Keto Diet vs Low Carb Diet - Which Is Better For You?

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keto diet versus low carb diet aren't they the same thing well a ketogenic

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diet is always a low carb diet but a low carb diet may or may not put you in

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ketosis so today we're going to talk about the entire spectrum of

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carbohydrates from lowest to highest and help you understand where do you need to

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be in order to meet your health goals but also to achieve optimum health

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coming right up

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I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete if you

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want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything keto and low carb have become very

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popular because they're addressing the main problem of our times which is

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insulin resistance when we eat carbohydrates and especially sugar we

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triggered insulin insulin is a storage hormone so most people on a modern diet

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have become much much better at storing calories and fat than to burning

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calories and fat most people have lost the ability to burn fat appropriately

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because there's so much food and so much sugar available that our insulin levels

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and our blood sugar levels stay on a constant high keto or ketosis or a

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ketogenic diet keto is a physiological state it's what happens when you switch

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from carbohydrate metabolism to a dominant fat metabolism when the vast

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majority of your energy comes from fat then your body produces ketones it's a

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byproduct of that fat burning and if you have above baseline measurable amounts

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of ketones that means you are predominantly burning fat which is a

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good thing if you're trying to you lose weight or reverse insulin

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resistance most people have to eat somewhere

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between 20 to 50 grams of net carbs to be in ketosis and what's a net carb you

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take the whole amount the whole number of carbohydrates in the food and then

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you subtract the fiber because the fiber is something that we don't digest it is

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there to fill out to provide bulk it gives your intestines and work to do but

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you don't absorb it it provides no blood sugar no calories no energy so we don't

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count it we subtract it and end up with net carbs and if your net carbs are 20

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to 50 then for the most part you're gonna be in ketosis but there will be

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exceptions some people have to do that either for a very very long time or they

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have to go even lower 20 to 50 grams on a 2,000 calorie diet means you're eating

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4 to 10 percent of calories from carbohydrate on the other extreme on the

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other end of the spectrum is the sad diet the standard American diet and I

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know that's totally appropriate acronym and according to the official guidelines

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you should eat 45 to 65 percent of your calories from carbohydrate that puts you

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at 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day and while that would create problems for a

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lot of people it is not outrageously wrong for everybody what makes it wrong

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for everybody is the fact that most of the food is processed and there's a lot

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of sugar and a lot of chemicals in there as much as 50% of the carbohydrates

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consumed are sugar which means the white crystal stuff out of the bag but also

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sugar added like ketchup and cookies and baked goods and salad dressings and so

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forth and of course the high-fructose corn

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syrup in the sweet drinks so even though a healthy active person eating whole

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food could probably tolerate for the most part a relatively high level of

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carbs it's the sugar that destroys it for us because the sugar is has to be

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processed mostly by the liver and it puts pressure strain stress on the liver

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and we develop fatty liver and insulin resistance and when that happens we have

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broken our carbohydrate processing machine and once that happened now we

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have to become much much more drastic in our choices so there's a difference

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between maintaining something and reversing something and most of us have

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become very insulin resistant the vast majority of people over 75% in the

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Western world are insulin resistant so and that's because of all the sugars so

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now the reason keto and low carb are so popular is that that's the thing that

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finally addresses the main problem so some people think that low-carb is

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anything less than the modern diet and a lot of people think that the modern diet

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is normal or balanced because that's what they've been eating all their life

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for the last couple of generations they don't know anything else so they think

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oh anything less than that is low carb which is not the case from the point of

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view that we're discussing this if we want to reverse insulin resistance now

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we're probably talking about a maximum level of about a hundred grams of carbs

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so low carb generally in the low carb community is fifty to a hundred grams

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which would give you ten to twenty percent of calories from carbohydrates

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so Kido vs. low carb vs. high carb is a continuum and depending on your

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situation your genetics your lifestyle your history you're going to be at a

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different place a front place is going to be appropriate

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for you so anywhere from 2% carbs on the low end up to maybe fifty percent carb

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be appropriate for a certain person and it depends on how insulin resistant are

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you so while there's a carb continuum there's an insulin resistance continue

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and we measure this with something called Homa I our homeostatic model

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assessment of insulin resistance and what it does it takes your fasting

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glucose it multiplies it by your fasting insulin it divides by a constant and you

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get a score a Homa I our score and an optimum value is 1

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plus or minus a few tenths so if you're in that range you have a very very good

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balance between insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity so normal value

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could be a fasting glucose of a hundred and an insulin level of four divided by

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a constant of four or five gives you approximately one once you get up to one

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point five you're still okay but you're starting to develop slight insulin

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resistance and by the time you get up to two or three or four you start having

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moderate to severe insulin resistance at the high end of the scale we can have

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people like diabetics that are untreated meaning they haven't changed anything in

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their lifestyle that could be a 10 or higher but we also want to consider the

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low end of the scale can you be too insulin sensitive and the answer is yes

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because we could be any extreme as possible down to about 0.5 is probably

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okay but once you start going below 0.5 if you have for example a fasting

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glucose of 80 or 70 and your insulin starts going down below 2.5 now you are

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probably too insulin sensitive and in this case you're probably very lean

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you probably or active and you probably have trouble

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gaining weight you might want to gain weight but you can't you think you can

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oh let me eat a bunch of fat let me let me try the keto diet and that's probably

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not going to be the best thing for you doesn't mean you have to eat as much as

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50% carbs but you probably shouldn't be keto either there's probably a better

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balance for you someplace else on the scale so you're gonna have to play

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around with that and what happens if you're too lean then you don't have

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enough reserves if you get a sickness if you get a cold or a flu then you don't

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have a lot of reserves and you also don't have a lot of fat soluble vitamins

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to help your immune system so there is such a thing as too lean and to insulin

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sensitive so the Homa ir is an excellent way of assessing insulin resistance but

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it doesn't tell us the whole picture so let's look at a couple of examples here

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if we take a diabetic and let's say they wake up with a fasting glucose of 200

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and we measure their insulin and it's 20 we compute the score and their home I R

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is 10 meaning very insulin resistant and there's no surprise there because every

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one of those markers tell us that their insulin resistance their their

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full-blown diabetics but they may the solution may still be pretty simple for

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some of these people they're just insulin resistance they're just diabetic

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because there's just a flood there's a total overwhelm of sugar and

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carbohydrates in their life and if they some of these people if they cut out the

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soda and the cookies and the candy they may be well on their way to improving

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some people are not going to be that lucky so the first thing we look at is

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glucose if the fasting glucose is sky-high we know there's a problem

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but we could also have a low or normal fasting glucose and have a problem

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that's when we go looking at insulin because you could have you

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could eat a bunch of sugar and you make a bunch of insulin that's enough to

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lower your glucose and now you're gonna have a low glucose but a high insulin

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because you're pushing the system your system has to work really really hard to

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keep that glucose under control and then once you've done that for a while and

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you want to lose some weight now you realize hey it's not working so well so

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now we go and take the test and you have a fasting glucose of a hundred but your

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insulin is still at 20 so this could be a person that have tried a lot of things

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they used to eat a lot of carbs but they stopped so now for several months

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there's very little carbs in the system but their system is still stubborn their

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cells are still insulin resistant so they could have a score a Houma are of

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five which is still very high but not as high as the diabetic but in a sense

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they're more insulin sensitive because they've done a lot of lifestyle changes

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but their cells are still not responding so this person we have to start looking

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at their weight loss history and their carb intake have they started doing the

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right things and it's still not working that's the what we're finding a lot of

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people today who are very insulin resistant even though they have a low

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glucose and a low a1c so those are the people who probably have to do the keto

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but it may not be enough even so who needs to do keto well if you want fast

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weight loss then keto is probably going to get it faster than the low carb for

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most people if you want to reverse a disease if you have diabetes if you have

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diagnosed diabetes and you want to reverse it and you want to reverse it

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fast then keto is probably going to get it done faster and if your body is

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stubborn then it might be a necessity same thing it

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you have stubborn weight you've tried a lot of different things but you lose a

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few pounds you plateau and you just stuck there Tito in this case might be

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anywhere from 2% to 10% of carbohydrates of calories from carbohydrates but you

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probably also are gonna have to add some more things there are more factors that

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are producing that that are supporting that insulin resistance so the other one

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is the frequency of meals every time you eat it's a message to release insulin

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and to store fat and if you eat six times a day then that's six times that

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you're storing fat intermittent fasting is when you start eating fewer meals and

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you start going longer between meals especially overnight and intermittent

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fasting is when you start cutting down from six meals you start skipping the

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snacks you're down to three meals then you become low-carb you come better fat

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adapted your body learns to burn some fat now you decide hey I'm not so hungry

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for breakfast let me skip breakfast so you eat at noon and at 6:00 what has

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happened here is you have turned your feeding window down to six hours which

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makes your fasting window overnight 18 hours for 18 hours

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you're not eating not eating is really low-carb it's zero carb and now you're

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really giving your body a chance to recover you're giving the chance the

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cells a chance to become a little hungry for for some more glucose that gives

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them a chance to burn off some of those fat stores and become insulin sensitive

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and 18 hours might do it or you might have to go longer so some people push

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that window down to feeding window to once a day they might eat for 30 to 60

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minutes a day and have an almost 24-hour feeding fasting window and some people

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have to go even further or choose to go further because

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they want to do it faster or their body just isn't responding to the shorter

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fasts so some people might go 36 or 48 or even 72 hours or even seven-day fasts

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I would suggest that you start slowly and gradually so you get your body used

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to it and you know how your body responds another factor that can help is

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exercise because once you increase your heart rate and your blood circulation

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now the muscles get hungry and they are starting to accept fuel without so much

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insulin which means you're becoming more insulin sensitive the body doesn't have

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to produce insulin to make that happen so exercise is a great thing and I've

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have some videos on that as well you want to do low intensity long duration

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plus a little bit of high intensity extreme high intensity very very short

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called HIIT high intensity interval training

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and you don't want to do a lot of stuff in the middle which is both most people

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do in the gyms another factor is stress and stress puts the body in a state of

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needing more resources when you're in fight flight your body expects a

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struggle so it wants more resources for fuel so it raises blood sugar it raises

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cortisol which drives blood sugar up and when blood sugar goes up so does insulin

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so stress actually creates insulin resistance where you end up on the

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continuum and how many of these you have to try depends on how instantly

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resistance you are and how far you have to go to make it work for you some

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people might reach their goals on a low-carb diet meaning they don't have to

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go so low as to get in ketosis but they eat 50 to 100 grams they stay physically

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active they find the balance even in the low carb level or they're not in a hurry

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and that would be totally fine if if that works

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for you the medium to higher carb though is probably not going to reverse

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anything and this would be for people who already have a high basic metabolic

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rate someone who has a low Homa I our score someone who is active and probably

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young it's a program to maintain rather than reverse and here you could eat

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anywhere from 20 to 50 percent depending on your situation depending on your

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genetics and and all these factors but you also if you're young and you do this

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and it works you probably want to keep a close eye on it because you can also

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develop insulin resistance over time because your body has a lot of

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resilience so it might take 20 years for it to break down so personally I would

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not go as high as 50 unless you're just extremely lean and you're you're wasting

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away but if you have sort of a normal weight you're reasonably active then I

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think you're gonna find your best range in the 50 to 100 grams so let me finish

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up with an example of how research can tell you the wrong things because

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there's a lot of fat phobia in in the world today and when people go low-carb

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they have to increase their fats they either increase their their fat in

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itself or they increase the fat through meats yet fatty meats but either way

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your fats are gonna go up and people are afraid of fats especially saturated fat

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but there's nothing wrong with these things the problem comes when they do

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what they call high fat research and they said we took these test subjects or

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these mice it could be in animals or people and they say we put them on a

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high-fat diet or even they might even say high fat low carb but they feed them

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40% of calories from fat 20 from protein and 40 from car

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hydrate so this is not a high-fat diet and it's not a low-carb diet

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it's a terrible diet and if you had your home I are down below one you could

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probably get some great results for a long time on that diet but if you're the

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least bit insulin resistant then that 40% of carbohydrate is going to keep

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your insulin sky-high and if insulin is sky high you're still in storage mode

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and then you add 40 percent fat to that and now you're in trouble

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so you cannot eat a lot of high fat and high carb at the same time you got to

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pick one and if your insulin resistant then the high carb one low fat is not

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going to be your model if you're thin and you want to eat a lot of vegetables

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and you want to go low-fat high-carb you can probably get away with it for a

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while but you have to really watch that you're getting enough high quality fats

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in there to get your essential fatty acids but when they do research on

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insulin resistant people and they give them 40 percent of calories from

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carbohydrate they're gonna be jacking that insulin way way up and they're

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creating terrible trouble for that person so no wonder if they think that

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is what a high fat diet is then obviously they're gonna draw some bad

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conclusions about that these people are going to get very sick but it's not the

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fat that creates the problem it's the insulin please leave your comments and

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questions down below if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so we can keep this content coming your way and

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finally please share this with as many people as you can because there's a lot

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of people in trouble out there who don't understand the things we're talking

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about thanks for watching

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