Keto Diet: Dirty Keto vs Clean Keto - Which Is Better?

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today we're going to do a keto diet review there's a lot of people wanting

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to do keto and they're interested in keto and they're getting success with

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keto but there's different ways of doing it there's healthy and there's unhealthy

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ways of doing it so today we're going to talk about dirty keto is it a good idea

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and what is it so the basic idea with keto is to cut back the carbohydrates so

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low that your body starts using fat more effectively so when we look at the

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macronutrient distribution we have roughly 75% of calories from fat 20%

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from protein and 5% or less from carbohydrates so on clean keto it would

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look something like this and on thirty keto it would look exactly the same

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that's the macronutrients is what makes the principle of keto work it's what

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cutting the carbs so low that the body has to start burning fat it gets better

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because it needs the energy from somewhere if you cut the carbs way back

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fats the next best thing why does it matter then if you get if they're the

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same on the surface with the macronutrients then why don't you just

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make it easy on yourself because the proponents of keto say that you know it

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they're talking about doing it clean and strict but there's it's just so

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difficult my life is busy I don't have so much money

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so with dirty keto it's it's convenient I don't have to prepare as much I can

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get some fast food if I'm in a pinch I can just get some get a hamburger and

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and throw away the bun there's certain processed foods that I can eat it's

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cheaper and they're saying most of all it still works so what does that mean

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when we say it works to most people they're talking about weight loss that's

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their their goal is weight loss when they say it works they're losing weight

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well what's wrong with that the problem is that we have come so far with so many

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doctors telling people that oh if you just lose

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the weight your diabetes will go away and your knees will feel better and your

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back pain will go away and your chronic fatigue will go away if you just lose

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that weight but it's not true because the weight is not the thing that caused

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those we've started thinking this way and unsuspecting medical doctors just

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throw this advice out because they heard it so much themselves but wait does not

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cause those things weight is not the cause of anything it's the result of

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imbalances in hormones and lifestyle and how do we know this because thin people

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are not much healthier it is true the people who are obese have more heart

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attacks and more diabetes and so forth but thin people still have them thin

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people get heart attacks they get strokes they get cancer they get

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rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and and other autoimmune diseases they get

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fibromyalgia chronic fatigue syndrome and they even get type 2 diabetes weight

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is not the cause of any of this it's the result of other factors and the diseases

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are caused by deficiency in my experience these are the five top things

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that cause disease one is nutritional deficiencies if your body has to have

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something to function and you don't provide it your body is going to get

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sick and toxicity your body has a natural detox

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system but if you overwhelm it if you constantly pour on bombard the body with

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toxins whether they're from the environment or the food or the

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combination it gets overwhelmed and you get sick emotional stress is a huge

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component of disease because I've done lots of videos to explain those

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mechanisms but essentially stress activates your fight/flight system and

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shuts off your feed breed your healing system this

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disuse use it or lose it if you're a couch potato if you don't use your body for

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much it's going to degenerate and get degenerative diseases that of course are

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sped up by deficiency toxicity and stress and the final component insulin

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is an enormous a huge contributor to disease it's involved in probably 90 to

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95 percent of all degenerative disease but it's not the only cause it's a

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contributing or maybe the major component of a lot of these diseases but

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it's all these different factors that create the disease so when you go and do

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keto and you start losing weight the reason

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you're losing weight is you're reducing the body's production of insulin which

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is a great thing but you're potentially missing out on the other four and if you

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do it really poorly then you could even increase the deficiency and the toxicity

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and the stress on the body I bet that once you've thought this through and I

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talk to patients all the time and I sit down and I do a consultation and I talk

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about their health goals and after we've talked about it for a while everyone

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everyone agrees that they want to feel good and they want to feel good for a long time

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they want to work hard they want to be able to retire and they want to be able

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to do something with their lives in those years of retirement so weight loss

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is not the goal health and function and feeling good is the goal we've just

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become so confused that we think weight loss and health are the same thing but

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they're not so some examples of clean versus dirty keto would be clean would

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be grass-fed organic butter excellent source of food versus margarine or

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something processed some some vegetable oil that has been harshly processed and

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deodorized and bleached etc that even if the food that it was made from was a

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healthy food originally it's not healthy anymore because it's

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been destroyed extra-virgin olive oil versus canola

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same thing one is a natural food and the other is a highly processed food that

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has been the nutrition the properties that the food originally have is not

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there anymore and I've done did a video on that very recently on why processed

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food is bad so look at that and understand more about the principles

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there because all of that applies to what we're talking about today as well

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stevia versus aspartame they're both non-caloric sweeteners but stevia is a

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plant extract and aspartame is a neurotoxin it's a synthetic product that

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is developed based on pesticide technology grass-fed beef versus beef

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jerky so grass-fed beef is a great food beef jerky may or may not be alright if

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they did it perfectly healthy and they just dried it with some healthy spices

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then it could still be alright as a backup or a snack but a lot of the beef

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jerky will have monosodium glutamate and preservatives and artificial flavors and

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and aromas and things like that so just understand that it's not just how the

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food was from the beginning it's what did they do to it to get it to where it

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is now a lot of people want to fry something on occasion and you could do

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that even on keto diet if you did a like a pan-fried something you could have a

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breading with with nuts for example and you might want to use butter or coconut

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oil if you go out to eat and it's fried they're gonna use the equivalent of a

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shortening they're gonna use either something that's been artificially

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saturated or hydrogenated or they're gonna use a vegetable oil or a peanut

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oil or something that has been altered to withstand high heat and then they

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don't use it just once they use it multiple multiple times and now it gets

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more and more toxic in the process so is there a perfect

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way to do it am i doing it perfectly I don't think there's such a thing but the

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more we understand the better we can do it so I do most things organic I do

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almost all animal products grass-fed and organic but on occasion I'm traveling I

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go out someplace and then I do the best I can so are you better off doing dirty

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than eating the standard American diet yeah sure because at least you're

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reducing insulin but then you learn and you learn and you learn and you get

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better and better and over time you figure out where can I find these things

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which one is the most important to get organic and grass-fed and where can I

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source these where can i buy these things affordably so as you practice as

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you learn as you ask for things in the stores they become available so five

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years ago you wouldn't dream of going to Walmart for organic beef or grass-fed

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butter and now they have them they don't not just have them but they have them at

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some of the best prices anywhere so the world is changing and as you learn as

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you ask for things that you get better at shopping you'll get better and better

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and better and will you ever get perfect probably not but you get better and you

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do the best you can so when people say that don't worry just do in Quito any

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old way then don't listen to them because I don't believe that your only

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goal is weight loss I think that you want to feel good and be healthy in the

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long run so please share this video and let us help people get this message out

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thanks for watching

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