Keto Diet And Adrenal Fatigue (Is It The Best Diet?)

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keto diet and adrenal fatigue a lot of people are interested in these two

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topics but they have some concerns that it may not be a good idea to combine the

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two so we're gonna explore those topics coming right up so can you do the keto

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diet if you think that you have adrenal fatigue so let's talk about the adrenal

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glands first what do they do what's their purpose etc whenever we have

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stress whenever your nervous system perceives stress then it's the adrenal

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glands that sit on top of the kidney they're actually an extension of the

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brain the adrenal glands even though they're so far out into the body they

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are an extension of nervous tissue because the nervous system doesn't have

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time to relay the information it wants to drop the info right away so there are

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no synapses between the brain and the adrenal glands so adrenal glands are

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super important and they need to respond quickly that's their purpose so they

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carry out the hormonal instructions whenever the brain responds to stress

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what is stress well stress is an increased need whether we have an

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emotional stress that you're sitting in your car on the freeway and somebody

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cuts you off or does something rude and your knuckles go white

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now you just had a stress response because your body is anticipating a

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fight it thinks that there's going to be something in the short near future that

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requires increased energy resources so it wants to mobilize more resources so

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that you're prepared for that fight physical stress that's if you exercise

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for example then you have an increased demand and your body makes available

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those resources or if you're fasting so if you're not eating for a while then

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your blood sugar starts to go down and need to have a system of mobilizing

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energy from the stores you need to get the resources available so whether it's

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emotional physical or fasting that's still a stress that results in the

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perception of an increased need so now what the body does is it responds the

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adrenals respond by making cortisol and cortisol the purpose of cortisol is to

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raise blood sugar because blood sugar is the fastest fuel in an emergency

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so when we have stressed the body wants more blood sugar and the cortisol

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mobilizes the blood sugar from glycogen stores so the way the body can store

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glucose is in the form of glycogen then we have a limited amount of stores and

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whenever we have stress cortisol tells the body to start retrieving fuel from

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those stores and then when the blood sugar goes up we also have an insulin

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response because the insulin is necessary to deliver that glucose to the

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cells that need it for fuel another function of cortisol is to regulate your

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sleep rhythms your circadian rhythms so when you go to bed your blood sugar is

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high because you're normally in a well-fed state but then you don't eat

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during the night so cortisol is the lowest when you go to bed but then

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because you don't eat because you're fasting while you're sleeping the

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cortisol rises gradually and it hits a peak right around the time when you wake

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up and that's because cortisol is also involved in waking you up cortisol is

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directly opposed to melatonin which is your sleep hormone so that's why it's

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part of your sleep cycle so it's the highest when you wake up and your body

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anticipates food and once you're awake you the cortisol starts dropping off

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again so so far it seems like everything I've said indicate

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that keto and fasting would be a bad idea because it would increase the

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demand on the adrenal gland and that is true but we need to really explore this

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next part to understand the the bigger picture of this that even though fasting

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and keto can be a little stressful in the short term it is the best solution

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in the long term and to eat more carbs and frequent meals is the very thing

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that perpetuates the problem so what happens when we go keto when we cut our

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carbs way way way down then the body has to start looking for an alternative

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source of fuels so it looks for fat fat is plentiful it's a great fuel and it

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learns to burn the fat and now the glycogen stores go down because we're

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not eating so much carbohydrates so much glucose that the body can turn into

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glycogen so the glycogen stores go down so again that might look like a bad

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thing because we want that glycogen for blood sugar and if we don't have it then

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the body might have to work extra hard to make cortisol but again it works the

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other way around because and here's the key when we go into ketosis we teach the

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body to use another fuel so now we learn to burn fat for the most part and

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ketones for the brain so the body can learn to run on 90% fat and the brain

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can run about 75% or so on ketones and 25% on glucose but that's a very very

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small amount of glucose needed so when we go into keto when we become keep keto

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adapted fat adapted we reduce our reliance on cortisol we reduce our

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reliance on glucose for fuel so the need for cortisol is much much less and now

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the adrenals get to rest one further and of course is that if we don't need to

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make so much cortisol and we don't eat so many carbs then our insulin is also

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going to go down cortisol drives insulin so with less carbs less cortisol now we

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have two ways of reducing that insulin so the key to understand is that yes

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cortisol does work like this but we're more dependent on cortisol if we are

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adapted to a carbohydrate metabolism once we come adapted to a fat metabolism

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we don't need so much glycogen we're not as reliant on glucose and then the need

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for cortisol drops dramatically when we develop a stable blood sugar through fad

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adaptation now most of these problems go away the adrenals get to rest up and

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everything starts balancing itself much much better the other thing that I want

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to mention though is there's the caution here and for people who will also want

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to combine the keto diet with intermittent fasting because there's a

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transition period here when you're going from a carb dependency into a fat

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adaptation and intermittent fasting that is a stress on the body because during

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this transition your body isn't really good yet at getting the fuel from the

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fat it still wants that carbohydrate so now it's gonna go crazy on the cortisol

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because it's trying to retrieve it so what you want to do then is you want to

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go really really slow you start off with lowering your carbs somewhat you stop

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you cut out all of the processed foods and the sugary foods and then you start

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reducing the number of meals you start cutting out the snacks you get down to

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three meals and then you start gradually maybe pushing the breakfast a little bit

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until you can get down to two meals so do all this very very slowly so that

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your body can adaptive so your body can slowly get

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adapted to the fad adaptation because if you are carb dependent and you go

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straight into intermittent fasting and keto then there's going to be a few

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weeks where your adrenals are going to be overworked and that may not be a good

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idea it probably won't be a good idea because you won't feel so good in the

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process but the keto and the intermittent fasting is the long-term

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solution so just learn how to do it and do it gradually so if you enjoy these

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kinds of explanations you found some value in this please make sure that you

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