Keto Dangerous? (Studies vs Real Life)

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Keto diet and longevity. So most people

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realize that keto is great for burning

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fat and losing weight but then they hear

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on the other side a lot of opponents

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claiming that the body needs

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carbohydrate and if you cut it out too

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extremely you won't live as long and

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it's unhealthy and side-effects and so

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forth so let's take a really close look

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at the mechanisms and what's really

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going on here. So there's a lot of

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studies out but one review study I found

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which was interesting was ketone bodies

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mimic the lifespan extending properties

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of caloric restriction so back in 1935

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they found out that rats lived longer if

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you fed them less so they reduced their

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diet they reduced their caloric intake

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basically starved them by feeding them

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30 to 50 percent less than a normal rat

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would eat and they found when they did

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that continuously then the average

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lifespan of the rat went from 500 days

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to 820 days so about a 60% increase in

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longevity and ever since then there has

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been this association between calorie

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restriction and longevity and they've

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been able to duplicate this in a number

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of different species so it's not just

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like rats they've done it with tiny tiny

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things like yeast or nematodes or fruit

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flies but they also done it with mice

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and primates so what is it about calorie

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restriction that makes you live longer

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that's what they try to figure out and

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they had different theories maybe it's

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that the cells turn over slower there's

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less wear and tear maybe it's that the

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body fat is reduced when you starve the

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maybe the fat is so bad that it it's to

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sit on your body that it it does bad

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things and makes you live shorter maybe

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it's the inflammation because we all

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know inflammation is is bad and starving

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reduces overall inflammation may be body

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temperature because once you restrict

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once you starve it the body thinks I

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don't have as much to burn so I better

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conserve it and turn down the furnace I

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can last a little longer or insulin

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they've noticed that a lot of these

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things seem to do with insulin so let's

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look at insulin just a little bit closer

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and realize that insulin is what they

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call a mitogenic hormone what that means

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is it increases mitosis and mitosis is

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cell division or cell replication so

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anytime a cell makes a copy of itself

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then it divides one time and they found

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that you only have so many copies

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available it's called a hayflick limit

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and it's tied in to longevity and

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telomeres and so forth which is a

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genetic marker of how long you can live

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based on these cell divisions and we

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found that insulin increases the

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turnover rate it increases the rate at

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which cells make copies so that can be

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good in terms of of growth or repair but

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it can be really really bad because it

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also increases cancer because it makes

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the cancer cells turnover and replicate

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faster too and it's been associated with

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atherosclerosis because it makes the

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first of all it increases inflammation

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and a lot of the plaquing is in response

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to that but it's also been shown to

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increase the formation of the a

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thoroughness of the atherosclerosis

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which leads to heart disease and of

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course it's been linked to aging because

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insulin if it tends makes the cells

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turnover faster then it increases the

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rate of aging so when we look back

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because they could never quite figure

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out which one of these is it but once we

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look at this we realize that insulin has

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to do with virtually every single one of

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them because insulin increases the

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turnover insulin is a fat storing

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hormone insulin is inflammatory

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increases in

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Meishan body temperature I don't know if

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that would be directly linked

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specifically to insulin and of course

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the insulin is linked to insulin so most

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of the reasons for the mechanism is tied

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to insulin so what happens when we storm

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the rats well there's two things that

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always go together first is that we

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reduce insulin because insulin is there

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to process carbohydrates and when you

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eat less

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you're gonna eat less carbohydrates

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there's less need for insulin you're

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also going to increase ketones

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so these always go together insulin and

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less insulin and more ketones they

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always go together

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and it is always healthy it's always

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favorable except in one case and that is

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in type 1 diabetes when the insulin goes

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to 0 and then the ketones go sky-high

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which is a pathologic disease condition

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as long as you have the ability to make

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some insulin then it is healthy to

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increase the ketones and there's

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different ways to increase the ketones

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so we know it happens in starvation or

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in fasting which is prolonged periods of

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not eating whether it's voluntary or

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involuntary fasting is generally

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considered voluntary and starvation's

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considered involuntary exercise will

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increase ketones and low carb diets with

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increased ketones so the question then

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becomes which one is it that produces

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the beneficial results is it less

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insulin or is it more ketones and we

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don't have a clear answer on this but we

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don't really have to worry about it

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because one always follows the other so

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if we get one we always get the other

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they both seem to have tremendous

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benefits to themselves if we reduce

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insulin we reduced 95% of all

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degenerative disease when we increase

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we tend to get certain observable

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benefits as well we can treat various

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different conditions with it we know

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obesity and diabetes improve with

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ketosis but they've also found a lot of

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other neurological conditions that have

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pretty much been resistant or they

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didn't get any results at all until they

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tried ketones and things like

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Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and ALS

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really severe neurological diseases tend

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to get better with more ketones one more

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thing that ketones do is they're

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metabolized differently inside the cell

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inside your cell you have mitochondria

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which produce most of the energy for you

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the vast majority of all energy used is

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in the mitochondria and they have

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different pathways and it turns out the

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ketones go through a more efficient

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pathway they can bypass a step or two

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and therefore they can produce more ATP

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or more of your energy currency per unit

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of oxygen so it's more efficient and it

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produces less damage less oxidative

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damage by burning ketones and burning

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other sources of fuel and one thing we

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have to realize which this is my opinion

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based on a bigger perspective and a way

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of observing things naturally is you

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don't improve all these different

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conditions you can't improve such a wide

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variety of condition by making someone

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less healthy so the biggest detractor

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for the the opponents the biggest

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argument is that sure it helps for for

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obesity and diabetes but we don't know

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the long-term effects we it's it's bad

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for this or you have to have carbs or

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fat is is bad and they're pulling these

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statements but they can't really put the

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picture together but the one picture I

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want to keep in mind is if it brings

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together if you'd improve such a wide

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variety of conditions then

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it's not a bad thing so ever since 1935

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when they first figured this out the

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calorie restriction has been a huge

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topic it's been something that people

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say oh yeah if only I could do that

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if only I could restrict my calories for

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the rest of my life then I would live a

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whole lot longer but the problem is when

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you starve yourself then unless you want

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to be a rat and they put you in a cage

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and just feed you half of what you want

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to eat you're not going to be able to

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keep it up because hunger doesn't feel

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good the vast majority of people are not

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going to be able to keep it up so we

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know that calorie restriction improves

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insulin and ketosis reduces insulin

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increases ketones but you get hungry

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so wouldn't it be nice if there was a

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way that you could reduce insulin and

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increase ketones

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without going hungry and I know I've

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heard about something I think there's

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there's something I heard that could do

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that but no wait wait here it's coming

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to me

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oh yeah the ketogenic diet that's what

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it is because when people do that they

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reduce insulin they increased ketones

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but they don't go hungry and this is not

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so easy to understand for people who

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haven't tried it but once you try then

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you notice that your body wants fewer

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meals because fat is very satisfying

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then you can go longer between meals so

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in the end you end up eating a little

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bit less maybe not less calories

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probably a little bit but maybe not but

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the main thing you get is reduced

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insulin and increased ketones so you get

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these anti-aging benefits you get all

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these health benefits because it is

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primarily about

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the insulin and possibly some about the

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ketones but it's certainly not about the

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calories the reducing of the calories

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only results in changed insulin and

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ketones it's not the calories per se so

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please share this video with anyone that

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you care about because we want to get as

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many people as possible healthy we want

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to help people understand the true

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principles the true mechanisms around

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health not just memorize a laundry list

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of things to do because that's

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short-lived but once we understand the

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mechanisms the big picture then we can

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start creating a long term healthy

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lifestyle so leave your comments and

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questions below and thanks for watching

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