Keto Diet and Insulin Resistance (Is It The Best Diet?)

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keto diet and insulin resistance what are some of the basics that you need to

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understand to cut through the hype and make healthy choices? Coming right up

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so keto is incredibly popular right now and the reason is that it reverses

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insulin resistance and so many people are insulin resistance that's why it's

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popular that's why it works so let's look at those in a little bit more depth

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so that we can understand a lot more about the big picture so it's all about

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blood sugar to start with so the brain needs blood sugar absolutely whether

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you're in ketosis or eat high carb your brain needs blood sugar but if you're in

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ketosis you taught your brain to also burn ketones so you're not as dependent

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on carbohydrates the volume of carbohydrates but it still needs to be

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maintained within a certain range so that range is about 80 to 120 and if you

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eat whole Foods primarily low carb the way our ancestors did for tens of

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thousands of years your blood sugar is gonna stay right in that narrow range of

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about 80 to 120 today for example I had my coffee with some butter and a little

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coconut cream then a few hours later I had a big omelet and there was a lot of

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stuff in that omelet I put some bacon I put lots of cheese I put avocado put

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some vegetables and spinach so it was probably 12 to 1,500 calories but even

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if after eating all of that I checked my blood sugar and he was a hundred and

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twelve thirty minutes later so you can eat the right kinds of food and still

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maintain your blood sugar and that's what the keto diet does when we eat high

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carb however then it is more like this blue line here that the carbohydrates

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will drive up the blood sugar and when the blood sugar is a lot higher than 120

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it's an emergency so the body releases a ton of insulin to help that sugar out

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of the bloodstream and into the cell and we're going to look at that in more

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detail and if everything is working in the early stages of this your body can

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still bring it down to a normal level it still keeps it within here the redline

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illustrates what happens a lot after a while when your blood sugar gets more

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and more dysregulated by different factors such as stress and malnutrition

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and carbs now you can have high blood sugar and low blood sugar called

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hypoglycemia alternating so you can have insulin resistance and hypoglycemia at

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the same time and then once you just totally wear out that machinery then you

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have diabetes which means you're starting off high it rises and it tries

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to come down but it never gets down to where it needs to be so that's different

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scenarios so let's look at what's happening in a little bit more more

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detail so here's the the red tube here that's the blood stream and it has

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glucose because this the food you eat results in blood sugar eventually the

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way that's absorbed into the blood stream is in the form of glucose and

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that's the only form that circulates in in the bloodstream and in order for the

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glucose to get into the cell these blood vessels they become capillaries and they

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come really really close to the cell so that with some help that sugar can get

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into the cell and the cell has insulin receptors those are the little blue

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why's here and the red triangle that's insulin and they don't look like this

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that's just an illustration and when that red insulin fits into the receptor

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now that receptor changes the configuration it's like a key in a lock

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that opens up a door and now the glucose can get through and that's the ultimate

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goal so in a healthy person that can maintain blood sugar

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doesn't have the spikes of blood sugar or insulin there's going to be a balance

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between blood glucose and insulin and insulin receptors the body is going to

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decide it's going to adapt over time and create just the right amount of all of

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those but when we start eating a lot of carbohydrates when we start creating

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high blood sugar especially on a regular basis now we change the equation we

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change the components and there is a lot more blood sugar around so the body has

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to make a whole lot more insulin and that's the pancreas that makes that

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insulin so over time that that pancreas can get exhausted it gets overworked

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what also happens now though is the cell the purpose of the glucose is that the

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cell has certain metabolic needs and when those needs are met the cell

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doesn't need anymore glucose but the glucose keeps coming so the cell says

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hey hey hey back off wait up a little bit enough is enough and when it still

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keeps getting more and more glucose it says well now I'm going to start getting

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rid of some of these receptors I'm going to down regulate the receptors because

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this is just getting out of hand I don't need that much glucose and since the

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receptors are what's bringing it in I'm just going to reduce the number I'm

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gonna down regulate and now we have insulin resistance so think about it

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this way yeah just like a metaphor if you're living in a cabin in the

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wilderness and the only source of fresh water is rainwater and you're collecting

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it in buckets so you have 50 buckets and you go around you put the buckets out

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and wait for the rain and then the rain comes and you get an inch in every

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bucket and you collect it all and you have enough for a couple of weeks until

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the next rain now imagine that it rained all the time

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it was just pouring down and it almost never let up then after a few months or

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a few years would you still put out 50 buckets of course not you would have

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learned that it's enough to put out two or three buckets because they're gonna

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fill up anyway and before you can use one there's going to be another one so

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you're not going to put out the buckets that's what the body is doing it's not

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going to keep all the receptors because there's an overflow there's an abundance

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but here's the problem the blood sugar is still high the cell doesn't want it

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but the blood sugar is still high and it has to get out of the bloodstream

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because it's creating problem it's creating every problem that you ever

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heard of in diabetes is from that high blood sugar and the inflammation

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associated with insulin so the body keeps trying to make more insulin

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but the problems compounded by high sugar and fewer receptors and now we're

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really really pushing that pancreas to work work work and eventually it gets

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exhausted and when it can't keep up then we have diabetes so let's look at this

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just one one other version of this so we eat the carbs it results in high blood

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glucose because of the high blood glucose it results in high insulin for a

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while the high insulin can bring the blood sugar back down to normal and it

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looks like we're doing fine and we could probably keep this up for years maybe

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even decades this is why this didn't used to happen until we got into our 50s

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and 60s now that we are abusing our bodies more than ever it starts coming

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down in age to 30 and 20 and even teens and what we want to understand is it's

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all about blood sugar and insulin and carbs result in high blood sugar they

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have a very strong insulin response and this holds true for all starchy carbs it

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is not true for non starchy vegetables so when

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people say oh you can't eat any carbs on keto that's incorrect you can eat non

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starchy vegetables leafy greens green beans there's lots and lots of things

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you can eat plenty of to get you lots and lots of different nutrition that

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doesn't trigger insulin protein has a mild to moderate insulin response and

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fat has a negligible insulin response so that's the whole idea about this and non

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starchy vegetables also have a negligible insulin response

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so I'm I'll make another video to talk more about what types of foods to eat

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like the the food pyramid for keto but for here we're just going to leave it at

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that so the body can keep up oftentimes for a long long time but eventually when

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we push the system too far for too long and we wear out that pancreas now we

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have the high carb and we get the high blood glucose but now the high insulin

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is insufficient and the pancreas can't make anymore it's it's reached its peak

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and it's starting to decline because it's worn out so we still have the high

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blood glucose and now they tell us in the diabetes management to eat moderate

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carbs but it's not enough because we destroyed the machinery so moderate

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carbs is not going to fix this you want to think of this whole system as your

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carbohydrate tolerance machinery okay it's like a machine it processes carbs

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as they come in it takes care of them but if you break the Machine then you

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can't just cut back to half okay you have to do something more drastic you

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have to cut way way way way back to to allow the body to to recover for that

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pancreas to back up so much on the carbs that the pancreas has a chance to get to

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keep keep up to catch up and to cut way way back so that the

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cells actually become a little bit hungry for that blood sugar because then

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they're gonna start to increase those insulin receptors again they're going to

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up regulate those insulin receptors so that's a key to understand in the body

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that you can change some things rather quickly by changing lifestyle but some

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other things you have to be patient because your body needs time to heal

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someone said you you can never step in the same river twice because the water

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is always changing well it's the same in the body your body is not the same that

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it was last year ninety percent of the cells have changed so if you give the

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body a year and it allow it to make some new cells then the new cells will have a

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chance to upregulate you have a chance to heal the machinery so most people

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start kedo because they want to lose weight and great whatever it takes but

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it's not about the weight it's about the insulin resistance because insulin

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resistance is responsible for 95% of all degenerative disease or if not fully

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responsible at least associated with 95% of all degenerative disease so what that

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means is once you do the keto and reverse insulin resistance you are

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getting healthier and that's the whole goal and when you get healthier the

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weight will come off as a result it's not about the weight it's about health

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and insulin resistance is the greatest threat to health that we know of now

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when people talk about a balanced diet what does that mean okay for some people

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that the recommendations today is to eat 60 percent of carbs from carbohydrate

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that's about 300 grams a day for a small person and 400 grams a day for a large

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person like myself and for some people then they say Oh eat a balanced diet

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they probably mean maybe cutting that my half I don't know what they mean but

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seen some examples like that but 150 or 200 grams is still way high

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and if you want to reverse this if you want to fix if you want to have a chance

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of healing your broken machine then you can't keep high or moderate you have to

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go low or even very very low so a healthy person without insulin

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resistance can probably lead a healthy life somewhere around 70 grams of carbs

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but that's still not going to cut it for someone who has broken their machine

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they might need to get down to 40 or 30 or 20 and no two people are the same so

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it's not like a set rule it's a principle the keto diet is not a diet

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it's a principle of how to reduce the carbohydrates enough to reverse the

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damage to this machinery and it doesn't mean that you eat all fat it means you

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start off with vegetables you eat moderate protein and then you fill up

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with quality fats just enough to feel full so again I'll do a different video

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on the keto food pyramid so we can clarify some of those things so I want

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you to dive in a little bit more in detail because there's so much confusion

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and I hope this has been helpful in understanding some of the basic

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mechanisms of physiology and some of the dynamics that that influence all of that

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so please share this video make your comments I'll answer questions and make

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videos if you have more interests and as always thanks for watching

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