Is SOY BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reveals The TRUTH)

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Is soy bad for you? coming up next. hi I am Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if

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you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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anything.People ask me all the time if they can eat soy or they can eat wheat

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and if they can eat blueberries. And more often than not it's not necessarily a

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good or a bad food but what we have done to it and soy is one of those also it

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became very popular a few decades ago when they discovered that Japanese

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people ate a lot of soy and they were really healthy so then we said let's try

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to eat a lot of soy and see if we can get healthy but the problem is that in

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Japan and almost everything that they ate was

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fermented soy because soy is a really really tough protein to digest it's it's

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a very rich nutritious food but it has a lot of protein and it's not easy for us

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to break it down and if we can't break it down now it starts to create problems

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so like many native populations like humans have learned to do for hundreds

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of years the Japanese learn to ferment it like Germans turn cabbage into

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sauerkraut and people learn to to pickle and ferment various different foods both

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to preserve it but also to get help in digesting it so what the fermentation

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does it pre digests the food so that it's easier for us to break it down but

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then it also has some bacteria in it that are beneficial for us they're part

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of our normal healthy flora so that's the the first problem so the next thing

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to be concerned with is that virtually all soy in the US is genetically

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modified it's a GMO products and if you're concerned about your health you

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want to stay as far from those as you can so if you eat any soy then make sure

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that it's organic now the fact we want to know about is that soy has

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phytoestrogens that means that they have components they have chemicals in it

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that mimic the body's hormones they fit into receptor sites and they can start

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changing your body's balance and in large amounts this creates problems so

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be moderate in the consumption with with the soy and just like any other food

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that we consume we don't want to destroy it first with massive processing and

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virtually all the soil that we eat is massively processed so we get it as

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soybean oil which has been bleached and de-gummed and denatured and God knows

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what so there's very little from the food that's left it's a it's a Frank-n-

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food essentially we also get it in protein bars and we get it in protein

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powders and then it's in the form of soy protein isolate and they use chemicals

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to extract the various different proteins from it and now again it's a

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chemical product it's a foreign product it is used as a filler product and as a

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filler protein in just about every processed food so anytime that you see

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textured vegetable protein or textured this or vegetable that with the protein

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then it's gonna be a soy protein that has been altered so all of those you

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want to stay away from and soy be a healthy food yes absolutely so if you

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enjoy it then make sure that you get organic make sure that you eat it

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fermented and now you want to eat it in the form of tofu and miso and natto and

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so forth so if you like this sort of information if you'd like to get to the

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bottom of things and understand how the body works make sure you subscribe and

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hit the notification bell and share this content with as many people as you can

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