Keto Diet Epilepsy (Brain And Sugar)

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Keto diet and epilepsy let's take a little look at epilepsy and how the keto

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diet actually got started most people probably don't know that the keto diet

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originally was a treatment for epilepsy especially in kids and it had a

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fantastic success rate it was the majority and then 90 percent range

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got complete or almost complete resolution of their symptoms and that

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was the case until they developed drugs and then they said oh you don't have to

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keep eating all this fat we've got a simple pill and then you can eat

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whatever you want now depending on your philosophy I don't think that's a great

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idea because there's tons and tons of side effects with drugs and if you keep

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eating all that sugar then you're creating other ill health effects as you

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well know but let's just look take a quick look at what epilepsy is so

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epilepsy is a spontaneous action potential it's a spontaneous

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uncontrolled discharge of energy and signals from a cell so the brain signals

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with electricity and it's supposed to do that in a controlled fashion so we have

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something called a resting membrane potential that's the difference that's

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the the lying down here that the voltage of the membrane is being pushed down so

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that it's stabilized so it's harder for it to discharge it kept it like a spring

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you load it up and you keep it far away from the place where where it discharges

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so then when the brain wants to send a signal then it creates a chain of events

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where it slowly increases the potential until it reaches a threshold and then

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everything happens all at once it's a sudden action we're called an action

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potential and that starts a propagation of a wave that becomes a brain signal

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and then the brain slowly after this and slowly and slowly in relation to how

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quickly it happens but it still happens that reset still happens in milliseconds

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and then the brain brings it down below threshold and it pushes it down toward

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the resting membrane potential so that it's stable until next time it's

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supposed to fire off so there different things that can affect this resting

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membrane potential and if it starts creeping up toward that point of

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spontaneous discharge then we have an unstable membrane and that's what

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happens in epilepsy when cells start firing uncontrollably and randomly so

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the way that cells talk to each other is through synapses and when they do that

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they either increase or decrease the resting membrane potential so this cell

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over here has a synapse and it sends a signal to increase the resting membrane

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potential meaning it's bringing it closer to threshold and it does that by

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let's say 5 millivolts but at the same time this cell over here sends an

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inhibitory signal it pushes the potential further down by minus 10

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millivolts so the net effect is a minus 5 so even though there's two cells one

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is bringing it trying to make it fire and one is trying to make it stop the

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net effect is that this cell is stabilized and brought down so of course

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in the brain there's a hundred billion brain cells and each brain cell makes on

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average five to ten thousand connections so the complexity of how all these

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networks are interacting and firing and stabilizing and turning off is just

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immense when everything is working the brain does this on purpose but there's a

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number of factors that can affect this and that can destabilize these membranes

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so one is hereditary some people are have defects another one is trauma if

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you've had kin Cushing's or head trauma and you've sort

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of damaged some of the cells that might be inhibitory then you can have a

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predisposition for for a lesser membrane potential minerals can be very very

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important because the way that the membranes fire is through the influx and

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outflux by transporting minerals metal ions like sodium and potassium and

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calcium across this membrane magnesium also is important magnesium is calming

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to people because it has a stabilizing effect on this membrane and finally the

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reason we're bringing this up is that sugar can have a tremendous

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destabilizing effect on this membrane so and there's a lot of different ideas on

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why ketosis is so beneficial for the brain and so forth but if we just look

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at at the very very most basic observation that it cured it reversed

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the symptoms of the majority of epileptic kids so epilepsy is

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instability of cell membranes if you cut out the sugar the symptoms go away so

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that means the stability of the brain increases that alone should be enough of

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an argument to eat a low-carb diet and we also know that a high glucose high

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average glucose and a high a 1c produces a faster brain degeneration your brain

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shrinks a little bit more a year-by-year the higher your blood sugar is so

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there's a lot of different different observations to to support that one of

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the most common misconceptions about the brain is people say you have to have

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carbohydrates because the brain only runs on fuel they say and that's not

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true it's almost true because the the brain is more restricted on fuel than

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other body cells like your heart and your muscles they can run on a

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variety of different fuels they can break down proteins into glucose they

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can break they love fat the heart runs primarily on fat for energy the brain

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can't use fat but it uses glucose and ketones and some people say that the

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people in favor of or opposed to ketosis in favor of high carb they say that you

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have to have carbs because the brain only runs on that and the brain will

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always burn that first so that's why it prefers glucose and you can turn that

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around and say well the glucose is dangerous for the brain so that's why it

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burns it first because glucose in diabetics high blood sugar will put you

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in a coma low blood sugar will put you in a coma stable blood sugar promotes

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health and promotes brain function and that's the main thing that ketosis does

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for the brain it stabilizes blood sugar it puts it at a very very stable level

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it it hardly varies at all and once we cut the carbs enough once we

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cut them back far enough then the brain can run about 75% on ketones and 25% on

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glucose so when we cut the carbs back far enough when you cut them low enough

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then the body will learn to burn fat better it will make ketones and ketones

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become the backup fuel for the brain and it can use as much as 75% of the fuel

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from ketones so when people say we have to eat carbohydrates because the brain

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needs it that's a very very small portion you don't need a whole lot of

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glucose and you don't have to worry about it because it if you eat enough

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vegetables you're gonna get a few grams of carbs every day regardless so you're

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going to get plenty of glucose for the brain to supply the last 25% of what the

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brain needs and when you cut carbs down you're not

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threatening your blood sugar level okay yes the brain needs some glucose but you

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can never cut back far enough because the body has other ways of restoring

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blood sugar and the best way to keep it really really stable the way the brain

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loves it is to get into ketosis and make some ketones for the brain so like I

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said way back the ketogenic diet started as a treatment for epilepsy in children

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and back then they didn't know a whole lot about nutrition they didn't

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understand ketosis very well they just knew that if you cut the carbs way back

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try to get them down to zero then and and increase the fats then you could

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reverse epilepsy but they didn't understand necessarily a whole lot about

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the quality of fats they didn't understand much maybe about whole food

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nutrition and they didn't understand that you could eat lots and lots of

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vegetables and you could use tools like intermittent fasting which is perfectly

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fine even in kids because if you stabilize blood sugar then you don't

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need to eat like a hummingbird you don't need to top off your blood sugar every

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couple hours because your body learns to balance out the energy supply over the

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24 hours so you if you eat a couple of times a day that's plenty with

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intermittent fasting and with vegetables and with whole food then you can turn

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that into a very very healthy lifestyle and that was some of the arguments way

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back and that's why it fell out of favor because people the the kids got tired of

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the diet cuz it was really bland and they were almost chewing on butter

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sticks basically and then drugs came around and they said look we've got the

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pill now you can eat whatever you want so that's that's why it fell out of

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favor and people sort of forgot about it until we had this epidemic of insulin

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resistance and diabetes and obesity and now it became the primary tool for

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weight loss and insulin resistance so the point though is stabilizing blood

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doesn't just insulae reduce insulin resistance and obesity it's also good

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for the brain it is good for your health and it is good for every organ in the

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body if you do it right please share this video with as many people as you

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can leave your comments and questions below if you have experience with this

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please share so we can hear some success stories again thanks for watching

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