Keto Long Term? Is The Keto Diet Dangerous?

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Keto long term. Is it safe? Is it possible? Is it healthy? A lot of people have

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concerns and questions so I'm gonna answer some of the most common ones

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coming right up so keto is getting very very popular because people are getting

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results but then there's also a lot of skeptics and when the skeptics raise

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their voices then people get concerned they get worried and they wonder can i

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really trust this. Can I really do keto long term because they're scaring people

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that if you keep this up it's gonna hurt you. So at first they said, the skeptic

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said, "oh it's ridiculous of course you can't lose fat by eating fat" and then

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they said, " oops I guess you can" because there was just so many people doing that

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but then they said oh well you can lose some fat but it's not sustainable and if

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it's sustainable then at least it's not healthy and that's kind of where

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everyone is today we have the keto camp and the the skeptic camp and everyone

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agrees that yes you will lose weight but the skeptics say that yeah yeah yeah

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it's possible but keto is not sustainable you can't keep it up it's dangerous and

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so on and so on but is that is there any foundation is that a good argument

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what are they basing that on so basically it's based on a fat phobia and

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where did we get that where did that come from why are we so afraid of fat

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because fats been around for as long as human has been around and for the most

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part we have probably eaten more saturated fat than we've eaten anything

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else so we have demonized saturated fat and cholesterol it's the first thing

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that shows up on food labels calories total fat and saturated fat as if those

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are the things that we need to avoid so this fat phobia is based on a couple

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of really bad studies in the 1950s where they just watch people they've made

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certain assumptions and they decided that saturated fat and cholesterol is

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bad recent studies have shown that it is the

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processed fat it's the man-made fats so the reason people started noticing fat

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was when people got sick from eating margarine and shortening and processed

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fats along with lots and lots of sugar and this really started in the early

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1900s and then accelerated all the way through the 1900s and nobody looked at

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the quality or type of fats and that's where we got this fat phobia that is so

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ingrained now that nobody dares question it everyone says oh if you propose

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eating bacon you must surely be crazy and it's like we're not really

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questioning why would it be that bad okay and it turns out it isn't because

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most modern studies show that saturated fat is actually better it's a really

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really good fuel source it's the polyunsaturated fats that

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create problems and saturated fats improve the ratio of cholesterol because

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it's not the total number that matters it's the balance between the two total

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cholesterol to HDL of about three to one then you're doing perfectly fine and the

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lower that ratio the better you're doing and saturated fats improve that ratio

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but even though those old studies were from the 1950s and we've had decades to

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get better information and we had better information old ideas die hard because

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once we get a feeling about something then it's very very hard to and that's

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what I hear from a lot of people is I I've read this and I read this and I

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tried it and I feel better but I've read I heard it for so long that fat is bad

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so I'm just scared to eat it and it's the fear it's a phobia it's founded on

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the wrong information because as long as the fat is natural is perfectly okay

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and then people say that carbs are the main source of energy that

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if you don't eat carbs you're starving yourself and again this is just not true

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it is it is has been the main source of energy for the last few hundred years

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when we have increased our agriculture we've increased the the processing of

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grain we've included bread in in everything but again agriculture has

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only been around for ten thousand years which is a incredibly short time

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compared to the time that you have been around as a human so agriculture started

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ten thousand years ago but also at that time the grains were completely

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different they had more protein less carbohydrates and people ate them whole

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so even if we say that we've had grains for a while we just haven't had them in

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the form that we're eating them today and carbs are not the main source of

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energy because humans have two sources of energy two primary sources it's three

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and four you include protein but the two main sources are carbohydrates and fat

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and the body will burn which ever one it has the most available so if you feed it

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carbs it'll burn carbs if you feed it fat it'll burn fat it's as simple as

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that so it depends on where humans have lived it depends on what their lifestyle

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was it depends on the time of the season what was available at the time

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then they mentioned that the keto diet has no calorie restriction and surely

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that must be a bad thing because we all know calories are bad and again we've

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decided that fat is bad cholesterol is bad calories are bad oh don't eat

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avocado it has too many calories don't eat salmon it's too fatty it has

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too many calories don't eat nuts it has too many calories

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eat that little rice cake eat this little fluffy processed sugary thing it

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only has a hundred calories per serving haven't we heard that over and over and

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over for the last 40 years we've turned calories into the enemy and it's not

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it's what keeps us alive for as long as life has existed on the planet

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every species have started the day looking for calories okay it's the thing

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that keeps us alive the reason that it messes with us today is that we have

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processed them we have changed them we have introduced processed foods and

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sugars and processed carbs that are unnatural to our bodies that's why we

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lose our ability to regulate hunger so we shouldn't have a calorie restriction

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when your body is healthy when your body gets the type of food and the nutrients

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that it's designed for your body knows how much to eat the only reason it eats

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too much is you eat processed foods and your insulin resistance then they say

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that it forces the body to burn fat again as if that was a bad thing there

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is no force about it because when carbs go really really low the body burns fat

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so you can turn that argument around and say when carbs are really high it forces

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the body to burn carbs because the carbs high blood sugar will put a diabetic

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into a coma carbs are toxic high blood sugar is one of the most dangerous

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things that you can have so if you eat a lot of carbs you force the body to burn

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carbs okay it's it's a ridiculous argument it's again it's about balance

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and what has the body been doing for most of the time and for most of the

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time we have never ever had a lifestyle that allows us to develop insulin

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resistance we've never had that many carbohydrates and sugars and processed

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carbs around never been around so we we know plenty

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about missing a few meals because we've done that for as long as we've been

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around we never we had no defense against the the abundance of

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carbohydrates it forces the body to burn fat and as a result you can there is no

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deprivation or exercise it's like you have to have calorie restriction you you

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have to have suffer you have to have pain because otherwise you don't deserve

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to be to be slender it's like this crazy mentality that we have forgotten what

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it's supposed to work like we're supposed to feel happy we're supposed to

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feel good we're supposed to eat till we're full we're supposed to know when

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we're full okay but carbohydrates and insulin drive a fat storing mechanism

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that prevents us from using the fat and therefore we don't know when we're full

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because our bodies tell us eat more eat more eat more because I put all of my my

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blood sugar in fat storage through insulin and I can't get to it because

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the insulin is still high so you got to eat something more and that's the

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mechanism that turns off your ability to decide how much to eat humans are not

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supposed to be deprived and of course exercise

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you shouldn't have to exercise to maintain your weight but that doesn't

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mean you don't want to exercise because like I talked about in many many

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different videos exercise is absolutely necessary to optimize your health so you

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want to do that five six days a week regardless but it has really very little

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to do with losing weight it is good for reversing insulin resistance but you

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shouldn't have to force your body through exercise to lose weight and then

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one of the most common arguments is that it's too extreme and and again it's an

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opinion it's like surely fat is bad surely it's extreme to eat that few

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carbs but when we call it a dream we want to ask extreme compared to

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what okay if we go into a food store today it has about fifty thousand items

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on the shelves how many of those items existed ten thousand years ago or even

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five hundred years ago okay hardly any that's extreme we have

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replaced our entire food supply with fake foods we don't have access to real

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food from most regular food stores that's extreme okay when people say that

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it's too extreme to eat 30 grams of carbs compared to what 400 grams of

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carbs is extreme because your ancestors never ever saw that kind of carbs never

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even if they found a beehive and they ate the whole thing in one bite they

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probably couldn't get that much so most of the objections are based on emotional

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reactions to what we believe is true and it doesn't have any solid foundation

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doesn't have any good explanation in physiology and the best way to judge

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this is try it and see how it works what you want to understand though is along

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the way it's about quality of foods is it sustainable absolutely is it safe

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absolutely can it be done healthy absolutely does everyone have to do it

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is it the best possible diet for everybody not necessarily if you like it

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then do it if you reverse your insulin resistance all the way then I think most

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people can probably not have to be in ketosis I think you should still be at

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low carb because four hundred grams of carbs a day is going to ruin your health

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guaranteed but even if you start eating a little

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bit of potato here and there or some some

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brown rice or something if you have completely reversed your insulin

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resistance then that might be okay so we don't want to turn keto into a religion

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either okay the reason it is so popular and the reason it works so well and the

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reason it's a fantastic idea for most people is that most people are insulin

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resistance from decades of eating processed foods and too many carbs so

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what you want to do you want to listen to people who have clinical experience

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who have actually worked with a lot of people over a long period of time and

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who have some sort of education and some foundation in physiology to understand

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insulin everyone else is pretty much just a self-proclaimed expert in in one

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field or another and what they're throwing around our opinions and most of

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these opinions are based on emotions and what we've been told and surely it can't

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be like that okay so this channel is all about

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learning as much as possible about how the body really works so that when you

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see that next article or you hear that next comment then you have enough

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knowledge that you can make up your own mind and you can say yeah that makes

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sense that fits about a hundred other pieces

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of good information I've heard or you can say you know that doesn't make sense

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because it's just another piece thrown out there so share this video with as

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many people as you can leave your comments below I'll be happy to answer

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as many questions as I want if you want additional videos on different topics

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let me know I'm gonna try to cover as many different topics as possible and

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answer as many questions as possible so thanks for watching

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