Keto Diet vs Balanced Diet - Which Is Better?

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Keto Diet vs Balanced Diet What's the Keto Diet?

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What's a Balanced Diet?

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Or could keto even be a balanced diet?

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Coming right up.

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(Logo with music) Someone everyone might have their opinion about what a balanced diet is,

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but I am just going to introduce a definition of a balanced diet that I hope we all can

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agree on for the purposes of what we are going to talk about today.

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So A balanced diet by my definition is a diet that either maintains balance in the body

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or restores balance to the body.

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Most of what people are suffering from today is things like high blood pressure, obesity,

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diabetes, insulin resistance, the modern degenerative diseases and they are all diseases of imbalance

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. So if there is a diet that can restore that balance that would be the balanced diet.

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Can we just agree on that?

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If we want to maintain a balance in the body that can be very very different from trying

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to restore balance to the body.

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So what is a balanced diet?

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Most of us have hear the word or heard the term thrown around very carelessly and usually

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it means that we should eat something like the food pyramid.

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That we should eat lots of grain and rice potato, and vegetables and meats and not so

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much fat and so forth and we have sort of accepted without thinking about it that that

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is the balanced diet because that is what has been recommended for the last 50 years

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and that is what most people have been eating more or less in the range of for this last

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So we think that is balanced just because we familiar with it.

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It seems normal it is what we ... if we go to a restaurant that we find on the menus

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if we go to the stores that is whats on all the shelves.

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but balanced again is not what we have been eating or what is recommended balanced is

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what can bring the body back to balance.

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What is an extreme diet?

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A lot of the Keto, Atkins, Paleo they are all often seen as extreme diet because they

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are different than the main stream or the standard or the balanced or the recommended

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But we have to start thinking about where do humans come from.

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How long have we been around?

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What have we eaten for the most part?

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And there is a huge variety in that.

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That depending on where you live in the world if you were Aborigine in Australia if you

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are an Eskimo up in the Arctic.

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Or if you lived in some place in the Swiss Alps.

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There is an enormous difference in the foods available, but people typically did really

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well as long as they ate whole food.

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So we have to think about something else here.

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The difference between to maintain and restore.

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If you are twenty years old and very active and you don't have insulin resistance then

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you can maintain that balance not getting insulin resistance with quite a bit of carbohydrates.

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If you have a wide range of food available to eat without disrupting that balance significantly.

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But if you have had 10 or 20 years of sugar and you have packed your liver full of sugar

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and fat and become insulin resistant then we want to think of that as you broke your

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carbohydrate machine.

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Your body has all these different systems to break down and process and burn and store

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carbohydrates as fat but if you break it if you abuse that machine for a very long time

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then it doesn't work any more and now the rules change.

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You can't do the same things that you would do to maintain as you would to restore.

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And I think this is the biggest problem with the standard official guidelines.

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That even though a lot of young active people could maintain their health, could not develop

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insulin resistance , if they are active and they eat a lot like that that rule doesn't

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apply to people who have already developed insulin resistance.

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And that is most of us.

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If we look at the number of obese and over weight people and assuming that insulin resistance

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has something to do with that which is most likely does then that is about 80% of the

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population in the US.

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And probably not too different in most Western countries.

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Now we might have to do what is considered a little bit more extreme.

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but the extreme might be the appropriate and the balanced thing for that person in that

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So let's just go through here a few different principles.

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So keto is typically considered a very low carb that is when you reduced the carbohydrates

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so low that the body has to get adapted to an alternate fuel.

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It has to start burning fat instead and if we do that for some period of time then the

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body can start pulling fat out of the cells and can ease up the sugar and fat pressure

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on the cells and liver and we can start cleaning out the system.

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We can start using the fuel instead of just storing it.

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And insulin is a storage hormone.

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So any time we eat and insulin goes up we are storing something when we eat less carbs

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or we go longer between meals we are using up the fuel and insulin can go down.

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So keto is a very low carb diet.

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So usually 10 to 50 grams of net carbs or 2% to 10% of calories from carbohydrates and

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why is that range so large?

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Because everyone is different.

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Because we have different genetics we have different heritage different ethnicity, we

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are different ages.

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Some people might be teenagers others might be 60-70 years old the rules change.

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If we are insulin resistant.

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How insulin resistant are we.

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Are we just a little bit?

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That we can walk it off or are we extremely insulin resistant where we have to do a lot

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of things right or extreme things for a period of time to reverse that?

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How long have we been insulin resistant?

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Just a few years or decades?

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What is our activity level?

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What's our ability to utilize the fuel?

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And what's our body size.

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Obviously a five foot person is going to have different energy requirements than a six foot

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six person.

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Keto is a very low carb diet that is so low in carbs that the body has to find a... develop

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a alternate source of fuel.

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It has to develop mechanisms to get the energy from fat instead.

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And in terms of low carb obviously fasting is the lowest carb because that is when you

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don't eat anything.

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So if you can extend the periods of fasting in addition to doing a low carb diet than

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that would increase the body's ability to reverse that insulin.

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Low carb to a lot of people would be maybe 50 to 100 grams somewhere between 10-20% of

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calories from carbohydrate.

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And for some people that might even be enough to reverse their insulin resistance.

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If they have a lot of these factors sort of in their favor they might go low carb and

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still reverse their insulin resistance.

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It is unlikely though if you have developed insulin resistance that you could reverse

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it with the standard American diet (SAD).

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That diet recommends 45-65% of carbohydrates of calories from carbohydrates somewhere between

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250-350 grams per day.

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And there are probably people who can maintain health at that level, but very very few people

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if any can probably reverse significant insulin resistance or weight problems on that kind

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of diet.

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There are a lot of different cultures around the world and some people eat a lot of corn

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and some people eat a lot of rice and they all seem to do relatively well until they

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introduce sugar.

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Because sugar is something that puts the insulin in turbo mode and in terms of getting the

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liver clogged up and insulin resistance sugar is many many many times worse than any other

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normally occurring carbohydrate.

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So there are a lot of people a lot of populations that have eaten high carb diets without developing

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insulin resistance because they did not have a lot of processed food and not a lot of sugar.

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But again once you have broken the machine the rules change.

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and we can't look at the people who are able to maintain a healthy level on high carb and

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say look they are healthy on that diet therefore you should be able to be healthy on that diet.

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It doesn't work that way.

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So if you have very stubborn weight or diabetes then I would suggest that the balanced diet

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for you is Ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting.

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Some of you might get away with low carb and eating fewer meals just try it out and see

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what works for you.

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Once you have restored your balance Once you have returned to health and you are insulin

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sensitive again.

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Now you have a little more flexibility and now have some leeway.

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You can probably introduce some potatoes and some rice and end up in the low carb range

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here maybe you can or maybe you can't.

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These variables will determine that and you just have to keep and eye on it to see what

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works for you.

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If you lose weight and you feel healthy and your insulin resistance goes away and then

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you start increasing the carbs and your A1c and your insulin goes up again then that wasn't

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okay for you.

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And chances are that if you have been insulin resistant that the standard American diet

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will never be okay for you again.

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Because once you have broken your machine even if you reverse it it is never the same

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as what it was when you were a teenager.

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What is the most appropriate diet.

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I think that as humans if we have not broken our machine if we have not developed the insulin

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resistance in the first place I think the healthiest diet is somewhere around low carb.

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I believe that is what humans have been eating for most of the time that we have been here

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on the planet and I do believe that that was seasonal.

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That depending on where we live for the most part we did not have equal access to food

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all around the years.

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So I think we were some where between low carb and keto and fasting depending on what

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was available.

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So I believe that once you have... as long as your are insulin resistant you probably

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want to do keto and fasting.

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Once you have more normal levels I think that you want to go between low carb, keto and

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fasting and alternate those to keep your body on its toes so to speak.

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If you like what you heard make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell and then also

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and twitter because there is so much confusion out there and people are looking for some

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common sense They want to understand how this stuff works.

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So help us help them.

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Thank you for watching.

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