Ketosis vs Ketoacidosis (Keto Diet Dangerous?)

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Ketosis and ketoacidosis are they the same thing or are they actually

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completely opposites? I'm gonna explain that so you get it once and for all

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coming right up so many people are trying the ketogenic diet and they're

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getting great results they're losing weight the reversing insulin resistance

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they're feeling great but there's still a lot of apprehension and some people

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think that oh well maybe I'll try it for a for a little while but I'm scared to

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do it long term because I've heard so many terrible things about it and all of

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those things are untrue but the one that comes up the most frequently is that a

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lot of medical doctors and people who are supposed to know better they throw

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out that word ketoacidosis that's what diabetics get and that can

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kill you so don't you don't want to get in ketosis so we want to clear that up

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because if you're informed you should know a whole lot better than to say

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anything like that so medical doctors they've been to school they really

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should know better for the layperson I can understand if

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it's a little bit frightening and confusing so we're gonna look at all

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these we're gonna check out piece by piece how they compare and if they have

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anything in common or if they're completely opposite so first of all

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ketones is the only thing that they have remotely in common because both

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conditions produce a little more ketones than people who eat the standard

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American diet but in what we want to call nutritional ketosis or a healthy

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state of ketosis that you induce in a healthy person we're a non diabetic

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person from eating low carb diets you're going to develop an amount of ketones in

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the blood of about 0.5 to 3 and most people are going to be probably around 1

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the the really hardcore people who cut their carbs way way down and who do

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intermittent fasting they might be able to

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push it up towards two and a half or three but probably not totally

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consistently so that's a very low very controlled level of ketones we want to

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contrast that with someone who goes into a full-fledged fast if you do a water

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fast for a week or if you're so unfortunate that you're having to endure

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starvation because you're just isn't any food now your ketones might get up to

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five but that's about the highest that they can get as long as you have any

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functioning insulin in your body in ketoacidosis which happens to diabetics

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primarily type 1 diabetics where you have zero insulin where the body has

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completely lost its ability to produce insulin that level of ketones can get up

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all the way up to 20 to 30 millivolts so we're talking about 10 times higher than

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you could induce it by cutting carbs and living a ketogenic lifestyle and

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probably 20 times higher than the typical level of ketones so even though

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there are some ketones in common we're talking about a completely different

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level then let's look at blood sugar so when you do ketosis your blood sugar is

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low to normal it's gonna be in the ideal range but it's going to be on the low

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side of normal so that's going to be what we call pretty much a perfect blood

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sugar that's what you get when you don't eat a bunch of carbs and your body finds

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the balance that is the healthiest for you same thing is starvation then you're

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not your body still has the ability to break down protein and fat and produce

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some blood sugar so you're not going to get extremely low it's going to be on

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the low end but it's gonna be in the normal range or close to it in diabetes

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in uncontrolled diabetes like we're talking about here that blood sugar is

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gonna go sky-high it's going to go into several hundred it's going to go into

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many many times the normal range and these people are

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very often they're going they're being rendered unconscious very often this is

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a type one diabetic who doesn't know that they're diabetic yet they're just

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feeling bad being brought to the hospital and they're passing out and

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they have really high ketones and very very high blood sugar so let's look at

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insulin in ketosis you have low to normal insulin because it perfectly

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matches the amount of blood sugar you have low to normal insulin because there

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is a low to normal need for insulin your body produces exactly what it's supposed

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to same thing in starvation but in type 1 diabetes you have zero insulin you

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have none and that's the whole problem that's the only way that this problem

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can develop is when you have zero insulin and because of that the blood

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sugar runs way way high the other thing is that both ketones and blood sugar are

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controlled by insulin so if you have some amount of insulin the ketones can

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never run very high because the insulin is controlling that as well but when you

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have zero insulin there is nothing to control those ketones and because you're

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burning fat as your only source of fuel plus you're breaking down some proteins

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there are no carbs being burned even though your blood sugar is that high

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you're not burning any carbs so your body is fully starving and you're

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burning all the fat but there is no insulin to control the ketones so now

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your ketones go into a dangerous dangerous level so let's think about

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this from the other direction what's the insulin need again here it's low to

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normal because it matches the blood sugar same thing in starvation but

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here's the problem in the diabetic we have a sky-high need we have an infinite

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need we have an enormous need for insulin but we have none that's the

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problem their stuff this enormous discrepancy

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with what's needed from what the existing reality is we look at pH and

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that's where this disease this pathological condition gets this name is

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called ketoacidosis because your blood gets very very acidic and your blood has

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to be maintained at a pH around seven point three six five and the last digit

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could vary a little bit but it has to be very very precise that's the only place

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you can be healthy and in ketosis you're eating a lot of normal food you're

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eating a lot of vegetables you're getting plenty of minerals you're eating

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a wide variety of foods you're just not eating carbohydrates so your body has

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lots of resources to regulate your pH and you're gonna be if you eat healthy

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food you're going to be at in normal pH the person in starvation is probably

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going to start slipping a little bit toward acid because they don't eat any

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food they have a little more ketone but they also don't have any resources their

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body is running out of stuff to to manage things and the pH in the

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ketoacidosis in the diabetic ketoacidosis is turning lethal it is

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dropping enough that this person is dying this is a medical emergency

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they're being brought in to the emergency room on a stretcher and

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hopefully if they get to them in time they'll save their lives without medical

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intervention this person is dead no exceptions

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physiology how is the body working how are all the metabolic processes being

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managed well in nutritional ketosis they're being perfectly balanced there

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are no all the needs are met and the body can manage everything that's needed

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perfectly the blood sugar is managed to insulin is managed the ketones are

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managed the pH is managed so this is a very healthy person if they eat healthy

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food the starving person their physiology is

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not sustainable because they're not eating so they can go on for four weeks

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or maybe a couple of months but slowly they're gonna be dying if they don't

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replenish anything the health of the starving person is kind of a little

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dichotomy there because short-term it can be very powerful healing you can

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allow your digestive tract and your digestive organs to recover so a lot of

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people do and extend it fast to heal their body but even so it's not

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sustainable and beyond a point their health is going to be declining because

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they're not providing the body the nutrients they need and of course in

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ketoacidosis their physiology is in total chaos there's nothing that's

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working everything is is going downhill it is sinking it is dying their health

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like we've talked about this is a medical emergency and these people would

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die every time unless you can get them to a hospital and get them some insulin

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injected the key thing to understand is that this is normal physiology this is

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controlled physiology everything every parameter is where it should be based on

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what we are doing and we can sustain this long term whereas here we have zero

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insulin the person is starving they have no access to their blood Sugar's zero as

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a result the ketones are running into a lethal pathological level we have a sky

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high we have an enormous need for insulin and we have zero that's why this

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is not the same thing that's not even close they are actually the complete

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opposites because here we have a low insulin need here we have an infinite

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insulin need here we have the appropriate amount of insulin which

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matches the sugar here the insulin has no match to

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the blood sugar so when someone says that they're the same thing they just

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don't understand what they're talking about so hope that was helpful please

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share this with people because there are a lot of people who want to do the

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ketogenic diet they want to try this out but they're scared they don't have

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enough information to make a good decision so share this with as many

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people as you can and if you enjoy this sort of information and you haven't

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already subscribed them please click that button and the notification bell so

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we can keep these videos in this information coming your way thanks for

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