Is PROCESSED FOOD BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)

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Why is processed food bad?

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It's one of those things that seems like if we hear it enough times that it become true

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and we all accept

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processed food is bad.

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But we want to understand why it bad so that we can make smarter choices.

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Coming right up (logo) Whole food vs processed food.

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What's the difference?

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So food can be very harshly processed and totally destroyed or it can be mildly processed

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and retain most of its original properties.

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So we are going to talk about why processed food is bad and what you need to know.

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First reason that processed food is bad is that it removes nutrients.

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So whole food has a full spectrum of nutritents for example we have fat and protein and carbohydrates

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and fiber and essential fatty acids, and then at the top here is all the rest of the stuff.

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That is enzymes and the vitamin complexes and minerals and the phyto nutrients the micro

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nutrients and those hundreds of thousands of things that we keep finding new stuff everyday.

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They know it is good for us but they just don't know exactly what it is yet.

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But whole food has it

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and it is very very sensitive.

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And that is the reason they process food in the first place.

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That is the primary reason

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they process food is to make it more stable.

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to increase shelf life. And that means to remove the things that spoil, but

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those things they remove are also the stuff that are nutritious.

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They keep most of the fat, protein, and the starch. But they remove most of the fiber.

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Because a lot of times the fiber is associated with certain essential fatty acids.

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So fiber is reduced to a fraction, and in some foods they remove it completely. Essential fatty acids

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are very very heat sensitive. They are very unstable. They don't last very long

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that is why healthy food perishes quickly, so in order to create stability

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they remove them completely or almost all the way.

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And then all this stuff up here. The micro nutrients the enzymes the phyto factors

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those are also very nutritious and very unstable, so lets get rid of them so the thing can sit

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on the shelf for years and years and years and have no flavor, but it also won't deteriorate.

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So that is the first problem

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is that they retain the macro nutrients: the fat, protein,

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and carbohydrate, but they remove

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most of the things that nature put in there that's all the other stuff that actually

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that turns out to be the nutritious stuff

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The second reason

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processed food is bad. It is a bad idea

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is that it changes how the food gets into the body.

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it changes the delivery route. It changes the speed

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and that in turn changes everything about your physiology and your hormonal responses.

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processed food is bad

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processed food is bad

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processed food is bad

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processed food is bad

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processed food is bad

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