Keto Flu: What Is The Keto Flu And How To Avoid It

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What is the keto flu and how to avoid it? Learn the basic mechanisms so that you

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understand why it happens and you can avoid it and comfortably transition into

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that healthy keto lifestyle so a lot of people they get all excited about

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ketogenic lifestyle they want to lose the weight they want to feel better

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they've heard so many stories and then they jump head in and three to five days

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later they feel terrible and some of the symptoms can be headaches fatigue nausea

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cravings dizziness brain fog muscle cramps irritability the list is pretty

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much endless and a lot of these things are often associated with a flu so

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that's why they call it the keto flu but of course it's not a flu at all there is

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no infectious agent it's just that you're feeling as if you had the flu so

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you're not going to contaminate anybody and there is no bug involved but what's

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really going on why do you feel so bad well there's really two reasons it's not

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rocket science it's very very simple first is that you are doing a change

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okay so for decades you have taught your body how to get energy out of

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carbohydrates you've taught your body to install a machinery that can use

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carbohydrates but it doesn't know how to use fat it knows how to convert

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carbohydrates into fat and put it on your body but it doesn't know how to use

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that fat so its main source of fuel is carbohydrate and now you're pulling the

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rug out from under your machinery literally overnight and it only knows

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how to use a carbohydrate and you just took it away so now your body has no

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source of energy and it's scrambling and it's changing but it doesn't really know

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where to get it so you

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get hypoglycemia and you get all these different things so realize that you

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built a machinery to do one thing and now you have to build a machinery to do

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something else namely to learn how to use fat again so all your cells are

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going to change the enzymes they're gonna have to up regulate production of

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enzymes and receptors and it doesn't happen overnight some people can do it

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in a week or two some people are gonna be more like several weeks or maybe even

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months before they're fully adapted before they've established a machinery

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that can use fat instead of carbs so that's the first reason you're feeling

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so terrible you just change so fast that your body has no idea where to get the

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energy or you're starving it in a sense the second reason is fluids so

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carbohydrates are stored in the bone in the form of glycogen and glycogen is

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sort of like a sponge that it holds on to a lot of water so imagine that you

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have a bucket of saltwater and you dip the sponge into it and then you take it

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out and you squeeze the sponge and all the water runs out well when the water

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runs out it's going to take the salt with it and that's what happens in the

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body as well so glycogen holds on to water and then you burn up the glycogen

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because you're not adding any more carbs and then the water that the glycogen

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held on to is going to leave the body that's the first three to four pounds of

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weight loss that you experience within the first couple of days it's fluid loss

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and when you lose that fluid it takes your minerals with it and these minerals

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are crucial for your brain for your nervous system for your metabolism there

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you even need more minerals to handle the transition from carbs to fat because

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your body goes through many changes so you're increasing the demand

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on the body but at the same time you're robbing it of minerals because it's the

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change that it hasn't it's it's too fast to change anytime you change something

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your body is gonna have to adapt and if it's too fast it's not gonna be able to

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cope you're losing fluids and it has minerals so it's as simple as that so

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how do we get into a ketogenic lifestyle without feeling terrible well here are

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the steps that you do first you increase the water intake you increase salt and

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you increase minerals don't be afraid of salt make sure it's a good salt not the

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sterilized industrial table salt but a sea salt or a pink salt minerals come in

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vegetables okay so salt table salt or rather pink

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salt has primarily sodium in it and you're also losing potassium and

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magnesium and calcium so you want to try to get plenty of all of those and

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vegetables is the top source vegetables have tons of potassium and magnesium

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then you want to increase your fat because part of the reason is that maybe

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you're not eating enough a lot of people will start just cutting out the carbs

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but they're not in the habit of eating anything else so now they don't know

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what to eat and they haven't put enough fat in to make up for the carbs that

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they're taking out so now if you're trying to turn your body from burning to

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stop burning carbs and instead burn fat but you're not adding enough in the diet

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and your body hasn't learned to use the fat on your body

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now you're low on both carbs and fats you're literally starving so therefore

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you want to make it gradual okay a lot of people they're so ready they so want

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to get into this and and we as humans were impatient we want instant results

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we want to do it now and I would advise to not do it all at once

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for all the reasons that we talked about but when you do it gradual when you take

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some carbs out you want to put something else in and there's so many diets out

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there where people jump in and then they get off the doesn't matter what you call

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them and one that comes to mind is whole xxx which it's a great diet it teaches

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you how to eat Whole Foods but the very idea of 30 days gives people the idea

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that you get on it and you get off it and it's such a sudden change that you

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feel terrible and you can't wait to get back to eating the way that you used to

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so gradual means two things first it gives you the chance to change habits it

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gives you the chance to learn new foods so you take something out that's high in

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carbs and you put something else in that's low in carbs and higher in fat

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and as you change this may be a few things per week you gradually transition

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into a lifestyle that you can maintain and as you do it gradually and you teach

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yourself some new habits you also teach your body some new habits you give it a

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chance to gradually go from using carbs as the primary fuel to using fat as the

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primary fuel okay so there's two things it's your cellular habits and it's your

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own human personal habits so I think that you should start cutting it back

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maybe - if I want to give you some numbers this isn't necessarily right for

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everybody but if you start cutting it down to maybe 80 grams a day of net

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carbohydrates and then you go down gradually from there maybe reduce it by

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1015 grams a week and that way you can gauge how you're feeling if it's too

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fast you can back off a little bit and don't be in a hurry you have the rest of

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your life to do this number four exercise you want to be really careful

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with exercise but you do want to do exercise so what

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my videos on aerobic versus an aerobics and and videos on exercise that I've

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done so you understand these principles but exercise is great because it reduces

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insulin resistance and when the body needs more energy it tends to burn more

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fat and increase ketone production so that's a good thing what's bad about it

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is if you do exercise too intense because now when you're short of fuel

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your body will start screaming for carbs it will make cortisol it will raise your

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blood sugar and it will make you feel really bad it'll make you feel a lot

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worse than if you didn't exercise but if you do very gentle exercise like walking

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or yoga or stretching then the exercise will actually help you instead so low

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intensity exercise to activate the body but not so intense that you start

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producing lots of cortisol don't count calories because a lot of people they

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get into it they're gung-ho they want to make it happen right now I cut back the

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carbs oh yeah I can do this but again they don't put the fat in and they think

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oh well I can do this if I don't eat so much I can lose the weight even faster

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that's not what this is about it's about finding a lifestyle you can do for the

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rest of your life take your time and don't count calories let your body find

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the balance so as you cut back the carbs as your body learns to use fat instead

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you will stay full longer you won't get hungry you won't need snacks between

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meals you can go eight hours between meals but don't push it let it happen

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let it just develop the way your body wants it to and then you can get through

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all of these with no discomfort no deprivation and no hunger so please

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share this video with everyone you care about because we want to get this

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information out so more people can get healthy please leave your comments and

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questions below let me know you've experienced some Kido flu or what

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how your experience has been if you have at any additional tips please feel free

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to share those as well and thanks for watching

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