Is Intermittent Fasting Safe? THIS Will Surprise You

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Hello Health Champions! Today I want to talk about fasting. Is intermittent

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fasting safe and effective or are there dangers that you should be concerned

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with. I'm gonna bring up some of the most common objections and then I'll also

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take a look at what the research has to say about that.

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Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former

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Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so you don't miss anything. I'm going to use an article from Web MD to illustrate

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some of the most common objections and concerns about fasting and they're

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asking in this article two questions one do fasting diets work and two is fasting

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safe so unfortunately anytime they ask if something works they're talking about

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weight loss which is kind of sad because fasting is about so much more than that

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it is very effective for weight loss but that's really the smallest part of it

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but here's what they're saying if you're fasting to lose weight you may want to

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reconsider the weight loss may not last after you finish fasting so let me get

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this straight they're saying that if you do a certain thing you could get a

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certain result but then if you stop doing that thing then you may not get

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the result anymore that's like saying that you shouldn't water your plants

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because your plants are just gonna dry out if you stop watering them and don't

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clean your house because it's just gonna get dirty if you stop cleaning it and of

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course don't take any more showers because you're just gonna get dirty if

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there comes a time where you don't take showers anymore

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alright that's ridiculous right but it's all based on this idea of a diet that as

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a culture we have this idea that we can do something for a short time and get a

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result but what we have to understand that all of this

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about incorporating into a lifestyle things that will get the benefits that

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we desire and then they add to this and say when you're done fasting and you go

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back to your usual diet you may regain the weight you lost and then some .

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Of course but the key word here is the usual diet what is the usual diet well

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most people think that it's whatever we have been eating for the last few years

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that's the normal usual diet but I'd like to make the case that fasting is

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the usual diet right fasting not something you do and then you go back to

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the usual fasting is the usual diet why because intermittent fasting is what

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humans have done for as long as we've been around there's always for all the

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animals on the planet there have been times of more food and there's been time

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of less food and that's called intermittent fasting it is the most

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natural human lifestyle that there is what's really unnatural is to have three

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meals a day turn into six meals a day plus snacks we our bodies are not

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designed for that we have no defense against that much food I'm sure you've

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heard the next objection that your metabolism can slow down they say when

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you eat less than you need and you lose weight your body goes into starvation

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mode to save energy your metabolism slows down but what we have to

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understand is that all the restriction slows down metabolism whether it's

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fasting or calorie restriction or low carb or low fat any restriction will

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slow metabolism a little bit in the short term but what we're interested in

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knowing is what happens in the long term and fasting an intermittent fasting is

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the most powerful way to reduce insulin resistance and when we reduce insulin

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and insulin resistance we increase the availability of stored

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we make more fuel available to metabolize and in doing that we also

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reduce leptin resistance which will reduce appetite and cravings it will

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help us control our appetite better and fasting will increase growth hormone

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which is fat burning and muscle sparing so these three factors all put together

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is actually the best way to increase metabolism in the long run it may be the

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only way that we can truly restore a healthy metabolism the officially

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recommended way which is to eat less and exercise more to have calorie

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restriction with frequent meals has been proven over and over to fail we saw this

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in the popular show Biggest Loser where people had low calorie intake they

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worked out they burned enormous amounts of energy they lost weight very quickly

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but they gained it all back because they crashed their metabolism so that is the

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kind of restriction that will slow metabolism fasting can actually restore

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your metabolism in the long run and WebMD offered a handful of references to

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support their case but I want to contrast that with an article I found at

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the National Institute of Health public access it was written by Walter D Longo

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and Marc P Matson and they are two researchers in the area of intermittent

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fasting and metabolism and physiology to see what sort of benefits or detriment

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might happen to the body as a result of fasting and they had gone through pretty

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much every research article that there is on the topic so they had pages after

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pages after pages of references and why am i showing you all this well simply to

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make a point that when the proponents of intermittent fasting argue their case

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that there is some information there has been some research done they're not just

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randomly arguing their opinion next question is fasting safe

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WebMD says fasting for a few days probably won't hurt most people who are

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healthy but fasting for long periods is bad for you

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what are the researchers have to say on that in humans one of the best

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demonstrations of the benefits of long term fasting lasting one to three weeks

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is in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis there is little doubt that

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during the period of fasting both inflammation and pain are reduced in

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rheumatoid arthritis patients so that's a crippling debilitating autoimmune

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disease the only thing the medical profession can do is to give them

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immunosuppressant drugs but the disease progresses anyway so here we have not

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healthy people fasting more than a few days and they get better that doesn't

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sound like a bad thing to me in another study they took water only and other

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forms of long-term fasting have also been documented to lower blood pressure

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on an average of 13 day of water only fasting it resulted in the lowering of

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blood pressure in 82 percent of patients again another incurable irreversible

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chronic condition that in less than two weeks they lowered it in 82 percent of

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people not a bad thing the fifth objection is that your body needs

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certain nutrients and if you don't get enough nutrients then you could have

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symptoms such as fatigue dizziness constipation dehydration not being able

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to tolerate cold temperatures and fasting too long can be life-threatening

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so what caused these symptoms well they found in the research that there is a

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critical transition period of about 3 to 6 weeks during which time the brain and

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the body to the new eating pattern and then mood

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is enhanced so just like everything else the body needs a little time to get

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adapted but just like they found not only did the symptoms go away but people

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actually felt better their mood improved they went on to say that it is likely

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that during the latter transition period brain neuro chemistry changes so that

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the addiction to regular consumption of food throughout the day is overcome and

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we know today that a lot of people are addicted to food whether it is the

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frequency or the quality or the type of food that they're eating but they have

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found that intermittent fasting can help people overcome those addictive

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behaviors and then we get to one of my pet peeves this is the stuff I kind of

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get upset about when they say that don't fast even for a short time if you have

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diabetes because it can lead to dangerous dips and spikes in blood sugar

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when we talk about type 2 diabetics their problem is hyperinsulinemia too

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much insulin and what the research says is that fasting for three or more days

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causes a 30% or more decrease in circulating insulin and glucose so what

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that means is if your insulin is too high and you fast it comes down it's

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your best bet to reverse the condition but when they say that you can't fast if

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you have diabetes what they're saying is you've screwed up your blood sugar

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handling and we are suppressing your symptoms with insulin but if you start

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fixing the problem on your own then the insulin is gonna push your blood sugar

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too low and we wouldn't want that right so the only thing that could really help

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them they're saying not to do instead of saying hey learn how much insulin to

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take when you start fasting and of course if you stop eating then you can't

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take the usual amount of insulin because of course

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your blood sugar is going to drop but all it is is to learn to balance it and

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fasting can actually reduce and reverse that condition type 2 diabetes is of

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course associated with metabolic syndrome and the researchers say on that

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topic periodic fasting can reverse multiple features of the metabolic

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syndrome in humans it enhances insulin sensitivity stimulates lipolysis and

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reduces blood pressure so the very thing that could actually help these people

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they're told not to do next on the topic of safety

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WebMD says that your body needs vitamins minerals and other nutrients from food

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to stay healthy and then based on that they say that other people who should

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not fast include women who are pregnant or breastfeeding as well as anyone with

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a chronic disease the elderly and children and on that topic the research

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says although extreme dietary interventions during old age may

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continue to protect from age-related diseases meaning that it still has

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anti-aging benefits extreme intervention could have detrimental effects on the

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immune system and the ability to respond to certain infectious diseases wounds

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and other challenges in other words if you're too weak you shouldn't go too

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hard at the fasting then they say however intermittent fasting or

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prolonged fasting designed to avoid weight loss and maximize nourishment has

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the potential to have beneficial effects on infectious diseases wounds and other

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insults even in the very old so if you're frail

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don't do it too hard you don't have to do fasting to try to lose weight that

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that's just kind of a side effect you do it to optimize autophagy

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and all of the benefits of lowering insulin resistance and so forth so based

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on the research the elderly can still do fasting what about pregnant women and

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children well as long as you optimize nutrition and you eat enough there's not

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a problem you can still get tremendous benefits by having a fourteen to sixteen

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our fasting window that means you still have up to 10 hours of feeding and when

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I grew up that was called three meals a day so not only does the research refute

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these alleged dangers of intermittent fasting but they go one step further and

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they say intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting based approaches

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toward combating the current epidemics of overweight diabetes and related

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diseases should be pursued in medical treatment plans not just that it's okay

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but it should be done it should be the standard treatment in medical care and

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one more thing that it can help with in addition by protecting cells from DNA

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damage suppressing cell growth and enhancing apoptosis of damaged cells

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fasting could retard and/or prevent the formation and growth of cancers but if

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intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting can have all those benefits then

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why is it not the standard of care why is it so opposed in mainstream medicine

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and I think the reason is that mainstream medicine claims to be based

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in science and research but they're very very conservative they're moving very

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very slowly and they don't have to change much every time something new

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comes around like low carb or intermittent fasting or keto which again

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isn't really new it's what humans have done but it's different than what humans

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have done in the last 50 years then they say oh sure it seems like it might work

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for weight loss in the short term but we need more research and they're waiting

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for this research to be done so that a generation or

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from now they might have to change their mind so what's really going on is that

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they're clinging to outdated research and why are they doing that because they

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are the cultural authority they don't have to change until very recently when

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information is being made available on the internet and people are starting to

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learn and they're asking difficult questions now the medical profession has

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to start keeping up and as I've said before this doesn't make them bad people

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it just makes them human humans don't really like to change if they don't have

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to and if you're the cultural authority you don't have to they're very very good

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at what they do which is to treat symptoms and handle emergencies and

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crises they're just not very good at health so we as the public have to

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understand the difference that we go to the mainstream medicine with emergencies

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and we learn how to take care of our health on our own intermittent fasting

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and even prolonged fasting can be very safe and effective if we have some

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common sense so first rule do it gradually then adapt it to your health

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status so if you're very young or very old if you're pregnant if you have some

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pre-existing condition then learn enough that you can do it appropriately for you

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and finally don't do it at all where at least don't do prolonged fasting if

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you're already malnourished or if you're emaciated or cachectic which is the end

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stage of cancer where you're just wasting away those are not the times to do this or if

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you're too thin already then eat some food and if you like this video then I

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think you're really gonna like that one too

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thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time

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