Live Longer Feel Better

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Do you want to live forever?

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Or are you afraid to because you think growing old just means suffering?

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It doesn't have to be that way.

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And I'm going to tell you a few thing you can do today so that you can get more life

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out of your years.

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Hey I'm Dr Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and by subscribing and following these videos

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you will learn everything that you need to know to get healthy and stay healthy.

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Everybody wants to live for a really long time, but no body wants to get older.

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And the way that we are living today the evidence that we are observing.

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We are seeing people get older and they spend many more years being sick and we think that

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that is something that has to be.

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People used to die very early because they got eaten by lions, and bears and so forth.

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And we think now that we live longer and therefor have to succumb to degenerative disease, but

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that is a fallacy.

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People talk about how we are living longer and longer and that is why we get these diseases

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and that we are living better and longer than ever.

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That is not true.

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We are getting... actually we have more degenerative disease and we have gotten so far where the

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generation that is young now is the first generation ever that is not excepted to live

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longer than their parents.

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So while we have gotten an increase in age because we don't starve and we have conquered

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several diseases we have now gotten to the point where life expectancy is not increasing.

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We have so much degeneration and so much diabetes, Alzheimer, heart disease, and other degenerative

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diseases that we are not expecting to live longer any more.

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What we want to do is we want to live longer we don't want to die longer.

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And with more people over 65 on more medications we have 50% of the population over 65 is pre-diabetic

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these are life style diseases and they can be changed.

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So lets change our thinking away from just living more years to adding life to your years...

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adding quality life to your years.

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Because this is not a mystery.

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There is no doubt whats so ever anymore about what is causing the decrease in quality of

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I don't know what the upper limit of aging or age is.

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I do believe that we can easily live to somewhere between 100 and 120 years old without significant

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So how do we do that?

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Well first we have to understand what the major detractors... what are the major things

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that cause us to degenerate?

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And there is plenty of evidence today that the number one thing is sugar.

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One of the most important organs to keep people alive is the brain.

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And there is a direct inverse relationship between sugar consumption and brain health.

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So the more sugar we have the higher our A1C is the quicker our brain is shrinking.

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There is a direct linear relationship sugar is not a good idea.

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When they have done studies on humans and lab rats and all sorts of things they find

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that by starving them just a little bit they live much much longer.

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But the mechanism of starvation is that they are not getting as many carbohydrates.

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Insulin is triggered by carbohydrates.

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Insulin is a storage hormone and it's a turn over hormone.

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It makes your cells turn over faster.

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So the number one thing you can do to extend the life of your cells and to extend your

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life and reduce degeneration is to cut back on sugar.

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Get stable blood sugar get away from insulin resistance.

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If you are looking for one marker to measure it is A1C.

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The limit for pre-diabetic is in the 5.7- to 6.

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That is not a healthy A1C.

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You want to be close to 5.

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If you are looking for a marker to measure.

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The other thing is stress.

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They have done numerous studies based on Hans Selye, the father of stress studies, they

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found that the more stress you have the shorter you live.

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You can have a mouse or a rat live half as long by having them stress a whole lot.

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Your body has two portions two branches to your autonomic nervous system one is called

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fight flight one is called feed breed.

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When you stress you shut off your feed breed.

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You shut off your repair and healing.

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You speed up the turn over you speed up the inflation you speed up everything that makes

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you age faster.

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But we have to change our mind set.

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You don't have to be old just because you live a lot of years.

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That is a fallacy it is a myth it is a misconception.

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Some people think of the body as a machine or as a car.

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And they just think that well if the parts wear out then you die and if we can slow down

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the parts then we can live longer.

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Well we have to stop thinking about the body as a machine.

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Biology is not a machine.

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Biology do not operate on the same rules as machines or mechanical devices.

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Biology is information based.

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Biology is energy based.

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It's based on quality of food and air and environment.

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So biological age is not an absolute.

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You can be a lot younger biologically than your chronicle age.

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At some point we maybe able to turn the rules around and but for right now you probably

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can't be seventy and turn around and be twenty.

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But you can do is you can be fifty and you can be biologically younger in 10 years than

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you were 10 years ago.

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Those are those things are totally possible we see it in our clinic every day.

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People turning their life around people feeling better people having symptoms go away.

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People increasing energy.

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Those are simple principles of following the law of nature and the laws of health.

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So hit that subscribe button.

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And follow our channel and we will keep giving you ideas on not just anti-aging but how to

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live life to the fullest because it is all based on health.

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You can't have a quality of life if your not healthy and feeling good.

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I;'m Dr. Sten Ekberg thank you for your time.

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