Juicing vs Blending - Which Is Better?

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Juicing versus Blending. What is it? What's it good for and when would you do

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one or the other? Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

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Both blending and juicing are getting more and more popular but there is some

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confusion so I thought I'd clear up a few things first of all if you blend

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something it doesn't make it juice just because it's liquid in juicing we remove

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the fiber and we keep the sugar and the nutrients in blending we put the whole

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thing in there and you keep all the fiber so it's a whole food still in that

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sense obviously and with blending use a blender in a juicing you use a juicer so

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a juicer is something that can separate the fiber from the liquid it shreds it

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puts pressure on it and you get the liquid out there so why would we want to

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do one or the other because it's about vegetables it's about fruits and

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vegetables and this is a convenient way of consuming them however in blending

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it's difficult to consume more than maybe one pound or so a day and inducing

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however we can consume as much as 10 15 maybe even 20 pounds of fruits and

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vegetables in a single day and we're getting all of those nutrients into our

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bodies everything except the fiber because vegetables are cleansing that

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means that this is a cleansing method it's super charging your body with

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nutrients you're assisting of your liver and getting rid of toxins so this is

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most suitable for people with a chronic disease someone who might be too weak to

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digest food at all day they don't have much of an appetite

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they eat something but it doesn't know good because they don't have the energy

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to break it down digestion is very expensive it takes a lot of energy for

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the body to process the food and it when we juice then it's

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predigested it's extremely simple for the body the nutrients basically just

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flow across the intestinal membrane and they're in the bloodstream and we're

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done very very toxic people people with cancer and autoimmunity and degenerative

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disease they're prime candidates for this because if you're toxic you need

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cleansing primarily so juice provides concentrated nutrients you can't get

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that much nutrients in you from real food unless you remove the fiber so here

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it tastes it juices taste very good even things that you don't think of a sweet

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per se like lettuce and cucumber and things like that

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they turn out sweet when you juice them because you're concentrating nutrients

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and you're concentrating the sugar so you're getting the vitamins minerals and

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enzymes everything that you need to process these foods you're getting all

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its nutrients in their natural form but it is also important to not heat the

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juice and don't let it sit too long if possible you want to use a low speed

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juicer that doesn't heat or fling the juice around too much so it gets exposed

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to a lot of oxygen so low speed juicer and drink it as fresh as possible within

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minutes or a couple of hours don't drink it the next day because a lot of the

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nutrients will be gone by then the concentrated sugar can be a good

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thing and a bad thing if you're really weak people who don't have a lot of

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energy they don't have the energy to digest things that sugar is a great

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energy source they can get get some energy they can get some blood sugar

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that's an easy energy for them but if you are more just trying to do this

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because you're overweight and you're extremely insulin resistant then juicing

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may not be the way to go because if you're working with ketosis and

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intermittent fasting this will definitely throw you out of ketosis

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there is however a place there's a Gerson Institute founded by

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Maxie Gerson and he started treating chronic disease and cancer and severe

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cases of different things back in 20s and 30s and he found that he had great

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success with cancer and and several degenerative diseases but he also had

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success with diabetes so I don't know all of the factors that are involved

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there but it seems like just loading supercharging the body with nutrients

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could have such a beneficial effect that you could even overcome and heal the

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body and help it heal from diabetes as well but I would primarily suggest this

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for people who have the chronic disease the cancer the who are too weak to

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digest etc for most people I would suggest for the most part stick with

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blending because here you keep the fiber it's an everyday habit something that

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you can do every day for a long long time it's a great meal replacement you

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can put some nuts you can put some protein into the blending and you have a

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whole meal it is a raw food that provides enzymes so you're getting a lot

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of the natural things from whole food you're getting raw plant fiber that is

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the raw materials it's the food for the healthy portion of your gut flora the

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sugar and the starch the processed food feeds the opportunistic bad flora but

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the raw plant fiber the whole food feeds the good flora so that's a way of

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helping your body rebalance that gut flora and because you want to emphasize

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mostly vegetables and not so much fruits maybe a few berries in here you can get

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this very low in sugar so that even if there's a few grams of sugar it's not

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gonna throw you out of ketosis you can maintain this with a very low

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carbohydrate lifestyle as well this is more of a temporary thing or more of an

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extreme measure to supercharge your body this is more of an ongoing

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lifestyle habits hope that was helpful and if you're new to this channel and

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you enjoy the sort of content make sure that you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell and as always thanks for watching

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