Is It Safe To Workout While Fasting?

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Hello health champions. Is it safe to exercise  while you're fasting? What really happens in the  

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body when you're doing fasting or intermittent  fasting? Where does the energy come from?  

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Today I'm going to answer all those questions  plus a few questions you didn't even know you had  

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but you've been wondering about ever since you  were a kid. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr Ekberg I'm  

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a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete  and if you want to truly master health by  

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understanding how the body really works make sure  you subscribe and hit that notification bell so  

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that you can keep learning about how to get truly  healthy in order to talk about whether it's safe  

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to exercise and fast we first have to understand  where does the energy actually come from and we  

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have to get rid of a few myths you've always been  told things like if you don't eat any breakfast  

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you won't have any energy make sure that you  get frequent snacks so you can boost your energy  

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and you have to eat protein immediately after a  workout because otherwise you won't be able to  

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build muscles and you should eat so that you feel  better but if you feel better after you eat was it  

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actually the food you ate that made you feel  better or was it something else let's talk about  

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the facts whenever you eat something it comes  down to your esophagus and it's gonna sit in your  

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stomach for two to five hours your body is going  to work on it it's going to churn it it's going  

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to massage this it's going to add enzymes and  hydrochloric acid but you're not going to utilize  

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it because it's not ready for that the only thing  you can absorb to some degree in small amounts  

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are things like water alcohol and glucose that  stuff goes out a little bit faster but if you  

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eat a whole food a whole meal there's going to be  no alcohol obviously and there's going to be very  

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very little glucose in there so if you eat fruit  then a tiny percentage of that fruit is glucose  

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free glucose nothing else no fat no protein  and no molecule bigger than a single molecule  

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is going to get absorbed that's going to happen  much later in the small intestine so it sits for  

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two to five hours in the stomach then when it's  ready it moves into the small intestine that's  

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this squiggly convoluted thing here and that's  where most of the nutrient absorption takes place  

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but that's 4 to 12 hours after you ate the food  so here's the big question how come then that you  

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feel better after eating how do you feel satisfied  how do you feel energized when you're not using  

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any of that yet because the food stimulates  things it creates an expectancy in the body so  

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you're stimulating hormones and you're starting  to break down glycogen to raise blood sugar and  

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feel satisfied because the body knows hey i can  use up this glycogen because you just ate so I'm  

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going to be able to fill up the stores in a little  bit and if all of this is true which it is then  

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what about the nutrients for exercise what about  all the calories and all the energy and all the  

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stuff you need for exercise well the same thing is  true it does not come from the food you just ate  

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nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine 4  to 12 hours after you eat the food and what that  

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means is that the energy that you're using in this  moment whether it's just for everyday activity  

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or whether it's for exercise doesn't come from  the meal that you just had it comes from nutrient  

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pools and you have glycogen that's the extra  glucose the extra carbohydrate you eat gets put  

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together into glycogen and stored in the muscles  and liver and that'll last you 12 to 24 hours  

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you have fat that will last you 1 to 12 months if  you're super skinny you still have about a month  

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worth of fat that you could live off if you're  obese you could make it up to a year some vitamins  

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that are water soluble will last you for a few  days or weeks but others even if they're water  

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soluble or fat soluble like b12 or vitamin d will  last you for years the body has a way of storing  

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them and protein which you don't want to use  for energy but you could will last you for weeks  

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so we have to rethink this idea about eating  something to get energy your body asks you to  

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eat you create hunger so that you can keep up with  your energy expenditure but what you're eating now  

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is going to be processed and stored and used  later you are not going to run out of fuel  

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in the next couple of hours or days if that was  the case then humans would never have survived  

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whenever we were without food for a day then  we would just kind of wither down and lay down  

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and die and we wouldn't have the energy to go  out and catch more food the only reason that we  

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have this idea of eating and getting energy and  feeling better in this moment is that we have  

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trained a behavior into our system we've become  carb dependent and in a sense we've created  

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a drug habit we've created because any time that  you eat something and it changes how you feel  

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it's kind of a drug it's a form of stimulation and  if we train the body into a rhythm that becomes a  

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habit now we have a drug habit of course it's not  like a heroin habit or anything but it's still  

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a drug habit and that is why we believe that we  have to top off our energy stores every couple  

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hours that's not the case now getting back  to the question of the video is it safe to  

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exercise when you're fasting well it's going to  depend alright it depends on the type of exercise  

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you're going to do it's going to depend on the  duration of the exercise are you gonna know for  

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seconds or minutes or hours the duration of the  fast how long have you fasted and how long do you  

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plan to continue fasting and also very important  how have you trained your metabolism is your body  

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fully fat adapted does it know how to use fat  for fuel primarily or is it still carb dependent  

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now let's come back to that question of where  does the energy come from and let's look at a few  

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different scenarios first scenario you're planning  to do some aerobic exercise that's a low intensity  

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exercise you can breathe deep normal breaths  you don't have to huff and puff but those deep  

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breaths provide enough oxygen to provide you with  energy let's say that you didn't have breakfast  

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so you've only gone 12 to 16 hours without  food now first case you are fat adapted that  

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means that you've trained your body into using  fat for energy and you're going to use body fat  

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and glycerin for fuel so body fat the fatty  portion of that tissue is going to provide 95  

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or so of all the fuel you need and you're going  to need a little bit of glucose for the brain  

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and your body is going to convert glycerin into  glucose for the brain glycerin is part of a  

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triglyceride that's just how your body stores  fat and because you are fat adapted you're not  

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really going to shock your body you're not going  to shake up anything it's just going to continue  

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burning fat the way it normally does so you can go  forever pretty much i know there's no such thing  

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as forever but until you get a blister or until  you need to sleep or until you run out of body fat  

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you can keep doing this and not really stressing  your body it's a little different if you're carb  

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dependent if you haven't trained your body to use  fat primarily now even at low levels you will use  

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some carbohydrate you'll use a good  amount of body fat still but you will use  

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some glycogen and because you have some glycogen  and because it's low intensity you can go a  

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really long time but not as long as this scenario  because after 12 to 16 hours your glycogen stores  

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are running pretty low and you're using up  some of the glycogen during the exercise and  

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when you run out that's not a good thing now  you're going to feel really bad but your body  

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is going to break down protein to try to come up  with some glucose when you run out of glycogen  

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if you're fat adapted you could use glycerin for  glucose but if you're not then you're going to  

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resort to breaking down protein and now you're  going to have some muscle wasting as a result  

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next scenario you decide to do some more intense  exercise some anaerobic training that means  

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you're going to push it until you start huffing  and puffing because normal breath or deep breaths  

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can't keep up so what this means is even if you're  fat adapted you will need to use some carbohydrate  

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anything above that aerobic threshold is  going to have to be supplied by glycogen  

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but because you're so good at burning fat that  fat is still going to be the predominant portion  

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of your energy supply but you will need to break  down some glycogen you will have plenty of energy  

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because if you've had this lifestyle for a few  months and you're fat adapted and you've done  

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some exercise your body has learned to build  up normal glycogen stores even if you're on  

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a low carb or a keto diet and that means if you  decide to do some high intensity interval training  

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then it's not going to be a problem your  body is going to know exactly what to do  

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it's going to use fat it's going to use glycogen  and as long as you don't go on forever then it's  

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not going to be an issue now what if you're not  fat adapted then you're going to be burning more  

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glycogen than body fat and again these ratios are  approximate all i'm saying is that if you're fat  

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adapted you're going to tend to use more body fat  than glycogen if you're carb dependent then it's  

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vice versa but it's always going to depend on the  intensity of the exercise the more intense it is  

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the more glycogen you're going to have to use  and also if you're carb dependent if you've  

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trained your body to expect carbohydrate every few  hours and you've gone 12 to 16 hours without food  

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now your glycogen is gonna run pretty low so if  you go exercising you're gonna run out of glycogen  

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much much sooner and as a result you're gonna  feel really really weak you're gonna feel bad  

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and you're going to conclude that you  have to eat carbohydrate in order to do  

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anaerobic training and this is one of these  myths out there that you can't do intense  

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exercise if you don't eat a bunch of carbs  well that's only true if you're not adapted  

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to the alternative what about lifting weights  can you do that when you're fasting if you're  

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fat adapted no problem you use primarily body  fat for you most of your energy but any time that  

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you do something heavy you push yourself you do  a heavy set and your muscles start burning that  

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burning is lactic acid which means that you broke  down some glycogen and again that's not a problem  

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because if you've done this for several months  you're going to have plenty of glycogen to  

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start with even on a keto diet here's the  thing that you want to keep in mind though  

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is weight lifting does break down muscle right  you can break down muscle in a bad way if you're  

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starved and your body is trying to make glucose  but in a good way that's kind of the purpose  

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of weight lifting is that you're stressing  the muscles you're creating some micro tears  

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and then afterwards your body repairs the muscle  and it's stronger than it used to be so by  

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stressing the muscle it gets stronger but in order  for you to be able to repair it you need human  

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growth hormone and that's why the body makes extra  growth hormone when you're fasting and when you're  

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stressing the body but you also have to remember  to replenish the protein after the workout so  

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if you had fasted for 16 hours and you go to a  workout and you create all these positive things  

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but you don't eat let's say you go another 48  hours without food that's not a good thing because  

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your body is going to try to repair these muscles  but it's not going to have the resources to do it  

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so you're going to be in a deficit and the  body's going to try to borrow and scramble  

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which is not ideal what if you're carb dependent  well the first several pieces here are going to be  

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exactly the same but just like with the anaerobic  exercise you're going to run out of glycogen much  

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faster you're going to feel much weaker you're  going to feel lousy and you're going to conclude  

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that it's a bad idea to lift weights unless  you eat carbohydrate now let's go back to the  

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aerobic scenario but let's say that you've gone  much longer you've gone at least three days maybe  

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five or seven days it doesn't really matter  because now you're in a steady state you're  

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fully adapted and things are just going along so  if you're fat adapted then it's the same thing  

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as if you had gone 12 to 16 hours because you're  going to be burning body fat and glycerin and you  

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can go as long as you have body fat to burn if you  started out as carb dependent though it's going to  

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be very different because in 72 hours you have  burned through your glycogen and your body has  

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no choice but to become fat adapted you're not  going to be as stable and feeling as good as  

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if you've done it for a long time but your  body has no choice it's going to burn fat  

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the difference though is that you're going to  be feeling lousy with any form of exercise why  

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because it doesn't matter if you exercise or not  you're going to feel lousy after three days of  

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fasting if you're carb dependent your body is just  not used to it it's having a hard enough time just  

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coping with with staying alive while not eating  it's not dangerous you're just not going to feel  

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good because you're in a transition phase and  if you add exercise to it that's just going  

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to make matters worse what about anaerobic  what about intense exercise can you do that  

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if you've gone 72 hours or more if you're  fat adapted then you're going to be using  

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still body fat more than glycogen but you're not  going to have the full stores of glycogen because  

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you're gone 72 hours or more without food so  you're starting off with less glycogen there's  

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less resources in the body overall than if you  had eaten a ketogenic diet all along so can you do  

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a hit exercise under those circumstances i would  say yes but i would use common sense i would  

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make sure i take it maybe a little bit easier  or at least that you do it very very brief make  

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sure that you just do a few seconds at a time and  that the whole workout only lasts a few minutes  

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could you do something longer like an iron  man well you would probably survive it but i  

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wouldn't recommend it because an iron man is very  very demanding it's high intensity it's anaerobic  

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it lasts for hours and hours and hours so it's a  huge demand you're going to be breaking down your  

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body you're going to be using up all the resources  it has and if your resources are not fully topped  

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off then i just don't think it'd be a great idea  you probably wouldn't perform all that well you'd  

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probably make it through but it wouldn't be a very  productive or necessarily a healthy thing to do  

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if you're not fat adapted but you've gone 72  hours now you're becoming fat adapted but again  

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you have almost no glycogen you're going to feel  absolutely lousy and i would not recommend that  

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you do any anaerobic training if you're in that  phase if you go on three days and you're becoming  

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fat adapted then your body is having a hard enough  time as it is what about weight lifting can you  

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lift weights after three days of fasting if you're  fat adapted your energy is going to come primarily  

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from body fat you're going to use glycogen for  the extra hard stuff when your muscles are burning  

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that's lactic acid from breaking down glycogen but  you start off with less glycogen so i wouldn't go  

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too hard or too long even though it's not going  to be a big problem here's the main key like we  

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said before the purpose of heavy weight lifting  is to stress the muscles so they break down  

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so they can rebuild and get stronger and you could  do that after three days of fasting as long as you  

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don't overdo it but you have to make sure that you  eat something afterwards or don't do it because  

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if you've gone 72 hours without you're in  autophagy your body is trying really hard  

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to conserve protein and if you just break down  more protein it's going to put a tremendous strain  

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you're not going to be able to repair properly  and that whole weight workout was really just  

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destructive and if you're not fat adapted then in  72 hours you're becoming fat adapted you're in the  

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process you have almost no glycogen left over so  if you work out with weight lifting you're going  

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to break down even more muscle you're going to  break it down from tearing fibers from the workout  

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you're going to break down even more muscle  from trying to make glucose for the anaerobic  

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strain and you're going to feel really really  terrible so simply i would say don't do it  

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you have to remember that it is safe but you  have to understand what's happening in the body  

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if you've just been fasting 12 to 24 hours no  problem if you're doing longer fasts then it's  

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extra important you understand what's going  on you go easy and you use some common sense  

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watch lots of videos from this channel so you  start understanding how the body works and then  

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put that together and don't be stupid if  you enjoyed this video you really need to  

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take a look at that one next thank you so  much for watching i'll see you next time

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