Is It Safe To Adjust Your Own Neck

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Can you adjust your own neck? Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with

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Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything. Can you adjust your own neck?

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Well whether you can or you can't the question is, is it a good idea? And the

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answer is no. It is typically a really bad idea to adjust your own neck and

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when we say adjust then I'm talking about the people that you might see out

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in public sometimes on a bus or a train or whatever and they grab their head and

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they give themself a nice big lever and they just yank and twist and they get

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that pop what's wrong with that is that it's an adjustment that has very very

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poor precision is very very unspecific So what happens is you'll typically have

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a several segments next to each other and there'll be one segment that is

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stuck and then that's the one that you feel tight and that feels that gives you

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the tension and then you yank and twist and what happens is you'll have a

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cavitation you'll have a movement of the joints above and below so you're

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adjusting the wrong joint and over time so it feels good because you get that

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pop but in the long run it gets worse because you're creating hypermobility

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above and below and that tight move that tight segment is getting more stuck

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than ever so I would recommend you find a chiropractor who can adjust

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specifically and move the segment that needs to move. Now what you can do is

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that if you do it carefully if you just stretch in general if you sit down and

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then you stand up and you really stretch and you get a pop or two that's not a

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bad that's just the body kind of self

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adjusting as you as you move about and if you're stretching and you kind of

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move your neck carefully and you give yourself a little stretch and it pops a

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little bit that's not a big deal that's just your body self regulating

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self-correcting but if you start pulling and yanking and trying to get the pop

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then that's not a good idea something that you can do however is if you go to

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a chiropractor or not if you do then in between adjustments you can support the

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adjustment by doing little stimulations yourself but without the popping so what

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you do is let's say you have a really tight neck and you find a tender spot if

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you find a really tight spot and you rub it a little bit and then while you're

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rubbing it you start doing some movements so your band forward you bend

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back you turn to the left you turn to the right and as you're

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doing this you're combining the proprioception the incoming signals from

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the point of rubbing you're adding to that the signals from the motion so now

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you're giving the brain more information about that area and it's not as

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effective as an adjustment but it can give the brain a little bit of

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information to get by in between adjustments you can do the same thing

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for the lower back so if you have some some stiffness just find the spot where

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it's tight whether it's on the sacrum or low back and then you can walk in place

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you can shift your weight a little bit you can do a little hula circle with the

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hips you can kind of arch your back and tilt your hips forward and back move a

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little bit while you're rubbing and then you're adding the proprioception from

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the rubbing to the motion of moving the active motion and it's not as effective

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as an adjustment again it can provide some very very useful and

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some relief for information for the brain in between adjustments so I do

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that when I feel a little stiff if I'm out traveling if I'm driving than any

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time I go to a rest stop then I'll get out of the car and I'll do these things

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I'll do the three winged friends which we have another video on I'll do the

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rubbing on my back the hip stretches just because I'm sitting so much that

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there is very little proprioception the body gets stiff when you sit that long

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so once you have a chance you want to create a little movement a little

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increase in signals and that way you get through the quick trip much easier and

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at the end of the trip you're not going to be as stiff as if you just sat all

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the time so if you enjoy content like this and you're new to this channel make

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sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell and make sure to share

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this content because this information is life-saving it's not about pain it's

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about how the body works how do we restore the body to normal so that

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symptoms go away and we can enjoy optimal health thanks for watching

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