes

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and why is this cool because it means that if you can learn something at the

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age of 80 if you can learn how to use a cell phone if you can learn a new

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language if you can learn a new skill or a hobby or a new card game that means

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that you can rewire your brain right every new thing that you learn means

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that you rewire your brain you are physically reconnecting you're breaking

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up old wires and contacts and you're pulling them off and putting them in new

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places you're creating new neural networks at any age so your brain isn't

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set it becomes what you make it so once we understand that then we understand

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that we can change the balance of sympathetic parasympathetic the vast

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majority of people are stuck in sympathetic there's so many things in

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daily life like the screaming kids and the bills and the news and the traffic

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that puts us in that fight flight response and it doesn't matter if it's a

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real bear or an imagined bear we're still going to have that stress response

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so most people are kind of stuck but if we understand the Rope lasticity then we

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understand that with the principles we learned about breathing we can change it

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right so when you breathe in you're activating sympathetics you're

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strengthening the areas in the brain that mediate that sympathetic response

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when you're breathing out you're strengthening you're activating your

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parasympathetic and you're strengthening the area that handles parasympathetic

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and these are physical locations that will grow if you do this their physical

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pathways they're like wires in your spinal cord and in your brain and you

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can change them so we want to understand that every skill you have the languages

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you speak the way you walk the things you know how to do at work the way you

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catch a ball they're all neurological pathways they're all patterns in your

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nervous system so think of these skills as neurological habits and think about a

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pianist and a piano right so some people say oh well I just can't change I am the

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way I am well that's not true if you understand how a pianist has practiced

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they have developed a skill and they're so good at it

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that they can sit down and play something and they can think about

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something else they can have a conversation they could mentally be

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somewhere else but that skill is so strong it's so automated that it sort of

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goes by itself that's what you want to do with your sympathetic and

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parasympathetic you can practice it to get to that point but it's not gonna

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happen overnight obviously right you're not gonna sit down to a piano and hit a

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few notes and say okay I guess this didn't work for me because I don't sound

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like that guy it's it's a habit it's repetition repetition repetition so how

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much do you have to practice to automate this the more you do the better you get

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so I would suggest you breathe you sit down you relax you do your breathing

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exercise about five minutes at a time maybe 10 and you do it once or twice a

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day right and in one week you'll make just

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tiny little bit of progress if you do it once nothing's gonna happen you feel

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good for five minutes after a week you'll start moving after a month you'll

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get a whole lot better after six months or twelve months you will be a concert

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pianist you be the an expert you'll be the equivalent of a pianist at

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that point you can go through your life you can fight traffic you can manage

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your kids you could have a boss scream at you and you still your your patterns

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your pathways are so strong that you stay in balance you don't get stressed

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you don't make cortisol you don't make belly fat okay and that is what it's

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going to take this is how you develop a healthy body as you develop some good

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habits and you do them over time so how do you do this breathing well there's

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all kinds of breathing philosophies and patterns and techniques out there and

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they're all good for something okay just try them see if they do something for

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you but to balance your sympathetics parasympathetics the way we're talking

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about it's about smoothness and it's about having about an equal pattern of

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breathing in and out if anything you just make your out-breath about one

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second longer so think about five seconds in and five or six seconds out

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that's going to be slow enough for the parasympathetic to kick in and think of

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it as a smooth wave okay so you start breathing in very very slowly and you

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don't force it you you start with the belly and then you let it rise very very

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gently into the chest so it's not a full breath your shoulders stay perfectly

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relaxed as soon as you start pulling up your shoulders that's a stress response

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right so very slow breath in let it rise into the chest and then at the top of

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the breath there's going to be a moment where nothing happens and you're not

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sure if you're breathing in or out but just wait a little bit and all of a

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sudden you know you're breathing out and then same thing

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at the bottom of the breath you let the breath out at the bottom there's a

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moment you don't know if you're breathing in or out but before you know

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it you're breathing in again and this should be so silent that if someone had

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their ear to your nose they wouldn't hear a thing that's basically it's a

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very calm very slow breath it should be a tiny little bit deeper than a shallow

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breath but it's nowhere near a maximal breath it's not about filling your lungs

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at all congratulations for sticking around this far the bonus is that not

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only are you going to reduce belly fat like we talked about from reducing

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cortisol but when you balance your autonomic nervous system when you start

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improving your parasympathetic function you will get better nutrition how does

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that work a lot of people come into my office and

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they write down what were you interested in better nutrition they think that it's

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all about learning the right foods to eat and yes that's important you want to

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put good food rather than junk food but what if your digestion is so poor what

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if your parasympathetic what if you have no blood flow to your gut and you put

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really awesome food in there and you only absorb a fraction of the nutrients

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right you're still not gonna be healthy so yeah you want to eat the right stuff

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but what if you can actually send some blood to the gut and absorb a higher

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percentage of those nutrients how about not getting colds and flus anymore

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I used to get colds and flus a couple of three times a year and sometimes in the

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fall I would get a really bad cough for three weeks and then it would stick

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around for for several months after that well for the last three to four years I

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haven't had a cold or a flu or a fever not even a sniffle and part of that is

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good nutrition good food the other part is learning to balance

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your sympathetic and your parasympathetic nervous system it's

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really cool to have all these sniffling people around you and know that you're

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not going to get it you know the bonus is improved libido

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right your body does not prepare for procreation if you're stressed if you're

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being chased by a bear that's not the first thing that comes to mind so when

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you get balanced in your body your libido will improve that's why they talk

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about stress causing all these problems that's the mechanism that the stress

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shuts down your parasympathetic nervous system and you just lose that function

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you bring the parasympathetic back all this stuff comes back you will sleep

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better because when you wake up in the middle of the night and your mind is

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racing that's usually adrenaline and cortisol along with a stressed mind that

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won't shut off you will have improved recovery the parasympathetic is

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responsible for the relaxed peripheral circulation that improves oxygenation

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and healing so you'll recover from exercise you recover from injuries

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faster and if you have a disease you'd like to reverse then healing an anabolic

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function repair it's basically only going to happen with a functioning

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parasympathetic nervous system how's that for bonuses if you feel you learned

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something from this video then you will definitely like that one too thanks so

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much for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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