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insulin resistance and intermittent fasting what's that all about these are

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two terms that are thrown around a lot when it comes to diabetes and weight

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loss and keto and so forth today we're going to make sense of them and see how

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they fit together coming right up

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I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you

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want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything insulin resistance and intermittent

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fasting what are they and how do they fit together so first of all insulin

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resistance what is insulin insulin is a hormone

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that helps you get your energy the glucose out of the bloodstream and into

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the cell that's the purpose so when you eat things that raise blood sugar more

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then your body makes more insulin so the more carbs the more sugar you eat the

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more insulin your body produces to get that sugar out of the bloodstream and

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into the cell this is one of the driving factors of insulin resistance because

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when it's balanced when you don't eat too much carbs and you don't eat all the

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time then the body raises the blood sugar and the insulin but then the blood

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sugar comes down and the insulin comes down and your body gets time to burn off

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the fuel that you ate since the last meal and you become you stay insulin

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sensitive but if you eat too much carbs and you eat too frequently now there is

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a whole lot of excess energy that excess energy has to be stored so the insulin

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starts pushing this glucose into the cell until the cell is full and then the

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cell starts converting the glucose into fat and once it's full of fat then the

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cell becomes insulin resistance it says I'm full I can't take anymore whatever

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reasons you have to push that glucose on me I don't want it anymore and now we've

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developed insulin resistance that's how insulin and insulin

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resistance works so the things that drive insulin resistance the most are

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factors that raise blood sugar so foods that are what we call high glycemic

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those are primarily sugar and grains and specially processed grains but all

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grains really do it very very significantly because sugar is a single

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molecule grain and starch is are chains of these single molecules but it only

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takes the body a few minutes to take these chains of starch and carbohydrates

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and lop off those single sugars and turn that into blood sugar that's why there's

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very little difference in blood glucose blood sugar response between table sugar

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and bread they're basically the same the first factor are things that

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increase blood sugar a lot the second factor are things that increase liver

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congestion when that insulin starts stuffing the cell full of fuel the cell

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has to burn off that fuel before it's ready for more and there's one sugar in

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particular and that's called fructose you may have heard of high fructose corn

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syrup well table sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose but high fructose corn

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syrup is more than 50% fructose and what does fructose do well fructose can only

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be metabolized can only be processed by one type of cell in the body and that's

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the liver and the liver is the metabolic it organ of the body it's the chemistry

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factory so anything chemical or metabolic that happens in the body for

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processing it probably happens in the liver and when we have a lot of fructose

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large volumes of this one sugar that can only be processed in

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the liver now the liver gets very very quickly

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overwhelmed because it's a small organ relative to the rest of the body all the

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cells in the body can burn off glucose and fat but only the liver can burn off

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the fructose blood glucose liver congestion and the third thing that

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really matters that really drives insulin resistance is how often we eat

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so we'll look a little more closely on that in just a moment so that's what

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insulin resistance is and what drives it now what is intermittent fasting

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intermittent fasting is the fasting is when you don't eat

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simply put so if we look at a typical pattern of eating let's say that you're

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the average person you eat like you were told you wake up in the morning and you

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have a breakfast you have your skim milk and your cereal and your orange juice

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and your toast and jam and then you get off work and you have your mid-morning

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snack coffee and a doughnut or maybe a fruit if your or a granola bar if your

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health minded and you think that's a good idea then you go out for lunch then

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you have your afternoon snack then you have dinner and then you have a late

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evening snack so six times a day you eat things that increase blood sugar so from

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7:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night you're eating at certain intervals so

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the time that you're not eating is called fasting so if you had your last

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meal at 9:00 then during the night from 9:00 until breakfast now you're fasting

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that's your intermittent fasting period so with the time as we described here

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you have a 10 hour fasting window and a 14 hour feeding window so there's only

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10 hours that the body has the opportunity to not be stimulated by

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insulin that it has a chance to burn through the stores and become less

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resistant to insulin okay so another way of looking at that would be like this

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we're sleep during the night then we wake up for breakfast and so the the

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same colors here so the green would be the time that we're not eating and the

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red would be the time that we're eating and during our our eating period we six

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times during the day we eat something that triggers blood sugar that triggers

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insulin so this is a message to pack more things into the cell to store more

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fuel for the future but the future never comes where we need the fuel because

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we're always filling up more we eating six times a day and then after all this

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storage we only have ten hours to try to lower insulin to burn through those

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stores this is a recipe for insulin resistance when we're eating high

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glucose foods and we're eating frequently intermittent fasting is when

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you extend the fasting window so let's say that you just decide to skip the

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snacks you eat a little bit healthier a little more protein a little more fat a

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little bit less carbs and you skip the snacks because now when you eat fat and

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protein you stay full longer and now you eat breakfast at seven you skip the

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snack you have lunch at noon you skip the afternoon snack you have dinner at

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five and you skip the evening snack now we have shortened your feeding period to

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ten hours and increased your fasting to fourteen when we look over here there's

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a whole lot more green a whole lot more fasting a longer opportunity for your

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body to burn through the fuel and not need to release insulin in response to

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food and there's a shorter feeding window and there's only three times

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during that feeding window that we are telling the body to release insulin and

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to store more fuel for for future use and then what happens a lot

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if you start teaching your ball in this pattern and you cut back on the

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carbohydrates then you don't become hungry and I have patients all the time

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they come in and said I used to eat six times a day but now that I eat this way

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I'm not hungry anymore do I really have to eat breakfast and the answer is no

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okay it is one of the most widely spread

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myths that breakfast is the most important meal of the day that's if you

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have taught your body that it needs blood sugar topped off every three hours

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then you might depend on breakfast but as your body gets into balance then

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there is no need to eat breakfast unless you're really hungry then you eat

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breakfast and maybe skip another meal so on this pattern now we skip breakfast we

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eat lunch at noon and then we have dinner at 6:00 and that is all we eat in

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a day so now we see the fasting the feeding window is very short relative to

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the fasting window and there's only two times during the day that we eat

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something that raised blood sugar that tell the body to stimulate to release

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insulin to store some of that food to to remove the glucose from the bloodstream

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and store the excess but there's less and less excess because there's a longer

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fasting window so not only does this help with weight loss

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that's why the low carb and the intermittent fasting groups are getting

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so popular because finally people are reversing insulin resistance and they

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are losing weight with no effort and of course insulin resistance isn't just

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about weight gain it is also about diabetes and a whole host of

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degenerative diseases so by using intermittent fasting we are helping

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ourselves on in all those areas so intermittent fasting is about eating

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less frequently eating fewer meals that's what it means and if you think

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about it you carbohydrates stimulate blood sugar and

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insulin then low-carb stimulates less blood sugar results in less blood sugar

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and stimulates less insulin but even less than that is zero carbohydrate so

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by the during the time that you're fasting your eating is zero carb so

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that's the ultimate low carb diet if you will so what I would recommend if you do

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intermittent fasting though is to combine it with a keto

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or a low carb diet because it's gonna make it much much easier on you you'll

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stay fuller you have less sugar cravings you have less blood sugar spikes and the

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more you can stabilize your blood sugar the more time the longer you can go

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between meals and the more you will control your hunger you'll be fuller you

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won't have cravings so insulin resistance and intermittent fasting go

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very much hand-in-hand insulin resistance can be reversed very

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powerfully by intermittent fasting but it's not the only thing so if you want

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to do address this if you want to approach this from as many directions as

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possible if you want to give yourself more tools then you want to look into

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things like low carb intermittent fasting exercise and also stress

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reduction if you enjoyed this video you're going to love all the other

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videos that we have done on all these topics we have plenty of instruction and

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education on all things relating to this so how common is insulin resistance

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well insulin resistance is the primary factor involved in weight gain and since

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eighty seven point five percent of the population in the US are now officially

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overweight that will give you an idea of how prevalent this is if you're like

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most people and you probably have a lot of people you know that are insulin

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resistant and that have diabetes and that might be overweight this is rampant

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and these are the mechanisms that will help you understand how to reverse it

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thanks for watching

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