Lose Belly Fat But Don't Do These Common Exercises! (5 Minute 10 Day Challenge)

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hello health champions so many people want to lose belly fat and if that's you

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you need to watch and understand this video

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this is a 10-day challenge for five minutes a day to exercise

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to lose belly fat and obviously this video is going to be a whole lot more

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than just a five minute exercise video because we want to

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understand how and why to do these exercises

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after all why would you even exercise if you don't understand

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what it is doing for you coming right up hey i'm dr ekberg i'm a holistic doctor

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and a former olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health

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by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything so first of all listen very carefully to this

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even though i'm a huge proponent of exercise

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exercise is not going to be the primary way to burn

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belly fat it can help but it's not the primary way

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belly fat is a metabolic and hormonal condition

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and if you have a belly like this top picture and you want to start looking

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like the lower picture then crunches alone are not going to do

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it not in a million years so why am i even

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making this video on exercise and belly fat

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and challenging you to do it because there are tremendous

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benefits from doing it but also because there are so many bad videos out

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there they're misleading they are wrong and worst of all they're

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dangerous believe it or not when i started looking

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at other videos on this topic i found about 10 videos on youtube that

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had a hundred million views between them and they were all misleading wrong

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and dangerous so let's look at why were they misleading because all of

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them implied or even guaranteed that in just

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a few minutes a day in very few days you'll get from this to this

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and that is just plain false it's a straight out lie why are they wrong

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because half the exercises they're doing anatomically have nothing to do

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with the belly muscle with the stomach muscle

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and most importantly why are they dangerous because

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the people doing them have never been injured in their life they're young

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and they're fit and they can get away with doing a lot of exercises

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that you can't chances are if you have some belly fat

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looking like the top picture here then you're not

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20 years old you're not super fit and doing the exercise is wrong is more

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likely to injure you and give you back pain than

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provide any sort of benefit so in this video you're going to learn

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to do it right you're going to learn why and how to get

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results and most importantly how not to hurt

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yourself so first we need just a little bit of anatomy because if we're going to

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work these muscles we need to know where they are

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and where they attach because otherwise it makes no

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sense but i promise i'm going to keep it

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simple and you're going to love this the stomach muscle that most people want

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to work out is called the rectus abdominus

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it attaches to the sternum or the chest bone and on the lower ribs

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on the top portion and on the lower portion it attaches

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to your pubic bone to your pelvis basically

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and then you also have abdominal oblique muscles that assist with rotation

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those are the stomach muscles that give you tone and a flat stomach and the

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people want to work out and the very first thing to understand

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about muscles is that muscles can only contract

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muscles can only get shorter when they work

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they can't push they can't extend they can't make themselves

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longer alright so the way to work a muscle is to shorten it and you do that

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by bringing the two attachment points closer together

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so if you bring the rib cage the lower ribs

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closer to your pelvis to your pubic bone you're gonna contract the abdominal

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muscle and you're gonna work it out if you don't bring those two points

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together then you're not really working out the

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stomach muscle as a chiropractor i have seen literally

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thousands of patients with low back pain and in most of those

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patients the cause for their low back pain

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is that their hip flexor muscles the iliopsoas muscle is

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too tight and the stomach muscle is not strong enough so the iliopsoas is known

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as the hip flexor the lower portion attaches

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on the upper part on the inside of the thigh bone

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and there's two parts the psoas attaches to the low spine

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all the way from l4 to t12 and the lower portion is called iliacus

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and it attaches on the pelvis so why are we going through this detail because

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when you activate these muscles when you activate the hip flexor

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then you're bringing the knee closer to the chest so it's called a hip flexor

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but when you're bringing the knee up you're also

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pulling the pelvis forward and you're bringing

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the low back forward putting a certain stress on it

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so the stronger the stomach muscle is the better it's going to be able

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to attach right here on the pubic bone and counteract that motion

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but if these muscles if the hip flexors get

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too strong in relation to the stomach muscle

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then we have a problem and there's three things

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that are going to get the hip flexors overly tight

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and the first thing is to have a sitting job

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to be sitting eight hours a day have you heard of anyone like that

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recently and the second thing is driving because when you're driving you're

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obviously sitting down and in addition to that you're

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activating your hip flexor by moving your leg from the gas to the

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brake back and forth back and forth for however long

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you're driving so if you're sitting and it's already tight

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then the driving adds insult to injury and the third way is to do sit-ups

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or abdominal exercises the wrong way so we're going to take a look at a few

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clips of these very popular videos on youtube and we're going to talk about

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what's really going on as you can see in this video she's

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lifting the leg bringing it closer to the trunk

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and because the leg is straight its weight

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acts on a very long lever and puts a huge

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load on the hip flexors then when the leg is lowered

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the back arches because the hip flexor is pulling the low back

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up and forward the stomach muscles are working passively to resist the arching

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but it's primarily the hip flexors that are being worked and the more fatigued

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you get the more strain you put on that low back her second exercise is

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very similar except now she uses both legs at once

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which puts an even greater strain on the low back

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because she doesn't have any ground support and

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if you remember what we said about working the abdominal muscles

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you need to bring the pelvis closer to the chest

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to work the abdominal muscles and that's just not happening

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at all so both of these exercises are working the hip flexors

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which is the last thing you need if you just drove your car home after

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sitting at a desk for eight hours now you're just adding

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insults to injury and here is another example of the same

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thing as you can see the hip flexor is working

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very hard against gravity but the pelvis is not moving toward the chest at all

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so the stomach muscles are working passively but she's primarily

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overworking the psoas and making it even stronger than the abdominal muscles

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this example is a little bit different this exercise works

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both the hip flexors and the abdominals she is

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mostly working the hip flexors though but there is a moment when she is

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curling up and her hips come off the floor that she

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is actually shortening and working the abdominal

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muscles quite a bit but notice here what happens to her low

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back when she extends her legs parallel to the floor her back is

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arching as a result of the strain on the hip

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flexors and as she becomes more and more tired

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she can no longer perform the exercise properly and she starts jerking her body

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to get her hips up off the floor and then her back

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arches even more because her stomach muscles

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can't counteract that motion any longer and

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this jerking and arching would be an absolute

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nightmare for anyone with a back problem and in this example

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she is doing a full sit up which again it works both abdominals and hip

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flexors but it works hip flexors more than

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abdominals and when she's on the floor on her back

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she arches her back and then she whips her arms forward

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making the hip flexor pull on the spine in a very abrupt explosive motion

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when it's already in the arch position and this

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is very very traumatic for the low back so hopefully that gives you a good

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idea on what not to do and how to avoid getting hurt

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but now the next question is does it work

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and if so how does it work like we said it is mostly a metabolic problem when it

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comes to belly fat so these girls have never had a

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metabolic problem at all so it's really irrelevant

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for them to burn belly fat what they're doing is toning and getting

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more fit and that's absolutely a great thing

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it just doesn't have a whole lot to do with burning belly fat which was the

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topic of their videos and if you have a significant amount of

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belly fat then the problem is about 95 metabolic

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that you need to bring down your levels of insulin and cortisol

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and you do that by reducing sugar and carbs

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and by stabilizing blood sugar and reducing stress

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but if exercise is only five percent of the solution

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then why am i doing a video on this at all why am i

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challenging you to exercise to burn belly fat and the reason is that five

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percent is still five percent but much much more important is that it has

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other tremendous benefits for the body that

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can help indirectly and it's going to help

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improve your brain and your quality of life everything that

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you are everything that you know everything that

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you do is about how healthy your brain is and in order

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to keep your brain healthy you need to provide it three things most

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people kind of understand the first one that's fuel we usually talk about that

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as glucose or ketones the second one a lot of people get

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that's oxygen that's why we're breathing but very few people understand that the

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third component activation is not optional it is

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absolutely crucial the purpose of the brain is to process

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information the purpose of a muscle is to shorten

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and perform work so when you work out in the gym

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you're making your muscles stronger when you send

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signals to the brain you make the brain stronger and where do those signals come

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from well a lot of people think that you

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should do crossword puzzles and play bridge and memorize things and that's

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all good mental exercises will increase the

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complexity and solidify your neural networks and

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what's already there but it's not going to do a whole lot to

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build new tissue and to drive the formation of new

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circuits in order to build new tissue you need to

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really juice up the brain you need to really drive in some signals there

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and that's what you do with movement movement

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provides 90 of all the signals that juice up your brain that provides

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nutrition and keep your brain alive just how

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important is exercise for the brain how important

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is movement for the brain well let me put it this way in one

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sentence things that don't move don't have brains the purpose of the

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brain is to process and facilitate movement

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if you don't move don't need a brain so pay really close attention because this

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is where it gets really exciting how does this then how

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does exercise and the brain affect fat

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burning and fat loss and belly fat well when

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you're moving then you're activating the whole brain

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but mostly the frontal lobe and the frontal lobe is mostly

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inhibitory it mostly turns things off

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about 80 to 90 percent of what the frontal lobe does

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is to receive information and then to turn off

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other functions in the body to stabilize your state and one of the things it

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turns off is stress and when it does that it

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reduces cortisol so the stronger your frontal

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lobe the more power you have in your frontal lobe

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the better you're going to be able to turn off stress and reduce cortisol

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it also turns off anxiety and depression do you know anyone who eats more who has

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more cravings when they're anxious or depressed

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right and it also controls impulses so it improves motivation

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it improves willpower so all of these put together

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is going to put you in a much better place to

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control temptations and all of the factors

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involved with having a good quality life and burning some belly fat and staying

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strict to your goals now is there anything about these

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muscles about the stomach and core muscles that is particularly

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good for the brain well it turns out there is the core

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muscles is what stabilizes the spine the spine is the bones but it has

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muscles around the spine and muscles around the trunk

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and if you recall that 90 of the signals that stimulate and keep the brain alive

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originate from movement then most of these signals actually come from

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the muscles in the spine the spine has so many

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muscles it has three layers of muscles it has hundreds

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of muscles if you add them all up and that provides

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a tremendous amount of input to the brain so now if you have a

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strong core musculature if you have very good

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control of your core and if that core and the spine is

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flexible now that's going to send a whole lot

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more signals to the brain on a regular basis just through everyday

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movements you're going to keep stimulating and firing and juicing

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up that brain so let's look at some better examples of

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how to properly strengthen your core in an

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effective and safe way a plank works the whole core but it does

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put some stress on the hip flexors so do it

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first in your workout while you're fresh make sure you focus on keeping your low

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back flat and don't sag and arch your back because if you do

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that if you start sagging and you can't keep

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your back flat then you could hurt yourself and it's

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time to take a break next exercise is called an abdominal brace

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so you start laying on your back you put your feet flat and your knees up

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and if you relax your back you'll notice that probably be

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a little gap under your lumbar spine under your low back

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so first thing you do is you push your back

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flat down on the ground so your whole spine contacts

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the ground and then you tighten up your abdominals

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and you increase the pressure downward as if there was a scale there and you're

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trying to put some pressure on it so you start with your back flat

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you tighten up your abs and you press your low back

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down against the surface and you hold it for about

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15 seconds you can increase the pressure as you get more familiar and more

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fit now one place not to do this is in a bed because it's too soft and it

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won't give you the proper support and stability so do 10 15 seconds at a

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time rest a little bit and repeat two or

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three times this is a simple exercise but it really

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isolates the stomach muscles well you start with your back flat again

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and then slowly slide your hands up on your thighs toward your knees

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and of course you want to do this as a slow continuous motion

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without any jerking and also notice if you recall how we talked about the

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muscle shortening notice the ribcage is coming closer to the pelvis

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without putting any strain on the low back or the hip flexor

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it's going to feel pretty easy in the beginning but

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you'll sure feel the burn if you keep going so try to do about

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20 to 30 repetitions this is a diagonal crunch

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we bring the elbow up to the opposite knee

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so we're bringing the rib cage closer to the pelvis

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and we're getting a very good isolation of the stomach musculature

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and we're also bringing in the oblique stomach muscles because we have some

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rotation to the motion it may look like this is

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also involving the hip flexor because we're bringing the knee up

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but there is no load on the hip flexor it's not

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working against gravity so it's a very gentle

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activation of the hip flexor of course we're also making sure that the back is

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flat against the surface and that we're performing smooth and

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controlled movements now we add in some lateral flexion or

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some bending to the side again we start with

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the back flat and then simply reach down and touch the

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heel on the same side this motion provides some really

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good signals for the brain and it helps restore range of motion

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to keep your spine flexible especially if you've had some back

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trouble before it's a good way to gently get back into it now this next one may

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look easy but i assure you it is one of the toughest

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ones that you can do but even so it's a very safe exercise and it works and

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isolates the lower abdominals so you start out with your back flat

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then you put your knees at a 90 degree angle

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and you lift them straight up toward the ceiling

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if it isn't moving at all in the beginning don't worry

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you may have to work up to this one and also make sure that you don't

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compensate for lack of strength with trying to

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jerk or jump into the motion so if it's not moving at all don't worry

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about it it's still a good exercise just contracting these muscles and making the

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attempt is still very beneficial but if you do want to get some motion in

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there you can make it easier there's an easier version if you curl up

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just a little bit and bring the knees closer to your chest

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then you can do it with a little more ease

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but make sure to keep the movements slow and smooth

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now let me introduce you to the game changer even though it's not an

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abdominal exercise this one might be the most important

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exercise you could do to burn belly fat like we said belly fat

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is a metabolic problem and you reduce insulin by reducing sugar and carbs but

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you can also increase growth hormone because

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growth hormone is a fat burning hormone you do a short

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workout a few minutes and then the hormone stays on for days

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burning fat for you and the two ways to produce growth hormone

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is fasting and high intensity interval training here's an example of

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how to do it i'm starting out with a heart rate of 74

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and then i start pedaling as hard as i can this is pretty heavy resistance

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i go for about 15 seconds my heart rate is now 128

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i get back on the bike and now it's 140 i keep alternating 15 second rest 15

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second biking my heart rate goes up every time now

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it's 148 149 back on the bike

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and now we're over 150 let's see if i rest can i can push it

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a little higher again so i go 15 seconds we get up to 155

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so i can typically get my heart rate up to about 170 but on

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a bike it is more difficult it's still a great workout though

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but on this workout i didn't manage to get it higher than 157

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but it took me a couple of minutes and made some

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really good growth hormone so here's my challenge to you

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you start today and you pick four five six exercises pick the

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favorites that you're comfortable with that won't hurt you you try them out

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and then you do them for about one minute each

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you can do that and then you keep it up for 10 days and every three to five days

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so two to three times during this 10 day period

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you throw in a high intensity interval training workout

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and you can do it on the bike just like i did or

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if you're fit and healthy and you don't have any injuries you can do it

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running up hills or running stairs or doing jumping jacks or anything

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like that anything that works to get your heart rate up is

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fine the bike is a very safe way to do it because you can hold on and there's

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no pounding involved when you do the hit you can do it in

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addition or instead of the abdominal

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exercises your choice if you want to take

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a break and get some rest from the abdominals that's fine if you feel

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good enough to do both on one day that's great but don't do more than two or

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three times in this 10-day period and i'm not going

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to guarantee that you'll have a flat belly in 10 days but i will guarantee

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that it is a great way to get on a new

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habit and incorporate some exercise into your life if you enjoyed this video

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i think you're really gonna love that one next thanks so much for

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watching i'll see you next time

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