Keto Diet vs Atkins Diet - Which Is Better?

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Keto diet vs Atkins diet what are they and what do you need to know to make the

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best decisions for yourself and your health coming right up. The Atkins diet

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was founded was originated by dr. Robert Atkins he was born in 1930 he went to

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medical school graduated was a cardiologist but he didn't do so well in

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the beginning and he gained a lot of weight to get depressed and then he

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looked into low carb as promoted by Alfred Pennington and he managed to lose

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his weight and he got all excited and he started a clinic to help people lose

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weight and he wrote a book that was published in 1972 called the Atkins diet

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revolution then in 1989 he founded Atkins nutritional so that now he could

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expand his business and provide some foods and snacks for people that were

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lower in carbohydrates than the standard fare in 2003 he slipped on the ice he

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hit his head and he died a few days later from complications after surgery

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from a blood clot so after dr. Atkins was gone the company went downhill and

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he was bankrupt in 2005 he was later bought out so now Atkins is still around

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and doing business but it's not dr. Atkins anymore it is just a company

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owned by third party who is doing business and trying to continue some of

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the ideas that dr. Atkins started so what did he do right well in a time of

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low-fat craze and the height of the low-fat craze in the 70s and 80s he's

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took his chin out and he said that the high fat low carb is the way to go so he

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was kind of a trendsetter and his book initiated a lot of the ideas that we see

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today about low carb dining low carb principles if you go research Atkins

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today then you will see that they have different stages different levels and

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the stree this level is if you have a disease if

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you're diabetic if you have extreme obesity then they put you in the Atkins

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20 which means you're eating 20 grams or less of carbohydrate per day if you're

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not diabetic but you have significant amount of weight to lose

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then they recommend the Atkins 40 with 40 grams or less and if you just want to

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maintain your health if you're at a ideal weight for you then you can eat

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the Atkins hundred with a hundred grams of carbs so far so good I agree with

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just about everything so far so then when you go and you compare on the

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Atkins side you can look and they compare keto to Atkins then they give

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you the following number so they say that the classic keto which is kind of the

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keto that was that was started to help kids with seizures that had extremely

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low carbohydrates so they had less than 5% of energy from carbs 5 to 20 percent

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from protein and 75 to 90 percent from fat and with the seizure kids they were

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more like 90 percent closer to 90 percent fat so today when we do keto we

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don't do it quite that strict and we look a little bit more about the whole

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picture but this is pretty close I tell people 75 around 75 percent fat 10 15 20

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percent protein and 5 to 10 percent maybe of carbohydrates depending on how

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stubborn your body is what Atkins promotes is for the strictest level they

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have 5 to 10 percent carbohydrates so that's very similar to

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what a keto diet would be today but where it differs the most is that they

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have 20 to 30 percent they have somewhere around twice as much protein

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and why is that a problem because what we're trying to do with the low-carb and

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the keto is we're trying to reverse insulin resistance we're trying

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to reduce insulin production in the body because that's the central mechanism

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that all of this revolves around and while carbohydrates have the highest

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insulin response proteins still have a significant sometimes high insulin

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response again not as high as carbs but it's very very significant and fat is

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the substance that has almost zero insulin response so even though both of

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these reduce carbohydrates dramatically keto is about moderate to low protein

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when you increase protein too much you're still stimulating too much

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insulin for some people in the Atkins 40 they allow 10 to 15% from carbs and the

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same protein 20 to 30 and just a little bit less fat so can you lose weight on

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this well obviously a lot of people do so it is working in the sense of weight

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loss for a lot or most people but if your metabolism is really stubborn then

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this is probably too much protein for some of you and that's important to

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realize because we always try to look for the Golden Rule we try to look for

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the right set of principles for everybody and there is no such thing

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some people are probably going to lose a tremendous amount of weight on eating 40

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50 60 even 80 grams of carbs if you have a relatively fast metabolism you haven't

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had the insulin resistance very long you don't have to change a whole lot but if

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you're very very stubborn then you might have to get down to very close to zero

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carbs and you might that even might not be enough the other thing that they're

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talking about that I don't agree with at all is three to five meals a day and

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they say don't skip meals because it's all about reverse

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insulin low carb triggers less insulin than high carb but fasting meaning when

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you don't eat triggers even less insulin than low carb so every time that you eat

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you are stimulating insulin to some degree and when you eat three to five

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meals a day then you're triggering insulin three to five times per day so

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fasting is when you don't eat at all so you're not triggering insulin at all and

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what you find when you cut carbs significantly low you get less hungry

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because your body is switching to a fat metabolism and then if you don't get

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hungry you don't want to eat that's just the simplest way of putting it don't eat

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if you're not hungry your body is trying to tell you hey I'm

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doing all right here so when it comes to insulin resistance that's three things

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that you have influence over it diet wise it's the amount of carbs it's the

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amount of protein and it's how often you eat so you want to reduce carbs reduce

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protein and reduce the number of meals the Atkins diet only fulfills the first

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part there of less carbs they don't focus on less protein and they don't

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focus on unless meals so even though some people where a lot of people can

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lose weight the people that have the biggest challenges are the ones that

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really need to pay attention they're the ones that really need this diet and then

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the Atkins probably not going to work for them because they too much protein

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and too many meals the other problem I have with this diet is that it does not

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focus on health not in the least are some people going to get healthier

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absolutely because for some people their main problem is insulin resistance and

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if they cut the carbs they're going to reduce some insulin resistance but

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health is bigger than that and skinny people have diseases too thin people get

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cancer and high cholesterol and I diabetes and so forth so it's not about

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the weight it's about the health and the so called Atkins approved food products

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whether they are produced by Atkins or whether they're approved some other way

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are full of chemicals preservatives artificial sweeteners and GMO products

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so they're in that sense they're really no better than any other processed

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packaged food they're lower in carbs so they help you with the insulin but other

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than that it still just processed food or I might even say junk food in many

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cases so overall it's better than the standard American diet but it's still

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processed it still has too much protein and they're eating too many meals so I

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looked at some of the products that they had and the principles are pretty much

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the same regardless of which product you look at but here's for example a energy

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shake that has 9 grams of total fat it has 15 grams of protein and that's too

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much protein in relation to that fat it's almost twice as much protein as fat

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furthermore one shake is a hundred and seventy calories that's why they have to

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eat all these frequent meals whereas if you do keto and you eat OMAD you do

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intermittent fasting you know that you need substantial meals you want to get

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several hundred calories maybe a thousand or more calories per meal so a

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hundred and seventy calories in a meal that's that's barely a snack which you

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don't want to do in the first place then you look at some of the ingredients and

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we see soy protein isolate we see corn fiber both of which are GMOs ordered

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natural and artificial flavors dipotassium phosphate we see sucralose

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and then we see a lot of artificial synthetic vitamins included in that as

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well so it's better than regular processed food in the

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that it has less carbohydrate less sugar but it is no better in the sense that it

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has just as much junk food in it just as much processed food as anything else and

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then they say of course you don't have to stay away from pizza as long as you

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get the Atkins pizza which I think I'm not exaggerating when I say it has over

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50 ingredients the up at the top we have wheat gluten and cornstarch so these are

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things corn starch again is GMO soy protein isolates GMO harshly processed

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but wheat gluten is the protein from gluten that people with celiacs are

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sensitive to so even if you don't have celiacs that's a very very harsh food to

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digest and it's processed then they have sucralose artificial sweeteners in the

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pizza you have corn starch corn oil natural and artificial flavors and then

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there's another 30 ingredients before we get down to sodium nitrite and BHA BHT

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and preservatives and so forth so realize that this is just more processed

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food it's just junk food in another wrapper so has it done some people some

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good absolutely it helped start the low-carb revolution if you will it took

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it from from obscurity onto the front lines and what you're looking for though

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is not a diet you're looking for principles you want

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to start use it as a starting point but then start learning all the principles

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that we talk about understand what health really is that it's not about

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weight loss that the weight gain obesity is an imbalance if you correct the

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imbalance and provide your body what it needs the body will shed the weight so

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ketosis is a physiological principle it's not a person that came up with

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ketosis or said dictated this is the way that keto is it is whatever it takes

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for you to get into ketosis for some people it's 20 grams of carbs for some

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people it's 50 or 60 for some people it's enough to cut out soda and and

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processed grains for other people they need to do extensive intermittent

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fasting or exercise or low carb or keto or all of the above in different

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combinations so it's trial and error you start with a set of principles but what

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keto is it's a way of measuring so ketones are produced when you are

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burning fat for fuel but ketones in itself is not even a guarantee of weight

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loss because if you're extremely insulin resistant you can still hold on to the

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fat on the body and you get hungry enough that you provide enough fat in

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the diet to stay fat adapted and make ketones but not burn anything off your

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own body weight so in those cases you need to not just do keto but you need to

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add in some fasting and some exercise to kind of jumpstart to give the body more

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incentive to get to get to that fat if you new to this channel and you enjoy

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