Keto Diet: Lazy Keto vs Strict Keto - Which Is Better?

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today I want to do a keto diet review and talk about lazy keto vs. strict keto

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what are they does it matter and when might you want to do one or the other

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coming right up so there's no official definition for what these keto terms are

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they're just language that develops so in my mind what strict keto means is

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that you're making sure that you're in keto (ketosis)

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that means you measure something so that you know that you're getting the

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objectives that you want so the first thing you measure is you measure your

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macros your macronutrients you measure how much how many grams and percent of

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calories come from fat protein and carbohydrates that way you know exactly

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what you're doing so if you need to change it then you can adjust the

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numbers very specifically then of course how would you know if you're in ketosis

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if you don't measure if your body has some ketones and there's three ways that

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you can measure you can measure in the urine you can measure in the breath and

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you can measure in the blood and this is sort of in order of how useful and how

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good that measurement is so the urine is the cheapest and it's the simplest right

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in the beginning your body starts burning fat it makes a bunch of ketones

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and they all spill out in the urine because you're not using them yet and it

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takes a while for the body to get keto adapted to start actually burning and

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utilizing these ketones for energy so in the beginning you're making a bunch of

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them but they're all spilling out so you're getting a measurement in the

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urine that is high but it doesn't reflect how much ketones your body is

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using later on as you get keto adapted it's gonna look like your ketones go

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down because fewer spill into the urine but in fact you're actually using them

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better so just for fun if you're just starting out you might get some some

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urine strips and ketone strips for urine measure but just know that in the long

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run over the course of a few days to a few weeks then that's going to be a less

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accurate method you can also measure breath

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so there are breathalyzer specific for ketones and the advantage of that is you

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don't have to buy any supplies you pay a couple of hundred bucks up front and

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then you don't have to buy any strips or anything after that you can use it for

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years assuming it doesn't break and it is relatively accurate however the most

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accurate and the most relevant is the one that measures blood ketones and

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they've come a long way in just a few years so now you can buy yourself a

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little gadget for home it's about fifty bucks for a starter kit and you can buy

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strips in quantity for about a dollar apiece so you get that little initial

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investment and then for a dollar a day roughly you can check ketones once a day

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so measure the ketones how else would you know if if you're making them and

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then of course if weight loss is your goal you want to measure your weight to

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see if it's changing and then you can relate how it's changing - how many

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ketones you're producing then obviously this has a lot to do with blood glucose

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and a1c and insulin so those are other things that you want to measure and I'm

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gonna make a video very shortly on how to measure insulin resistance very

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specifically what's the best test for that glucose and a1c or indirect

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measures that if they go down then you're probably making progress but you

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don't necessarily know for sure if you're reversing insulin resistance so

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strict means you're measuring everything to make sure that you can change some

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variables around if things are not going as fast or if you hit a plateau so you

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know that you're doing this you're getting these results lazy keto is when

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you're not a strict anymore obviously and

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me this is after you've done the strict one for a while as you've learned how

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your body responds as you've learned the different foods and the different levels

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then you can move into lazy keto now you maintain you still eat low carb and you

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follow the basics you don't necessarily measure everything

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anymore and you might be going in and out of keto because you're not measuring

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anymore you don't really know for sure so once you have enough experience you

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can get pretty good at it so that you can probably do fairly well on lazy keto

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but there's always the chance that as the months go by that you change a

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little habit that you don't think is too significant and all of a sudden you've

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added enough carbs or you've changed enough of something to where you're

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actually not in ketosis and of course the most important thing of all is the

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question are you meeting your goals or not what are your goals are they just

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weight loss is it a atrophy is to maintain a certain level of ketones is

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it to reverse insulin resistance because the slowest thing to change is probably

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insulin resistance which is often linked to fatty liver so by measuring you know

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where you are and as you get lazier you may or may not know your goals will tell

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you if you need to be stricter or if you're doing alright so you could

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probably start off doing it strict for a while so you know what you're doing then

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you get into lazy as long as you meet your goals you're fine but let's say

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that all of a sudden you plateau or it slows down or may even reverse or

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something doesn't seem to work anymore now obviously you may want to go back

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and be a little bit stricter and start measuring so look out for my coming

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video on insulin resistance and what the best test is let me know

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where you think that you've are with with this if you have experience or

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opinions this this working for you did you find out that you had to measure and

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be really strict about it and let me know what your results are because it's

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always fun to hear about success stories that inspires other people let me know

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if you have questions and please share this video because our goal is to get

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this information out so we can help as many people as possible thanks for

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