Keto Diet vs Intermittent Fasting I.F. - Which Is Better?

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Keto versus intermittent fasting. what is Keto? what is intermittent fasting? when

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should you do one or the other or could you even do them together? in this video

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we're going to explore these ideas so that you can make the best decisions for

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your health goals and you can do it in a healthy way coming right up

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I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympian if you want to truly

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master health and performance by understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything both ketogenic diets and intermittent

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fasting have gotten a lot of headlines lately and the reason is they get

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results for people why do they work so well for all sorts of health problems

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because most health problems are due to insulin resistance whether it's obesity

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or pre-diabetes or full-blown diabetes insulin is the central component and

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insulin resistance is the result of getting this system out of balance so

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the ketogenic diet is when you reduce carbohydrates so much that your body has

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no choice but to start burning fat because most people have trained their

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bodies into relying on carbohydrates so their bodies don't know how to use fat

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and the only way to get the body to start using that fat again is to reduce

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the carbs so much that the body really has no choice and then as the body

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learns to burn fat you become fat adapted and a byproduct of fat burning

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is ketones so cutting carbs low enough to produce ketones is called a ketogenic

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diet and it's a measurable physiological state you can do a urine test you can do

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a blood test and you can see if you have ketones to a significant degree then you

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know that at that point you're burning fat

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so that's a good thing and once you start burning fat instead of carbs and

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you lower the carbs there's less need for insulin so you reverse insulin

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resistance same thing with intermittent fasting

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because the only thing that cuts carbohydrates more than the ketogenic

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diet is fasting meaning you don't eat at all for a period of time so these two

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concepts really go hand-in-hand and it's a very good idea to use the two together

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so let's look a little bit about how this mechanism in the body works where

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does the problem start and and how do we improve it so if you eat food any kind

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of food then your body gets more resources and it can use the resources

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for fuel or it can store some of them for later use or if you eat something

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that has building blocks your body can build a new tissue so the most blood

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sugar the most insulin response you can get is by eating carbohydrates any food

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you eat will give you some insulin response but carbohydrates give you the

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most because carbs are absorbed very quickly they raise blood sugar quickly

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and when blood sugar goes up very quickly then we need insulin to lower

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the blood sugar again so we get a large spike of insulin the more blood sugar

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Rises the bigger the spike of insulin and of course this happens more the more

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refined the carbohydrate is so the the worst would be pure glucose and pure

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sugar and refined grains refined starches because when they refine

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they're broken down to smaller particles smaller components so it's very very

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quick for the body to absorb them and that's a problem fast absorption causes

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high insulin spikes and insulin is a storage hormone it's an anabolic

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hormone why do we have it because the body goes through periods of feast and

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famine sometimes there's plenty sometimes there's not so much so when

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there's plenty it's a good idea to put some away for the times where we don't

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have so much so when you have plenty your body first says let's build and

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repair the stuff that needs repairing and the second says second thing it says

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is let's put some away for another day so that means when there is plenty of

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food and you get a big insulin spike the tendency to store is much greater than

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the tendency to use and when you develop insulin resistance now the cells get so

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much that they start saying no we can't handle any more fuels you gave us all

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this sugar we converted it to glycogen as much as we could then we turn the

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rest into fat but now we just have no place to put it and at that point the

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cells start to put up a defense they become resistant to insulin and at this

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point when insulin is high then we don't have access to use it anymore all those

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stores we put away the body doesn't release them freely under the influence

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of a lot of insulin so what happens then once we custom the body to this

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carbohydrate metabolism to the habit of relying on carbohydrates for energy is

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we get hungry very quickly if you get hungry quickly you have to eat more

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meals and you get cravings for more carbs and so on and so on so what's the

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problem with frequent meals we hear that so much they tell us oh you should eat

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small meals frequently why is that a good idea or a bad idea no it's a

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terrible idea every time you eat anything it's to some degree a mess

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to trigger insulin and to increase storage and if you do that six times a

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day you're telling the body to store fat six times a day and then you get more

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and more cravings and what do you crave you crave carbohydrates because they're

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absorbed the fastest they can get your blood sugar back up the fastest and now

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you get stuck in a loop where you're storing more and more you're using

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you're burning less and less you're eating more frequent meals you're

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telling your body often several times a day four five six times a day to store

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more carbs as fat on the other hand if we eat a different kind of food if we

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eat fat and protein if we eat fatty meats and non starchy vegetables and

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butter and full fat dairy and fish then this food is absorbed much much slower

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whereas carbohydrates can start getting into the bloodstream basically within

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seconds or maybe a few minutes fat and protein going take hours after you eat a

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big steak with some fat then it might be three four hours before that has any

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impact on your blood sugar or a significant impact so it's a very slow

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absorption which means that there is a very small insulin response and that

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means that with this kind of food there's a balance between storage and

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usage we eat we have plenty the body puts some of it away but because the

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insulin isn't so high we have access to the storage so if you go for a few hours

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between meals then it's not a problem you feel full much longer so the

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tendency becomes to eat fewer meals I have people all the time we put them on

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a program in the clinic and they start eating fewer carbs they start

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cutting back on the bread and the pasta and the cookies they start eating a

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little bit more fat they start eating real food and all of a sudden they say

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do I have to eat three times a day can I can I skip breakfast I'm not really

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hungry in the morning and this is what happens when your body gets into balance

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we're not designed we're not required to eat three to six times a day that's a

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modern idea based on carbohydrate dependency once we eat whole food we

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start to eat fewer meals your body is totally satisfied with having at first

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three and then eventually two and in some cases maybe just one meal a day and

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because of this because you have a balance between the storage and the

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usage you put some away and then you use it when you need it instead of getting

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cravings you get balance so this system is much much easier to maintain it is

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easier on on the mind it's easier on the hunger because you're balanced you don't

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get out of control you don't have blood sugar swings so keto and intermittent

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fasting fits right into both of these systems and what I would suggest is you

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do this gradually because it's not that you can't do it fast it's not that you

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don't get great results but if you truly want to make long-lasting changes if you

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want to do things that you can continue for the rest of your life and why

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wouldn't you if something gets you healthy then of course you want to do it

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the rest of your life then you want to create habits around this you want to

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take out one type of food and create a habit around a healthier type of food

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until that becomes the norm until it doesn't feel strange and if you do it

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gradually then in a matter of a few months you will have all new habits and

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your body wasn't shocked and you grew into that new lifestyle so

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it's not a strain or a stress so if you do keto you start by cutting down the

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carbs by increasing the fat and the protein depending on how much protein

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you eat protein shouldn't be too high because that also triggers insulin but

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different people do well on different amounts of protein so some people who

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are very insulin resistance they might want to cut their protein down quite a

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bit maybe in the 15-20 percent range where others who are maybe leaning more

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toward a carnivore diet if they do well on that they might go a little bit

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higher on the protein and intermittent fasting fits right into this as well

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because intermittent fasting is when you go longer between meals so the opposite

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of intermittent fasting is six meals a day when you eat every time you get a

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chance you top off your blood sugar a little bit your body never gets a chance

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to recover from that insulin resistance with intermittent

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fasting most people I would recommend is you start cutting carbs increase fat and

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skip snacks then you probably are at three meals a day and then when you

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don't feel the need for three meals a day you skip one of them typically a lot

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of people have no problem skipping breakfast but everyone's different so

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play with it then you're at two meals a day so now maybe you eat at 9:00 in the

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morning and 6:00 at night so you have a nine hour feeding window and the rest is

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a fasting window it's a 15 hour fasting window then you move it up and you eat

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at lunch and you eat at 6:00 now you have an 18 hour fasting window then you

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might push it another couple hours you eat at 2:00 and at 6:00 now you have a

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20 hour fasting window so depending on what you need to do you can push the

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window even further and some people go into 24 hours 36 hours etc and there's

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some benefits to that but play with it and see what works for you see where you

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feel the best so the best way to do this of course then is to combine the

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low-carbohydrate with the few meals some people can get away with medium to high

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carb and few meals so I did a video on ohm add one meal a day on a keto diet

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versus a diet with more carbohydrates and some people can do that and feel

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great on it so there's no hard and fast rule that says this is the way it is I

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think for most people it's probably a whole lot easier to skip meals the less

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carbs you eat because the better fat adapted you become the easier it's going

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to be to stretch that fasting window but again everyone is different and I've had

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people comment and say oh yeah I had to do it with keto or no I feel much better

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when I when I do it with some carbohydrates for most people I think

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the low-carb version is better it's going to be easier but if you really

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want to and the car a little bit more carb works for you then that's still

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powerful because even if you're not keto you are utilizing the principle of

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intermittent fasting anytime you don't eat you don't produce insulin and you

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allow your body to become more insulin sensitive the worst of course is as

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always the official guidelines to eat high carb to eat bread and pasta and

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whole grains and to eat six times a day that is a terrible idea if you are

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insulin resistant if you're young and active and you're not insulin resistant

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if your body is still functioning really well then you can get away with that

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type of lifestyle at least for a good long while maybe decades but

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for most people on that diet they're going to develop insulin resistance

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after a while and if you have insulin resistance already then it's a terrible

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idea then you need to go and use one or more of these tools to reverse insulin

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resistance so both keto and intermittent fasting

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are tools to reverse insulin resistance you can use both or you can use one at a

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time I would probably recommend that you do both because it just makes good sense

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you get your results faster and one kind of really feeds into the other it makes

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it very very easy to do if you have any questions or comments on what we just

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post a new video and if you want to help us spread the message of health and

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